WWE Shareholders Meeting: Vince McMahon "Maybe" Interested In Buying TNA

I just read everyones posts and I feel the need to post:

Vince did not buy WCW because they were a threat as someone posted. He bought it for the video library. That company was in shambles.

Vince would not buy TNA because:

1. This is the most important.... ITS NOT FOR SALE
2. Remember when Raw was on TNN/Spike. That relationship didn't end to well if I remember correctly. They used the WWE as a guinea pig to bring in the UFC. I bet that still chaps Vince's ass.

I just wish TNA would do more shows outside the Impact Zone. I think thats where the problem is. I like TNA. How many of them are real fans? How many are just going to a free show at Universal Studios? And thats why I don't like it. At least if everyone pays to watch, you know everyone in there gives a shit about what they're watching. I could go on all day and night about this. I'm going to stop right here. Peace out y'all
I think the reason WCW was buried was mainly because Vince's ego on finally beating the company that was trying to put him out of business. Vince wasn't going to make his own company come out weak. I don't really think anyone would. Maybe for awhile to build story, but everyone knows WWE was coming out on top.

The reason WWE/WCW failed was because a lot of the big name wrestlers had guaranteed contracts that were not up. They didn't have to work but still get paid the remainder of the contracts. Hogan, Nash, Sting, Flair, Goldberg, Rey, ect, all had free money coming their way. Vince didn't buy their contracts out, therefor all he got was unknowns. How can an invasion be taken serious when the top stars of the other company aren't invading? Should Stone Cold have been jobbing to Buff Bagwell?
Sounds like a very Mcmahon thing to do. Buy out a company that isn't really doing anything to harm you, get their good talent and bury them and make them job..

You apparently have no clue about the WCW takeover. WCW was already down the tubes and there was nothing they could do to recover. That is why they were for sale. If anyone else but Vince would have bought it at that time it would have fallen off the face of the earth never to have been heard from again. Sure some of the stars would have surfaced but not the way Vince did it. Now with Vince owning all rights to WCW and the library, all of that awesome video and everything else is still alive on WWE TV, and coming soon to DVD.

With that being said it is my opinion he has no true interest in TNA, they do not have enough to offer to make it worth the money. There isnt enough great footage to fill any type of library for him to profit off of. He would have to pay out and finish off contracts or just flat buy them out of the contracts and the talent he would choose to keep most of them dont want to be in his company and he knows it. So why waste the money on something that won't make it back.
I could picture what TNA would be under Vince's control.

Knowing McMahon, Rob Terry would be TNA Heavyweight Champion in about a week, because that's how you build people up. You give them a title and shove the fact that they're the champion down everybody's throat. Why waste time gradually building someone up until he's hot as fuck and finally wins the belt? Waste of time.

AJ Styles would immediately turn into a weekly jobber. Anyone who has great offense and is amazing in the ring can also sell his motherfucking ass off, thus becoming a great jobber.

Robert Roode and James Storm will be renamed to Bobby Crash and James Bash, Crash'N'Bash. Vince wouldn't want another person named "Roode", and Storm's alchoholism is unacceptable for the WWE Universe. Necrophilia however - all good.

The Tag Team Division will be headed by Orlando Jordan and Eric Young, because that's how Vinnie rolls. It's a WWE production, therefore tag team wrestling must die.

The X-Division will be even less than it is now. Mainly a land of destruction for Hornswoggle.

Matt Morgan will be a jolly giant forced to smile at everybody. Everyone else will have to do that too, by the way. Every face. Every ... single ... face. Completely ravage any spark of emotion, personality or character. It is forbidden! You shall all look the same, act the same, talk the same and even wrestle the same. Heels are that way too. Cloning time!

He'll have a bunch of them dance, sing and generally do things that men above 230 lbs shouldn't do even if they were getting paid for it.

All the Knockouts will be jobbed to such amazing in-ring aces like Kelly Kelly.

The booking will consist of absolutely basic storylines that have no plot, no direction and no purpose. The people in them will fight "just because". No arguments, no motivation. Just pitch them against eachother.

Also, don't forge to fuck up every good idea you have. God forbid something worked.

Last but not least, have the GM be an iPad. That adds amazing entertainment value to any product out there. Beep! Beep!

Your post basically sums up how it would be. However, Christian Jeff Hardy after his FIRST TNa run, did not do too bad. The issue is these guys dont fit the WWE machine. Tna is not for sale so your worst fears wont come true. You bring up many good points and have a lot of passions. Thumbs up.

I personally think mcmahon would clean out the flair/hogans and nitpick a few people to keep. Those people will probably do it too.i know wwe is the big bad evil you guys despise but
These guys and girls have families that they support and cant do in the indies alone forever.
I won't comment on the possibility of this actually happening, because frankly it's impossible to really tell whether it has legs or not, but I can tell you one thing for certain: if it does, I'm out. Gone. I won't even give it a chance.

I saw what happened to my beloved WCW when Vinny Warbucks bought what was left of the company, and frankly I couldn't stand to watch that shit again. The last thing on earth I wanna see is AJ Styles going toe-to-toe with Cena in the middle of the ring, only for Cena to mouth "Who are you?".

I disagree. I believe Vince did a lot better for wcw than it was doing for itself in its last year. I dont see vince making celebs champs. That arquette shit was awful. Lets face it russo and co. Broke that shit so bad its a miracle anyone even made it out alive.

Vince kept the library the wcw title and some wcw guys around. Were the guys successful? Rey mysterio. Nuff said with him. Booker was good. He had stupid gimmicks but he did ok. Goldberg did as well. The steiners/ddps/nashs/etc did bad i feel because they NO LONGER HAD PULL. Wcw guys who made it big LEFT before the sale and were smart.

Benoit/y2j/big show/geurrero/steve austin/etc all former wcw guys who felt the sting of a badly run wcw and became successful because they were focused and worked for it and just "got it"

Im happy wcw went to mcmahon, so at least the memory is still alive. Tna wont have to worry, no sale.

And you wouldn't even watch one second? No angle/styles/etc? Id watch for anderson. Tsk tsk.
I disagree. I believe Vince did a lot better for wcw than it was doing for itself in its last year. I dont see vince making celebs champs. That arquette shit was awful. Lets face it russo and co. Broke that shit so bad its a miracle anyone even made it out alive.

Vince kept the library the wcw title and some wcw guys around. Were the guys successful? Rey mysterio. Nuff said with him. Booker was good. He had stupid gimmicks but he did ok. Goldberg did as well. The steiners/ddps/nashs/etc did bad i feel because they NO LONGER HAD PULL. Wcw guys who made it big LEFT before the sale and were smart.

Benoit/y2j/big show/geurrero/steve austin/etc all former wcw guys who felt the sting of a badly run wcw and became successful because they were focused and worked for it and just "got it"

Im happy wcw went to mcmahon, so at least the memory is still alive. Tna wont have to worry, no sale.

And you wouldn't even watch one second? No angle/styles/etc? Id watch for anderson. Tsk tsk.

Agree with everything but the DDP thing. He was going along just fine for his age, until he severely injured his neck in a WWE ring.
WWE does a lot more with celebs than people give them credit for and Rey came after the invasion though...just saying.

I read that link and the guy makes it sound like he is implying that Vince would buy TNA and put "the right people in charge" and let TNA stay alive. We all know that wouldnt happen. IF Vince got TNA it would just merge with WWE. So, its odd that the shareholder is suggesting it as if Vince should "fix" TNA...you know?

Why would a WWE Shareholder want Vince to "Fix" the competition?
Your blind, foolish, childish and humorous optimism is cute. If Vince can't get things right in his own company, what in the hell makes you think he'll do it in another. Because he's a swell guy? Right, we all know that Vinnie loves non-WWE performers.

Forget about the dream matches, kiddo. That's wrestling, and Vinnie don't like that. A promo with Pee Wee Herman? Now that's more up his alley. He's perverted, dumb looking, cheesy, unfunny, totally has nothing to do with pro wrestling - he's perfect!

Hey buddy, just because I say I want that to happen, doesn't mean I think it will happen. It's my thought not what I think will actually happen. So guy, shove it and get the hell off your pedestal and trying to sound like a genius.

Btw, can't call me kiddo vag
The reason why I don't think Vince would even consider purchasing TNA is becuase of WWE's Wellness Policy.

Half of the TNA roster would be cut, it'll be a lost cause. Not becuase "Vince hate's them!" Becuase their high, drugged up, or both.

And besides, what's good to buy your bush-league business? I would wait until TNA is about to fold and come crawling to Vince for them to purchase them. And it would be cool for Vince to keep TNA on Spike, but as a WWE product. Fire all the has-been's, and have it be TNA 2005, with a few WWE star's as well to measure up the starpower. Make it like Superstar's, but more of a show equal to Raw or Smackdown.
Like a lot of people, I wouldn't have a very positive feeling if Vince did buy TNA because we know that he turned WCW into nothing more than a licensed property.

However, as it pertains to the state of WCW when Vince bought it, c'mon people. WCW was pure, Grade A 100% shit by the time Vince bought it. If WCW was fertilizer, I could've grown tomatos the size of Miss Tessmacher's jugs and TNA certainly isn't much better off.
There was even a WCW PPV set to debut called Big Bang. It was in the WCW Mag and was suppose to basically restart WCW off with the new owers. But Vince offered more money ofcourse and to WWF, WCW went.

Not true. Vince ended up buying WCW for a fraction of the amount Eric Bischoff and Fusient was offering because Turner canceled Nitro and Thunder, rendering the deal dead. Vince bought it for so cheap, Chris Jericho at the time commented on how he could have bought the promotion himself it was so cheap, this coming from a guy who hadn't even been a world champion yet. There are some conspiracy theories that there was a former WWE employee at Turner that convinced the other executives to sell it to Vince for less money than it was actually worth. Even without a TV deal, WCW was worth tens of millions of dollars. Vince bought it for 3.5 total with the video library.

The reason WWE/WCW failed was because a lot of the big name wrestlers had guaranteed contracts that were not up. They didn't have to work but still get paid the remainder of the contracts. Hogan, Nash, Sting, Flair, Goldberg, Rey, ect, all had free money coming their way. Vince didn't buy their contracts out, therefor all he got was unknowns. How can an invasion be taken serious when the top stars of the other company aren't invading? Should Stone Cold have been jobbing to Buff Bagwell?

Eric Bischoff and Kevin Sullivan booked the same angle with 5 guys coming into the company, Razor Ramon, Diesel, 1-2-3 Kid, Virgil and Ted Dibiase (who was going to be a manager). Turned a few former WWF guys (Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Big Bossman, I.R.S., Crush, Mr. Perfect) and some WCW talent that really wasn't branded WCW yet (Giant, Marcus Bagwell, Eric Bischoff, Konnan and Scott Norton) and it drew hundreds of millions of dollars. They didn't have the name WWF or ANY of the copyrights and trademarks. The angle/group lasted 3 years.

Vince McMahon had ALL the copyrights and trademarks, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Buff Bagwell, Lance Storm, Brian Adams, Bryan Clarke, Mike Awesome and Kanyon (as well as over a dozen other various WCW stars) and The Big Show, William Regal, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and eventually Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit. Instead of turning those former WCW superstars, they decided to turn Test, Kurt Angle and Steve Austin, men nobody ever associated with WCW. The angle, despite the fact WWF had the entire tape library and trademarks associated with the brand, lasted 5 months.
you IWC sheep is gonna get the shock of your foolish,peddish lives!!!!!!


to all you TNA asslickers(it's damn real) LOL!.....GET READY TO START WATCHING THE INDIES OR UFC!!! because it's gonna happen sooner rather than later!

and to all the WWE faithful.... GET READY FOR A BRAND NEW ERA IN "SOAP OPERA" WRASSILN!!!!

i was at the shareholders meeting (i am a WWE shareholder BTW!!! and VKM is just trying to piss you IWC dickriders off! but......

all i am going to say is....

IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!!...stay tuned!!!!


you ain't seen nothing yet......


soon my friends...soon!!!!





You are so informative and so important since you are a "WWE shareholder" and were at the meeting. :lmao: You have inside information to WWE buying TNA? A guy that just graduated high school and has the word "nizzles" on his profile? You know jack shit. None of us have any idea how profitable or how unprofitable TNA is right now.

I don't even think Vince McMahon has that information. Its not good for business to have a wrestling monopoly. TNA has to be on the verge of bankruptcy for this to even be possible. Until we know the status of TNA, its ridiculous to jump to conclusions.
WWE does a lot more with celebs than people give them credit for and Rey came after the invasion though...just saying.

I read that link and the guy makes it sound like he is implying that Vince would buy TNA and put "the right people in charge" and let TNA stay alive. We all know that wouldnt happen. IF Vince got TNA it would just merge with WWE. So, its odd that the shareholder is suggesting it as if Vince should "fix" TNA...you know?

Why would a WWE Shareholder want Vince to "Fix" the competition?

TNA airs at diffrent times & there for is not COMPITTITION if wwe buys TNA tna will go PG i would hope WWE would not buy WWE but the peaply at TNA COUPH* HOGAN COUPH* are runnin it to the grouund.... ited just be another SD if he did thou.
you IWC sheep is gonna get the shock of your foolish,peddish lives!!!!!!


to all you TNA asslickers(it's damn real) LOL!.....GET READY TO START WATCHING THE INDIES OR UFC!!! because it's gonna happen sooner rather than later!

and to all the WWE faithful.... GET READY FOR A BRAND NEW ERA IN "SOAP OPERA" WRASSILN!!!!

i was at the shareholders meeting (i am a WWE shareholder BTW!!! and VKM is just trying to piss you IWC dickriders off! but......

all i am going to say is....

IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!!...stay tuned!!!!


you ain't seen nothing yet......


soon my friends...soon!!!!






You sir, win the dumbest post award.

1. You just joined this forum, so you know squat about the subject we are talking about.

2. Even if you were a shareholder of WWE (wich i doubt) you wouldn't write like a f'n 6 year old kid.

3. There is no way to know how much TNA is worth, because they are not a publicly traded company so to say that TNA will be bankrupt by 2013 is a bit ridiculous.
Yes competition is good but TNA doesn't seem to be providing very much of it for WWE. I wish the right people would be put in charge of TNA so that it can thrive and become a more serious threat to WWE's ratings. The way it is now they'll never be more than the number 2 company.

I don't think I can seriously see WWE buying TNA right now but you should never say never in the wrestling biz. I never in a million years thought WWE would have bought out WCW but it happened. Maybe some day in the future if TNA continues to do poorly and is losing money and Vince can buy it pretty cheaply like he did WCW, I don't see why we wouldn't buy it.

If he ever does actually buy it, I'd hope he would keep it alive and not just assimilate it into WWE. I would hope he would do something similar to the separate Smackdown and Raw brands they have now. I believe that was the original idea that they had for WCW until Buff Bagwell stunk up the entire arena in his main event match with Booker T on Raw all those years ago.
you know now i wonder the guys that wrestle for TNA are wondering "holey shit this company is in big trouble" I mean of course haven't they been paying attention to the way they have been treated? They are making themselves look stupid. I don't think Vince McMahon should buy TNA because he already has a large group of guys in WWE and the roster seems very crowded. And i am sure later on when the company is in serious trouble Vince is going to have to buy the company.

Here is what i can see happen. If he was to buy the company he would first say he doesn't want anything to do with 4 people who are supposedly running the show. I think he would bring the young guys, the guys who are working their asses off to make a living and entertain the fans. The ones that TNA failed to do and that is to make future superstars which they failed to do from time to time like with Jay Lethal for example. Dixie Carter is a real joke, see what happens when she lets the inmates control the asylum
you can't buy something that isn't for sale.
regardless of what happens with TNA in the future, they don't have to sell to Vince McMahon.

the whole WCW thing wasn't that simple. it was only sold because 2 companies merged and the new company had no interest in having wrestling.
I could picture what TNA would be under Vince's control.

Knowing McMahon, Rob Terry would be TNA Heavyweight Champion in about a week, because that's how you build people up. You give them a title and shove the fact that they're the champion down everybody's throat. Why waste time gradually building someone up until he's hot as fuck and finally wins the belt? Waste of time.

AJ Styles would immediately turn into a weekly jobber. Anyone who has great offense and is amazing in the ring can also sell his motherfucking ass off, thus becoming a great jobber.

Robert Roode and James Storm will be renamed to Bobby Crash and James Bash, Crash'N'Bash. Vince wouldn't want another person named "Roode", and Storm's alchoholism is unacceptable for the WWE Universe. Necrophilia however - all good.

The Tag Team Division will be headed by Orlando Jordan and Eric Young, because that's how Vinnie rolls. It's a WWE production, therefore tag team wrestling must die.

The X-Division will be even less than it is now. Mainly a land of destruction for Hornswoggle.

Matt Morgan will be a jolly giant forced to smile at everybody. Everyone else will have to do that too, by the way. Every face. Every ... single ... face. Completely ravage any spark of emotion, personality or character. It is forbidden! You shall all look the same, act the same, talk the same and even wrestle the same. Heels are that way too. Cloning time!

He'll have a bunch of them dance, sing and generally do things that men above 230 lbs shouldn't do even if they were getting paid for it.

All the Knockouts will be jobbed to such amazing in-ring aces like Kelly Kelly.

The booking will consist of absolutely basic storylines that have no plot, no direction and no purpose. The people in them will fight "just because". No arguments, no motivation. Just pitch them against eachother.

Also, don't forge to fuck up every good idea you have. God forbid something worked.

Last but not least, have the GM be an iPad. That adds amazing entertainment value to any product out there. Beep! Beep!

This is the greatest post I have ever seen. You could not be more right with your imagination.

On a side note, while TNA's ratings have not seen a significant increase since the singing of "hogan", TNA's product and story lines have kept my interest a little more than they have in the past, at least within the past month.

So, would I like the fact of WWE buying TNA, Hell no!. TNA has a good future. They have so much talent to build on now and NOW is the time. How many of you out there are actually taking Beer Money, Matt Morgan, Styles and Daniels seriously. I know I am. I would pit anyone of them against any star in WWE.
I say DONT TOUCH IT VINCE! Aside from the obvious reasons that have been touched on enough by everyone I say it's good to have a compeditor. The WWE may be much bigger and TNA may not be close enough to threaten the WWE's ratings or fan base but it is something that is good for the companies, the superstars and the fans.

I look at it like the UFC buyout of Strikeforce, Dana White says that they did not buy it to eliminate the competition but that they saw a good deal for a good price and they took it. What I didnt like about that was that it got rid of the only other legitimate MMA organization in the U.S. and although there are some positives to that it was nice to have another organization that had different benefits. For instance if a fighter gets cut from the UFC or their contract runs out right now they will almost certainly go to Strikeforce. But as soon as Strikeforce's contracts are up they will be mixed into the UFC.

Now switch every UFC to WWE, Strikeforce to TNA and think of a fighter going from the UFC to Strikeforce. This is what I believe would happen if the vince bought TNA. TNA is that healthy competition without any serious threat(for now). They are the place where guys who are not happy in the WWE can go and try a new stage. I really hope that this does not happen because i've already seen it happen in MMA, i'd hate for it to happen to wrestling right now as well.
I don't think Vince would profit from buying TNA and I don't know why he would even consider it. Maybe he was just trying to pull the IWC's leg. Regardless, TNA is such a small company with a very short history and a fanbase a fraction of the size of WWE's. Even if Vince is going to buy out the company, I don't see it happening for AT LEAST another five to ten years. Can't say more than that from a business perspective. As a wrestling fan, I don't think I'd want to see this. When I watch TNA, I watch it as an alternative to WWE. I want to see TNA grow and one day become a legitimate threat to WWE. I want to see a real Monday Night War, not a repeat of the failure that happened last year. Competition is good, after all. It lights a fire under one company and forces them to step up their game and hopefully provide better programming.
This is not going to happen anytime soon. WWE is lossing money and ratings as it is so with them already losing money as it is why would they buy something that is having more problems as themselfs. It is kind of like adding weight to a sinking ship.

But if it does ever happen there are a few ways it could go. One and the most likely is that Vince will strip the company and take the wrestlers he wants and get rid of the rest. Of the ones he takes there will be the ones that he just wants to bury because of the bad mouthing that they have done to his product or or him himself. Then ones he wants to bury just to stroke his ego because he dosn't like when wrestlers become big having nothing to do with him. Remember it's what happend to Chritian before he left for TNA he was getting over on stuff he was doing and the writers didn't write for him. (according to an artical from a while back) Then who ever is left and knows how to kiss butt back stage would be put into the roster and may become something in WWE.

Another idea would be keeping TNA by itself. Having Steph and/or HHH or Shane run it. Keeping it TV-14 to keep it diffent from WWE. Vince just said something like WWE would be staying PG nothing about any other companies he might buy ;) haha. But only connection it would have with WWE is when names start jumping around having going down there because they want a reduced scedule or want to be more free with the TV-14. Also with wrestlers going from TNA to mix in with WWE so they can say they worked with the big company and get more money. That way WWE didn't stop being PG but they have their hands on something that is TV-14 with no backlash from sponcers.

Or, they could keep TNA up for a while mixing the two products together and having it where anyone that wants to stay better actually give it their all so that the weak will be kicked out. Giving us a better over all product. But yeah that will never happen.

The last thing would be is that WWE buys out TNA the only company right now that has any shoot at being competition for them. Watering it down to PG killing off what makes TNA diffent then WWE. Which would turn alot of wrestling fans off that use to watch TNA because it's diffent. Which with their being nothing above ROH Vince and WWE start to slack off more driving more and more fans away from wrestling either killing wrestling or driving anyone that is still a fan to the indies.

But more then likely it is not going to happen anytime soon. Not until TNA is run into the ground and need bought out before they go into into bankrupcy. But who knows maybe this whole Vince coming out saying he wants WWE to stop being known as a wrestling company and to be known as an entertainment company is one of those deals watch this hand so you don't see what my other hand is doing. If nothing else it just shows Vince is losing his mind with that statement. So who really knows what is going on in that head of Vinces anymore with that statement and how he has been acting as of late acording to some articals.

All that aside I would like TNA to get some money behind them and people that can actualy write and use the wrestlers in the right way. They have alot of talent it's just that they are not used right, the story lines are not great (Karen and Jeff story using up alot of time) and not having the money to get out there more and not be shoot in a sound stage most of the time. They have the talent and I would like to see them start pushing WWE so WWE would just stop cruisin as they have been.
I'm sure it's just Vince leaving the door open, there's no serious reason to worry. The WWE has made it clear time and time again that they don't consider TNA competition, nor should they. TNA isn't even close to competing on the level that WWE is at yet. Once they start showing signs of competition, then perhaps Vince would buy them, but until then I'm sure he's not that interested.

Additionally, what would he have to gain by buying TNA? It would almost definitely be a money losing venture. He'd have to pay big money to buy TNA, he'd have to pay all the salaries of wrestlers and staff, there would be a lot of expenses, but where's the pay? He's not going to expand to three televised wrestling shows a week, TNA's ratings are already too low to show up on Vince's radar, why would he keep airing a show that is failing in his eyes?

Now TNA obviously has a lot of wrestling talent that Vince would love to acquire, but there's no guarantee that they'll work for Vince. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that some of TNA's top wrestlers wouldn't want to work under Vince. We all know that Sting doesn't want to, and I'd be willing to bet guys like AJ, Daniels, and Joe would rather work the indy circuit instead of working for Vince. And where do these new guys fit in? WWE is already struggling to find a place for some of their most over wrestlers, and bringing in a whole new batch, trying to get them over, involved in interesting storylines, etc.

I hope for both the sake of the WWE and TNA that Vince doesn't buy TNA. From a fan perspective, it's very exciting to imagine Cena feuding with AJ Styles, Beer Money Inc. taking the WWE Tag Team division by storm... there's all sorts of ways the TNA roster can improve the WWE, no doubt about it, but it's just not smart business. Vince would have to put in too much money for something that isn't a guaranteed payoff.
I think it is funny people are taking this seriously. Why would Vince say he would never buy TNA? Of course he would buy them but they are not for sale. The library alone is of interest to WWE and Vince fears competition for whatever reason. Anyone that thinks WWE actually doesn't consider TNA competition needs to stop drinking the kool-aid. There is a difference between competition and on the same level. Learn it. This was just Vince getting trolled and people are treating it seriously.
He should do it for no other reason but to stick a steel pipe (pun intended) straight up Hulk Hogans candy ass and attach a greeting card that says "go the fuck away you over saturated over inflated egotistical piece of steriod shit" :shrug:
I don’t really see this having much credibility, most likely just a tongue in check comment from McMahon.

But if there were to be any credibility in it, I think I would be done with pro wrestling in all honesty. Either that or start watching NWA Hollywood full time (haven’t seen much of that since Colt Cabana won the World Title).

I think it would be a much better deal for wrestling fans if TNA could buy WWE. Therefore TNA would have WWE’s production budget, audience, arenas etc. And with the WWE's resourses, TNA could ignite the World of pro wrestling once more.

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