WWE Regional Finals: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Chris Benoit

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels vs. the Crippler Chris Benoit

Firstly, since it has been brought up, I will give infractions for anyone that brings up the Benoit Murders as a reason not to vote for him. That has nothing to do with this tournament, if you donh't like it, either vote for Michaels or get out of this thead.

The Following match is the Regional Finals for the WWE. This match takes place in Orlando, Florida, at the Citrus Bowl. This match is conducted under basic wrestling rules with a four sided ring.
This is extremely hard for me. But I just cant see Benoit going over Micheals in a high profile situation such as this, as he was routinely cast as the sympathetic loser in matches. And Shawn has shown propensity, through various measures to overcome guys comparable to Benoit, such as Angle, and Bret Hart. and WHO did Benoit go over to fully establish his prime??? That would be one Shawn Micheals. They have met in a high profile situation before with Benoit coming out on top. But Benoit didnt go over SHAWN to do this, he forced triple H to submit, in said triple threat match. But to establish HIS prime HBK went over Bret Hart, twice. I belive Bret Hart is better than Chris Benoit. Shawns feuds, and title reighns were more influential, and memorable. If Bret Hart can go over HBK in his prime, then neither can Chris Benoit. as much as I hate to say it.

Doesnt much matter, becuase I wont be able to vote either of these guys through in the next round, becuase of the war they will both experience here.
These guys could wrestle 10 times, and eac would win 5. This match is going to be an exhausting challenge, and a question of who wants it more. Both men have been tested and have rebounded from incredible adversity to become champions and wrestling legends.

This match comes down to personal preference. It's a "pick 'em" situaton. But whoever wins had better hope that their next round opponent has an equally exhausting match this round, because a fresh Undertaker or a fresh Big Show could pick apart an exhausted HBK or Benoit.
Well, what I wouldn't give to see this match. These 2 are 2 of the best workers the WWE has ever had, and either of them would deserve to win this.

Chris Benoit - Here's one guy I've always thought didn't get enough credit for his work inside the ring. People often talk about Shawn, and Undertaker as being 2 of the best in the WWE, during the times they were there, but really, Benoit deserves to be mentioned just as much as them 2. His matches were really good, and I never thought they were boring. He could make a good match out of pretty much anyone, and he was highly versatile in the ring, and his style.

He was a great technical wrestler, something I value very highly in the wrestlers today, but which also, sadly, seems to get less credit. He did things in a ring, only the best can do, and definately had a few of the best matches at certain shows or PPV's.

One of the things I remember most about Benoit, was a feud he had with none other than Kurt Angle. Angle could also be said to be one of the best technical wrestlers today, and seeing the 2 in a match was great. The 2 also had a good cage match, which proves, if it needed proving, Benoit is versatile in the ring.

Overall, if he wins this, it will be a good thing, because he deserves the credit, especially with WWE deleting his memory so frequently off of everything.

Shawn Michaels - Everything I've just said about Benoit, is also extremely true for Shawn Michaels. Now this guy, has everything to be able to give him the crown of the best. Honestly, is there something he has been proven to not be able to do? He is widely renowned as one of the best to ever step foot in the WWE ring, and rightly deserves that due to how much he has put into the business.

He also has, great technical skill, something which I think would be pivotal in a match up between these 2 guys. He has a wide knowledge of all the moves, and can execute them with precision, as well as thinking on the spot to further entertain fans and make a match interesting. His abilities in the ring, are what first got Shawn noticed, and as his gimmick grew, so did his abilities.

Shawn was also very versatile in the ring; put him in any type of match and he will deliver, which is why he was chosen to debut great matches such as a Hell in a cell match, and (arguably) the ladder match. He furthermore, made all these matches interesting, and he and Undertaker made sure the Hell in a cell match would always be remembered, and still it is spoke about today. In simple singles matches, he put all his talents to work, and this involves things such as technical ability, ring psychology, etc.

Shawn has never had a problem getting his fans into matches, and making them care about what happens. He always makes his opponent look great, and can work with anyone, regardless of their abilities.

If Michaels was on the card, you could always know to expect a great match, and he is knwon widely as the guy who puts on 5* match after 5* match at Wrestlemania of all places; he can be relied on to make a good show great, and even when he isn't the main event he can still steal the show.

I think the main different between the 2, is their drawing ability. Shawn has always been able to draw a crowd, and when he was on top this was shown. He can increase ticket sales just by having his name on a card, whereas Benoit had a little more trouble with this, and this is the reason I will be voting for Shawn rather then Benoit. But regardless, whoever wins, it will be a deserved win.
Probably going to be as hard fought as Savage/HHH and there'll be room to change everyone's minds; even mine, maybe even HBK-aholic's!

I think this just comes down to a test of stamina and intensity, which Benoit, in my honest opinion, has the best of. Also, in my experience of the two, Benoit seemed to be the far more controlling, he'd stay on his opponent and not let up for a second unless he had no choice. The same can not be said for Michaels, even his special move is full of build up. Michaels might as well give Benoit a note and a countdown of when he's going to go for the Sweet Chin Music. The Crossface? It'll come from nowhere, and this thing'll be over.
damn this is going to be the closest match on the card. both talented individuals and both capable on their day of pulling a win from nothing.
both will give it their all, but i see HBK coming out on top in a big match situation as benoit's reputation as being poor on the big stage will come out.
The same can not be said for Michaels, even his special move is full of build up. Michaels might as well give Benoit a note and a countdown of when he's going to go for the Sweet Chin Music. The Crossface? It'll come from nowhere, and this thing'll be over.

I have to disagree. Sweet Chin Music is only delayed when he tunes up the band. His snap variant comes from nowhere, and Benoit himself tastes it in that promo in the ring before Wrestlemania. To say that the SCM is not fast is a gross discredit to the manuever. Its down Benoit before, and it would again.

In fact, if memory serves... Shawn has never tapped to the crossface. The only time he tapped to Chris was after a very long PPV Triple Threat, and that was a Sharpshooter maneuver... which targeted Shawn's lower back.

I am going to take Shawn in this match, because Chris has a reputation for choking. A lot.
We have 2 very talented wrestlers-on one hand we have HBK a legend and a technical god.On the other we have Benoit a submission master and a suplex machine!Very,Very hard desicion.I will be voting for HBK in this one.why?HBK has one thing that can come out of no where-The superkick.Sure Benoit has the crossface but HBK is quick and can easily escape!HBK wins this with the tryed and trusted superkick
I have to disagree. Sweet Chin Music is only delayed when he tunes up the band. His snap variant comes from nowhere, and Benoit himself tastes it in that promo in the ring before Wrestlemania. To say that the SCM is not fast is a gross discredit to the manuever. Its down Benoit before, and it would again.

In fact, if memory serves... Shawn has never tapped to the crossface. The only time he tapped to Chris was after a very long PPV Triple Threat, and that was a Sharpshooter maneuver... which targeted Shawn's lower back.

I am going to take Shawn in this match, because Chris has a reputation for choking. A lot.

I'll give you the snap Sweet Chin Music, but that doesn't change the fact that Benoit is far more focused and concentrated wrestler - HBK's flamboyancy will be his downfall. Besides, what's to stop Benoit employing the Sharpshooter once more? A win is a win, regardless of the move used to secure it.
I don't know who to go with here just yet. While I have little doubt Benoit can outwrestle Michaels, albeit not by a ton as michaels is underrated, Michaels has always had that x factor. He always puts on his best in the big matches, which he has won a lot of. His time in the mid 90s were about as good of a championship run as I've ever seen. He was able to take on people of all shapes and sizes and wrestle any style. I think I have to go with HBK, but if benoit can slip on a crossface or a sharpshooter and make Michaels tap it would not suprise me one bit.
This one is very very close, and would probably last around 35 - 40 minutes.
However i believe that people like Kurt angle and Chris Benoit are ideal against HBK. The same goes for bret, HBK puts on a good show, but wouldnt be able to come out on top.

The problem with HBK is, he has the ability to go with ANYONE, but he doesnt have the ability to actually win, IMO Bret Heart would beat HBK every time, a few sharp shooters and its over.
Same goes for ankle locks, and cross faces.
I think it's pretty easy. HBK as a face has made a career of making big comebacks. Benoit makes comebacks, but it's not a huge part of his ability. Most of the companies Benoit has worked for have realised his talent and have just let him do the majority of the work, with very little selling.

Personal preference I'd for Benoit, I always found him far more entertaining than HBK. But Benoit was one dimensional. DSame style as a heel or face, no personality. More talented wrestling wise, but wrestling is so much more than that. And along with the fact that HBK is almost his equal wrestling wise, but he also has other abilities.
I'd go Benoit with this one. Benoit is just more focused and intense throughout his matches, while Shawn is known to be cocky and get frustrated. Benoit would easily take advantage of Shawn's frustration and lock in the Crossface the second Shawn makes a mistake.

And even if Shawn made it to the ropes at that point, he's still going to be hurting. Combine that with the fact that the rest of Benoit's moveset focuses on destroying his opponents back/neck, and the sharpshooter he has as a backup submission, and I just don't see Shawn making it out of this one when the stakes are so high. Benoit would just want it that much more.
I am going with Benoit here, obviously, Shawn Michaels is great, but in his prime Shawn was way too arrogant and showboated far too often, especially on the big stage. We are here in the regional finals and I am sticking with my pick to win this region from the beginning and the man to knock down the "unstoppable HBK bandwagon" Chris Benoit should win this match as he can focus on the back of Shawn Michaels and pick him apart. It will take more than one heroic HBK comeback for him to pull this one out, and Benoit just is too calculating to let that happen.
This is going to be the closest round in the Regional Finals, both men will work their hardest in this one until there is a winner. My vote goes to Benoit, he is stronger and just as fast as Shawn Michaels, along with better technical skills and intensity. Michaels got the momentum working for him and the ability to keep going and never give up, but he will need more to beat Chris Benoit. This match will be packed full of counters and reversals, making for an excellent match-up between these two.
Damn, another match that is too close to call in my estimation. Guys are evenly matched up in almost every aspect. Charisma goes to HBK obviously, and intensity goes to Benoit, no doubt.

People bring up big match ability, correct me if I'm wrong, but for a guy that claims to be Mr. Wrestlemania, he is 4-7 in single or triple threat matches on the biggest stage. Shawn Michaels plays it best as the under dog in the match. Michaels has never been a big time match maker when it comes to being the bigger guy in the match. At consecutive Wrestlemania's he lost to Benoit and Angle.

Benoit has two pay per view wins over Michaels, granted in Triple Threat matches, but in one of those matches, he did make Michaels tap out. I simply see Benoit being too much, and Michaels has won 13 matches in a row in this thing, luck eventually runs out.
This is a match I could watch over and over again, and it would never get boring. Two great talents, both skilled in their own right, both able to bring out the best in opponents, both willing to take a beating to put on a show, both of whom never quit. I guess we can't call this a draw, huh?

Benoit, because he's not in DX and doesn't do a cheesy job of selling merchandise (even though I find some of those cheesy appeals awfully funny).

What a match. It seems like every round we've got a match that we refer to as the "Match of the Tournament", but this one right here is one I'd die to see if both were given the proper time on a PPV to go at it in their respective 94-96 beastly prime.

It's hard to really even say that Benoit had a prime. The guy was so good through out all portions of his career that it was hard to distinguish. Whenever he was given the proper amount of time and someone with a complementary skill set to his, he would steal the show. What WWE PPV circa 2000-2001 didn't Benoit steal?

I really kind of want Benoit to win this tournament in a way. He would be my second choice after .... you guessed it, HBK.

I know it's kind of the cool thing this time around to vote against HBK and all, but I can't here. I just can't reasonably tell myself that Benoit > HBK. The man won last year's tournament for a damned good reason.

In the end, I had to vote HBK. No matter how much I think Benoit could out-wrestle HBK in a technical match up, I just can't vote against the Showstopper.
Both men in there primes is a damn dream match onoe of the best you could come up with. Guys could flat out get it done in the ring always and everytime. But the deciding factor for me is when both were in their primes benoit was not really the main guy the company depended on whereas HBK was the guy the wwf counted on everynight to bring the house down. He is the Showstopper for a reason i just cant see him losing at all to be honest. match will go 20 minutes or so and will end with Sweet Chin Music out of no where. I vote HBK Shawn Michaels
Damn that Shawn Michaels. My second pick to win the tournament is also going to be eliminated by the looks of it, I hope that the murders didn't have anything to do with this, but more of the fact that too many people think HBK is God lol. You had a good run Shawn, but Taker will take you down in the next round because he is winning by a landslide against Big Show which means he will be more fresh than a person who just finished having an exhausting match against the Rapid Wolverine, Chris Benoit.

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