WWEdiots and TNArds

This was all good natured fun until Silverstein was mentioned. That shit is fucked up!

Roald Dahl or Margaret Wiseman is one thing but not Silverstein.

Nothing against Silverstein, but anyone who can't stop eating to the point where they eat the entire universe and then need to eat THEMSELVES is a massive ******.

Louis CK-style ******, not gay slur ******.

Bro, I honestly don't have a problem with you, but if you're going to attack me, I'm going to defend myself. If your proble was solely based on the fact that I abbreviated a word in a post that had a serious tone, then I really do think you've read way too much into the significance of that post. Anyway, enjoy the gym, because on the off chance we ever meet on the court, you're gonna need all the strength and endurance you can muster.;)

I was actually being incredibly facetious at first, but when you retaliated I kind of uh, "used you" to light a fire under myself so I could go longer
After all this, I think we can agree on one very important thing: The one or two people in this thread who have a problem with me telling people kill themselves should go kill themselves to spare them from being further offended by what an awful person I am and spare the rest of us from having to hear about it. Simplest solution, really. Who's with me?

We wouldn't be hearing about anything had you not acted like a cunt. That's a fact.
Coco's the CM Punk of the forum, the smug bastard your not supposed to like but you do.

I think this is somewhat of a flawed analogy. A "smug bastard"? Well obviously that's right. "Not supposed to like but you do"? I guess that's a matter of personal preference, I think there are one or two guys on these forums who would disagree.

But a comparison to CM Punk, even Coco himself would disagree with this. After all, Punk actually has talent and contributes something of value to what he does.

More like a Ken Anderson. All hype, tries way too hard, and is well suited to the minor leagues, but not so much to the majors :)
Except, you know, Coco's the man.

Don't call him bad just because you're butthurt over what he says, Coco can hold his own with anybody on here.
Are people really comparing Coco to CM Punk?

Puh-lease. Coco is entirely his own mam, and he was speaking his mind long before CM Punk started shooting on WWE management.

The thing that rocks about Coco that nobody seems to get is that over half that shit he says is stuff that we're all thinking, but we don't have the balls to say. Without Coco some of the biggest egos on this forum would go unchecked, and even fewer people would be able to express their opinions without facing a severe mocking. Hell, that's already the case for the most part, but guys like Coco and Sam aren't afraid to call the big guys on their shit.
I don't have a problem saying what's on my mind on this site either. This is the internet. If you get easily offended on the internet then you have a really low self esteem.
I don't see the connection to being offended and self esteem. You might be sensitive if you get easily offended, but not low on self esteem.
Are people really comparing Coco to CM Punk?

Puh-lease. Coco is entirely his own mam, and he was speaking his mind long before CM Punk started shooting on WWE management.

The thing that rocks about Coco that nobody seems to get is that over half that shit he says is stuff that we're all thinking, but we don't have the balls to say. Without Coco some of the biggest egos on this forum would go unchecked, and even fewer people would be able to express their opinions without facing a severe mocking. Hell, that's already the case for the most part, but guys like Coco and Sam aren't afraid to call the big guys on their shit.

Sam never calls anyone out.

Also if Coco keeps everyone's ego in check who keeps Coco's ego in check?
My crippling self-esteem issues normally do a good job of that. So really, I keep everyone in check.

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