Who will go further?

Who Will Go Further

  • John Morrison

  • Daniel Bryan

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JoMo looks every bit the main event superstar, he's good int he ring, can pull of spectacular feats of athleticism and is genuinely over with the WWE audience.

Daniel Bryan doesn't have the traditional WWE look but that may play into his favour as it makes him unique if he were to be pushed hard. Vince has also always liked to have one truly great mat wrestler in the top end of the card (See Bret, Angle, Benoit) so Bryan could take that spot.

These two are my favourites int he company along with CM Punk, but on the surface JoMo seems the most likely to go further, it's easy to see how he will be pushed and he has the trappings to become a main event guy. The path for Bryan is less clear and I will be interested to see how he is pushed post-Mania.

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