Edge or Sting, If only one could go into the HOF

Who deserves a WWE Hall of Fame spot more?

  • Edge

  • Sting

Results are only viewable after voting.
Sting did not carry WCW by himself. If you don't remember, Ric Flair Flair was there too, a wrestling God. Sting had help and was not alone. Now, did Sting help put over a top guy in his company like Edge did? No because Edge helped make Cena in there feud in 06. He helped get Cena and bigger pop as did Cena help Edge get more heat. You can't say Sting help put over Flair, because Flair was way over as a heel before Sting arrived. Edge helped get Cena a bigger pop because that was Cena's first major feud. You could say JBL was his first major feud but the feud with Edge was much bigger and much better. Edge got more heat and Cena got more pops. Sting didn't help put over a top star like Edge did.

I'm not saying Sting carried the company by himself. He was, however, a top babyface and one of the reasons it was so successful - his feud with the NWO was one of the biggest feuds of not only the 90s, but possibly ever. And :lmao: at you saying Edge helping make Cena in 2006. It's actually the other way around. Cena was already a main event superstar by the time he feuded with Edge - Edge was not. Cena made Edge in that feud, not the other way around. Was it Cena's first huge feud? Arguably, but Edge would possibly still be a midcarder had it not happened whereas Cena would still be the top guy.

Again, if the WWE HOF is a hall exclusive to WWE wrestlers (which, judging by some of its current inductees, it probably isn't), then Edge deserves to go in more than Sting. If it's not, Sting does. He's the bigger star, far more well known, and has arguably achieved more than Edge without even working for Vince.
If my memory serves me correct didn't vince buy wcw and kept it secrect for awhile, thus making everyone including sting a wwe employee?

edge is good but he's no hof good like sting
I'm not saying Sting carried the company by himself. He was, however, a top babyface and one of the reasons it was so successful - his feud with the NWO was one of the biggest feuds of not only the 90s, but possibly ever. And :lmao: at you saying Edge helping make Cena in 2006. It's actually the other way around. Cena was already a main event superstar by the time he feuded with Edge - Edge was not. Cena made Edge in that feud, not the other way around. Was it Cena's first huge feud? Arguably, but Edge would possibly still be a midcarder had it not happened whereas Cena would still be the top guy.

Again, if the WWE HOF is a hall exclusive to WWE wrestlers (which, judging by some of its current inductees, it probably isn't), then Edge deserves to go in more than Sting. If it's not, Sting does. He's the bigger star, far more well known, and has arguably achieved more than Edge without even working for Vince.

I just don't understand how Sting achieved more without working for Vince? WWF/WWE is the bigger, more well-known promotion. WCW was huge in its heyday but it even died out. In terms of Pro Westling, the top honor is winning the WWE Championship AND headling wrestlemania. Sting never did either one.
Edge also worked his ass off on the Indies making a name for himself instead of being a jacked bodybuilder who tagged with Ultimate Warrior and got shot straight to the top despite the fact that he had no wrestling credentials whatsoever. Don't even compare the way they got into the business because Edge came in old school and worked very hard and deserves every single thing that he got. You just sound ignorant with this post.

your the ignorant one holding the fact that sting never worked for wwe as you main arguement when there are other greats in the hall of fame that never worked for wwe and for a jacked up muscle builder he would wrestle circles around edge and its not my fault that sting came up in a time when you had to earn championships and not have them handed to you cause there was no one else to give them to every other month you dip shit.
How about this... Who do you think is bigger in Canada? Edge or Sting?

By the way, DIPSHIT... go back and read my posts... How is Sting never being in the WWE my main argument? That's the argument of many- but I have made it very clear that I think Edge is better than Sting in almost every imaginable way. You are a bartard fa sho.

Put it this way dude.. My name is RatedRCodeezie and you have a picture of Surfer Boy Sting as your avatar. What do you really expect?
Easy question to answer for me being that Sting is my favourite wrestler of all time. To clarify, I'm saying Sting. And I also think it's a stupid question, but we won't go into that.

Edge picked up a load of title reigns in a shit period of time for wrestling. Sting (and this sounds like a cliche) is an icon. Edge is not and will never be that. Sting was the face of a company for a long time. Edge has not and will never be that. Sting (during the initial crow gimmick) was pretty much the most over thing of all time. And that was in a period of time when being that over meant something, and title reigns certainly meant a lot more.

I get so fucking sick of people insinuating that because Sting never worked with WWE, his legacy is diminished. He was never going to get any bigger going there. He didn't need it. I'm a songwriter, but I've never written a song for Paul McCartney. That doesn't diminish the other success I've had.
How about this... Who do you think is bigger in Canada? Edge or Sting?

By the way, DIPSHIT... go back and read my posts... How is Sting never being in the WWE my main argument? That's the argument of many- but I have made it very clear that I think Edge is better than Sting in almost every imaginable way. You are a bartard fa sho.

Put it this way dude.. My name is RatedRCodeezie and you have a picture of Surfer Boy Sting as your avatar. What do you really expect?

you had to pull the canada thing on me good move you got me there, lets put it this way they will both end up in the hof they both have had stellar careers and have both been important to what wrestling is today who is better its a matter of opinion......good debating with you! (ya monkey fucker)...jokein
I think people here, that prefer Sting to the HOF before Edge, don't seem to get it. "It doesn't matter, that Sting never worked for 'E" Actually, that is the thing that matters most in this thread. It's not wrestling HOF, it's WWE's HOF.

Yeah if we would be talking about some sort of wrestling HOF, there would be no doupt, that which one of these names would belong in there. Sting is greater in every way compared to Edge. But here's the thing, every single one of Edge's achievements is from 'E, every single one from Sting is from somewhere else.

So there's simple answer to this question and it's with no doupt Edge. No disrespect to Sting, I personally think, that Sting is much better that Edge, but that just isn't the thing that orders answer to this question.

Ps. sorry about any spelling mistakes, I'm from Finland and not pretty good at English.
you had to pull the canada thing on me good move you got me there, lets put it this way they will both end up in the hof they both have had stellar careers and have both been important to what wrestling is today who is better its a matter of opinion......good debating with you! (ya monkey fucker)...jokein

Very true man. End of discussion really. It doesn't matter who any of us think deserves it more... they will both be there eventually. Edge and Sting are both awesome and both have their respective legacies that will last forever. Each name is very important to the wrestling world.

Sure, you're all thinking but Edge is the one with WWE experience! Who cares. Sting was a bigger name, he is one of the biggest names in all of wrestling. If a guy like Jushin Liger is being considered for the Hall of Fame, then is it ANY question that Sting should make it? Sting carried the main event scene whenever he could in WCW, hell even when he was made to job out to Hulk Hogan and Co. he looked better than all of them in one collective swoop. It doesn't matter who has had more World Titles, either. All that matters is who has influenced wrestling more, and honestly, is there any question? None at all. Sting is a LEGEND in the business, not comparable to Edge in any way shape or form.

Don't get me wrong, if the Hall of Fame wasen't as political, Sting would be in there in a heartbeat. Infact he probably would be in there already. But because he has never competed in the WWE (yet, 2 21 11?), I can't choose him. Edge has been well and truly a WWE man from day one, and had the patience to wait as long as he did for the push into the main event. That was an 8 year journey before he won the WWE title. It also helps he's one of the most gifted and truly talented wrestlers in the WWE, even now. He can hold a crowd in the palm of his hand and can portray both an unbelievable prick heel and a very likeable babyface. Plus, 10 world championships in 5 years. That's insane!
Both of them are easily Hall Of Famers so I don't even see why this question is being asked, but if you ask me whom I like better I'd say Sting. I like Edge as well though.
There is nothing to even think about in this question. The only reason anyone would even pick Edge over Sting is the fact that the HOF is a WWF thing and Sting never wrestled there. And that would be the dumbest reason ever.

It's Sting, and it's not even close.

First off, forget titles, because Edge came up in a time when titles meant nothing more than just a part of a story. Edge can be 30 time world champion by the time it's all over, and it won't mean as much.

Sting was world champion when only the very best (not including Tommy Rich or Ron Garvin) were even considered for wearing the gold.

Sting was the face, the franchise of WCW for over an entire decade. From Jan 1, 1990 - Dec 31, 1999, there was only one constant on the WCW/NWA roster. Not Arn Anderson, not Ted Turner, not Jim Ross, not Lex Luger, and not even Ric Flair. Sting carried the company for many a year.

When you see Sting, you think of WCW. When you see WCW, you think of Sting. Just like Vince is the WWF.

When I see Hogan, I see the 80's WWF and the 90's WCW. When I see Flair, I can see both the WCW and WWF. When I see the Undertaker, I still can remember him as Mean Mark Callous doing a heat seeking missle (his greatest move of all time) at Capital Combat 90. When I see Shawn Michaels, I can still see the Midnight Rockers against Sommers and Rose. When I see HHH, I still can see Terra Rizen and Jean-Paul Levesque in WCW.

Don't get me wrong, i am a huge fan of Edge. Have been since he nearly decapitated that Los Borricus guy in his WWF debut. But Edge was NEVER the franchise guy like how Sting was. Edge will be in the HOF someday.

But if there was only one spot for one guy, NO ONE would vote for Edge over Sting....................unless they were born after WCW folded.
Edge > Sting in my book. Sorry if you disagree.

If I can just make one more point, it's not a lack of respect. I respect Sting and understand his legacy too. To say he doesn't deserve a spot in the HoF would be completely ridiculous. And I'm NOT saying that. I'm just saying Edge deserves it just as much. That's how I personally feel. I've watched Edge's WHOLE career. I can't say the same about Sting, so maybe I'm a little biased. But to totally discount Edge and not give him the credit he deserves seems like a lack of respect to me. It looks like you are the pot and I am the kettle my friend.

Well said man. I have my opinion, you have yours.

Like I said in my reply to your post, Edge will get in to the HoF deservedly so. You said Edge is your favorite wrestler, and I understand that. Naturally you'll post in his favor. I guess your first post came off as more "anti-sting" than "pro-edge" , but that may have just how I saw it. It's cool though, that's why we have personal faves.

And as the poll indicates, we're a virtual dead heat for votes. It'll be an opinionated question about who deserves it more.
There is one thing about Sting I was just thinking about while getting ready this morning that I think is a negative in his career.. How many guys has he actually put over? Flair was already a star, DDP a Star, Hogan, Nash and Hall, Goldberg was already done and over with the streak when they feuded, Booker T,, Luger... The Giant aka Big Show was made a star by Hogan...

So I do think there is some negatives about Stings career that slip under the rug.
There is one thing about Sting I was just thinking about while getting ready this morning that I think is a negative in his career.. How many guys has he actually put over? Flair was already a star, DDP a Star, Hogan, Nash and Hall, Goldberg was already done and over with the streak when they feuded, Booker T,, Luger... The Giant aka Big Show was made a star by Hogan...

So I do think there is some negatives about Stings career that slip under the rug.

Probably petty on my part, but just to keep this going and since I'm a Sting fan....
Any he did put Vader over as a credible monster. I had never heard of him before his debut and was really scared for Sting before Vader took the strap from him...
You know a fellow Poster reminded me of something.

When WCW had its last show it was already owned by WWE....Flair and Sting wrestled the last Match before Shane O Mac came out....ergo Sting HAS WORKED for the WWE in the past. In fact he was supposed to be at 2002 I think it was the year of Rock vs Hogan WM but didnt sign the contract cause of the hectic schedule "Fact" being a FT WWE guy would intail. Now WWE gives out lighter schedules if asked for so why wouldnt sting sign plus his kids are older now.
You know a fellow Poster reminded me of something.

When WCW had its last show it was already owned by WWE....Flair and Sting wrestled the last Match before Shane O Mac came out....ergo Sting HAS WORKED for the WWE in the past. In fact he was supposed to be at 2002 I think it was the year of Rock vs Hogan WM but didnt sign the contract cause of the hectic schedule "Fact" being a FT WWE guy would intail. Now WWE gives out lighter schedules if asked for so why wouldnt sting sign plus his kids are older now.

Finally someone else who understands where I was coming from. So for all you haters sippin your haterade, get your facts straight before going after an icon/legend like Sting
I disagree with you completely dude. Yes from a non-wrestling fan's standpoint Sting is way bigger, but we are all wrestling fans who actually care about the business and have watched it. If you really don't believe Edge deserves a Hall of Fame nod just as much as anyone else then you are in denial bro. Wait 15 years and see what the new generation thinks about Edge. His name will go down in history with the wrestling greats of this era.

And about the Slim Jim comment, my whole point was how big of a star Macho Man is and continues to be. He DESERVES a Hall of Fame nod and that was my point. Edge being a successor to the Macho Man just proves how big of a star he is.

Is Edge my favorite wrestler? Yes, by far. And that is why I have this username. So to me, he is light years ahead of Sting. If you ask your average person who is more recognizable, I would think they would say Sting. But any true wrestling fan understands the legacy of Edge's career. If you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you.

Look at Edge's match with Taker from WM 24. Now watch Sting's match with Hogan from Starrcade. Who has better psychology? Who has a better work rate? WHO MAIN EVENTED MANIA WITH THE FREAKING BELT AGAINST THE BIGGEST LEGEND THIS BUSINESS HAS EVER HAD!?

Edge is someone who came up loving the business. Sting was a surfer bodybuilder who was just looking for something new to do.

Edge > Sting in my book. Sorry if you disagree.

If I can just make one more point, it's not a lack of respect. I respect Sting and understand his legacy too. To say he doesn't deserve a spot in the HoF would be completely ridiculous. And I'm NOT saying that. I'm just saying Edge deserves it just as much. That's how I personally feel. I've watched Edge's WHOLE career. I can't say the same about Sting, so maybe I'm a little biased. But to totally discount Edge and not give him the credit he deserves seems like a lack of respect to me. It looks like you are the pot and I am the kettle my friend.

Edges Accomplishments in the world of Pro Wrestling:

* Insane Championship Wrestling
o ICW Street Fight Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Christian Cage

* New Tokyo Pro Wrestling
o NTPW Pro Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Christian Cage

* Southern States Wrestling
o SSW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Christian Cage

* World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
o World Heavyweight Championship (7 times, current)
o World Tag Team Championship (12 times) – with Christian (7), Chris Benoit (2), Hulk Hogan (1), Randy Orton (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
o WWE Championship (4 times)
o WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
o WCW United States Championship (1 time)
o WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times)[54] – with Rey Mysterio (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
o Fourteenth Triple Crown Champion
o King of the Ring (2001)
o Mr. Money in the Bank (2005, 20072)
o Royal Rumble (2010)

Stings Accomplishments in Pro Wrestling:

# Jim Crockett Promotions / World Championship Wrestling

* NWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
* NWA World Television Championship (1 time)
* WCW International World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
* WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
* WCW World Heavyweight Championship (6 times)
* WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Lex Luger (1), The Giant (1), and Kevin Nash (1)
* Battlebowl Battle Royal (1991)
* European Cup (2000)
* Iron Man Tournament (1989)
* Jim Crockett, Sr. Memorial Cup (1988) – with Lex Luger
* King of Cable Tournament (1992)

# Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI Comeback of the Year (2006)
* PWI Match of the Year(1991) with Lex Luger vs. the Steiner Brothers at SuperBrawl
* PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year (1988)
* PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year (1990)
* PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (1991, 1992, 1994, 1997)
* PWI Wrestler of the Year (1990)
* PWI ranked him #1 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1992
* PWI ranked him #15 of the top 500 singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003[68]
* PWI ranked him #52 of the Top 100 Tag Teams of the "PWI Years" with Lex Luger in 2003

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

* NWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
* TNA World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
* TNA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)– with Kurt Angle
* TNA Match of the Year (2009) vs. A.J. Styles at Bound for Glory, October 18, 2009

Universal Wrestling Federation

* UWF World Tag Team Championship (3 times)[72] – with Eddie Gilbert (2) and Rick Steiner (1)

World Wrestling All-Stars

* WWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards

* Best Babyface (1992)
* 5 Star Match (1992) with Nikita Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, & Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Bobby Eaton, & Larry Zbyszko (May 17, WarGames match, WrestleWar)
* Match of the Year (1988) vs. Ric Flair at Clash of the Champions I
* Most Charismatic (1988, 1992)
* Most Improved (1988)

Brother everything Edge has done, Sting has done better. Sting has created more buzz around his returns, has earned companies more than Edge has, and to be honest has put on more high caliber/high quality matches than Edge has. Let's take a look at how Edge has been booked to win his titles shall we? Beating a man after he's had a long drawn out match (and in some cases 5 matches...elimination chamber John Cena comes to mind). I can't honestly recall a time where Edge has CLEANLY and without ANY outside interference been booked to win a WHC. With the exception of him beating Chris Jericho in a Steel Cage and the TLC match with Kane Rey and Alberto. Don't take this the wrong way, I have TREMENDOUS respect for Edge. Coming back from the injuries he has takes A LOT of heart, and desire. There is no doubting the man's determination. Let's look at another thing.

Sting Debuted November 28, 1985.
Edge Debuted July 1, 1992

Here's an interesting tid bit for you...
Sting (3-0) is one of only four wrestlers (The Rock, 3-0; Brock Lesnar, 1-0; and Goldberg, 1-0) to have defeated Hogan without losing to him in one-on-one matches.
That shiny belt Edge carries around Sting wore with pride for many years.
"5 Star Match (1992) with Nikita Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, & Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Bobby Eaton, & Larry Zbyszko" as I said earlier. Look at those names in that list man.... LEGENDS/HALL OF FAMERS/ SOME OF THE BEST WRESTLERS. Saying Edge is LIGHT YEARS ahead of Sting.. Do yourself a favor. Go to YouTube and WATCH Sting's matches man. They are some of the best matches from back in the day. And FYI I've been alive for majority of Sting's Career and ALL of Edge's career. Edge is injury prone, Sting to my knowledge hasn't suffered serious injuries and been required to take 6-8 months off. Edge has suffered some serious injuries in his career. He isn't totally responsible for the injuries however I do feel that says a lot about a persons value to a company. Take Jericho for example. Always there, never injured. Constantly there when the company needs him. Edge..not so much... Sting..Always there.

Sting is arguably the most famous and most recognized wrestler to never step foot in the WWE. Sting has been everywhere and done everything he has ever wanted to do. Created a legacy that far surpasses Edge. And he has done it without needing the WWE. I don't believe Edge could have done that. After watching both men it's very clear that Sting would and should be inducted into the WWE and any other HoF decades before Edge. If Edge makes it before Sting that would be a tremendous slap in the face to a REAL Icons legacy.
Edges Accomplishments in the world of Pro Wrestling:

* Insane Championship Wrestling
o ICW Street Fight Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Christian Cage

* New Tokyo Pro Wrestling
o NTPW Pro Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Christian Cage

* Southern States Wrestling
o SSW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Christian Cage

* World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
o World Heavyweight Championship (7 times, current)
o World Tag Team Championship (12 times) – with Christian (7), Chris Benoit (2), Hulk Hogan (1), Randy Orton (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
o WWE Championship (4 times)
o WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
o WCW United States Championship (1 time)
o WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times)[54] – with Rey Mysterio (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
o Fourteenth Triple Crown Champion
o King of the Ring (2001)
o Mr. Money in the Bank (2005, 20072)
o Royal Rumble (2010)

Stings Accomplishments in Pro Wrestling:

# Jim Crockett Promotions / World Championship Wrestling

* NWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
* NWA World Television Championship (1 time)
* WCW International World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
* WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
* WCW World Heavyweight Championship (6 times)
* WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Lex Luger (1), The Giant (1), and Kevin Nash (1)
* Battlebowl Battle Royal (1991)
* European Cup (2000)
* Iron Man Tournament (1989)
* Jim Crockett, Sr. Memorial Cup (1988) – with Lex Luger
* King of Cable Tournament (1992)

# Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI Comeback of the Year (2006)
* PWI Match of the Year(1991) with Lex Luger vs. the Steiner Brothers at SuperBrawl
* PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year (1988)
* PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year (1990)
* PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (1991, 1992, 1994, 1997)
* PWI Wrestler of the Year (1990)
* PWI ranked him #1 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1992
* PWI ranked him #15 of the top 500 singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003[68]
* PWI ranked him #52 of the Top 100 Tag Teams of the "PWI Years" with Lex Luger in 2003

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

* NWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
* TNA World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
* TNA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)– with Kurt Angle
* TNA Match of the Year (2009) vs. A.J. Styles at Bound for Glory, October 18, 2009

Universal Wrestling Federation

* UWF World Tag Team Championship (3 times)[72] – with Eddie Gilbert (2) and Rick Steiner (1)

World Wrestling All-Stars

* WWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards

* Best Babyface (1992)
* 5 Star Match (1992) with Nikita Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, & Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Bobby Eaton, & Larry Zbyszko (May 17, WarGames match, WrestleWar)
* Match of the Year (1988) vs. Ric Flair at Clash of the Champions I
* Most Charismatic (1988, 1992)
* Most Improved (1988)

Brother everything Edge has done, Sting has done better. Sting has created more buzz around his returns, has earned companies more than Edge has, and to be honest has put on more high caliber/high quality matches than Edge has. Let's take a look at how Edge has been booked to win his titles shall we? Beating a man after he's had a long drawn out match (and in some cases 5 matches...elimination chamber John Cena comes to mind). I can't honestly recall a time where Edge has CLEANLY and without ANY outside interference been booked to win a WHC. With the exception of him beating Chris Jericho in a Steel Cage and the TLC match with Kane Rey and Alberto. Don't take this the wrong way, I have TREMENDOUS respect for Edge. Coming back from the injuries he has takes A LOT of heart, and desire. There is no doubting the man's determination. Let's look at another thing.

Sting Debuted November 28, 1985.
Edge Debuted July 1, 1992

Here's an interesting tid bit for you...
Sting (3-0) is one of only four wrestlers (The Rock, 3-0; Brock Lesnar, 1-0; and Goldberg, 1-0) to have defeated Hogan without losing to him in one-on-one matches.
That shiny belt Edge carries around Sting wore with pride for many years.
"5 Star Match (1992) with Nikita Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, & Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Bobby Eaton, & Larry Zbyszko" as I said earlier. Look at those names in that list man.... LEGENDS/HALL OF FAMERS/ SOME OF THE BEST WRESTLERS. Saying Edge is LIGHT YEARS ahead of Sting.. Do yourself a favor. Go to YouTube and WATCH Sting's matches man. They are some of the best matches from back in the day. And FYI I've been alive for majority of Sting's Career and ALL of Edge's career. Edge is injury prone, Sting to my knowledge hasn't suffered serious injuries and been required to take 6-8 months off. Edge has suffered some serious injuries in his career. He isn't totally responsible for the injuries however I do feel that says a lot about a persons value to a company. Take Jericho for example. Always there, never injured. Constantly there when the company needs him. Edge..not so much... Sting..Always there.

Sting is arguably the most famous and most recognized wrestler to never step foot in the WWE. Sting has been everywhere and done everything he has ever wanted to do. Created a legacy that far surpasses Edge. And he has done it without needing the WWE. I don't believe Edge could have done that. After watching both men it's very clear that Sting would and should be inducted into the WWE and any other HoF decades before Edge. If Edge makes it before Sting that would be a tremendous slap in the face to a REAL Icons legacy.

If he never needed the WWE, why put him in the WWE Hall of Fame? WCW runs be damned, he was never a WWE guy plain and simple. I don't care who accomplished what, why on earth would you put a man in your Hall of Fame if he refused to work with you?
If he never needed the WWE, why put him in the WWE Hall of Fame? WCW runs be damned, he was never a WWE guy plain and simple. I don't care who accomplished what, why on earth would you put a man in your Hall of Fame if he refused to work with you?

Why Induct the entire Von Erich family? Why induct a man who owned an opposing promotion? Because he deserves it and if you want to call your Hall of Fame a true Hall of Fame put him in. If you are going to keep a companies TITLE History, obviously it means something. Therefore the people that HELD the title mean something. The Franchise of WCW should be and will be in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Why Induct the entire Von Erich family? Why induct a man who owned an opposing promotion? Because he deserves it and if you want to call your Hall of Fame a true Hall of Fame put him in. If you are going to keep a companies TITLE History, obviously it means something. Therefore the people that HELD the title mean something. The Franchise of WCW should be and will be in the WWE Hall of Fame.

I'm pretty sure that at this point, Sting being in the Hall of Fame means way more to you than it does to Sting himself. If it was any other way, he knows what he should have done to get that spot, he probably would have had a ring years ago if he would have just kept his holier than thou attitude to himself and joined the WWE. I'll admit, I know next to shit about Sting outside of what is said here, so I'll say this. WWE has changed drastically since they purchased WCW and if Sting couldn't see that and decided to join TNA anyway, then maybe his problem wasn't with the product,but the people producing the product.
You know a fellow Poster reminded me of something.

When WCW had its last show it was already owned by WWE....Flair and Sting wrestled the last Match before Shane O Mac came out....ergo Sting HAS WORKED for the WWE in the past.

First of all... He was working a WCW show, never ever showed up on WWE programme once, his contract wasn't with the WWE, nor with WCW.. it was with AOL I believe or wat ever you call it.. So when WWE purchased WCW, Sting a long with other top stars weren't part of the deal! Also the reason why some top stars weren't apart of the InVasion!
It could be a daft question.. but it brings out a good point..

Sting never have wrestled for WWE, but his legacy with WCW, which is owned by WWE, it shows that he does deserve to be in the HoF.. But EDGE who has wrestle in the WWE for over 10 years has accomplished a lot in the WWE..

Let me re-phrase the question..
Who deserves to be in the WCW HoF more? And lets say WCW purchased WWE.. then it's obivous its Sting..

So my answer to this question is going to have to be Edge.. He needs its more to be remembered IMO.. Sting, he has done soo much.. you can recognise the paint, his gear, his old music and his accomplishments.. He has had 5 star matches etc.. and he would be the option to go into the HoF, There are plenty of othert HoF that Sting can go into as for the WWE hall of fame... Edge..
I'm not quite sure on this.

Edge, because he is an 11 time World Heavyweight Champion, and he has been in the greatest matches ever. TLC, Elimination Chamber, Last Man Standing, MITB, and many,many more.

Sting... he is one of the most awesome wrestlers ever. He has many belt reigns, and many, many other great achievements.

So, who deserves it? That answer is to be decided.
Sting, definitely Sting. While both lists of these guys' accomplishments are so impressive, frankly, most of Sting's came during a time when accomplishments in the wrestling world were much harder to come by. Nowadays most titles are watered down and that's unfortunate. A lot of you guys have argued that Edge should win simply because he has wrestled in the WWE, and in most cases I would probably argue that defense as well, but anymore, I look at the Hall of Fame not just as a WWE Hall but a Pro-Wrestling Hall, and it just wouldn't be right to not have Sting inducted.

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