WWE Semi-Finals: Chris Benoit vs. Sting: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs

Chris Benoit vs. Sting: TLC

  • Chris Benoit

  • Sting

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Crippler Chris Benoit vs. the Icon Sting

The Following matchup takes place in Madison Square Garden, in New York City.

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs: A match that is a glorified ladder match, but also empahsizes the use of tables and chairs, conveniently located around the ring for use. The winner of the match will be the first man to obtain the briefcase.
Has Sting ever been in a ladder match? If he has I can't remember it. Benoit has the experience. He's been in plenty of different match types. And more importantly he's been in several ladder matches. He's even won a few. I don't think there's too much to say on this really.
If you ever saw Benoits matches on the Ladder match DVD you know hes no stranger to these kinda matches and hes also spent some time in ECW.Benoits extreme background out levels Sting by a mile.
I have seen Benoit in a TLC match and a couple of ladder matches. As I recall Sting hasn't been in one before. Sting may be good, but his inexperience in this type of match keeps him from winning this match. Benoit in 15 minutes.
I voted for sting, then remembered all of the tlcs and ladders matches benoit has had. This match has absolute classic written all over ti though. Sting will put up a hell of a match with benoit just keeping up with him, but after awhile benoit will slowly take over. To end the match, the hulk hogan wannabe that had more talent will go for a big move, only to over fire with it, allowing the best canadian wrestler of all time (yeah i said it) to move on to the next round.
Yeah, Benoit goes through. Like Jake has said before, he'd kill his opponent like he killed his wife. To be honest, I'd have much preferred if this match had had a different stipulation, but the Rabid Wolverine undoubtedly makes Sting his bitch in this one, probably with a Crippler Crossface on the ladder.
Chris Benoit will win this one, he is way more experienced in ladder type matches than Sting. This should be a pretty good match though, with Sting holding his own as well, but not enough to stop the Rapid Wolverine. Chris Benoit grabs the briefcase in 24 minutes after German Suplexing Sting off the ladder.
Yea, I think sting is way out of his element in this. Benoit was just all around more brutal and crazy anyhow, and this stipulation gives him a huge advantage, especially since, as jake said, he has been in ladder matches before. Stings platinum hair will be crimson by the end of it. Benoit with the ass whoopin here.
I never realized that climbing a ladder was so hard. :rolleyes:

All of you talking that Sting is out of his element, how the hell do you figure? Have you forgotten his war with Vampiro? How about his matches with Abyss? Anyone check out Lethal Lockdown? Fighting with weapons is no less familiar to Sting than it is Benoit. And, climbing a ladder isn't exactly rocket science. I mean, Cena beat Edge in a TLC IN Canada. Experience factor really isn't a factor.

It may be too late, but Sting wins this one. Sting has taken down guys and legends much bigger than Benoit, and can someone name me the last ladder match Chris Benoit has won?
I'm still split on this one as it really could go either way. Sting has the height advantage here going about 6'3 while benoit isn't even 6'0. Benoit does have a better history in ladder-related matches, but Sting has more main event level match experience. I could see either man moving on, but I think Benoit will get it based on having just a slight speed advantage.
As much of a Benoit fan I am, I would honestly say the Stinger wins this match. Benoit is great, but it just seems to be something that Sting can win. As Sly said, how hard is it to climb a ladder?

As far as Benoit in Ladder matches, he was solid as hell, but he did come up on the losing end a lot. He lost a great ladder match to Jericho at the Rumble with that sick, whatever the fuck it was on top of the ladder. He lost another ladder match to Angle, granted it was mainly to do team ECK. I think the last Ladder match he won was TLC IV with Jericho, I could be wrong, but I don't th ink so. Then I think the only other ladder match he had was MITB 1, again a match he lost.

Experience counts for something, but Sting isn't exactly an immovable sloth either.
this match is TOOO CLOSE TO CALL

1. BENOIT has a speed advantage EARLY ON
2. BENOIT has been in ladder matches and TLC matches before
3. STING HAS POWER ADVANTAGE. he can hit impact moves (stinger splash on benoit with benoits body crushed under the weight of the ladder )
4. STING CAN SLOW DOWN BENOIT by putting pressure on his legs and back by applying the scorpion deadlock
5. TLC MATCHES ARE more bloody and violent than ladder matches (usually the focus turns to beating the opponent with weapons at some point)
7.STING CAN CLIMB A LADDER EASILY (pls watch his match with ABYSS in TNA. he climbed up to a high spot and jumped on abyss so quickly and effectively that even his old fans were surprised....and that is sting way past his prime)
8. i dont see any man can keep the other one down for so long to climb to the top and retrieve the belt/briefcase.
9. the match ends when both men battle on the ladder and one gets thrown.in that a scenario either benoit can throw sting after hard headbutts or sting can throw benoit (using his power advantage and suplex but both men can fall too from the suplex)
10. even if benoit gets sting thrown down he might be more interested in the FLYING HEADBUTT OF THE LADDER than climbing up quickly and winning
11. on the other hand if STING throws benoit off the ladder he uses veteran instincts and gets the briefcase/belt down

so its a very very close match........i am tempted to go with STING because people have been underestimating STINGs ability . in a very close match (and one for the ages) STING wins based on his BIG MATCH EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY

on second thoughts ........i might hold my vote in case one wants to convince me because i an a HUGE fan of both of them and dont want to vote against either of them.
maybe some can come up with argument/reason good enough to convince me to vote for either one of them.
Chris Benoit will win this one, he is way more experienced in ladder type matches than Sting. This should be a pretty good match though, with Sting holding his own as well, but not enough to stop the Rapid Wolverine. Chris Benoit grabs the briefcase in 24 minutes after German Suplexing Sting off the ladder.

You forgot to add "through a table!".

Yeah, I totally see that outcome. Its just too damned viscious for a guy like Sting. The Stinger is great, no question... but this one comes down to the stipulation, I think. Benoit pulls out all the stops and takes Borden to the limit.

This match lets Benoit do all sorts of power moves with the chairs and tables, and it even favors his headbutt off the ladder. Aside from a Stinger Splash against an opponent lying on a table/ladder set in the corner, there isn't a heck of a lot for Sting to capitalize on.
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