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WWE SummerSlam: The Big Show vs. The Straight Edge Society - 3 on 1 Handicap Match


City Dweller, Successful Fella

Overcoming the odds in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match seems nearly impossible for any Superstar. However, Big Show isn’t your average Superstar. At nearly 500 pounds, he is The World’s Largest Athlete.

While Big Show’s weapons are his size and strength, The Straight Edge Society boasts a propensity to band together and attack its foes like a pack of hungry predators.

On the July 30 edition of SmackDown, CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Joey Mercury and Serena brutally assaulted Big Show, repeatedly smashing and stomping his hand into the steel ring steps. (PHOTOS)

Although the beating clearly had an impact that night on SmackDown, will it only fuel the giant’s anger when he steps in the ring at SummerSlam?

With Serena falling off the wagon, and CM Punk continually reprimanding his devoted followers, the foundation of The S.E.S. appears to be on shaky ground.

At SummerSlam, either a giant will be toppled or an entire society may come crumbling down.

Find out live at the 23rd annual SummerSlam Aug. 15 at 8/7 CT, only on pay-per-view.

This match was announced tonight on SmackDown. Very interesting way to include the whole Society on pay-per-view. However this match really does just scream filler in a lot of ways. I want to see what your guys thoughts on this new pay-per-view match are and keep all discussion of it in here.
I actually really like interactions between the SES and the Big Show over the past few weeks on Smackdown. And it's good to finally have Joey Mercury being unmasked to the biggest anti climax in WWE history. I think that this will be a good way to give the Straight Edge Society a big win on pay-per-view (together) without burying the Big Show (as it's three on one). Don't think the match will be a classic but it will do it's job of getting the SES back on track.
The SES has to win this. If they lose this match, it will kill the little bit of momentum they gained last week while attacking The Big Show. A win here can help the SES get back to where they were around Wrestlemania time. A loss shouldn't hurt Show because he's got a kayfabe injury, and this a three on one handicap match.

If the SES can come out on top, then maybe we'll see Punk be pushed towards the world title again, because if they lose this match, then it could mean the end of the SES.
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The SES should without a doubt win this match if not frankly because they need a win right now infinitely more than Show does. Show has been frequenting the main event lately and Punk and the SES have been stalling out after the lackluster end to the Mysterio feud. The addition of Mercury to the team definitely does make a difference but if they treat both him and Gallows like jobbers then it will all be for nothing. Sure Show is a big fuckin giant but he's not invincible and with 3 skilled wrestlers going against him I think it would be a little farfetched that he would win with his kayfabe injury. Come on creative team build up your best Smackdown faction!
I agree with the above for the most part. The SES has stalled out so badly since the end of the Rey Mysterio feud. They've just been practically mid-card level which is downright pathetic given the fact that Punk is one of the biggest stars on Smackdown.

Let these guys win, destroy Big Show more than before, and let the SES reign over Smackdown. They are the only actual stable in WWE, why not let them go and become more powerful? Give them gold, all kinds of gold, that would be quite dominating if they want to go with something like that.
This match is really just a way to get Punk and The Big Show on the show as both are too important to leave off Summerslam however I feel with the fact we already heve the Raw vs Nexus match that this should have just been a one one one match between Punk and Show.

The SES really need to get the win here to hopefully gain back the momentum that they have lost since the end of the Rey Rey fued and also to hopefully put Punk back into the main event and hopefully title picture. If Show wins here then I could see the SES breaking up soon and I really dont want that happening.
I say Big Show wins but gets attacked again after the match brutally injuring him for like 2 months. After that Big Show can return in time for Survivor Series and there can be an SES vs Team Smackdown featuring Big Show in the match and adding another member to SES having a 4 on 4 traditonal Tag.

What do you guys think becauuse iI think that can work and still help SES to be a strong team or faction.
I want SES to win. It would be great for them as a team and get them back on the right track. As previously mentioned they should win but also brutally attack him after the match too. They then can brag they took out The Giant and nobody can stop them. Then they go on to win championships. I would like to see CM Punk in the main event at Night of Champions but I think it's suppose to be Kane vs. the Undertaker so that probably won't happen and we'll have to wait. But in the meantime CM Punk can go after Rey Mysterio agian for revenge for shaving his head and have a match at HIAC to end the fued for good. I would also like to see Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows vs. The Hart Dynasty with the SES winning the Tag Team Championships. I would also like to see the bald chick win the Divas Championship or Women's Championship. They can do an Evolution type of deal where they all are holding titles at the same time.
There's only 2 possible outcomes in my opinion :

1 - is that SES pick up the victory and Punk can continue to use SES to dominate the entire SmackDown! roster kinda like what nexus are doing and end up with the world title either with or without their help , i mean SES could become some what of a stable like Evolution was maybe let Mercury win the intercontinental title , Serena as Womens champion , Punk as WHC , unified tag titles i mean the possibilities are endless.

2 - Big Show could Win and that could start the end of the SES society and Punk going solo and maybe Mercury and Luke as tag champs i dunno , each their own way , punk could go for another shot at the title , as for Big Show i don't see what a win in SS is going to help him accomplish, will he beat SES and then start to feud for the WHC i doubt it. :shrug:
Then again for Punk's push or credibility winning via a 3 on 1 handicap match would not do him much good. I actually see Big Show winning this reaffirming himself as an unstoppable monster.

Then I can see this feud extending at the Hell in a Cell PPV where Punk and Big Show go one on one in a HIAC. It might sound bizzare but I think if they allow Punk to score a one-on-one victory of Show in a cell; it could put Punk really over.
SES should and will win. If Big Show defeats all three of them then there isn't any progress to be made with a one-on-one feud with Punk.

I hate this match. Show will lose but it'll be the SES who look weak. I don't have any confidence that Punk won't be treated just the same as Mercury & Gallows. Show will dominate them all until the two man/one woman advantage finally becomes too much.
I could actually see either "team" (Big show being a 1 man team) winning this. If Big Show were to win this I think it would give him back the title of an unstoppable monster however maybe after the match SES could beat down him. Or that may be the start of the end of the SES

Or the SES could win this match and give them a huge momentum boost as they outdo the giant. I think the SES need this match more than the Big Show.
Power to you Spoodbeest for creating the official thread.

I'm guessing this will have Big Show come out the winner, however I really couldn't care for this match in any way. It's gonna be a mess with 3 guys trying to beat down a giant, and it won't be any good most likely. CM Punk is obviously the more talented of the 4 people in here when it comes to ring-work. And considering he cannot possibly wrestle around properly with Big Show, this match slowly becomes ruined to me.

However I guess they'll pull on a good showing, they always have, I just won't be into this match.
Seems a bit strange booking a handicap match which leads me to believe Punk isn't 100% so i would imagine Gallows and Mercury doing most of the grunt work and Punk coming in for certain spots or even the pin. I would rather see Punk v Show further down the line (not really sure they could incorperate it into Night of Champions without having some kind of clusterfuck scramble for the gold or a backstage segment). I'll stick my neck on the line and go SES win to continue the feud.
SES should win this match..I know its big show...but a 3 on 1 match should defo see SES win..if they don't then the stable loses momentum...

If Show wins, it will prove that SES is a joke...as long as CM Punk can wrestle..they should win..
I'm gonna say the Big Show wins by a silver. He then gets attacked by a new S.E.S. Member then the whole S.E.S. I'm still not sure who I think that member will be.

Also if anyone is think Show will join you are wrong, cause that would make him heel and he has wanted to be face for a long time.
I see the SES winning this all the way. This program between Punk and Big Show is looking good for what it is and this match is a great way to involve the entire SES, as they looked a little lost before this all started. I'm glad Mercury is unmasked just so he and Gallows can really begin to work as a tag team. Will the SES dominate SmackDown and win all the gold? No, but i think this feud with Big Show will give the entire group some much needed exposure at Summer Slam and hopefully they can look to start dominating the brand like Nexus has with Raw.
I don't think anyone has said this before but what really bugs me is that Big show and Swagger are not having a match At Summerslam. They were building it up for weeks then they just throw the SES into the mix 2 weeks ago and they get the match at Summerslam. This match is going to be poor at best. I think that the SES won't be around come Wrestlemania 27 so this may be the beginning of the end. What I think that will happen is that Show will dominate Gallows and Mercury and then Punk gets tagged in and squashed. This will result in either one or both male members being punished or kicked out of the SES.
I could see Jack Swagger getting involved in this match. As far as I know, he's not on the card, and he seems like a pretty big name on SmackDown to not be involved in one of the year's biggest PPV's. He also had run-ins with Big Show in recent weeks until creative adopted the whole Big Show/SES angle. I don't know as I see him joining SES, as I don't see that benefitting him (he's already main eventing, at least somewhat), but I think the addition of a legitimate star would help a struggling SES. Swagger seems like the type to pull off an anti-drinking, anti-drug angle. I also see this leading to a potential breakup and a Swagger/Punk feud where one of them takes on a face or tweener role. The two of them could work well together as a team or as opponents
I don't think this match is going to be any good. But this match is definitely going to be the outcome of the SES. I wouldn't want to see them split. As the WWE has hardly any ' teams ' anymore. You have The Hart Dynasty and The Uso's and thats about it. I would like to see more tag teams involved, and I think Luke Gallows, Punk, Joey Mercury and maybe another member, could come back and then un-unify the tag belts, but in the process hold both sets.
If Punk's arm is still hurt I can imagine why they added Gallows and Mercury to it, as even a hurt Big Show could still destroy Punk. I think The SES will win by something like countout or Show will win by DQ when they all gang up on him. Since NOC is the next PPV I can see it ending at HIAC.
So this is my first thread. I have decided to post PPV (WWE) guesses and thought.

First match up S.E.S. vs the Big Show. Post your replies like this(these will be my predictions):

1) Who wins?
I think Show will to recalm the title of being the unstoppable monster.

2) How?
By being in control until we reach the end when he chokeslams Mercury & Gallows. He then knocks out CM Punk and scores the pin fall for the victory.

3) Aftermath(if there is one)
Show will be attack will steel chairs. EMTs and refs "check on him".

At Hell in a Cell, after taking out Mercury and Gallows, it'll be Punk vs Show Hell in the Cell, loser leaves SD.
So this is my first thread. I have decided to post PPV (WWE) guesses and thought.

First match up S.E.S. vs the Big Show. Post your replies like this(these will be my predictions):

1) Who wins?
I think Show will to recalm the title of being the unstoppable monster.

2) How?
By being in control until we reach the end when he chokeslams Mercury & Gallows. He then knocks out CM Punk and scores the pin fall for the victory.

3) Aftermath(if there is one)
Show will be attack will steel chairs. EMTs and refs "check on him".

At Hell in a Cell, after taking out Mercury and Gallows, it'll be Punk vs Show Hell in the Cell, loser leaves SD.

I would assume the Hell In a Cell stipulation will only be in place for the Main Events, and seeing that neither Big Show or CM Punk will be the WHC at that event, I don't see that happening. Plus it wouldn't make much sense. If Big Show easily beats the 3 of them at Summerslam, there's no point in giving him a one on one match with CM Punk. In theory and following logic, he'd be squashed.
There is already a thread for this match in the PPV's section so I assume this will be moved there but I may aswell post here anyway.

1) Who wins?
I think that the SES has to win this to regain some credibility which they seem to have lost ever since the fued with Rey Rey ended.

2) How?
Show will start off in control but eventually the numbers game will catch up on him, I'm not sure how Punk will win as there is no wat he can give The Big Show the GTS maybe we will see the return of the Anaconda Vise.

3) Aftermath(if there is one)
They will continue the fued after this match, BTW if this fued does last till HIAC this wont be a Cell match that will be reserved for the ME matches like last year.
I think the Straight Edge Society walks out with their hands raised in this one. There’s no way the first man who held the WWE, WCW, and ECW Titles gets the victory here against 3 men. However, is it just me, or does the picture above look like Show belongs in the S. E. S.?? I would love for Show to join them, but not as a Punk follower, but more like a mentor role like Flair is to Fortune.

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