WWE Shareholders Meeting: Vince McMahon "Maybe" Interested In Buying TNA

This is not going to happen anytime soon. WWE is lossing money and ratings as it is so with them already losing money as it is why would they buy something that is having more problems as themselfs. It is kind of like adding weight to a sinking ship.

There is a difference between losing money and losing profit. The "E" is far from being in the hole money wise. Wrestlemania just had over 1 million PPV buys do the match and thats around 60 mil dollars in one show just from PPV. Thats not including merchandise, sponsorship, or ticket sales. To say they are "losing money" either shows you have no idea what you are talking about or that you honestly misquoted your source. The simple fact of the matter is that TNA doesnt have a profit base big enough for the "E" to even consider a purchase at this point, and if they did I still cant see Vince taking it on right now. TNA is no threat what-so-ever to WWE because they are not even on on the same night. There is no competition there. For anyone to say there is isnt thinking clearly. TNA tried to go head to head with RAW and failed miserably, and moved back to Thursday to save face, and their ratings are still dropping. Vince isnt interested and i don't see any type of move from him at all to start negotiations for a purchase. If Panda comes to him and puts an offer on the table, them maybe (big MAYBE) Vince will consider.
I think it is funny people are taking this seriously. Why would Vince say he would never buy TNA? Of course he would buy them but they are not for sale. The library alone is of interest to WWE and Vince fears competition for whatever reason. Anyone that thinks WWE actually doesn't consider TNA competition needs to stop drinking the kool-aid. There is a difference between competition and on the same level. Learn it. This was just Vince getting trolled and people are treating it seriously.

Why would they consider TNA competition?

Their rating's have been a average 1.1 for the last year, they have a show full of non-draw's and has-been's, plus people that Vince probably can't bare to watch (Hogan/Bischoff/Hardy)

I would'nt consider TNA competition after that failed Monday Night War last year. They got a 0.5 rating and went crawling back to Thurday's. Vince even said, "that TNT," during the Jan. 4th show. He does'nt even know, nor care what their name is. He's a billionare with a global wrestling company. TNA is the bush-leagues compared to them. Is the MLB threatened by the AAA, no becuase it's under them.

Vince would only buy TNA if they came crawling ot him to buy them. Right now, TNA is not a threat to him, has no profit in it, and most of the superstar's there would fail WWE's drug test and be released the first day. I doubt Vince would resign guy's like Tazz, RVD, the Hardy's, Bischoff, Hogan. Sting would'nt go ever to WWE, and guy's like AJ, Daniel's, Joe, might not want to go to work for Vince, for no apparent reason but to stay irrelevant.
First of all, I'm fairly certain Vince was joking, so I don't think this is a big deal, at all.

But, would I want Vince to purchase TNA? Absolutely not. If you think Vince is going to improve TNA, you're out of your minds. It would be on a one-way trip to the scrap yard, plain and simple. He would pimp out the library, etc., and that would be the end of TNA.

I'm sure some wrestlers would make the transition to WWE, and be jobbed out, completely. I think A.J. would have a chance ...in the mid-card. TNA isn't half as popular as WCW was, and most of those guys got the ax (one way or another). Basically, TNA isn't as important as WCW does, so Vince wouldn't be worried about the potential blow-back from fans. He just wouldn't care. Sell the DVD's, etc.

If you want a second promotion, that could eventually compete, you shouldn't be rooting for Vince to purchase TNA.
it could be possible for vkm to buy tna without it becoming a wwe product. the same as it is for an individual to be the owner of two seperate companies.

what i like about this train of thought is that it means that instead of having two competing companies offering the same product, you could possibly diversify more.

ideally you could leave wwe as it is and with tna you could market to an older age group and possibly give a different style of product.

one being sports illustrated swimsuit edition, the other being hustler.

with the diversity, you may be able to get a wrestler to fit in one product where he may not have been able to fit in the other. you may be able to draw in an audience to one that you may not have before, you may even be able to get them to watch both products.

personally i don't think it is a serious option, but there definately would be some chance of success and not as totally damaging as some people would think.

like the supposed crazy shareholder said, it would take the right people.
it could be possible for vkm to buy tna without it becoming a wwe product. the same as it is for an individual to be the owner of two seperate companies.

Dr. greenthumb, impossible Vince wants to control everything in the wrestling world. If not WCW and ECW would still exist as seperate companies. If Vince buys TNA, it would suffer the same fate as those two companies.
People are overlooking what really came outta that clip.

How badly did TNA just get trashed, destroyed and made to look third-rate by some obvious fan? Just a big joke. That one fan ethered the entire infrastructure of TNA and all Steph could do was laugh. Dixie oughta be irrate.
what i found the most odd was the remark from the shareholder to vince..

paraphrasing..."EVEN your daughter is smarter than dixie..."
i wouldnt read to much into this. the stockholders in the meeting are mostly just fans who bought stock into the company so they can go to the meetings rather than actual buisnessmen. And you can tell by the way the guy asked vince to buy TNA that he might not have even graduated college. I would say vince just said maybe which in this case is a more polite way of saying no
Here's some food for thought. What if Vince buys TNA and uses the WCW trademarks and renames it WCW. He could negotiate a TV deal with possibly Versus since Universal and Comcast are under the same umbrella and put the show on Wednesdays or Thursdays. I think that they need a 3rd brand it has done wonders in creating new talent. Criticisms aside when ECW was created this re-vitalized and created new stars such as Christian, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, CM Punk and even Ezikiel Jackson which without them practicing their craft on ECW would not have been as sucessful when being called up. WWE needs a 3rd brand to develop talent and give alot of new talent some exposure before going to RAW or Smackdown. NXT the show that has replaced ECW only has given us one main eventer with was Wade Barrett otherwise this is creating inferior talent which cannot make the Raw and Smackdown shows on a full-time basis.
i agree, not really an issue right now. truth be told, i don't know if he would. there is nothing for him to gain by buying it. it isn't like the old wwf/wcw days where guys went back and forth so you need the video library to show their full career. unless he intended to use guys like style, beer money, etc, tna property would be of no use to him. i don't see angle or sting ever working for him again so their matches are of no value - it is better for him to have their careers "end" the way they did in wwe and wcw. and even with the talent, if there were only a few names he wanted, he could probably get them under contract cheaper than buying the property. ultimately, if tna were to go under, i think vince would let it.
I think I know what could/would happen if McMahon bought TNA. he would keep some of the talent under their current contracts. once those contracts are up maybe some of those talent he keeps would resign.
those not kept by McMahon would either go to another current promotion, or another new wrestling company would start and it would be TNA all over again from the beginning.
it wouldn't happen that quickly. it would be similar to when WCW was bought and then TNA started. if TNA was bought, another one would start.
McMahon is a complete idiot. He shouldn't even be focused on "TNA" considering he's losing his talent and superstars left and right. Shutup and pay attention to what's important.

WWE's buyrates aren't high and they are losing attendance as well. But selling 45 dollar PPVs would do that to a company.

Secondly, TNA won't be around. So I highly doubt he can buy "TNA", If the new direction and marketing strategy, TNA is taking turns out to be successful there will be no reason to sell it.

TNA is in good hands. Spike TV and Panda Energy isn't looking to lose it. Like TNA or not they still are the 2nd biggest promotion in America. They're not ROH.

It would be fun to see simply because of all the moron WWE marks that would jump on the bandwagon because Vince stuck his dick up TNA. We all know all of the talent and "left overs" from WWE would be welcomed once again and never insulted.
McMahon is a complete idiot. He shouldn't even be focused on "TNA" considering he's losing his talent and superstars left and right. Shutup and pay attention to what's important.

WWE's buyrates aren't high and they are losing attendance as well. But selling 45 dollar PPVs would do that to a company.

Secondly, TNA won't be around. So I highly doubt he can buy "TNA", If the new direction and marketing strategy, TNA is taking turns out to be successful there will be no reason to sell it.

TNA is in good hands. Spike TV and Panda Energy isn't looking to lose it. Like TNA or not they still are the 2nd biggest promotion in America. They're not ROH.

It would be fun to see simply because of all the moron WWE marks that would jump on the bandwagon because Vince stuck his dick up TNA. We all know all of the talent and "left overs" from WWE would be welcomed once again and never insulted.

He's not focused on TNA. What make's you think Vince would care about the bush-league company that's on a different channel and had a failed MNW's?

Vince cares about his own company, he's a billionare who run's the largest wrestling company in the world, why would he ever give a glimpse to TNA?
I might just die if Vince buys TNA. AGHH the thought is painful. Why would he want to ruin TWO wrestling organizations.
He's not focused on TNA. What make's you think Vince would care about the bush-league company that's on a different channel and had a failed MNW's?

Vince cares about his own company, he's a billionare who run's the largest wrestling company in the world, why would he ever give a glimpse to TNA?
If he glimpsed at WCW before it picked up steam I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten butt raped in every department. Trust me, Vince "glimpses". Where do you think he got LayCool from? Chikara?
If he glimpsed at WCW before it picked up steam I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten butt raped in every department. Trust me, Vince "glimpses". Where do you think he got LayCool from? Chikara?
Yes. The idea of two girls being catty and teasing other girls was one of the most revolutionary ideas to ever hit professional wrestling. The storyline is seemingly ridiculous- everyone knows that women don't compete with each other and try to belittle their rivals- and yet, for some reason, it seems so BELIEVABLE!

On a completely and totally unrelated note, you ever see that '80s movie "Heathers"?
If he glimpsed at WCW before it picked up steam I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten butt raped in every department. Trust me, Vince "glimpses". Where do you think he got LayCool from? Chikara?

I also read a report about Cody Rhodes using "ugly bags". I wonder where Vince got that idea from? Perhaps he only glimpses at the Beautiful People? Can't really blame him to be honest
Your blind, foolish, childish and humorous optimism is cute. If Vince can't get things right in his own company, what in the hell makes you think he'll do it in another. Because he's a swell guy? Right, we all know that Vinnie loves non-WWE performers.

Forget about the dream matches, kiddo. That's wrestling, and Vinnie don't like that. A promo with Pee Wee Herman? Now that's more up his alley. He's perverted, dumb looking, cheesy, unfunny, totally has nothing to do with pro wrestling - he's perfect!

lol my thought exactly vince wants nothing to do with wrestling which is stupid seeing as wrestlin made wwe so in my hopes i do not want vince to buy tna as a matter of fact i want tna to succeed and hopefully become as big as the wwe one day
I also read a report about Cody Rhodes using "ugly bags". I wonder where Vince got that idea from? Perhaps he only glimpses at the Beautiful People? Can't really blame him to be honest
Don't forget that he's channeling Vince Russo pretty often. Am I the only one who noticed that sometimes WWE is booked a lot like Russo would do it? Scotch tape on Batista? Bubble wrap on Cole? Cole in his own little box? iPad for a General Manager? David Arquette wrestled in the Main Event. That's more Russo than Russo.

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