WWE SD! LD On 6/10: Christian Finally Hit The Switch...From Face To Heel!

Yeah, maybe once I get out of this trash-hole of a county and get to college to meet some actual interesting people, I'll have a life.

Hey, Heath Slater, remember when he pinned Sheamus once?
This LD is HURT.

Damnit why isn't everyone else sick and in on a Friday night like us cool kids?

That whole opening segment with Christian was just gold.

"Good talk Michael, good talk." :lmao:

What is that Facebook tie in shit though?

Just think if you werent here. Fucking NorCal talks to himself weekly edition
Oh hey, the Corre. Let me not care real quick.

Heath Slater needs to just go disappear on Superstars for a year. Justin Gabriel should get a babyface push against Wade Barrett once these foo's are broken up.

Yeah X, I'm not sick. I just have no life bro.

It's all good man.

Just think if you werent here. Fucking NorCal talks to himself weekly edition

That would still be entertaining as fuck.

I like how they just have 3 hour Raws now just for no special reason at all. Just make Raw 3 hours like Nitro back in the day and be done with it!
Now that's what I like to see! Sheamus isn't afraid to wrestle Randy Orton, he's fucking excited about it.
Son of a fucking bitch.

of all the nights for my TV to take a shit or someone fall spill coffee on the TV equipment it has to be tonight.
If they tried to appeal to everyone then they would get more money.

The same people who like tag-team wrestling will still stay and watch singles wrestling, and the people who only watch singles wrestling might not be interested in tag team wrestling. That's the logic behind it, I believe.

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