Bray Wyatt Failure or Success?

Personally I think it is a little bit early in his career to anoint him a success or doom him as a failure, because it is still relatively early in his career, and no one knows what the future holds and for whom. But if I were to generalize, I would call him a success at this stage of the game, and I am by no means a big fan of his work or his current gimmick.

There are a lot of posters on here who are very quick to jump to conclusions, many if whom have unrealistic expectations in general. If someone bursts onto the scene, and some people like him, the expectation is quickly that he will be the WWE Champion (or the heavyweight champion when that belt still existed), and will be consistently main eventing episodes of RAW, Smackdown, or PPV's. Anything less than that is quickly deemed to be a failure. Which frankly is both inaccurate and unfair. Someone who is a fixture in the mid card, and is consistently featured in programming , is considered a failure because he doesn't occupy the top position in the company. .

With all due respect, I disagree. He is being judged on what he's accomplished so far. This guy was thrust into main event with lightning fast speed. I don't think he'll ever be WWE champion and don't expect him to ever go for the title. Like Sally said winning and losing is not important to him, right now anyway.

I'm seeing his character as a failure because of the following reasons. As mentioned, he burst upon the scene with these great promo's and had everyone talking. The Wyatt's first few matches were actually quite good and I thought this group along with the Shield is going to change the WWE.

Then came the feud with Daniel Bryan and the trying to convert him into one of them. All they managed to do was shoot Daniel Bryan star even higher, and make themselves look poor in the process. Again this is creative's fault, not the Wyatt's per say.

And then they had to met Cena. This is when the game changed. All of a sudden any momentum they had was gone. Cena wins and buries all three Wyatt's in one fell swoop. Again creative gets it right so far and then everything goes tits up.

Jericho is next, and I still to this day don't understand the whole "Save us from Y2J" thing. We didn't need saving from Jericho, we needed saving from extremely bad booking. Something I might add we didn't get. And all along we were treated to fantastic promo's, which in the end delivered a big fat zero.

When Paul Heyman came out and told John Cena Brock Lesnar was going to destroy him, he was right. When Dean Ambrose told Seth Rollins he was going to beat his ass, he did. When Bray Wyatt tells you something, you just wait and wait and yea nothing.

I've been waiting for a year for this guy to do something great, and he falls flat everytime. Their only highlight for me was the match where the beat the Shield, other than that what they've accomplished so far wouldn't get you enough money to buy a cup of coffee.

Can his character be saved, I hope so, but I've lost all faith in this creative department that works out these story lines. Here was unique character that could have gone so many ways, and they let him and us down terribly.
For me he's a failure and has been since day one. His work in NXT never interested me, and he only got worse after being called up to the main roster. His in-ring debut was one of the worst matches in WWE history, against a 20 year veteran in Kane. Their match stunk up SummerSlam and cast a shadow over the rest of the night. Wyatt's promos are absolute garbage and I cannot for the life of me understand why so many people praise his mic work. His promos are repetitive, bland, and uninteresting. But for me the single biggest aspect of any wrestler is can they WRESTLE, and Wyatt can't. He gets winded only minutes into a match, has no sense of timing or ring psychology, and not one person he's worked with has gotten more than a mediocre match out of him. It's pretty sad when Kane, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Chris Jericho ALL fail to get a good match out of the same guy. When that happens, the fault clearly lies with the unchanging variable of Bray Wyatt. Wyatt should just be released and forgotten.

This is what's closest to my opinion. I don't know if I would consider Wyatt a failure but I have certainly never been impressed for the reasons above and none of his feuds have really been interesting. Now they seem to have put him into a feud with Ambrose which neither man can really afford to lose. If Wyatt loses his return feud then he's done and going into Hell in a Cell Ambrose was the hottest act in the company.

Somebody said they were blaming Cena for Wyatt being a failure I was going to quote the post but that was their first line but then they go on to show how it isn't Cena's fault? How can you blame Cena for being the only draw big enough and character built enough to withstand an ass kicking by Lesnar AND make Lesnar look unstoppable in the process? You think Lesnar destroying Cesaro or Reigns or anybody else would have had that same impact? Someone had to do the job and Cena was the only who it made sense for. Blame the rest of the roster or Bryan for getting injured or anyone else but I'm not seeing how you can blame Cena:confused:

As of now Wyatt is on the failure side of the scale but he's young and in reality hasn't been on the roster long but despite being in high profile feuds he hasn't really had that moment where he takes the next step. I think putting him into this feud was the wrong thing to do and so far that's being reflected IMO. This is make or break time for least as a heel but he could see success as a face which he probably should have came back as to rejuvenate him a bit.
How could you even ask this question? Like Hammer said, he's been on the main roster for a year and a half and is 27 years old. And how do you define failure? He built momentum like a downhill snowball since he debuted but then faced Cena and got destroyed. His story isn't even close to over. Hell, the story is barely started with Wyatt. There are so many dimensions you can explore with that character. We've barely scratched that surface.

So I ask you, jump in your time machine back to early 1996 and say "The Ringmaster/Steve Austin's career... Success or Failure?" Exactly.

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