WWE Slammy Awards 2011

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
So the Slammy Awards are rumored for a return on the December 12th 3 hour episode of Raw. Now I know most of the categories change every year, but the major Awards stay the same. Here is a list of who I think should win Slammys this year.

Announce Team of the Year – Tie. Jim Ross / Jerry The King Lawler and Josh Matthews / Booker T. (Storyline purposes)

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year – Michael Cole quitting after not winning the Announce Team of the Year award (and there's the purpose)

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year – Snooki getting the WrestleMania victory for her team (Celebrity on the Grandest Stage of the ALL, doesn’t get any better than that for the yar)

Finishing Move of the Year – Air Boom - Trouble In Paradise / Air Bourne combination (This combination of finishers fit great together)

"O M G!" Moment of the Year – CM Punk leaves the WWE as WWE Champion (I literally said Oh My GOD!! when CM Punk won. I thought for sure Cena was going to win or there would have been a screw job finish)

Extreme Moment of the Year – John Morrison's Starship Pain from the top of the Cage during the Triple Threat WWE Title match at Extreme Rules (Jeff Hardy is unavailable to accept this award this year)

WWE Moment of the Year – Christian winning the World Title for the first time (This was the feel good moment of the year for me)

Shocker of the Year – Vince McMahon relieved of his duties as Chairman and Triple H assigned as COO. (I thought it was too soon to run this angle of the storyline)

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year – Triple H "Skinny Fat @$$" (HAHA!!)

Breakout Star of the Year – Zack Ryder (Internet Champion WWWYKI)

Couple of the Year – Bella Twins (Yummy Yummy!!)

Tag Team of the Year – Tie. The New Nexus and The Corre (reforms the Nexus!!)

Match of the Year – Tie. The Miz vs. John Cena and Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio at WM XXVII (I couldn't decide which was better. Both had surprise endings for me.)

Diva of the Year – Kelly Kelly (Just give it to her and move on)

Superstar of the Year – Tie. John Cena and Randy Orton (You were thinking maybe CM Punk?? A match is set for later in the evening to decide the tie-breaker)

Who do you think “deserves” Slammys for 2011??
Oh and do me a favor, break my ties please. Thanks.

MODERATOR'S COMMENT: You must give reasons for all of your answers, otherwise you are in violation of our spamming rules and will be warned/infracted!!!
Announce Team of the Year J.R and Jerry lawler.(For me, they seem better then the others for some reason.)

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year – Kelly kelly attacking Beth Phoenix.(I haven't seen kelly so angry)

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year – Hugh Jackman attacking Dolph Ziggler. (He was in a movie about robots fighting, So I assume he would be good at that too.)

Finishing Move of the Year – World's Storngest Slam. (I hate to say it, but you have to give it to Henry here because of how many people have been taken out by this move over the past couple months.)

"O M G!" Moment of the Year – Cm Punk leaves then comes back as WWE Champion. (here was a no brainer. I was like. OMG he's leaving WITH the WWE title. Then I was like OMG he's back AS the champion. SWEET)

Extreme Moment of the Year – Tie. Kane chokeslams Sheamus through the ladder. and Mark Henry/Big show break the ring.(Both are pretty brutal)

WWE Moment of the Year – Cm Punks shoot promo. (Punk is one of the best at promos and when i first saw him do this I was like. WOW, this is really amazing.)

Shocker of the Year – Kevin nash attacks HHH on the stretcher.(This was really rotten on Nash to do but made everyone in WWE take notice that he wasn't playing around)

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year – Anything from Cm Punk. (He has said soo many different lines that everyone remembers. The one that sticks out the most is "the Best in the World".)

Breakout Star of the Year – Zach Ryder.(he has come a long way from jobbing to the main eventers from a couple years ago.)

Couple of the Year – Dolph and Vickie.(Don't ask why, but they are the only "Couple" WWE has right now)

Tag Team of the Year – Air Boom. (Everyone seems to loves them)

Match of the Year – Cm Punk vs John cena at money in the bank.(They blew the roof off that place and everyone is still talking about it)

Diva of the Year –Eve.(Because Kelly is to old of a face to be the diva of the year again.)

Superstar of the Year – Cm Punk. (He has become more popular in the last 6 months then any other star has in 3-4 years.)

What can i say, its the year of the Punk as far as I'm concerned. He has done so much to grow as a fan favorite this past summer.:raven::wwf:
"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year – Kelly kelly attacking Beth Phoenix

Finishing Move of the Year – RKO

"O M G!" Moment of the Year – CM punk leaving with the title

Extreme Moment of the Year – jomo turning into spiderman at the royal rumble. insane.

WWE Moment of the Year – Cm Punks shoot promo.

Shocker of the Year – The Rock's return. honorable mention goes out to triple h interrupting the undertaker's return.

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year – The Rock's fruity pebble joke on Cena. no other quote has caught on nearly as much this year.

Breakout Star of the Year – mark henry easy. props to cody rhodes though too

Tag Team of the Year – Air Boom.

Match of the Year – Cm Punk vs John cena at money in the bank, or triple h vs taker

Diva of the Year –Kelly Kelly

Superstar of the Year – Randy or Cena. Yeah, Punk is on top right now, but it's only been a couple months. Randy and John have been consistently on top all year
Announce Team of the Year- isn't it announcer of the year? but regardless I would pick Jr and King just to see Micheal Cole's reaction! Plus J.R has really brought back match calling to the booth that had been missing all throughout 2010.

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year- R truth after being stripped of his spot at extreme rules by John Morrison. He went crazy after that and started his glorious heel character as a result. Plus I have not seen many other meltdowns or superstars going mentally insane in WWE this year. "And that's the truth!

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year- Same as you King Patrick. but that is simply because I cant think of any other one;).

Finishing Move of the Year- Sin Cara for at least one of his finishers. I think one of them is called the Spanish fly but I can not remember the name of the other one. WWE usually gives this award to the most spectacular move in the company of the year so Sin Cara is bound to win this one.

"O M G!" Moment of the Year- The rock's return! Sure punk's win was awesome but at least you knew there was a great chance that was happening. With the woman's feet shown I could not believe that The great one had return. Plus his epic promo afterwards was a breath of fresh air in the WWE.

Extreme Moment of the Year- JOMO's Royal Rumble spot. I thought just for a minute that he was actually out of the Rumble. The barricade spot was exceptionally hard to pull off (or must have been) and Morrison will get his credit on this one.

WWE Moment of the Year- CM punk wins the WW championship at Money in the Bank. I have no doubt that Punk will end up with at least one award and this one is his. It caused so much speculation in the WWE universe and pushed Punk to the top of merchandise sales. Like Punk said it changed the landscape of the company considering the events that where to follow in the coming months.

Shocker of the Year- HHH becomes the COO of WWE. Completely unexpected (sadly it took place on a lackluster episode of Raw), and like the Money in the Bank title win was the cause of the main story line that continues to this day.

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year- "John Cena comes out here looking like a big fat bowl of FRUITY PEBBLES". It has now become synonymous with The Rock whenever he is on TV. This also has been chanted when Cena comes out. The most popular quote this year, hands down.

Breakout Star of the Year- went from jobber to one of the most popular superstars here3 is Zack Ryder! Ya no one else has really moved up as much as he has, even Dolph Ziggler or and I quote Micheal Cole "Zack Ziggler".

Couple of the Year –"Bella Twins (Yummy Yummy!!)". You have said all that has to be said on this topic his pink majesty!

Tag Team of the Year- Air Boom. Really the only team I have cared about this year.

Match of the Year- CM Punk vs John Cena Money in the bank. The crowd, the atmosphere, the.......... oh it's all been said before!

Diva of the Year- Kharma! I just do not like Kelly Kelly and find her to be unbearably boring! Kharma was the next great diva until little Kharma was conceived.

Superstar of the Year- So in recent years there has been a tournament to decide who gets the award. The 4 guys are going to be (IMO) Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, Cm Punk, and Randy Orton. The finals will be Del Rio and Orton where Randy wins the award. WWE has not given it to anyone but a top face since 2008 so it's logical to pick Randy here, since there is usually 2 heels and 2 faces.

Oh and to break your ties, the nexus is better than the Corre!
First off they dont do the same ones every year, and if you check the history and watch the first two in 86 & 87 and then 96 & 97 you'll see there's been a looong list of different award types. I would just list the basics, then you'll have ppl in here making up awards that dont exist like you did

Anyway there are the basics that we know will be in, so to those I'll respond:

Moment of the Year- The Rock Returns to WWE after a 7 Year Hiatus

Superstar of the Year- The Rock (I was gonna put CM Punk, and you could also argue Cena, but The Rock hasnt had a match and drew 1 million 40 buys at Mania, has only done what he does better than anyone, and that's talk, work the crowd and simply electrify and the man has already created more hype than any wrestler ever could hope to for WrestleMania next year, mainstream etc. Rock has a guaranteed sell out main event bout with Cena and has a year in advance. Sure you'll say Punk and Cena have been there year long though, but Rock has done as much as he has and has been used appriopiately as a special attraction, He deserves this award and Match of the Year next year will be between his match with Cena and Undertaker's final match (20-0)

Diva of the Year- Kelly Kelly (this is a no contest as Melina didnt have a great year, Maryse was gone or off TV most of it, Layla and Michelle werent around for much of it, Kharma never got off the ground, Beth's year cant compare to Kelly and no one else would even be in the running for it.

Match of the Year- The Undertaker vs Triple H or CM Punk vs John Cena will win this, these two matches were the best of the year. The story in HHH/Taker was awesome, the fact that Punk brought a match out of Cena that we usually never see and the crowd in both matches were very much alive. I cant choose right now. I'll have to review both again, but it's definately one of these.

I will say this, and I will bring it up if they do this, but I fully expect to see the first ever Pipebomb Award and CM Punk's shoot will win it, There's no way Rock's return is not winning best moment of the year and rightfully so.
MOMENT OF THE YEAR: On February 14th, 2011 in Anaheim when we heard that legendary music: "IF YA SMELLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!!!!" and the Rock appeared live on RAW for the first time in over 7 years.

Superstar of the Year: There are several guys that a good argument could be made for but I'm going to say CM Punk.

Breakout Star of the Year: Cody Rhodes.
Shocker of the Year: Edge retires after Wrestlemania. We all knew he'd retire but no one knew it would be that early, like that.

Meltdown of the year: R-Truth flipping out about all the Little Jimmys and starting his conspiracy gimmick.

Diva of the Year: Kelly Kelly by default. No one else really did anything.

Match of the Year: Close between Trips and Undertaker and Punk and Cena but I'll go with Punk vs. Cena at MITB in Chicago.
Announce Team of the Year- J.R. & the King. Greatest announce team since Heenan, Piper and Monsoon.

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year- Kelly Kelly beating the hell out of Beth Phoenix, or R Truth spiraling downward. Both instances were pulled off well.

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year- I would say the Jackman spot w/Ryder was great.

Finishing Move of the Year- I really like the Celtic Cross/Razor's Edge. That has always been my second favorite finisher -- first being Sweet Chin Music

"O M G!" Moment of the Year- Three-way tie for this one: Big Show/Mark Henry destroying the ring -- there's a reason this spot is reserved for special occasions; Nash/Booker T returning in the Rumble -- always nice to see great workers return; and HHH replacing Vince as COO -- too bad that didn't last long.

Extreme Moment of the Year- I would have to agree with the Morrison barricade leap/save during the rumble. That mess was crazy!

WWE Moment of the Year- WWE announcing the launch of their new network. I know it doesn't launch until next year, but this could turn into something huge for the WWE.

Shocker of the Year- Edge retiring after Wrestlemania. I didn't know he was that hurt.

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year- Woo Woo Woo You Know It! - I really just find that hilarious. Or, I'm the senior vice president of talent relations -- how many times have we heard that this year?

Breakout Star of the Year- Zack Ryder or Wade Barrett. Ryder because of the massive push he's been receiving and Barrett for the current role he's on. Those are my picks for this, but it will most likely go to Punk for his shoot promo on RAW.

Couple of the Year – Johnny Ace and Mr. McMahon's ass! Seriously though, I really don't have a pick for this one.

Tag Team of the Year- Otunga and McGuillicuty! Now that that's out of my system, It should go to Air Boom, but most likely won't because of Bourne's suspension. The reason I say Air Boom, is because they pretty much are the tag division.

Match of the Year- Cena vs Punk at Money in the Bank. Didn't see the ending coming; however, they should've kept Cena off air for longer than they did.

Diva of the Year- Beth Phoenix or Natalya. Both are beautiful women and deserve the nod. They have done a good job running ramped on the divas.

Superstar of the Year- Probably Punk because of his past few months of work.
Announce team of the year: Josh Matthews & Booker T (because I doubt King and JR is an option this year due to how often the RAW table was shuffled around). Actually, can I pick CM Punk and Jerry Lawler?

Meltdown of the Year: R-Truth making sure JoMo and the Little Jimmies got GOT!

Guest star shining moment: Hugh Jackman popping Mr. Ziggles in the mouth

Finisher of the Year: Sin Cara's Top Rope C4.

OMG Moment: CM Punk's shoot promo that shocked the business

Extreme Moment: I really like JoMo's Royal Rumble save, but I'd have to choose Truth and Miz's chaotic ending to Hell in a Cell, if it counts.

WWE Moment of the Year: I kinda don't understand this category, but I'd call it as Rock coming back to host WM27 and getting them 1 million buys

Shocker of the Year: Edge's retirement. Of all the twists and turns of this year, this has got to be the biggest (and saddest).

Line of the Year: Fruity Pebbles/Yabba Dabba Bitch/ any name that Rock has called Cena relating to breakfast cereals. Close second goes to Booker T's "hip bone connected to the leg bone!" lol

Breakout Star: I'm surprised no one has mentioned MARK HENRY, THE REIGNING WHC yet... that's odd

Couple of the year: Was there even any couples this year? Vickie and Ziggler, I guess

Tag Team of the Year: Air Boom, no question. Maybe the Uso's if they don't wanna give Evan any shine

Match of the Year: Punk vs. Cena. Amazing match considering the many "Cena can't wrestle" threads.

Diva of the Year: Can I pick Kharma? She hasn't had a match yet, but she actually made the women's portion of the show something to look forward to.

Superstar of the Year: In reality, it's Punk or Christian or Orton, but knowing WWE it's going to Cena.
Announce Team of the Year- Booker T and Josh Matthews (their announcing is fresh)

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year- HHH when he "released" Vince. (it was lifelike and full of tears.)

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year- Hugh Jackman Breaking Zigglers Jaw. (it was a great looking punch)

Finishing Move of the Year- Mark Henry (not the Worlds Strongest Slam, but the top rope splash on the ankle with a steel chair... it literally finished people)

"O M G!" Moment of the Year- Triple H taking over WWE COO. (simple, it made me think... O M G!)

Extreme Moment of the Year- Morrison Rumble Save (i watched it over and over again)

WWE Moment of the Year- Cm Punk Shoot Promo on Raw (it was amazing and out of no where.)

Shocker of the Year- The Rock Return (when that music hit and the lighting went crazy, so did I)

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year- WOO WOO WOO YOU KNOW IT! (DUH!)

Breakout Star of the Year- Zack Ryder (simply because he did it himself, no help from WWE)

Couple of the Year – Vickie and Ziggler (They work of each other, and bring in heat)

Tag Team of the Year- Awesome Truth (they are going to face Rock and Cena, that will only help their careers)

Match of the Year- CM Punk vs. John Cena (MitB) It changed the landscape of the WWE.

Diva of the Year- Kelly Kelly (first title run, most popular diva as of now)

Superstar of the Year- CM PUNK (HE changed the WWE to what we have now. )
Announce Team of the Year - Booker T and Lawler

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year - Randy orton beating down rhodes with the ring bell..

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year- Hugh Jackman Breaking Zigglers Jaw.

Finishing Move of the Year- Sin Cara's Top Rope C4.

"O M G!" Moment of the Year- Big Show/Mark Henry destroying the ring OR DANIEL BRYAN winning MONEY IN THE BANK.

Extreme Moment of the Year- Morrison Rumble Save

WWE Moment of the Year- The rock returned

Shocker of the Year: Edge's retirement.

And I Quote ..." Line of the Year- WOO WOO WOO YOU KNOW IT!

Breakout Star of the Year- mark henry

Couple of the Year – Vickie and Ziggler (They work of each other, and bring in heat)

Tag Team of the Year- Awesome Truth (they are going to face Rock and Cena, that will only help their careers)

Match of the Year- CM Punk vs. John Cena (MitB) It changed the landscape of the WWE.

Diva of the Year- Kelly Kelly (first title run, most popular diva as of now)

Superstar of the Year- CM PUNK (HE changed the WWE to what we have now. )
Announce Team of the Year: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler
WWE used about ten different combinations of their announcers this year, so I figure that JR and King would qualify since they did call a few matches without Cole throughout the year. It could also serve as part of the Cole vs. JR storyline, as suggested by the OP. I don't think JR and Josh Matthews ever called a match without a third guy in there; otherwise they would be shoe-ins for the win from where I stand.

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year: R-Truth Turns Heel
This was essentially the definition of a meltdown. Truth lost it because Morrison suckered him into losing his title shot, and he proceeded to do some of the most wacky things ever seen in a heel turn (water bottle attack, blowing smoke all over him). And then after that, he became an even more wacky character, who seemed to have completely gone insane. Not to mention the fact that no one saw it coming.

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year: Snooki wins at WrestleMania
I see this as the only real option because you can't compare a cool moment on a Raw to winning the penultimate match on the biggest show of the year. Snooki performed very well and surprised everyone with her athleticism, and gave me another reason to love her.

Finishing Move of the Year: Randy Orton's RKO
It doesn't get much better. It's a move that can come out of nowhere and that put a lot of people down this year, most notably Christian and CM Punk on several occasions each. Even if you don't like Orton, it's hard to hate on this move.

OMG Moment of the Year: CM Punk Shoot Promo
I had a feeling that something like this was coming when Punk was talking about being honest, but I had no idea how great it would turn out to be. Everyone watched this promo with their jaws on the floor at what Punk was being allowed to say on WWE programming, and it changed the WWE for the entire summer, with one of the best story arcs that many of us have ever seen. Punk became a star that night, more so than any other night in his career except perhaps Money in the Bank itself.

WWE Moment of the Year: Christian Wins the World Heavyweight Championship
This doesn't have a chance in hell of winning this award (it'll probably go to The Rock's return or something like that, which I can't have any qualms about because that was a great moment too). Hell, it didn't even main event the pay-per-view it was on, and the reign lasted all of five/two days. But if you asked me to pinpoint one moment where I expressed sheer joy and emotion as a wrestling fan this year, this would be it. The man worked for seventeen years to get his shot, and while they blew it afterwards, he can ALWAYS call himself a former champion now. And seeing the tears in his eyes, and those in Edge's eyes, I wanted to cry myself. It's hard not to be happy for a guy who watched wrestling with his best buddy since he was a kid, and dreamed about that moment his whole life. And moments like that are a big part of why I love this business so much.

Extreme Moment of the Year: Randy Orton Beats Cody Rhodes to a Bloody Pulp
If you want to call something extreme, you give that to a beatdown that was so convincing, it legitimately caused unplanned bloodshed. Of course they did some heavy editing so that Rhodes' blood wasn't really seen, but I can't think of anything that tops that in terms of being "extreme." With that said, I still don't think the lack of blood has hurt anything except maybe the Hell in a Cells.

Shocker of the Year: Edge Retires
It has to be, because it was the one thing where no one ever considered it being a remote possibility. No one knew that Edge might retire until they flashed the graphic up on the screen that night, and even then, many people assumed "storyline" right away, and for good reason. It wasn't until Edge started talking about his injuries and how his doctors told him the news that everyone realized that this was the real deal. This man has sacrificed his body for us on so many occasions and I'm so happy that he got out before something happened that could have seriously impacted the rest of his life. He didn't have anything more to prove and he was gonna retire within the next couple of years anyway. It was still sad to see, obviously, but I know we'll remember what Edge gave us for a long time.

"And I Quote" Line of the Year: The Rock
"Coming out here with your bright ass purple shirt. Before that, your bright green shirt, before that, your bright orange shirt. Lookin' like a big fat bowl of Fruity Pebbles!"

Of course I couldn't go this whole post without mentioning The Rock's return. While I obviously dislike the fact that it has led to a huge resurgence of Cena hate after not seeing much of it for a while, I can't lie and say that I didn't laugh out loud at that line when it was said. Arenas have chanted it and it still gets brought up on a regular basis months later, so you have to know that it was a good line just from that. I don't think this should go to a regularly used catchphrase, which is why I'm not giving it to WWWYKI. I think it should be one specific line, and that one sticks out more than any other.

Breakout Star of the Year: Zack Ryder
Speaking of the WWWYKI guy, he's done nothing but consistently entertain with his YouTube series, and has finally gotten rewarded for it throughout the last couple of months. Henry is a worthy candidate too, but then again he was around for fifteen years and never did anything to warrant his current push other than WWE having a lack of strong heels. Zack Ryder did it all by himself, and if he ever wins a singles championship (which I think he will), it will only affirm in my mind that he's the winner.

Couple of the Year: Uh, Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero.
Because they're literally the only option, unless I'm forgetting someone. Or can we count Miz and Maryse? Because they would get it in a landslide.

Tag Team of the Year: Kane and Big Show
Because they're just awesome as a team. I was gonna give it to Miz and Truth, but it really should go to a team who has held the titles at one point or another. Plus, who doesn't love seeing two giants destroy everybody else?

Match of the Year: The Undertaker vs. Triple H, WrestleMania XXVII
There were a lot of contenders for this in yet another great year of wrestling, but ultimately I don't think anything topped this one. Some of the greatest storytelling I've ever seen in a wrestling match, one that proved that Taker can still go and Triple H is still capable of excellent work. There were so many moments that made me gasp in that match, with the Tombstone by Trips being the biggest "It's over." Once again, Undertaker prevailed and showed why he has had such a long and fruitful career. His retirement may be the first one that I legitimately shed waterworks at.

Diva of the Year: Kelly Kelly
By default. There's no way you can possibly justify giving it to anyone else. She was pretty much the only diva on the roster to get consistently strong booking throughout the year.

Superstar of the Year: John Cena
Now, before everyone crucifies me for giving it to my favorite, and a guy who's already won this award in back-to-back years, let me remind you of something. There were a lot of talked about superstars this year, who either returned to prominence or got there for the first time. Names like The Rock, CM Punk, The Miz, and even R-Truth stand out. But who was the one guy who was there, holding down the fort like always and providing a perfect foil for all these guys? It was Cena. In 2011, he did his thing and once again proved why he is the best in the business today. His run as the top guy of this company seems to have no end in sight, and I know that that fact annoys many people but I'm not one of them. From where I stand, bring on more years of Cena dominance. Because it never fails to create compelling television of some sort.
Announce Team of the Year – Tie. Jim Ross / Jerry The King Lawler and Josh Matthews / Booker T. (Storyline purposes)

Tag Team of the Year – Tie. The New Nexus and The Corre (reforms the Nexus!!)

Match of the Year – Tie. The Miz vs. John Cena and Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio at WM XXVII (I couldn't decide which was better. Both had surprise endings for me.)

Superstar of the Year – Tie. John Cena and Randy Orton (You were thinking maybe CM Punk?? A match is set for later in the evening to decide the tie-breaker)

Oh and do me a favor, break my ties please. Thanks.

I’m going to break my own ties.

Announce Team of the Year – Jack Korpela and William Regal (Give them the “ECW” Treatment. With Matt Striker as the host, they’re doing a great job)

Tag Team of the Year –The Nexus (They reform on this night, all of them. All 13 of them. With Cena as the leader.)

Match of the Year – Undertaker vs. Triple H at WM XXVII. (The ending to this match is going to play a huge role in his next WM Streak match.)

Superstar of the Year – 10 way Tie. (I started thinking of a few others that should be nominated for this at least, but I came up with something a little better for a 3 hour Raw. The Miz vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge (he can do his Ultimate Opportunist role and stay outside of the match till at least the Final 4) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian vs. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry in a 10 Man (insert WWE stipulation here) Elimination match for the 2011 Slammy of Slammies!!)
Announce Team of the Year – Michael Cole/ Josh Matthews / Booker T(Screw King/JR, those 3 have been constantly entertaining and they actually bother to call the action, especially Booker)

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year – Christian losing the World Heavyweight Championship just 5 days after winning it(Surprising and very disappointing)

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year – Hugh Jackman sucker punching Dolph Ziggler and breaking his jaw(Screw Snooki, I don't ever want to hear her name on WWE TV again).

Finishing Move of the Year – The Miz - Skull Crushing Finale(It's always brilliantly delivered and is just a great believable finisher)

"O M G!" Moment of the Year – CM Punk dropping his first ever "Pipe Bomb"(No one that actually understood what Punk said saw it coming and it was just a big "Oh Shit!" moment)

Extreme Moment of the Year – Sheamus powerbombing Sin Cara through a ladder/Mark Henry superplexing The Big Show to make the ring collapse(I'm good with either one of them winning)

WWE Moment of the Year – The Rock's return after "7 long years" of not being in a WWE ring(No one knew about it, the internet only got a "leak" from The Rock just moments before it happened and when The Rock's theme hit it was a huge mark out moment)

Shocker of the Year – Vince McMahon relieved of his duties/HHH takes over(Was pretty shocking to everyone no doubt)

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year – The Miz - I'm The Miz.. And I'm.. Awesome!(The Miz gets me eveytime with that catchphrase, it needs to win the award this year)

Breakout Star of the Year – Alberto Del Rio(No shit. Won the Royal Rumble and won the WWE title in his second year)

Couple of the Year – Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero(Any other couples?)

Tag Team of the Year – AirBoom(Pretty much the only decent tag team we got this year)

Match of the Year – CM Punk Vs John Cena - Money in the Bank 2011(Great storytelling and great ending)

Diva of the Year – Kelly Kelly(Won the divas title and defended the fucking world title, need I say more?)

Superstar of the Year – CM Punk(CM Punk has really just taken 2011 and made it his year, ever since the summer of Punk he's been a very, very big deal)
I'm crossing my fingers, hoping that the WWE chooses not to bring back the Slammy's for one more go this year. But they just can't resist milking a concept for all it's worth. Some people like the show, and it's cool that we get a 3 hour long episode of Raw, but often it's the same amount of wrestling watered down with a bunch of random segments and awards handed out that mean absolutely nothing. The only person that references his win after the fact was Michael Cole...and everyone hates him. Miz and Morrison used to display their awards on their show back in the day, but I just don't see the use for them anymore.

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