WWE Vengeance 2011 - General Discussion

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
John Cena & Randy Orton vs. Awesome Truth
With Cena & Orton both out of the World/WWE Title picture now, I can see HHH handpicking the two to take on the returning Awesome Truth for a 3rd or 4th main event & what I think should be the closing match for Vengeance. Cena & Orton weren't at ringside when the Vote Of Confidence segment took place, so maybe WWE could just have those two reveal they're still on HHH's side on next weeks Raw plus if they say they aren't, they will get boo'ed by the fans which WWE doesn't want, so it only makes sense. As for Awesome Truth, well I see HHH hiring em back for the good of the WWE, only so they can stop invading and ruining matches & beating up employers.

The Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett
Dunno if he will come back but there are rumors about him coming back. Personally I don't think he should but I've always been wrong about this in the past, so if Taker does return then I think he should face off against the man who buried him at Bragging Rights. He can claim "he was just waiting on the right time to get payback on Barrett" or something like that.

WWE Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. CM Punk
Well this is in the plans and as mentioned Cena is now out of the picture.

World Heavyweight Championship: Mark Henry (c) vs. Big Show vs. Kane
With Big Show returning on SD to confront Henry, it's obvious they are heading this way. There's also rumors Kane may return at the PPV, so if he is then he should return on the SD after the one Show returns on to set up this match.

Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T
Another match WWE has been planning for a while away. Dunno if it should be for the IC Championship, I feel if they do put it on the line then it will be too obvious Cody will retain. I think Cody should win anyway to put Cody over.

Divas Championship: Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya vs. Eve Torres
No break ups or anything between the Divas Of Doom and Kelly & Eve, only put these 4 together cause they've been in the Divas Title picture for months now. And Natalya would be in the match just to help Beth retain. After the match I call for a Eve heel turn on Kelly Kelly or maybe they could do that at Survivor Series instead.

Tag Team Championship: AirBoom (c) vs. The Usos
Bound to happen since The Usos are back on our TV's running through some other tag teams. I also think The Usos should turn heel on SD by attacking AirBoom to set up this match.

Sheamus, Mason Ryan, Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara (Blue) & somebody else vs. Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, David Otunga & Sin Cara (Black)
This would not be an advertised match, this would be a bonus match added to the card on the day of the PPV. Anyway I know with Survivor Series coming up, you're thinking they shouldn't do 10 man tags but this is just a 10 man tag with mid-carders & jobbers, the ones at Survivor Series will feature main eventers, so it shouldn't really matter and this one wouldn't be an elimination match, it would be first pinfall wins.
John Cena & Randy Orton vs. Awesome Truth
With Cena & Orton both out of the World/WWE Title picture now, I can see HHH handpicking the two to take on the returning Awesome Truth for a 3rd or 4th main event & what I think should be the closing match for Vengeance. Cena & Orton weren't at ringside when the Vote Of Confidence segment took place, so maybe WWE could just have those two reveal they're still on HHH's side on next weeks Raw plus if they say they aren't, they will get boo'ed by the fans which WWE doesn't want, so it only makes sense. As for Awesome Truth, well I see HHH hiring em back for the good of the WWE, only so they can stop invading and ruining matches & beating up employers.

I agree with all your picks except for this one. I see this being similiar to what you said except Triple for sure will be involved physically. It will also be some sort of handicap match, with a gimmick like street fight or no count out, no disqualification. Probably like Cena, Orton, Triple H and someone else (maybe Sheamus) vs. Awesome Truth.
That wouldn't make sense cause that would play into the whole conspiracy Awesome Truth were complaining about which got them fired in the first place. If HHH is to rehire Awesome Truth, they would only agree to come back on a few conditions, that they get opportunities to be in more main events and that HHH doesn't try to screw em over which is exactly what this Handicap match idea is doing. HHH would have no choice but to agree to those conditions just to get them to stop invading, so no that won't happen.
That wouldn't make sense cause that would play into the whole conspiracy Awesome Truth were complaining about which got them fired in the first place. If HHH is to rehire Awesome Truth, they would only agree to come back on a few conditions, that they get opportunities to be in more main events and that HHH doesn't try to screw em over which is exactly what this Handicap match idea is doing. HHH would have no choice but to agree to those conditions just to get them to stop invading, so no that won't happen.

It will be something like, they get fully re-instated to WWE Roster IF they can beat Triple H in a match of his choosing. He will then reveal a 4 on 2 Handicap, Street Fight, as the match.

Somehow, they'll win, with other wrestlers interfering to help them win.

That's how it plays out.
Even though you've backed up your reason for the 10 man tag match I still believe it should be saved for SS, since there have been rumours that WWE is going back to the old style. More focus on eliminations and less focus on the titles.
6 Man Tag Match: If Awesome Truth wins, they are reinstated in the WWE
Triple H, John Cena, CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio&Awesome Truth
Kevin Nash returns again and helps team Del Rio win. lights go out and then Undertaker is in the ring and helps HHH, Punk, and Cena clean house to set up Survivor Series.

World Heavyweight Championship-Triple Threat Match
Mark Henry(c) vs. Randy Orton vs. The Big Show
Henry escapes, gets a one on one title match with Henry at Survivor Series while Orton goes on to help team WWE at Survivor Series

Booker T vs. Cody Rhodes
The set up will happpen soon so these two can go out like rumored for awhile now

WWE Tag Team Championship
AirBoom vs. Christian&David Otunga
Christian has been talking about his lawyers for months, let Otunga become one of his personal lawyers (yes I get he's the lawyer of the stable) but let AirBoom win and continue their run as tag team champions.

United States Championship
Dolph Ziggler(c) vs. Zack Ryder
Let Ryder win here just so Ziggler can move onto bigger and better things. Ryder is barely growing on me, but I'm not a broski yet.

Divas Championship
Beth Phoenix(c) vs. Kelly Kelly
One more match between these two and I think it sets up a fatal four-way elimination at Survivor Series.
With ANOTHER PPV just a couple weeks away what do you think the card will be? And predictions based on your card.

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio - Cenas rematch clause will no doubt come in effect. I see ADR winning this one and Cena going away from the WWE title for a month or two

HHH & CM Punk vs Miz and Truth - I just see this happening, Miz and Truth win because of interference from ALOT of people

Mark Henry vs Big Show - Randy had his rematch at HIAC, I still think Orton vs Henry has legs, I just think WWE will let it build before Orton faces Henry again and wins the title. Henry wins this one, potential Orton interference

Same as HIAC I see Cody coming out for a promo and getting put in a match

Air Boom vs Swagger and Dolph - Swagger and Dolph win

Kelly Kelly vs Beth Pheonix - Beth retains

With rumors of Undertaker returning at Vengeance and Vince returning soon, how do they fit into the PPV?

Obviously a lot depends on the upcoming Raws which I'm sure will provide a lot of controversy. This card may look nothing like this depending on what happens with the walk out etc.
I've had an idea for the Undertaker rumour. Another anti-WWE attack, this time much stronger and more people than Miz/Truth (Ziggler, Rhodes, Christian etc.)

HHH is taken out, so are Cena and Punk, it seems the anti-WWE alliance has taken over, until the lights go down and we hear that famous "dong". Undertaker appears in the ring, takes out the anti-WWE members, and now we have the start of the Survivor Series 5v5 build.
John Cena vs. ADR for WWE Championship.

Triple H and CM Punk vs. Miz & Truth in a Steet Fight with stipulation that if Awesome Truth wins, they are re-instated to WWE immediately.

Mark Henry vs. Big Show For World Title - NO DQ - look for interference from both Sheamus and Orton

-IC title match (I agree with the OP) Cody comes out and does a promo then is forced to wrestle somone of Triple H's choosing.

Air Boom vs. Swagger and Dolph for Tag Team belts (again I agree with OP but I think Air Boom wins).

As for Undertaker's return, it's possible the lights will go out at the end of the World title match but if they make Triple H and Punk vs. Miz and Truth as the Main Event then I think it's more likely that that match ends in chaos(like HIAC) with a bunch of guys interferring and then while there's pandemonium in the ring, the lights will go out, gong, followed by Taker appearing in the ring and tombstoning Triple H.

If the show ends like that, EVERYONE will think Undertaker is heel and is joining the conspiracy when really it will be a distraction and he's just coming back for vengeance on Triple H and is in no way involved with the conspiracy.

I actually don't see them bringing back Awesome Truth before Vengeance. I think the whole card looks feasible, but I get the feeling that we'll have another interference ending to the PPV, only this time not as bad and they maybe get beat on themselves a little.

If they really do bring back Vince and Undertaker, I'm also curious to see where they fit in. Not just them, but the Rock as well. If they planning on actually building his SS appearance, or will he be announced like the Raw before the PPV.

Gonna be interesting to see the card and see how they get all the gears to work, for sure
If the show ends like that, EVERYONE will think Undertaker is heel and is joining the conspiracy when really it will be a distraction and he's just coming back for vengeance on Triple H and is in no way involved with the conspiracy.

Vengeance on Triple H for what? Undertaker BEAT HIM at WrestleMania. It should be Triple H getting vengeance on Undertaker????

We STILL dont know what is going to happen with Triple H at this point. In any company, if you get a vote of NO CONFIDENCE then you have to step down. Its possible the board will say that they are keeping him on as COO. The main problem with everyone was that he was running RAW and it got out of hand.

With that said...Ill play along and give my predictions for a PPV we are so far away from details.

WWE TITLE: John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio. (Del Rio wins, hopefully with interference from Rock, Cena walks away from the WWE Title picture until after Survivor Series)

WHC: Big Show vs Orton vs Henry (Henry wins)

INTERCONTINENTAL: Rhodes vs ????? (look...Rhodes is getting a HUGE push, but thats pretty much the extent of it. He's not losing the title anytime soon)

TAG TEAM TITLES: AirBoom vs Ziggler/Swagger (AirBoom wins only because it will be that start of dissension between Ziggler and Swagger. There are other teams AirBoom can feud with. Hopefully the KOW come in soon or we see the Uso's again)

WOMENS TITLE: Beth vs ????? (I dont care who is involved with Beth, I just dont want it to be Kelly Kelly again)

Throw some filler matches in there, hopefully Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Mason Ryan make the PPV. I WISH we could see Ziggler in a US TITLE match.

I dont know where Punk, Miz and Truth can fit in. I dont see Triple H getting in the ring again, especially if he's involved with the Survivor Series match.

I dont see Undertaker being involved in ANY capacity at Vengeance. I think its too early for him to come back before WM. He isn't going to wrestle before that and IF he does come back he is only going to be a NPC in this storyline.
I think the Vengence card will be as follows:

1. Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena
I see ADR emerging victorious over Cena with interference from The Rock leading into Survivor Series to build up a Cena heel turn for Wrestlemania showdown.

2. Mark Henry vs Sheamus
We see the WSM at his brutalist and destroys him only 2 have Big show come down and make the save leading to a title match at SS in a falls count anywhere no dq match.

3. Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton
I see rhodes getting the win maybe by count out or dq leading to a title match at SS when rhodes decimates him on the outside and paperbags Orton.

4. Beth Pheonix vs Kelly Kelly
I see Kelly Kelly getting disqualified in this match after she goes berserk with Pheonix's divas title bashing her over the head repeatedly. Natalya comes to make the save on her partner only 2 have the same thing happen to her. This sets up for a Kelly Kelly heel turn making Phoenix and Natalya faces in the process.

5. C M Punk Open Challenge
He will cut a great promo before the challenge. It pans back to the lockerroom where it shows Miz and R-Truth. They flip a coin and Miz wins. Triple H comes out and says the winner of this match is number 1 contender to the championship. Punk wins setting up for a title match agaist ADR at SS
R-Truth comes out to attk Punk and then we hear the GONG.... the lights go out then come back on and theres the Undertaker! He clears the ring and cuts a promo stating hes the one whos screwing over Triple H and hes back for vengence leading to Triple H vs Taker at Wrestlemania Career vs Streak.

6. Air Boom vs Ziggler and Swagger
I see Air Boom winning the match with outside interference from Mason Ryan. Ziggler and Swagger argue in the ring after the match and Vickie gets between them only to get knocked down. Ryan comes in and saves her only to be jumped by Ziggler and Swagger. This sets up maybe a fued with Swagger first and then a showdown with Ziggler for the US belt in the future
I think the Vengence card will be as follows:

You have a VERY messed up card, that totally goes against everything WWE has been building.

1. Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena
I see ADR emerging victorious over Cena with interference from The Rock leading into Survivor Series to build up a Cena heel turn for Wrestlemania showdown.

For the umpteenth time....CENA IS NOT GOING HEEL. IF he does go heel it will most likely be after WM.

2. Mark Henry vs Sheamus
We see the WSM at his brutalist and destroys him only 2 have Big show come down and make the save leading to a title match at SS in a falls count anywhere no dq match.

I guess. Why would Show save Sheamus though. If anything he would try to distract Henry for Sheamus to get the win. Right? THEN you could still have Henry win and Show challenge him at SS. Maybe add Sheamus in on that too.

3. Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton
I see rhodes getting the win maybe by count out or dq leading to a title match at SS when rhodes decimates him on the outside and paperbags Orton.

I can understand Rhodes getting the win by DQ, I can also see him losing by DQ. But NOT to Orton, and Orton certainly is not going to have a match for Intercontinental title!

4. Beth Pheonix vs Kelly Kelly
I see Kelly Kelly getting disqualified in this match after she goes berserk with Pheonix's divas title bashing her over the head repeatedly. Natalya comes to make the save on her partner only 2 have the same thing happen to her. This sets up for a Kelly Kelly heel turn making Phoenix and Natalya faces in the process.

No. Why would you flip them around. Divas of Doom have been the bullies in all of this. There is no reason for WWE to turn KK heel and turn Beth and Natalya face. The only possibility for KK to go heel in this is for her to attack Eve. If she goes of on Beth and Natalya, she will get cheered.

5. C M Punk Open Challenge
He will cut a great promo before the challenge. It pans back to the lockerroom where it shows Miz and R-Truth. They flip a coin and Miz wins. Triple H comes out and says the winner of this match is number 1 contender to the championship. Punk wins setting up for a title match agaist ADR at SS
R-Truth comes out to attk Punk and then we hear the GONG.... the lights go out then come back on and theres the Undertaker! He clears the ring and cuts a promo stating hes the one whos screwing over Triple H and hes back for vengence leading to Triple H vs Taker at Wrestlemania Career vs Streak.

NO. There is NO REASON for Taker to be behind everything. There is no reason for him to challenge Triple H. Why is everyone saying Taker should seek vengeance on Triple H??? Did I miss something that happened AFTER WM???? Listen closely...TAKER BEAT TRIPLE H AND DISAPPEARED. They BOTH DID. Score settled, Taker has NOTHING on Triple H. Therefore, there is no reason to see a career vs streak AGAIN. We saw it tweo years ago...the match was the basis for last years Triple H vs Undertaker match!!!

6. Air Boom vs Ziggler and Swagger
I see Air Boom winning the match with outside interference from Mason Ryan. Ziggler and Swagger argue in the ring after the match and Vickie gets between them only to get knocked down. Ryan comes in and saves her only to be jumped by Ziggler and Swagger. This sets up maybe a fued with Swagger first and then a showdown with Ziggler for the US belt in the future

??? Again, did I miss something? Ryan is a FACE! The same face that screwed Vickie, Swagger and Ziggler over 2 weeks ago. WHY WOULD MASON SAVE VICKIE!? If anything I could see Mason feuding with Swagger and Ziggler feuding with Ryder. Hell WWE could make THEM a team for all I care, but your scenario makes no sense.

In case you haven't figured it out, Trying to understand your "fantasy" card made my head hurt. I think you need to go back and watch the last few weeks of RAW.
1. WWE Title - Alberto Del Rio(c) v CM Punk
Rio retains after Awesome Truth helps. Del Rio, Awesome Truth and Nash beat down Punk till HHH and Cena make the save, thus setting up Rio, Awesome Truth and Nash v Rock, Cena, HHH and Punk for Survivor Series

2. WHC Title - Mark Henry(c) v Randy Orton v Christian v Sheamus
Henry retains. Sheamus is unable to get his revenge on Henry from his Summerslam match

3. Handicap Match - John Cena v Awesome Truth(The Miz and R-Truth)
If Awesome Truth wins they are reinstated. Nash costs Cena the match

4. IC Title v MITB - Daniel Bryan v Cody Rhodes(c)
It seems like Bryan has been pushed under the rug. I would like to see Bryan use his case to nail Rhodes
with it, thus turning Bryan heel and continuing Rhodes face injury schtick

5. Divas Title - Beth Pheonix(c) v Michelle McCool v Kelly Kelly
Filler match?

6. Six Man Tag - Air Boom(Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne) and Sin Cara v Ziggler, Swagger and Sin Cara
Awesome opener

Pre-Show - Zack Ryder v Wade Barrett
let the Ryder push begin

just my two cents
Alberto del Rio vs. John Cena - this one is automatic since Cena is the former champ and entitled to a rematch. Del Rio will win.

Mark Henry vs. Big Show - Big Show will get one match with Henry at a PPV. Vengeance is the closest so I believe he will face him here. Randy Orton might interfere here, but I am certain that this won't be a triple threat match. Mark Henry will win.

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly - this is also automatic since Kelly kelly is the former champ. Beth Phoenix will win.

Cody Rhodes vs. Sin Cara - this match might take place since Sin Cara won against the other Sin Cara at HIAC. The other Sin Cara would interfere. Cody Rhodes will win.

Air Boom vs. Ziggler and Swagger - since Awesome Truth is gone, that leaves the WWE only Ziggler and Swagger as the only contenders. Ziggler and Swagger will win.

Oh wait, where is CM Punk? The main event should involve CM Punk, R-Truth and The Miz. I have no idea yet on how WWE would do this.
WWE Championship // Alberto Del Rio (c) vs John Cena (announced on RAW) // Won't be the main event. Alberto Del Rio HAS to win. Most likely will retain via disqualification or Cena will get screwed by someone.

World Heavyweight Championship // Mark Henry (c) vs Big Show // Shouldn't get a lot of time. Both men are slow. The match could be alright if worked properly. Henry to win.

Tag Team Match // CM Punk and Triple H vs Awesome Truth (Announced on RAW) // Will be the main event. Most likely end in chaos. CM Punk and Triple H win.

Intercontinental Championship // Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes // Have Rhodes pick up a sneaky win.

Divas Championship // Beth Phoenix vs Don't Care.

Most likely the rest of the card will be matches featuring Christian, Sheamus, Ziggler, Swagger, Air Boom. Perhaps even Mason Ryan or Zack Ryder.
Perfect timing Kevin Nash to form new group!!!

OK guys, here me out...

As you all may know Kevin Nash went out and was against CM Punk and his actions and now also starting a war with his so called best buddy Triple H...

Kevin Nash had been fired from Triple H and got sledgehammered by Triple H at night of champions and as on raw these past hours The Miz & R - Truth are resigned...
they have been lots of rumors about forming the new NWO 2.0 or forming a group etc... i feel it's a good idea as long as it lasts... Keep reading!

They have been many DX's in the past so I'm sure they can form a new NWO or form a new group for that matter...

Now as you see they have booked a match for vengeance CM Punk & Triple H VS The Miz & R-Truth...

I feel in this case Kevin Nash will be involved in some capacity in this match, he may return early to do some couple of runs in or at Vengeance will know who Kevin Nash sides with
and next night on RAW will see the formation of some group of Kevin Nash, The Miz & R-Truth or who knows even at vengeance it may happen.

I believe General Manager of RAW, John Laurinaitis will be involved in the new group similar to what Eric Bischoff back in WCW joined NWO.

If the scrip writers get things done correctly and can approach the WWE universe like no other this will be good to see.
I like the general look of this PPV, it isn't going to be the best of the year but it will be steady I reckon.

Glad to see that ADR/Cena will be a Last Man Standing match and hope that this is the end of the feud but would like to see ADR pick up the win.

Haven't seen what matches get added on SD! but reckon come Sunday they will throw a six man tag on to the card somehow, so they have Sheamus, Christian and Barrett on it etc
I'm really looking forward to Orton vs Rhodes match. Both are excellent wrestlers, and I believe this match will go past 15 minutes.

My prediction: Orton will win, but it won't be easy, and it won't be clean.

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