

Dark Match Jobber
When we talk top tag teams we forget about Butch reed and Ron Simmons better known as Doom. They competed against some of the greatest tag teams ever in LOD, Rock n Roll express, Steiners, Freebirds, Horseman and so on. Where do you rank Doom as a tag team?
Personally if members of this site, both casual and hardcore wrestling fans, don't remember or at least mention them they probably weren't all that great. They might have had the in-ring ability or the charisma but I highly doubt that if they had both that they'd be so lost in the tag team shuffle over the years.
They were quite talented, and how could they not be considering the two men involved. However, in their time period there were just too many other teams around. When you have the Road Warriors, Steiners, Rock n Roll Express, and so on, it was harder for teams to get noticed. Potential was definitely there, it was just never fully attained. Fortunately, Ron Simmons went on to be a pretty successful singles star in WCW for a bit before returning to his tag team roots with Bradshaw in WWE.

Doom was good, but they just had too much to overcome to get full attention in that era.
hell yeah i remember doom. they were the ushers at teddy longs wedding right? just joking. doom was pretty bad ass for the short time they were together. besting the stieners for the nwa tag titles and defending againt some of wcws best before losing them back to the freebirds
Doom was a dominant team of strength and athleticism n a time when there were many great tag teams n nwa. I believe cuz they only had maybe a 3-5 yr run as a team they r not remembered by many. Their feud w/da horseman is an underrated classic imo
I loved watching Doom. But they were in the LOD/Freebird/Steiner era of WCW/NWA and got lost in the shuffle. IMO they were a very underrated tag team at that time. I will never forget Starcade 89 Night of the Iron Men. Doom didn't do so well but I loved the event. Especially the tag teams.
Must have missed Doom. I heard the name Butch Reed before somewhere, but I can't put a face to that name. My earliest Ron Simmons memories are from around the time he beat Vader for the WCW title. At the time I was an absolute WWF kid and considered WCW second tier, so I didn't pay too much attention to what they were doing.
Butch Reed was in Survivor Series 1 (1987) on Andre's team, Royal Rumble 1988 and WrestleMania 4 where he battled the Macho Man in the first round was looking to be the next IC champ after Macho Man b4 Honky Tonk Man got the title.

Doom was a great team, two gifted athletes and Teddy Long was a great manager

I have Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, SuperBrawl and Battle Bowl from the early 90's on VHS and Doom was in atleast 2 of them i recall i can't see what they wouldn't be remembered as a great team to those that witnessed that time but in the scheme of things they were in an era when Crocket Promotions/WCW was only just getting started pushing out beyond America on a semi regular basis and there was so many other great teams on the roster aswell, so they didn't last long but it did lead to Simmons winning the world title.
Great team, as someone else said with the 3 people involved (Simmons, Reed, Long) how could it not be? For me the reason they dont necessarily get remembered is as a previous poster mentioned they had a relatively short run. I started watching NWA right before Starrcade 89 so my memories of them starts then. They didnt do well (again as previously mentioned) in the Iron Team Tournament but imo they were the tag team of the year for 1990. I remember them losing a title vs masks match at the clash against the Steiners to open the year. But they won the titles from Rick & Scott at Capital Combat and held them the rest of the year. Defending against the Rock & Roll Express at the GAB, defeating the Steiners in a rematch at one of the clashes and having 2 really good matches in title defenses against the horsemen at Halloween Havoc & Starrcade.

Then if I remember correctly they lost the titles to the Freebirds at the first PPV of 1991 and basically broke up after that, having 1 more match teaming up against Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader in a losing effort at the New Japan/WCW Supershow.

After that a quick fued seeing Simmons go over Reed in a cage match at the first Superbrawl in 1991 and that obviously spelled the end of Doom.

Great team but only together a year and a half or so so not long enough to truly be remembered by the masses almost 25 years later.
The only reason they are "lost in the shuffle" is because of where they worked at the point in history they were together.

If they had worked for the WWF in 1990/1991 they would have been huge. Unfortunately they worked for WCW (well, fortunately for me I guess) at one WCW's low points. WCW's stuff from 1990-1995 is mostly irrelevant to modern wrestling fans unless it is shown on someone's retrospective DVD.

You can thrown guys like Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck into that same pot.
If I see "lost in the shuffle" one more time I'm gonna throw up... to quote Inigo "That doesanot mean what you think it means..."

They were NOT!... They won the F'ing NWA Tag Team titles... they were a short term, pushed/featured team much in the same way that Jerishow or The Shield have been. They were not intended as a long term solution or team, but a way to use 2 new talents known for being singles stars while trying to preserve their singles personas for later... Lost in the Shuffle applies to teams like Power and Glory, The Beverly Brothers, American Males and Parker and Firebreaker Chip, Taylor and Zybysko... teams that never had a cat in hells chance of a title or push cos there were too many other teams, better teams around them NOT DOOM!

They were masked and known as Doom 1 and Doom 2... Once unmasked, the team split as they had their singles way in to the company fighting each other and within a year or so Ron Simmons was World Champion... Reed may have ended up lost, but the team itself was there for a purpose. It's not remembered as well today or as legendary because certainly in Simmon's case, his other accomplishments as a single and team (APA) outshine Doom completely.

Reed DID work for the WWF and blew his chance... Simmons could have come in a year or so earlier than he did but in that 90-91 period they had Bad News Brown, who was much more experienced and polished than Simmons was at that time. When he did come to the WWF, despite the stupid costume it was as a big deal... Doom in 91 would have just been fed to LOD.
I remember DOOM quite well and no they weren't just a couple of glorified jobbers. Like THT said, they didn't get lost in the shuffle as they won the NWA tag belts and lost the WCW version. They were a pretty popular tag team when I started watching wrestling on TBS. The only gimmicks were their masks, that was it. But that's all they needed. Plus Nancy Benoit (Woman) was there manager. She fit perfectly with them.

It was just a bit of bad timing as they were a great team, but they weren't as big due to the fact that they were surrounded by some of the best tag teams in wrestling history. Still, being champs when the Steiners and LOD were around is nothing to sneeze at.

I don't know about the Doom you guys remember, but the Doom I remember were World Tag Team Champions for the better part of a year, beat the Steiner Brothers when they were the hottest tag team going, and went on to have a lot of great matches with them, The Rock N' Roll Express and The Four Horsemen. By the time they got around to the Horsemen, they were even starting to go tweener status, getting quite a few cheers. They only lost the titles to the Freebirds because the NWA/WCW felt it was time to break off Simmons as a solo act, and so they dropped the belts to The Freebirds. I personally think they could've kept them together a bit longer and have them both turn full face.

But a 9 month title run in the time of the Steiners, The Midnight Express, The Rock N' Roll Express is nothing to sneeze at. If they're not remembered, it's primarily because they had a single run, even if it was an extended one.
It wouldn't let me edit my post, but I forgot another gimmick they had was everyone knew who they were, but they refused to take their masks off.
As one of the greatest tag teams of all-time along with the likes of the NAO,Edge and Christian,The Hardy's,LOD,The Dudleys,

I take it you're a youngin' since you didn't mention anyone outside of LOD who DOOM was actually co-existing with when they were champions.
I always liked Doom and would have Liked to have seen them get a longer run then they did. But I think with so many Great Tag teams in WCW at the time and with the companys desire to Push Ron and make him the first ever Black WCW champion. The timing was probably Right. And by the time Rons Reign as champion came to a end Reed had already left the company So there was no chance of the Two reforming which is sad, because I think they could have gone on the be Multiple Time WCW Tag champions.
If I see "lost in the shuffle" one more time I'm gonna throw up... to quote Inigo "That doesanot mean what you think it means..."

I think it was used to mean that they are not remembered today as a great tag team.

they were a short term, pushed/featured team much in the same way that Jerishow or The Shield have been.

I don't agree that they were a short term team. They began teaming in 1989 and tagged up into early 1991. The only reason they were split was because Butch Reed was on his way out. (He would end up coming back) They lasted awhile after they ditched the masks, heck they even migrated from being the masked bruisers of Woman to the proteges of Teddy Long.
No one remembers DOOM because no one remembers Butch Reed. He was a minor player in mediocre feuds at a time when the lower card guys were not given half the spotlight they are now. His biggest claim to fame was being taken out of a title shot at the IC belt because of something that happened back stage. He did or said something and WWF backed out of his push because of it. This effectively ended him from having any future with the business and he's been one of the guys lost in time.
Besides weren't they merely an offshoot of Legion of Doom? Didn't it start out with the four of them, and then splinter into 2 teams, of which the Road Warriors remained together and became the best tag team of all time while DOOM split and we got Ron Simmons/Faarooq of NOD/ APA(first as Undertaker's disciples, then APA protection agency) and finally DAMN!!. While Reed faded out and disappeared into obscurity.
No one remembers DOOM because no one remembers Butch Reed. He was a minor player in mediocre feuds at a time when the lower card guys were not given half the spotlight they are now. His biggest claim to fame was being taken out of a title shot at the IC belt because of something that happened back stage. He did or said something and WWF backed out of his push because of it. This effectively ended him from having any future with the business and he's been one of the guys lost in time.
Besides weren't they merely an offshoot of Legion of Doom? Didn't it start out with the four of them, and then splinter into 2 teams, of which the Road Warriors remained together and became the best tag team of all time while DOOM split and we got Ron Simmons/Faarooq of NOD/ APA(first as Undertaker's disciples, then APA protection agency) and finally DAMN!!. While Reed faded out and disappeared into obscurity.

Not even close.

Doom started out as opponents of the Steiners. Woman (Nancy Sullivan) was feuding with the Steiners, and brought Reed and Simmons in under masks as Doom to fight them. I don't even think the LOD was in WCW at that time.

You're thinking of the original Legion of Doom, which was the name Paul Ellering had for his stable (it included guys like Jake Roberts, King Kong Bundy Arn Anderson and a few others). Eventually the rest of the guys in that group went their own ways, and Ellering stuck with the Road Warriors.

Reed, was actually a hell of a talent. He fought a bunch of classics with Ric Flair, was super over in Mid South as "Hacksaw" Butch Reed, and if the climate for it had been right at the time, he could have potentially been a travelling NWA champ. He definitely had everything that the board looked for, but by the time Reed would have been ready for something like that, Crockett had a grasp on the title with Flair and it was only getting dropped temporarily to guys on his roster, and Reed was a Watts guy.

The only people who don't remember Butch Reed are the ones who didn't have a clue who he was before going to the WWF. You should look up some of his Mid South work, or some of his matches with Flair. You won't regret it.

As for Doom as a team? Great team, but short lived. Like others have said, I don't think they were ever meant to be too long term of a duo, and they obviously had bigger plans for Simmons at that time (Reed's heyday had come and gone by then) but while they were together, they did some great work.
The reason they dont get as much due is simply longevity. Their run as a major team, less than 2 years, was way shorter than other top teams of the era.

That said, they were a menacing bad a*# team, similar to the equally dominant but short lived Powers Of Pain, but in the ring more talented. WCW was a booking disaster in 1990 with the Jim Herd lead revolving door of bookers but Doom was excellent in runs vs Rock & Roll Express and The Steiners. They also had a very entertaining heel vs heel feud vs Ric Flair & Arn Anderson of The Horsemen, producing excellent matches and promos. The feud ended abrubtly when WCW used Flair in Black Scorpion angle when attempts to sign outside talent failed.

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