WWE SD! LD on 7/8: Unintentional Jokes Everywhere!

I feel like I have seen this episode four or five times in a row. Not bad, but not much variety outside of Sheamus losing his mind. I'm hoping for a big shake-up after MITB, heading into Summerslam. Very average show.
So when I got home last night, I got through this show on fast forward in about twenty minutes. I just didn't care. But if you'd like me to say something nice about the episode, I'll concede to the twenty minutes I spent on it feeling like fifteen.
Yeah, it's a lot of the same crap. Orton and Sheamus have already faced off on TV recently, and it seems to always be some kind of singles match between Sheamus and someone else in the main event.

Plus, we get the same Sin Cara is AWESOME!!!11 match and Rhodes/DiBiase tag team match every week now.

The matches are still good, but switching up the generic formula would be nice.

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