WWE SD! LD 11/29/11 - The Livest of Live Discussions


Also, I am sooooo getting that jacket for Christmas.
I think they're really going to do it. One way or another.

I don't know how I'm going to deal with the idea of Bryan Danielson as the World Heavyweight Champion.
Everyone who says that DBD can cut a good promo, would you mind retracting your statement after that abortion of a promo?
Okay I'm warning everyone now.

If Danielson defeats Mark Henry and the show ends with Bryan Danielson as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, the forums will crash for the entire night. I shall make multiple threads; hundreds even praising DBD for all that he is. I will find anyone who has ever posted he has no personality, or that he's "not main event material" or my favourite, "he isn't even that good" and will abuse them, their friends, their families etc, etc before possibly spontaneously combusting.

This is bigger than the WWE. This is bigger than Smackdown. This could be the night Bryan fuckin' Danielson becomes the World Heavyweight Champion. I've warned you all.

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