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WWE TLC 2010: Aftermath & Discussion


WWE Ironing Champion
Following the events of Survivor Series (and subsequently the following Raw episode), what are your hopes and/or predictions for what the main event matches for TLC will be? In other words, what matches would you like to see at TLC?

I was shocked and delighted to see the Miz cash in his Money in the Bank contract to pick up the title, but I think we're yet to see Barrett put up a legitimate battle to obtain the gold. Orton will most likely want his rematch at TLC, but will Cena also be out of the picture?

Kane and Edge had an incredibly poor match at Survivor Series, and their fued is reaching levels of absolute ridiculousness. Having Edge kidnap Paul Bearer is the worst idea in the WWE for a long time, simply due to the fact that Kane cannot pull off the acting. Seeing him "breakdown" in tears was humiliating. WWE are killing his monster persona. As for TLC, regrettably I think we haven't seen the last of this feud and Edge will continue the mind games.

My predictions:

WWE Championship Match
The Miz - Randy Orton - Wade Barrett

Stipulation - Ladder Match

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Kane - Edge

Stipulation - Tables Match

As for the Chairs match, I really don't know, simply because the idea of a "chairs" match is silly. They should just make it what it is; a no-disqualification match. We'll probably see the tag-titles defended in a 'Chairs Match' seeing as the tag-titles have picked up a tiny bit of credibility since having such a low status for a long time. Maybe a tag-team from Smackdown to challenge?
I agree with your main event, on the RAW thread someone suggested that Wade couldn't fit into the title picture but I think he can. The Miz cut a promo at Survivor Series attacking the Nexus and it's clear that Barrett won't stop challenging for the title. Soo..

Randy Orton Vs The Miz Vs Wade Barrett. is my most likely WWE title match.

However Barrett can also go in two other matches. We've seen the hints of Otunga revolting and taking charge of Nexus. So if Barrett isn't involved in the title picture I can see.

Wade Barrett Vs David Otunga - leadership of the Nexus..

ORRR , He'll be in a match with Cena for some reason.

It's clear the rivalry between Edge and Kane is continuing as Bearer is still missing and Kane retained but made Edge look okay in the process. So, that'll be at TLC ..

Kane Vs Edge - possibly with some kind of stipulation involving Bearer as well as the WHC Title

We've seen on here that there's news of a rematch between Dolph Ziggler and Kaval at TLC , which is a good decision, their match at SS was probably the best on the card. I can see Kaval and Dolph entering a more substantial feud as a result of KOTR ...

Dolph Ziggler Vs Kaval - Intercontinental Title.

We've also seen the push for John Morrison, he beat Sheamus and he qualified for the KOTR tournament (with Sheamus in). I think Sheamus will knock Morrison out of the tournament and then there'll be a rematch here.

John Morrison Vs Sheamus

Bryan will be in this PPV but I really don't want him to wrestle DiBiase to to make three rematches of the SS card here. However I can see it happening. Although Goldust could get back involved. Potentially this is my 'hope' as it were.

Daniel Bryan Vs Goldust Vs Ted Dibiase - US & Million Dollar Title (I know the million dollar belt doesn't get defended blah blah blah blah)

I'd also like to see Del Rio in a full match. Just once. That would be nice. His feud with Rey isn't over so god knows why this weeks smackdown main event is him Vs Show (which I can see Del Rio winning) So I reckon

Alberto Del Rio Vs Rey Mysterio.

Diva's belt will probably be

Natalya & Beth Phoenix Vs Lay-Cool - Winning team retains title.
Randy Orton vs The Miz
Tables Match - Gone for the Tables match as the other world title is a ladder match.

Kane vs Edge
TLC Match - No brainer with Edge's TLC background.

Sheamus vs John Morrison
Chairs Match - Perfect weapon to add to this feud.

Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio
Ladder Match - These 2 could put on a great match with this stipulation.
Possible rematch from KOTR final
This card is most likely going to be a repeat of Survivor Series except with gimmick matches. I'll entertain the fact that they'll switch up the card though.

1. Tables Match: WWE Championship: The Miz (C) vs Randy Orton

I like this feud already. It's been teased for a while and finally it's come. I expect Miz to win but definitely not cleanly. Alex Riley (unless barred from ring side) or possibly even Michael Cole will get involved causing Randy to lose. This match has a potential to be decent one at best. I don't expect much great wrestling or a classic by any means but it will be a PPV worthy match because WWE is trying to get Miz over and what better way than a PPV win over Randy Orton.

2. Tables, Ladders and Chairs: World Heavyweight Championship: Kane (C) vs Edge

Edge is the current master of the ladder match. This match cannot go to anyone other than Edge. I feel he will somehow get the right to pick the stipulation and this will be the match he chooses. I don't feel Edge needs the title right now. I think Kane will hold onto the title up until Elimination Chamber and lose it there.

3. Wade Barrett vs John Cena

If Cena loses, he remains fired. Wade Barrett will be the one to want this match to get his hands on Cena after making him lose the title. I would surprised if some kind of Cena vs Barrett match did not happen at TLC.

4. TLC Match: Tag Team Titles: Gabriel & Slater (C) vs The Usos vs Santino & Kozlov

It's long shot to happen... I can wish for a classic three way TLC match though, right? I'd be shocked to see Gabriel & Slater lose this match

5. United States Championship: Daniel Bryan (C) vs Ted DiBiase Jr.

I don't feel this feud is over with quite yet. Bryan will not be dropping the title to Ted though. He may get a few close two counts, but Bryan will win via submission.

6. Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler (C) vs Kaval

At the moment, this match looks like it's most likely going to happen. If not, there will be no IC title match at the PPV. Ziggler will win with interference from Vickie.

7. Diva's Title match: Natayla & Beth Phoenix vs Lay-Cool

I saw another poster (Daniel.Wood) book this match. I love the idea. If I were booking this card, this match would definitely be on it. Natalya & Beth win in a short 5-10 minute match. I wouldn't be surprised to see Beth turn on Natalya after the match.

8. Grudge Match: Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio

If any of you saw the PPV match last night, you'd see a potential Del Rio vs Big Show match after that knock out punch. It's perfectly set up for the story to unfold in the next few Smackdown tapings. I want to see Del Rio win making Big Show tap out. Unfortunately, this match will probably end as a lot of Show's matches recently... a knock out punch.
1. Tables Daniel Bryan (C) vs Ted DiBiase Jr. (Title Match)
Only way that DiBiase would win. :lol:

2. Ladder Kaval vs. Dolph Ziggler (Title Match)
Amazing wrestlers, would be an amazing match :)

3. TLC Kane vs. Edge (Title Match)
Seems very possible, Edge has a big TLC history :shrug:

4. Laycool vs. Natayla & Beth Phoenix
The only Divas match I would watch, if it was this

5. Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio
like WJDwjdWJDwjd said, grudge match, big push for Del Rio, possibly a big show win (PLEASE NOOOO!!) :banghead:

Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlof vs. The Usos
Please let there be a triple threat TLC!!!:blush:

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
Triple Threat Chairs match, be interesting to see, hopefully.:confused:

raw was way to predicable as soon as alex riley came out in the kor quil. match i knew that the miz was cashing in the mitb major set up ,
tlc it will be miz vs orton..orton will regain title i don't think miz is ready to carry the title yet don't get me wrong he's awesome on the mic and a great heel but his ring style sucks he didn't give the exictment of cashing in mitb like all previous even kane was more exicting

barrett will demand cena @ tlc cena will win get his wwe job back and everyone will go back to the same... too predicable
The thought of a Ziggler-Kaval ladder match for the IC title made me pee a little bit in excitement, though not as much as when Miz won last night.

That being said :
1. Edge vs. Kane - TLC makes more sense than just straight up tables.

2. Ziggler vs. Kaval - ladder

3. Miz vs. ? - by default, this will be a tables match making me think it will be Cena or Sheamus. They aren't going to take the belt of Miz that fast (though there is no way in hell he's leaving the Chamber with it) so this is going to give him a legit win over a big star. Let's recall what happened last year, someone no body expected to win did just that. I know I wanted him to win, but once he did I felt like he lost his steam. A year later, he's in a very good spot, so let's just let this Miz thing play out and see where he is in a year.

4. ? vs. ? - Chairs. Don't know, don't care. They need to think of something better than a chair match.
Miz vs Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett - chairs match
Somehow Barrett will find his way back,and this would be entertaining to watch.

Kane vs Edge - TLC
Edge's favourite playground.But dont see him winning.

Nexus vs Santino-Kozlov vs Usos vs some SD team. - 4 way ladder match
would like to see SOMEONE from smackdown in the tag title picture.this can be a classic.

Morrison vs Sheamus - Chairs
Grudge match after KoTR night.

Mysterio/Big Show vs Del Rio
This will be there for sure

divas title match

All I can currently think of....and yes,Ziggler and Bryan will also defend and retain,probably against the same opponents from Survivor Series
I think your forgetting about the Actual "TLC" match though, Last year they had a Tables match, a Ladder match, a Chairs match, and a Match with all three.

For this I was focusing on the main events. The TLC match will most likely be a tag match, maybe another Smackdown team rivalry? Personally I wouldn't want to see a full TLC match in the main event. Although entertaining, it's a messy match and I'd rather see what some of the high-flying risk-taking mid-carders in a TLC match than the powerhouse main eventers.

However, my ideal TLC match for the TLC PPV:
Nexus (Gabriel and Slater) - Big Show and Rey Mysterio - Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger

Something like that. May I also add that Rhodes and Swagger could make a decent tag team? Swagger's not doing much after WWE dropped the Eagle.
I know this might not happen, but the fact that John Morrison is rather over right now and has gotten a push that he has deserved for quite some time, how about we have a good old Miz vs John Morrison for the Wwe title at TLC in a ladder match or Tlc match.

I mean, they have the history to make this match great. And it's also a great way to show if these 2 guys can handle a main even match by themselves as they will be future main eventers.

How it could happen is that the winner of Next weeks KotR match gets face off against the champion of their brand at TLC, cause in all fairness, to go through 3 different matches in one night, you deserve something like that. John morrison could win which would lead to a match at TLC.

I would like to see that happen.

The other matches, I don't really know.

Perhaps I'll have some ideas another time.

So for now its just:
Wwe Title - The Miz(c) vs John Morrison - ladder match
Im going with the following:

WWE Title
Ladder Match
Miz (c) V Orton V Barrett

This would suit Miz as it would mean he can retain without doing serious damage to either Orton or Barrett. Would also allow for Riley, Nexus and Cena to get involved

World Title
TLC Match
Kane (c) V Edge

This is Edge's match and I expect Edge to win a 10th title, can be a perfect transitional champion to EC, plus Kane isnt as entertaing since Taker left.

Tables Match
Sheamus V Morrison

A year ago Sheamus won his first Title in this match at this event, so makes sense for him to go for revenge in this match after SS, however Morrison to win and face Miz at RR.

Chair Match
Big Show V Del Rio

Again can be used to give Del Rio a big PPV win without hurting Show too much.

United States Title Match
Daniel Bryan (c) V ????

I have no idea who against but Bryan to retain, probably against DiBiase. However a Otunga victory here could boost him in his power strggle in Nexus as I think Otunga will be fueding with Barrett by EC.

Intercontinental Title Match
Dolph Ziggler (c) V Kaval

These two had a great match at SS, however I think Ziggler will again retain unless Kaitlyn wins NXT and screws Dolph and Vicki.

Tag Team Title Match
Nexus (c) V Santino and Kozlov V The Uso's

Nexus will retain to help the group continue to look strong.

Divas Title Match
Natalya (c) V Beth Phoenix V Michelle McCool V Layla

Natalya to retain, I think Natalya V Beth is likely at Mania and I can see a slow build towards that match.
Pretty self explanatory.

Can The Miz have a good Tables match/Ladder match/TLC at the TLC PPV?
He's probably going to be facing Randy Orton or Wade Barrett and I just don't foresee a good match.
He has little ladder match experience (never one-on-one or tag team) and from memory no tables match experience. Neither does Barrett or Orton. They could make a chairs match but that sucked last year and you can't even hit people in the head.
I see this bombing.

What do you think?
I honestly think that they should let Kane vs Edge be the TLC main event, I know they're match at Survivor series was shitty, But both Kane and especially Edge have Experience in TLC matches.

The Miz I think would be more suitable in a Tables match, I know he doesn't have any Experience when it comes to Tables, except for some of those Extreme rules matches he and Morrison had when they were a team on ECW. But I just can't imagine miz doing anything noteworthy with a Ladder.
No. I see his title raine bombing, plus I don't trust him with a plastic butter knife, much less anything involving a tcl match. He can barley preform a regular match, much less a match that involves using a weapon, aside from the stuiped briefcase (that helped him further rape wrestling) that caused this whole mess.
The Miz will have a boring title reign and will have an even more boring match at TLC. The only way for The Miz to have a decent match would be if he faced somebody like C.M. Punk, Daniel Bryan, or even Seth Rollins (aka Tyler Black). In fact, Daniel Bryan should have dropped the United States Title at Survivor Series and then should win the King of the Ring Tournament. He should be granted a title match at TLC with The Miz which could continue the feud that started back in NXT.
Of course he can put on a good match. He's done it before, many times before, so why, all of a sudden, cant he now?

Miz has main evented as many Raws as Cena and Orton over the past 2 months. And he's done a good jobn when called upon. He had a good match already with Orton, overshadowed by one blown spot. His match to captain Team Raw at Bragging Rights with John Cena was solid as well.

I don't see why he couldn't put on a good stipulation match. He was good in the MITB ladder match he WON, whose to say he can't put on a similar performance in a one on one match? My money would be on the table or chair match, most likely with Orton.

Originally posted by arlolangham>
He has little ladder match experience (never one-on-one or tag team) and from memory no tables match experience. Neither does Barrett or Orton.

Gotta love short memories. Orton's been in 2 tables matches, right off the top of my head. He defeated Cena on the Raw before NOC this year, and lost along with Mr. Kennedy in a 2 on 1 handicap match against Bobby Lashley on Smackdown in 2007.

But yes, I certainly think that Miz can put on a good match. He's put on consistently good matches over the past three years, and while they haven't been 5 star classics everyone wants from their main events, they've been workmanlike efforts that show Miz' growth in the ring. There's more reason to believe he'll have a good match then he will a bad one, IMO.
Reading the wanna-be smarkiness in this thread makes my head hurt.

Miz is probably one of the hottest commodities that RAW has going now. The Mic work alone makes him a shoo-in to have a good reign if creative lets him. He reminds me a lot of JBL, who had an excellent character but wasn't really good in the ring. Miz is better in the ring than him, IMO, and has a character that will only continue to grow around his title. This is very good for him, and very good for the youth movement of WWE, as we have someone who is busting his ass in trying to improve in every way possible, and that hard work is indeed paying off.

Things like, Bryan, who is unproven to a WWE audience that is far more vast than the internet know it alls, I don't ever see him having the belt. Sad truth, because he's really one of the most talented wrestlers that I've ever seen.

Seth Rollins: Hasn't debuted, and I find his lisp laughable. Mic work is a crucial element to hitting the big time, and for someone that sounds worse than Thwagger or Ric Flair after four decades of chairshots isn't getting anywhere near that thing.

And Punk, of course, is injured.

Orton's a great choice to help get Miz over, as he tried his damnedest with all of Legacy and Kofi (the latter of which creative dropped the ball on). If they want to freshen things up, then they've made a very good move in putting Miz in this position with the build up that he's had with that briefcase. I mean, have you seen the abuse that case has been through? Miz has been tearing around with that thing, and now it's time for the real deal. I see a match that brings Miz out in to something that a fan that's not jading himself while he watches will begin to take notice.
To be brutally honest, no. Unless somehow Morrison ends up as his opponent, then it won't be a good match, and that won't happen anyway. Miz is boring enough in the ring and now he has to work a TLC match? With either Orton or Barrett, who with all due respect, are not very experienced with such stipulations either? Disaster alert Disaster alert! Get the strap off this guy before it gets worse...
Er, is he going to be wrestling with the tables and chairs?


Well then its totally dependant on who he gets put with. Is the Miz capable of putting on a good to great main event match if given the right opponet? Yes, absolutely. Not really up to him who the WWE books to be his opponet though, is it?
the Miz honestly has no chance of making it out of TLC with the WWE title and heres why.

Whether its Miz vs Orton, Miz vs Barrett or a Triple Threat Match, Miz cannot even come close to them. I mean Barrett would destroy him by himself. The only reason he beat Orton is because Alex Riley took his King of the Ring qualifying match (got obliterated by E. Jackson) because he had a feeling Nexus would beat up Orton, and that Cena would get involved to stop Barrett from winning the title, thus leading to Orton beating Barrett and then Miz cheaply cashing in on Orton and beating him. I understand that the MITB is a luxury and he worked hard to get it and had to endure pain to win that match, but think about all the pain Orton endures as champion having to face people like Cena, Shaemus, Barrett and other fighters. If Miz was as "Awesome" as he says he is, he woulda cashed it in fairly and said Next Monday Orton, Im cashing in my MITB on Raw and all that. Just once Id like to see someone who wins MITB not be a coward.
With what happened at Survivor Series, it is safe to say that Kane will face Edge and most likely in a TLC Match. So with that said, Miz would most likely end up in a tables match with Orton. The match can be good if they don't just keep trying to put each other through a table.

Like I said it can be good and Miz should somehow escape with the kinda like how Sheamus ended up with the title last year. (Superplex countered by Miz with top rope SKULL CRUSHING FINALE through a table!)
The Miz can put on a decent match on any pay per view, so why all of a sudden are people questioning the man's wrestling ability?

This is really sad. You don't mind him carrying around that briefcase almost all year but o nos he is WWE Champions that's baddd? Come off it the man, like him or not, has been ready to Main Event for some time now. I don't even care for him that much but I knew he would be a future champion. Future is now for him.

And Christ he wasn't even champion a day when people started coming out of the woodwork on how bad "he sucks". Cena is indefinitely out, and Miz has been praised by IWC for quite some time, so now you pick to jeer him too?

:disappointed: The guy can wrestle. He can talk. What's the problem?
Of course he can put on a good match. He's done it before, many times before, so why, all of a sudden, cant he now?

Miz has main evented as many Raws as Cena and Orton over the past 2 months. And he's done a good jobn when called upon. He had a good match already with Orton, overshadowed by one blown spot. His match to captain Team Raw at Bragging Rights with John Cena was solid as well.

I don't see why he couldn't put on a good stipulation match. He was good in the MITB ladder match he WON, whose to say he can't put on a similar performance in a one on one match? My money would be on the table or chair match, most likely with Orton.

Gotta love short memories. Orton's been in 2 tables matches, right off the top of my head. He defeated Cena on the Raw before NOC this year, and lost along with Mr. Kennedy in a 2 on 1 handicap match against Bobby Lashley on Smackdown in 2007.

But yes, I certainly think that Miz can put on a good match. He's put on consistently good matches over the past three years, and while they haven't been 5 star classics everyone wants from their main events, they've been workmanlike efforts that show Miz' growth in the ring. There's more reason to believe he'll have a good match then he will a bad one, IMO.

Thank you! i was just about to remind everyone of those 2 tables matches but you beat me to it! i dont get it! everyone loves the miz and wants him to win the belt and when he does people are bitching! yes he can put on a good match! come on we've all seen him do it! god is there no pleasing any of you people?!?!
The Miz vs Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett (WWE title Triple Threat Ladder match)

John Morrison vs Sheamus (Tables match)

Kane vs Edge (World Heavyweight title TLC match)

I think they should scrap the idea of a chairs match as it is of no use and brings a bad reaction and match (we saw it last year). But even if they decide to make it, it should be Rey vs Alberto.
Of course he can put on a decent main event, unless WWE go batfuck insane and put the Iron Sheik in there with him. The promos would be mint though.

At a guess I'd say he'll be in a Tables match, the only question is whether he goes one-on-one with Randy Orton or if you throw Wade Barrett in there too and make it a triple threat, which is what I think they'll do. The fact that these 3 guys have little experience of Tables matches is irrelevant; the only time the table needs to come into play is for the finish, aside from the usual few spots where a table gets set up for the BIG MOVE! but then gets pulled out of the way. The rest of the match can be a standard triple threat.

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