WWE Survivor Series - Dean Ambrose VS Bray Wyatt

I wish Ambrose would have won at the Cell and Bray attacked him right after or the next night on Raw. It stopped his momentum dead and I think everyone was expecting him to finally give Rollins his due. The fact that he completely dropped his beef with Rollins doesn't help anything either. At least say im going to take care of Bray then its back to Rollins. I see Ambrose losing this match but it would be a lot better for him if he at least beat Rollins and then got attacked so this loss wouldn't hurt him.

I've bitched a lot about this feud so I won't cover it again. Just wish it wasn't exactly like how all of Bray's feuds have been so far. He attacks someone for no reason, tries to explain it but ends up talking nonsense and nobody understands what it means and he has some matches where he isn't booked to look strong but booked to get a win at some point so we can believe he isn't full of shit and can't back up anything he says. Whatever he means to say anyway.

I could see it going to a DQ and them just brawling until TLC where Ascension can debut and help Wyatt beat Ambrose. Then at least he can save face a little by losing then. I'm still pulling for an Ambrose Rumble win though no matter how unlikely.

I agree somewhat, in that I would have had Bray's attack on the Post-HiaC RAW also.

However, I wouldn't have had Ambrose win, as I think Rollins would have lost momentum with a loss unneccessarily. Everything about the actual match was done well, with Ambrose giving Rollins a good beating, but I would have had Rollins escape with an unlikely win, but with Authority help, rather than Bray Wyatt's random unexplained interference.

Then on RAW, Ambrose again tries to get back at Rollins, and that is where Bray comes in to take Ambrose into a different direction, whilst keeping the Ambrose-Rollins open and in such a way that people look out for when that would pick up again, whilst also anticipating Bray-Dean but without the kind of negativity that has actually occured because of the untimely HiaC interference.

This should be a great match. The promos leading up to it have been awesome. It will probably go on toward the middle of the evening as the 3rd match or so. I'm finding it difficult to predict a winner though as this one really could go either way. Dean should win the feud itself, so I'll give Wyatt the win here so that the feud can continue into TLC next month where it could only get even crazier. I doubt this will be the end of the feud and I expect a potential show-stealer here. Wyatt wins in a close match full of multiple 2 counts.

Bray Wyatt will defeat Dean Ambrose.
The only thing that is important in this match, is whether the WWE are looking to continue this feud into the next PPV. And that question is not easy to answer with these two. Sure, they are two big names in the WWE and, reasonably, the future of the company. It makes sense for these two guys to fight each other and hone their craft without the pressures of Championships and the main event scene. Then again, this feud hasn't really been all that impressive in recent weeks. Maybe it is time to cut it's losses and move these guys onto something a bit different.

Either way, this should be a decent match. Without the Wyatt Family, Bray has never been more vulnerable and Dean Ambrose should take advantage of that. I personally have Ambrose going over Bray and the WWE ending this once and for all.
I wish Ambrose would have won at the Cell and Bray attacked him right after or the next night on Raw. It stopped his momentum dead and I think everyone was expecting him to finally give Rollins his due. The fact that he completely dropped his beef with Rollins doesn't help anything either. At least say im going to take care of Bray then its back to Rollins. I see Ambrose losing this match but it would be a lot better for him if he at least beat Rollins and then got attacked so this loss wouldn't hurt him.

I've bitched a lot about this feud so I won't cover it again. Just wish it wasn't exactly like how all of Bray's feuds have been so far. He attacks someone for no reason, tries to explain it but ends up talking nonsense and nobody understands what it means and he has some matches where he isn't booked to look strong but booked to get a win at some point so we can believe he isn't full of shit and can't back up anything he says. Whatever he means to say anyway.

I could see it going to a DQ and them just brawling until TLC where Ascension can debut and help Wyatt beat Ambrose. Then at least he can save face a little by losing then. I'm still pulling for an Ambrose Rumble win though no matter how unlikely.
Ambrose losing by getting screwed didn't hurt anything, it made him more sympathetic. Also, why would Bray attack AFTER? How does that start any animosity? Bray screwed him out of a match. That's all you need to know. That's motivation. Otherwise it's just an attack and isn't as deep seeded as making him lose. Some of you sound like such marks. You're so upset your favorite guy didn't win that you lose track of how character motivation works.

Anyway I loved this match. It was the perfect primer for the feud. It was stiff and ended with a good segment to lead into TLC.

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