WWE Pros; Any influence on the Rookies?


Pre-Show Stalwart
When I first heard about this show debuting and each star having a rookie I thought we were going to see these stars being hands on with their rookie teaching them the ropes and how to promo etc. But as time went on we just figured out that the Pros are nothing more than an attraction for the fans to come watch the show so in other words Star Power. We figured this out definitely after we saw Kaval who's pros were LayCool (Michelle McCool and Layla El) win the Tournament. This obviously shows that the pros have little to no influence on the rookies whatsoever. I know what some people are going to say, "These guys have knowledge and know how to wrestle" and etc, but that is not the point and I will tell you why. Remember Michael Cole basically ripping Daniel Bryan a new one every night on NXT? And Daniel Bryan is known as one of the greatest wrestlers in the world to some. Remember how Cody Rhodes talked down at Kaval (I believe) and Kaval wrestled all over the World? So the "rookies" knowledge of the ring or experience means absolutely nothing in the WWE to them. If WWE are going to treat them like rookies then why don't they do their job as pros and teach them what they are doing wrong or right? So in other words actually be Pros to the incoming rookies! Teach them how to do things the WWE way! That is where I am getting.

So now that I told you what I think the Pros should do I will tell you what I expected from the show from the beginning so my method of how I thought WWE NXT was going to be. I thought we were going to see the Pros on a more personal level (so out of character) working with these rookies. I thought we were going to see the rookies working at being the Breakout Star for example; working out, learning the ropes, cutting promos, and etc. I thought we would see more interaction with the pros and rookies. That is what I had my expectations set for when WWE NXT came about. I thought we were going to see an elimination style show where in the end when the Rookie actually won it meant something because he worked hard for where he is at you know? So almost like a wrestling version of The Ultimate Fighter (if any of you have seen it) That is what I expected. I sure do think it would be a more competitive show and I think it would be great to see the superstars on a more personal level. I think this would've been better because let's me honest LayCool taking Kaval to victory? Let's be real here.

So let me know what you think. So you think the WWE NXT Pros should have more interaction with the Rookies? Or do you think what they are doing is perfectly fine? If not then what do you think should be changed to make the Pros more hands on with the rookies?
I think theyre doing just fine. I mean you couldnt say jericho didn't help Barret, or Miz didn't help A. Riley. There was a difference. Every Pro was put for a reason in the competition. When youre complete they just give you someone to "nearly" mimic.
For instance,

Alex Riley, complete package, mimic miz because he has same style
Eli cottonwood, act cool from J Mo
Husky Harris, Most developed, let me say act dashing or make him learn to use his body looks
Percy Watson, act serious
Lucky canon, The reason for mark henry because the guy looks like he can't carry 15lb dumbles.
Kaval, be lively and more realistic and less serious
Mcyliguty, act more lively, make the act with him in a match (he failed to improve the second alot)
Titus Oniel, I don't know!!

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