WWE Round 2: Match 6, The Steiner Brothers vs. Doom

Steiners vs. Doom

  • Steiners

  • Doom

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place inside of a WWE Ring, with WWE Rules.

The Steiners are the team of Rick and Scott, and they have a ton of incarnations.

Doom is the team of Ron Simmons and Butch Reed from 1989-1991.
I had the little dot in the circle for "Doom" but I had to vote for The Steiners. Although Doom holds a clean, strong win over Rick and Scott, the fact is, in total body of work, the Steiners are the superior team.

Like The British Bulldogs and Power and Glory, The Steiners were an awesome combination of power, (Scott was even a beast back then) technical prowess, (both were huge players at Michigan and wrestled pro in Japan) and speed / agility (Rick could hit the top rope well, Scott hit the Frankensteiner).

The Steiners won titles everywhere they went, and everybody respected them. They were able to outperform some of the smartest teams (Money Inc., Quebecers, Heavenly Bodies) and mix it up with Superheavyweights (had a great series in Japan with Bigelow and Vader).

I liked Doom, and I feel they are underrated. But The Steiners are among the best in the tournament.
I feel that I should point out that in that video of BB&D vs. The Steiners, The Steiners win. Well, in the second part... which you conveniently left out. But this isn't about Vader and Bigelow damn it!

Without revealing myself as a fool, I'll gladly follow your logic for surrendering my vote to Scott and Rick. Independent thought my ass.
I echo IC25. Doom is another underrated team and belongs in the final 16. The starcade four team touranment was great. It was these two teams, Sid & I think it was taker with him, twin towers, and I forget who the fourth was but that was fun to watch. Steiners by far but I hope next year Doom gets a better bracket.
The Steiners have no problem taking down doom 11-4.

My Thoughts:
Honestly, I'm surprised Doom got four votes in this match. The STeiners are a legit top two or three tag team of all time. They can make that argument, and damn well could win the argument of best tag team ever. They have everything that makes a great tag team great. They have one of, if not the best resume in tag team wrestling history,they have the chemistry, and they have the strengths in one that makes up for the weakness of the other. Simply put, don't be surprised to see the Steiners iwn this whole thing.

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