WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

So we get a Fatal Four way US title match for free on Raw, and they follow that up with a 1-on-1 US title match at a Fatal Four-Way PPV.

Okay then.
I don't understand you guys. A bunch of rookies who beat the living shit out of two main eventers last week get chased out (not beat up) of the arena by about 4-5 main eventers and another 4-5 mid-carders, and they look weak? Come on guys, there are plenty of other things to irrationally dislike on this show that make a little more sense.
I love how you mention Regal like he's not a jobber.

Let's see...who was first to hit the ring? A 60 year old man, who promptly beat the shit out of a few guys about 40 years younger than him before having the likes of Mark Henry and Santino show up to help clean the ring. THEN Edge and Sheamus and Orton came out.

That's not the point though. It's not who was beating them up, it was the fact that they were completely dominated by the WWE guys and sent running with their tails between their legs. After them being fired tonight as well, seriously, explain to me how any fan out there would consider the NXT guys a threat, at all? I'm not asking for much here, just your basic booking 101 that's been used for the last 30 years. The heels have to do something for us to take them seriously as a threat, otherwise, why should we care as a fan? I know KB's got my back on this one.

Good thing there isn't 45 minutes left.
Want the NXT rookies to look like a threat? Maybe have them take out all four contenders of the championship match at fatal 4 way?

Oh look they'll all be in the ring at the same time at the end of the show...
I love how you mention Regal like he's not a jobber.

Let's see...who was first to hit the ring? A 60 year old man, who promptly beat the shit out of a few guys about 40 years younger than him before having the likes of Mark Henry and Santino show up to help clean the ring. THEN Edge and Sheamus and Orton came out.

That's not the point though. It's not who was beating them up, it was the fact that they were completely dominated by the WWE guys and sent running with their tails between their legs. After them being fired tonight as well, seriously, explain to me how any fan out there would consider the NXT guys a threat, at all? I'm not asking for much here, just your basic booking 101 that's been used for the last 30 years. The heels have to do something for us to take them seriously as a threat, otherwise, why should we care as a fan? I know KB's got my back on this one.

They DID. Last week. It's a given that they're a bunch of rookies who could barely stand up to their respective pros, so they couldn't look that strong individually. So they band together, and 8 guys take out three, as well as everybody else who happened to be out there last week. This is simple math. 8 guys who couldn't individually stand up to the 8 guys that are rushing out there to beat the shit out of them, what are they gonna do? They're not SUPPOSED to be on John Cena's level. So they ran.
I don't understand you guys. A bunch of rookies who beat the living shit out of two main eventers last week get chased out (not beat up) of the arena by about 4-5 main eventers and another 4-5 mid-carders, and they look weak? Come on guys, there are plenty of other things to irrationally dislike on this show that make a little more sense.

It's not that they look weak, more that they don't appear to eve be a moderate threat to anyone on the WWE roster. Again, why should the fans care about these NXT guys? Why should we take them seriously as a threat to someone like John Cena? Cena barely loses to guys like Orton clean, we're supposed to believe these bunch of nobodies are a threat?

This would be fine if the NXT guys were already established with the fans, but they haven't. They're supposed to be building these guys as a threat, and they've done absolutely nothing to achieve that goal since last Monday. That's my point.
Kinda wish more wrestlers would look like Muraco or even Pedro, and less like bodybuilders or gay porn stars.
Why doesn't Cole just marry Show? He knows all his measurements so it's not like matching tuxes would be hard to find.

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