WWE Royal Rumble 2015 **Official** General Discussion Aftermath Thread

I'm hoping that the Title match goes on last this year, so that there could be some sort of interaction between the winner of the Rumble and the Champ, whoever it may be...

Honestly, I'm wondering, what if Roman Reigns wins the Rumble, gets booed perhaps given the possible 'smarky' crowd, and then John Cena wins the title in the 3-way.
How will the fans react if Reigns comes out to staredown Cena to end the show? :headscratch:
Well before Seth Rollins was added into the World title match I was expecting more to see the Royal Rumble. You can say it's all drama and not so much wrestling but I'm still excited to see what's gonna happen next and which feuds gonna bloom over the top rope and who's gonna come next. It really was making me feel so excited about the event and honestly I didn't care about Cena vs Brock for the title.

But after they add Seth to the title and his master class acts of being the too heel probably one of the greatest heel in the Post-Attitude era made me curios and Excited about the title match as much as the Rumble.

Now with a few fans behind Brock its getting more unpredictable and interesting. I'm just waiting to get all the actions!!

I think the title match should close the show. It seems to have potential to have a more climatic ending with the possibility of Orton, Sting, HHH etc. getting involved in the match. Meanwhile, you got the Royal Rumble match where majority of the roster isn't really involved in anything high stakes.
The Rumble match should ALWAYS close the show. It's the entire point of the event. Then again WWE was stupid enough to close Night of Champions 2011 with a non-title match, so I try not to imagine any decision as being too stupid for them.
I'm with Aquaman, you have gimmick match, albeit a good one, that has given you a long history. If you don't make it the main event you're saying it's not that important anymore.

Plus, you limit your booking options if the title match goes last. The 2 losers are automatically out of title contention at `Mania. Then again, this WWE and they'll convince themselves anything makes sense.
I'm with Aquaman, you have gimmick match, albeit a good one, that has given you a long history. If you don't make it the main event you're saying it's not that important anymore.

Plus, you limit your booking options if the title match goes last. The 2 losers are automatically out of title contention at `Mania. Then again, this WWE and they'll convince themselves anything makes sense.

Well, the Rumble match couldn't be hyped, really. There is only Daniel Bryan in it who is a household name at the moment, so there is no real big feud etc, if you know what I mean. They didn't build the Rumble match correctly, because they don't have enough star power.

The title match on the other hand, is done really well, with the addition of Rollins. So much more dynamic to it. Lesnar vs Cena V would be just boring. Now, it is one of the greatest main events in a very long time, so it deserves to go last. After all, we can see so many more twists in that match, the Rumble winner facing the champion in the end and so much more. Not much can be done with the Rumble match though.
If the Rumble match comes down to the most likely final four guys - Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Roman Reigns, and either Dean Ambrose or a returning Randy Orton - you're going to get one of the most divided and loudest crowds of ALL TIME. The Triple Threat match would have no hope of following that.
Daniel Bryan is going to win the Rumble tonight, and go on to face Brock at WM31. I would pick Roman but he is not quite ready yet, he is getting a lot better. Dolph would only win if they let 2 people win the Rumble just like they did in the past, it would be Daniel and Dolph. Here are your winners:
Cesaro/Kid/Rose defeating New Day
Ascension defeating New Age Outlaws
Paige/Natalya defeating Bella Twins
Brock retains against Seth and John
Daniel wins the Rumble match
How could I forget last but not least The Usos defeat Miz and Mizdow when they break up.
Just a quick question, I noticed that there will be no 1 on 1 singles matches on this years royal rumble. Can anybody else remember a time where this has happened before on any other PPV?
So Daniel Bryan enters at #10 and lasts 10 minutes maybe. Why? Where's the logic in that? Who will he now face at WrestleMania? It was an awkward elimination. No Authority, no nothing.

WWE thought Reigns wouldn't get booed if Bryan entered 1st and got eliminated before that? That's a load of BS. Fans booed the rest of the match and mostly booed Reigns. Not even The Rock helped him. I hope we have a repeat of Lesnar/Goldberg from WM 20. I hope it gets worse. The feud of Reigns and Lesnar will be disgusting.

What are your thoughts? What logic can you find in this?

I know they have a reputation, but what was that? If they go away from the RR thinking they got shit on, I can point to the major factor in that and it was them.
It's just people like you guys who whine and complain when you don't get what you want.. A few months ago everyone went nuts when Romans music hits. But because you don't get your way with Daniel Bryan. We all got what we want last year when he had his WrestleMania moment and then he couldn't even last a few months before he got injured. You guys are a disaster thinking your "BOOs" and "yes" chants are going to always get what you want. You boo Cena and complain that we are seeing the same matches and feuds same guys on Top. It's time for someone else to be on top and Roman Reigns has all the potential.
Because Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar makes the most sense. That's all there is to it.

It doesn't explain why Bryan got eliminated so early and so fast. If this was about making sense, then I assume you hate HBK, Rollins, Ambrose, Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Jericho, etc. Because when they fought bigger opponents, they NEVER made sense winning.
The logic was to get the negative reaction to Bryan not winning out of the way early. So hopefully by the time Reigns won everyone would be over it. Turns out it backfired... Though, if Ambrose or Ziggler won I don't think it would have been any issue.

I think they screwed Reigns more than Bryan. Not even Cena was getting these mixed reactions BEFORE his first title run.
There were several different ways to get roman to win with a positive reaction. One of them was having him in earlier than bryan.

Having Bryan and Roman last 4 guys and a face (preferably ziggler or ambrose) eliminate him.

Have bryan be screwed by the authority (hbk vince shane style)

Frankly speaking I couldve booked this rumble better even if it was to make roman win. But most importantly the man who thought the rumble shouldve been in philly knowing they had no intention of having daniel bryan win should be shot
It's astounding to me that they didn't expect this kind of reaction. They HAD to know Reigns was gonna get booed out of the building if he won the Rumble. Bryan getting eliminated before Reigns came into the match didn't help, Reigns and Ambrose reuniting didn't help, the Rock coming to give the rub didn't help. Reigns was positioned as a strong top babyface and it fell flat. If there are people backstage right now actually scratching their heads and wondering what went wrong that's amazing to me, because it was plainly obvious that this would happen.

What's even worse is that it's even Roman's fault.

If fans are consistently ruining shows because Daniel Bryan isn't getting the top spot, and you actually have to try and book around the fact that Bryan is too over, then maybe you should just go with Bryan as your top guy. Bryan and Reigns should've been the final two. Reigns should've tied his own record for most eliminations before getting beat Bryan in the end. That would've got a huge pop and would've been giving the people what they actually want.

Now the WWE is faced with a scenario where they have to either alter the WrestleMania main event again, or go for a sort of double turn with Lesnar and Reigns at or leading up to WrestleMania.
Reigns isn't ready for this kind of push. But the WWE gives 0 fucks. Bryan should've won the Rumble, Ziggler could've been a legit option but the booking from the last few months wouldn't have justified it. Bryan was arguably the most over guy in the company and he's a legit main eventer, and he's a draw.
I think they screwed Reigns more than Bryan. Not even Cena was getting these mixed reactions BEFORE his first title run.

I think this is the big issue in the long run. It will hurt Reigns even more. He's still green and still will main event WrestleMania. Go figure...

I just hope Bryan gets himself in there again, it was such a great show but Bryan's elimination really soured the whole match!

Yeah, it's like if WWE shot themselves in the foot. It made no sense at all to eliminate Bryan so early. I think WWE thought the boos would stop just like CrucifiedRaven said.

There were several different ways to get roman to win with a positive reaction.

There was a better way...why not hold Bryan's return after the Rumble? WWE could've kept him out of WWE TV until after the Rumble. I assure you Reigns wouldn't have gotten the same amount of boos as in the Rumble.
You hypocrite E fans have only yourselves to blame on how bad the E is. Starting last year, all you did was gush your loads over Roman Reigns even though he was just another big guy with no mic skills. The E took note of that, and started his push to be the next main face. Now all you hipster idiots are hating on him when he's on the verge of winning the belt. Why? Cause the IWC's love boy called Daniel Bryan isn't there? My God. Get over it. The way the E fans are, they'll just turn on Bryan anyway if he does have a lengthy world title run.
You hypocrite E fans have only yourselves to blame on how bad the E is. Starting last year, all you did was gush your loads over Roman Reigns even though he was just another big guy with no mic skills. The E took note of that, and started his push to be the next main face. Now all you hipster idiots are hating on him when he's on the verge of winning the belt. Why? Cause the IWC's love boy called Daniel Bryan isn't there? My God. Get over it. The way the E fans are, they'll just turn on Bryan anyway if he does have a lengthy world title run.

Doesn't sound like you have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Exactly when did people "gush their loads" over Roman Reigns last year? When he was one of the last ones left in the ring, did you hear fans chanting for him? Were they terribly excited about Reigns being one of the final guys in the ring? Was it Roman Reigns' name they were chanting? The answer to all three questions is no.

Vince McMahon has found himself smack in the middle of the exact same situation he created for himself at last year's Royal Rumble: a main event match that a LOT of fans have no interest in seeing. Roman Reigns isn't ready for the spot, he hasn't demonstrated that on the mic, inside the ring or with the connection to the fans. If anything, the backlash against Reigns looks to have now officially begun because fans are tired of the ultra dominant superhero type that Vince thinks should be the face of the company. It's like he just simply can't wrap his head around the concept that the days of the corporate superman are pretty much done.

There were some cheers scattered in, but Reigns was essentially booed out of the building. Even bringing out The Rock wasn't enough to pacify the crowd partially because fans can see right through the smokescreen: Vince knows Reigns isn't as over as he needs to be, not even close, so he thought The Rock sort of giving him an endorsement would help. If anything, I'd say it's gonna backfire because a LOT of online fans are going to be far more hostile to Reigns and it isn't even his fault really. As I said in a thread I created earlier in the week, I can't blame Reigns really because ANYONE would want to be in this spot whether they're ready & able or not. However, that's still not gonna help him out as fans just won't accept it. He's the big, good looking, muscular stud; the type that Vince feels should be the "face" of the company, which means he's officially the traditional choice of management, AKA Vince McMahon, and some fans just see it as Vince trying to create John Cena 2.0.

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