WWE Raw Superstar Released


Marking out for no reason...
WWE.com said:
Goldust released
June 14, 2006

WWE has come to an agreement on the release of Goldust (Dustin Runnels) as of today, June 14, 2006. WWE wishes Dustin the best in all future endeavors.

DAMMIT!!! Another F'n tag team gone! He was hilarious at WM, but I guess they didn't see a future in him. Oh well... what's next for Snitsky?
Goldust isn't used at all and hasn't been for at the least nearly 6 years, when he is used its without storyline and accompaning every one else.

It's no loss to the wrestling community at all. And as for your comment about loosing a tag team, welcome to the recent WWE.

Edit - Dustin Runnels? I thought his last name was Rhodes? Or is Runnels his charactor's last name?
Vince - Dusty, I wanna do a DVD of your career.
Dusty - Give my boy a job
Vince - Ok

DVD is released

Vince - Hey Goldie, YOU'RE FIRED!
the Goldust skits with Booker T of old were funny
they shouldn't have let him go...just sent him to Smackdown
maybe even be King Bookers jester lmao
To me, it sucks that he was fired cause he's been with the WWE for a long time, he's been in some good storylines but the times are changing and there really isnt anything they could do with him...
Dustin Runnels (refuse to call him Golddust) was a great wrestler but goldust was one of the worst gimmicks I had ever seen since its premiere against Razor Ramon. However, there were great storylines in the past and Marlina was hot to help support it. I am surprised it lasted as long as it did. Good luck to Dustin, I hope he finds a wrestling job in TNA or a decent Indy promotion
IMO It was coming hes hardly appeard on RAW since he came back. Also the tagteam of him and snitsky was good but they never appeard together on RAW either.

Its not a big loss at all tbh its good news because I was never a fan and with stars jumping to ECW it may bring us closer to a brand merge.
thegame1679 said:
He will probabley be released next, or transferred to ECW.

funny if he got transfered to ECW.

and the sad thing is I agree:icon_sad:
Oh no

regardless of what you call him, you will never forget the name of.......


goldust !

dustin rhodes is a great wrestler and probably one of the most successful gimmicks in wrestling. regardless of how you look at it. the ring pychology of this man is truly inspired by jake the snake roberts, and the wrestler was never in a match where he was abysmal.
I disagree with Goldust being fired from the WWE. I was just getting back into his character, and I think he has been doing pretty good recently on RAW. It's a shame they let him go, and I wish all the best for him in the future.
5thHorseman said:
Dustin Runnels (refuse to call him Golddust) was a great wrestler but goldust was one of the worst gimmicks I had ever seen since its premiere against Razor Ramon. However, there were great storylines in the past and Melina was hot to help support it. I am surprised it lasted as long as it did. Good luck to Dustin, I hope he finds a wrestling job in TNA or a decent Indy promotion

I think you mean Marlena
OOps, yeah sorry of the typo, had the names confused for some reason. Hey, It's tough when you have all these events from the past 18 yrs or so from the big three and indy shows in your head, lol
lol yeah... I understand.... anyway, may Goldust always be in our memories lol.
WTF! sniktsky and goldust were awsome! they couldve had a run for the tag titles! whteva, itll be vinces mistake when he retires the tag belts.
Goldust was a great wrestler. I think WWE will miss him greatly. I know I will. He'll be back in about 2-3 months in my opinion. WWE just wont be able to live not having crappy tag teams.
Goldust should not return!! He was stoopid! Good thing he just got released, i never liked him!!
I disagree with Goldust being fired from the WWE. I was just getting back into his character, and I think he has been doing pretty good recently on RAW. It's a shame they let him go, and I wish all the best for him in the future.

Recently? what do you mean recently? I havn't seen or heard from Goldust for 6 months
Same. Last time i saw him properly was at WM when thbey cut that freak thing. And whatever happened to paul burchill?
Paul Burchil is back in OVW and is the OVW Champ. He is no longer using the pirate gimmic but I believe his gimmic is "The Ripper" (since he's from England, aka Jack the Ripper).

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