WCW Regional Finals: Randy Savage vs. Triple H

Randy Savage vs. Triple H

  • Randy Savage

  • Triple H

Results are only viewable after voting.
It is a damn shame that someone with HHH's talents gets branded with the "politics" yellow card each time he reaches a certain level. Paul Lesveque, as a human being, deserves better. I understand that there are only so many spots at the top, but come one! My hero, Brett Favre, refused to relinquish his top spot for many years (until this year) and people simple labeled him the ironman, the all-American boy. HHH wants to stay on top and he's a backstage creep and has to play politics. Not fair if you ask me.

I doubt that the results have anything to do with the politics card IC25. Savage is simply better then Triple H in almost every way possible. If you really want to turn this into a Triple H politician thread it can go that way, I simply won't go into it unless it wants to go that way.

Talent wise, Savage is better, Savage had better matches, and Savage I dare say was better on the mic and better as an overall character. Savage is one of the best of all time, I can't say the same thing about Triple H. He's good, and had a good run, but he's been stale the last 5 years. Trips had a good 4 year run from 97-01, but really hasn't been anything special since then. Savage on the other hand had multiple good runs with the WWE and WCW.
I doubt that the results have anything to do with the politics card IC25. Savage is simply better then Triple H in almost every way possible. If you really want to turn this into a Triple H politician thread it can go that way, I simply won't go into it unless it wants to go that way.

I am not going to stump for HHH the way I have for Vader, and I agree that Savage is better overall. I just don't want HHH's to lose because of people's perception of his backstage politics - let Savage's merits carry him through, which most people are doing.
Well, it looks like my favourite to win the tournament is going to be eliminated. This is a very even match-up where neither man has a definite advantage over the other, so Savage is getting a lot of votes because he is obviously liked more than Triple H, that is how it went down. I voted for Trips because he deserves more votes than what he is getting, I am glad he made it this far and losing to an All-Time Great like Randy Savage is a good way to go out.
If I voted against HHH It's not because of his backstage influence. It's because he's terribly overrated. How can a guy get this far in a tournament and be so average? He's consistently solid. But so are plenty of other wrestlers. Since the turn of the decade he's only had several matches that you would consider classic. Two of them came just a few weeks/months after the turn of the decade. The other has been erased by WWE history. He's had plenty of good matches since then. But to say that any of them are classics would be a gross overstatement.

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