WWE Royal Rumble: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Lesnar VS Cena VS Rollins


It was announced during TLC last night that Brock Lesnar will defend the WWE WHC at the 2015 Royal Rumble. In winning his Tables Match against Seth Rollins last night at TLC, John Cena retained his status as #1 contender for the title. So, it's down to Cena vs. Lesnar one more time for the strap.

Part of me is looking forward to the match and part of me isn't. While their last match wasn't the lopsided outing that saw Cena dominated as never before, it still wasn't the back & forth outing I think most of us were expecting. Cena got in more offense, but Lesnar still controlled a good 80+% of the match. We know Lesnar's a beast, it's been shown time and time again, but I'd rather their third match was more even, more of a back & forth outing instead of Lesnar spending three quarters of the match just tossing Cena around. If this bout follows the same formula of the previous two matches, which I think worked fine in terms of telling a story, I think it'll be fairly dull. As I said, we already know how much of a beast Lesnar is. It's a point that's been very much cemented and driven home, so let's see the sort of competitive, physical bout similar to Extreme Rules back in 2012.
Seen it. Over it. Part of me thinks that the Rollins/Cena match from last night should've ended in a draw and then Rollins would've had a claim to be part of the match as well. It'd make it different and Lesnar should have some beef with Rollins based on him trying to cash in on him.
I'm not sure I want to see this either. What a waste of Brock Lesnar. The guy comes back wins the title and so far his only matches have been Lesnar/Cena and Lesnar/Cena. Where is Randy Orton in all of this? Why hasn't he shown up to bitch about his rematch clause from last year's Mania? I know was filming a movie, but I thought that was finished a month ago.

Really don't see where they're going to go with this. If Lssnar drops the title to Cena at the Rumble, he won't show up at Fast Lane to get it back, and we know his contract is up at Mania. So it's pretty sure that he's a lock to retain. Especially considering the fact that he only has a few more dates to work.

So the Rumble boils down to Reigns prediction that he's going to win and possibly set a new record and Lesnar retaining the title. I see no great surprise coming out even if Rollins does attempt a cash in. Lesnar is supposed to fight at Mania and he's supposed to go in as champion.

What they should have done was have Cena lose last night, and start a 6 week number one contender's tournament. The winner could have gone against Lesnar at the Rumble, lose, and then Cena could still go against him at Mania for the win. Rollins could have then cashed in at the next night's RAW and started a feud to build up Roman Reigns for the title win at Summerslam.

I just don't see Cena losing at the Rumble and bowing out of the picture to let Reigns win the Rumble and go against Lesnar for a win at Mania. This doesn't do much for the Mania main event picture either.
.... but I'd rather their third match was more even, more of a back & forth outing instead of Lesnar spending three quarters of the match just tossing Cena around

All of it.....the substance of the first two matches.....is the setting for the third and final one......if it is the final one, because if Brock is under contract until WM31, it could be the Rumble match between them will have a less than decisive ending, leading to the real final confrontation in April. Remains to be seen, but for a moment, I'll treat the Rumble match as the final one, as advertised.

I think it'll be fairly dull

And I'm going on record saying I think it will be tremendous. I believe these guys will pull out all the stops and give us a back-and-forth match that will make force people to rise from the easy chairs in their living rooms (spilling beer and nacho chips as they do so) and watch with wonder and excitement until the contest reaches it's conclusion.

Yes, Cena will take more punishment than he gives; that is nothing new. In this manner, he always reminded me of Randy Savage in his prime; a guy who ascended to world titles several times who still took far more of a beating than he gave during the course of his matches.

I believe the fans who appreciate a great battle will be cheering for this one. The Cena haters are going to hate it no matter what happens, even though the cry "Cena always wins!" must be losing steam by now when you consider all the times he hasn't.

But yes, Cena wins. Being Cena, I can't believe he'll lose 3 out of 3 to any opponent, much less a guy who won't be around after WM31 ....and the fact the advertising last night referred to this match as their final battle pretty well indicates what Brock's going to be doing afterward, right?

I'm really looking forward to this one.
I would much rather see Brock vs Sheamus, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton or even Sting for example, If he only wrestles a few times per year why does he have to keep having the same matches.
Safe to say no one wants to see this match again. Lets not forget they had a match at Extreme Rules before the title match series they have had. But Lesnar vs Ziggler, Rollins, Dean, Sheamus ect.. hell anyone would of been nice to see instead. I mean why not have Lesnar vs Ziggler? Let Lesnar destroy Ziggler like he did Cena, but Ziggler never quits, never gives up, makes him look strong, just like how Ziggler couldn't be beat at Survivor Series.

Where as Cena its just Super Cena and no one cares.

None the less I expect a ton of boos for Cena not heard since One Night Stand, remember this will be in Philly which has a hot crowd, and its the Royal Rumble, which always has one of the hottest crowds. Remember how badly Batista was booed last year.
I don't wanna see Cena vs Lesnar again at all!!! What a waste of Brock Lesnar. Let's bring him back and pay him all this money to keep facing John Cena over and over again. Makes no sense.
Seen it. Over it. Part of me thinks that the Rollins/Cena match from last night should've ended in a draw and then Rollins would've had a claim to be part of the match as well. It'd make it different and Lesnar should have some beef with Rollins based on him trying to cash in on him.

It almost was a draw, then the ref had to go and restart the match. I guess that was because they hadn't gotten the Reigns return yet, but that could have been saved and we would've seen Reigns come back and help his former Shield partner Ambrose win against Wyatt. Better than seeing Reigns vs. Big Show. Anyway, I have no interest seeing Cena vs. Lesnar either, I'm just going to watch for the Rumble match itself.
Well, the match is what it is. Though I'm not about to proclaim any disgust over getting this matchup for a third time in lieu of others. I guess that's what happens when you lose so much money you can no longer dictate how often your 'biggest draw' shows up.

All that said, Cena loses. Especially if they are damn serious abut Roman Reigns taking the title at WM 31- one would think matching Roman WITH Cena in Wrestlemania would work to the young buck's benefit, but that's too much of a volatile mixed bag to deal with.
I would of much rather seen Orton get his rematch and face Lesnar at RR and have Rollins cost him the match. Adds more to a potential WM match between Rollins and Orton.

I don't get the point of Cena beating Rollins at TLC just so he can lose to Brock again.

Everyone knows Reigns is going to end Brock's reign at WM, but I just feel like they are wasting Brock and just going through the motions with having him only face Cena before WM. It's boring...
The more I think about it, the more I think Cena gets the win here. Lesnar probably wouldn't be there much until a few weeks before Mania which would lead to a lackluster build with the Rumble winner even with Paul Heyman reminding us all about Lesnar's dominance. Plus we all remember what happened with Lesnar's last going away match at Wrestlemania. Could you imagine him giving that performance against Reigns or whoever won the Rumble?

The safest bet is to have John Cena vs whoever wins the rumble (likely Reigns) for the title at Mania. I really don't think Brock can be trusted if it is his last match at Mania. I know it seems like a waste but I am not sure WWE thought very far in advance with Lesnar after he ended the streak if it is in fact true that Vince decided to end the streak 4 hours before Wrestlemania aired.

So yeah I want to go for John Cena vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and throw Brock against Orton at Wrestlemania.
I tend to agree with the majority that this Lesnar-Cena feud has gotten a bit stale as of late with match after match after match .... the only intrigue with this one is it'll be the decider and more importantly most likely decide one of the WrestleMania main eventers

match quality aside 2 questions linger for me

1. Will the finish be clean? and if not

2. Does Rollins try to cash in?

and yeah Cena does occasionally lose, last night's steel cage match vs Rollins for one, a handicap tag match with Ambrose, the contract on a pole no holds barred vs Ambrose and of course at SummerSlam vs Lesnar are the only recent Cena losses that come to mind.

Cena wins a lot of matches, there's no way around it he lost 3-4 but going back to September 13th of this year, Cena's won 45-46
I know what the rumors are about the WrestleMania main event, but I don't see Cena losing this. John Cena simply does not lose three in a row to anyone, and being the face of the company, nor should he. It does not make sense from a storyline sense either. Brock mauled Cena the first time round and Cena came back fighting the second time only to be undone by Seth Rollins. Logically speaking, the superhero should win this time.
This match made no sense at all. It should have been a triple threat with Rollins or had Orton win the #1 contender match at HIAC. This was a gigantic waste.

What they need to do is get Cena out of the main event scene entirely. Let him build up for Rusev. Let Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns get their moment at Mania in a triple threat title match.
I was alright seeing John Cena face Brock Lesnar at Summerslam since Bryan was injured & they needed a big name to get the title on Brock, not to mention I loved watching Cena get destroyed. & then when the rematch was announced I rolled my eyes. It felt like Rock/Cena "Once in a Lifetime" all over again.

Now when WWE could have easily pressed reset & given us Lesnar vs. Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble, especially when Rollins should have gone over in the tables match & they added that stipulation that could have easily explained everything, we're getting Cena/Lesnar III (Technically V) & I couldn't be less interested. I wasn't a huge fan of Lesnar & HHH having 3 matches but I can easily say I was 10 times more interested & excited for that entire feud then I have been for any of the Cena/Lesnar matches really, especially the last one & this upcoming match.
Triple H just said that Rollins is in the WWE Championship match thus making it a triple threat match!!

Thoughts? How does this affect Rollins' MITB breifcase?

This actually was a pretty random (and unexpected) move by WWE. I'm interested to see how this plays out. I just hope it isn't a last minute change and that they actually now what they're doing.
Is this the build to a shield triple threat match at wm? Seth wins the title at rumble and so vacates mitb. Ambrose wins some sort of tournament to be new mitb and enters himself into world title match at wm. and of course reigns wins the rumble. Seth could fight ziggler or bryan in the ppv between rr and wm to keep everyone happy.
It just gets the belt off Lesnar without him having to take a loss before he leaves. It is strange because you usually can see a mile away how theyre gonna book something. How it goes from there is a toss up.
Doubt it happens in all honesty. I fully expect authority+Rollins to interact with Lesnar and make it clear to him that the priority is not letting Cena leave with the belt. Lesnar seems on board, until he gets riled at some jibes about Rollins winning the title. Snaps on a later Raw and viciously takes out Rollins.

Cena beats Lesnar one on one at RR, Rollins returns and cashes in.

It makes sense - having him "out" of royal rumble means there isn't any awkwardness placing him on the card. Him in the Rumble could work (who wouldnt want two title shots) but may not be accepted by many fans. Him on the undercard would be a natural move but there is a lack of appropriate feuds.

So yeah, I fully expect Lesnar to take out Rollins but who knows, prolly a swing and a miss.
Well with Brock Lesnar leaving after Wrestle Mania more than likely, this may be a way to get the title off Lesnar without him being pinned. I think it be interesting if Seth Rollins won and then after losing at Wrestle Mania he would end up cashing in with some help with the Authority to end Wrestle Mania. It not only gives a different way to cash in, but builds Rollins as an even bigger heel than he already is. To me Seth Rollins can wrestle and cut a pretty good promo so why not make him the face of the company? Who says the face of the company has to be a face. Remember Ric Flair was a heel and also the face of NWA/WCW back in the day.
I think it pretty much guarantees that Rollins will walk out of the Rumble as the champion. All he has to do is watch Lesnar and Cena beat the crap out of each other, and if he doesn't win by pinfall, he can cash in the suitcase right afterward.

It will be interesting to see what happens, but Lesnar looks to be losing the title at the Rumble.
Triple H just said that Rollins is in the WWE Championship match thus making it a triple threat match!!

Thoughts? How does this affect Rollins' MITB breifcase?

This actually was a pretty random (and unexpected) move by WWE. I'm interested to see how this plays out. I just hope it isn't a last minute change and that they actually now what they're doing.

I didn't see this coming. If anything, I think it makes the main event less predictable.

I still think Brock will win but Rollins will take the pin, due to interference from Orton. Brock beating both Cena and Rollins makes him even more of a threat.
To me Seth Rollins can wrestle and cut a pretty good promo so why not make him the face of the company?

Because he's an indyfab spot monkey and those types are never going to be the long-term face of the company. Heel or face is immaterial (although the WWF/E has always been a "face-as-the-face-of-the-company" promotion going back to the beginning under Vince Sr). The fact of the matter is, as long as Vince is calling the shots the spot monkey types are never going to get more than a cup of coffee at the top.....and nothing I've seen from Trips indicates to me that that's an aspect of the company he's likely to change once he's calling the shots.
Hard to say. May be rollins wins setting up for ambrose vs rollins for the title and reigns vs lesner non title it will be great reigns will certainly get a face cheer...
I always wanted to see rollins vs ambrose for the title at wm. May be rollins cashes in with the help of his goons(they need some relevance ) after losing the title at wm. Rollins a bigger heel ambrose and reigns a bigger face.
everyones happy.
Doubt it happens in all honesty

That's what I'm hoping. After all, it looks as if we're going right back to the Authority "doing any-damn-thing they want," whether it's fair or not.....and I was hoping we wouldn't be going down that path again. But even if we are, that road is usually littered with pockmarks, and I'm hoping one of them will somehow return the title match to Cena-Lesnar only.

Given the "legend" of John Cena, I simply can't believe they intend to have him fall to Brock Lesnar three times in a row, especially since it seems Brock is finished with WWE after this one. Yeah, I know Cena technically won the second match by DQ, but after the way he was dominated, I viewed it as a loss.......and that's not the way things go with the "guy who runs the place." I figured he'd send Brock running for his life by defeating him cleanly in the third match.

Now, the inclusion of Seth Rollins clouds that possibility. Even if Cena beats the two of them at once, which might sound more glorious than beating one, the effect of Cena's revenge would be ruined, imo.

I want Cena one-on-one against Brock. I'm sure there are plenty of other things for Seth to do.

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