WWE Officials Discussing Potential Talent Cuts


Pre-Show Stalwart
I read that WWE officials are talking cuts and lower talent repacking after Wreslemania. Who do you think could be cut?

If anyone, Even Bourne is sure to go and I suspect Heath Slater and Trent Barreta. As for Repacking I assume Ziggler as he hasn't gotten over at all, Michael McGillicutty, and Drew McIntyre/Alex Riley are either on the fence to be cut or repacked.

What are your thoughts?
Heath Slater
Ok with nexus. Going nowhere since and honestly can't see where his character can be taken

How he is still around surprises me no end should of been cut a long time ago done nothing of note since Cryme Tyme split

Johnny Curtis
Hype about his SmackDown! debut for weeks via video promos had one match i can remember not been seen since got to go in my opinion

Evan Bourne
Obvious reasons not sure if he can recover and get back in the WWE's good graces or not

Trent Barretta
Honestly can not remember last time he was on tv so gotta be cut

Yoshi Tatsu
Floats around doing nothing for months. Shows up now and again on tv still not substantial enough for him to stay i don't think.

On a side note where the hell is big Andy Leavine who won tough enough last year? Not heard nothing from him!
to get rid of alex and drew would be terrible. riley was getting a good pop from the crowd when he turned on the miz and drew is such a great talent in the ring. sad how the wwe cuts people so quickly. it took some of the greatest stars in wrestling history a couple years before they were noticed
WWE will be keeping Drew and Alex, I can say that much.

I can honestly see these people getting released:

JTG(honestly, unless they bring Shad back he should be released, he does nothing)

Evan Bourne(I'd hate to see him go, but he's been screwing up too much)

Jinder Mahal(He is terrible. He just floats around in random feuds and do nothing)

Ranjin Singh(when did you last see him on TV?)

There's others too, but I see those guys as the main ones.
I really cant see them getting rid of Heath Slater, despite the fact everyone seems to hate him. I think you are putting that because its what you want.

Drew Mcintyre is meant to be getting repackaged. So i cant see him getting release yet.

Johnny Curtis, Derrick Bateman, Evan Bourne, Trent Barreta, JTG, Curt Hawkins, Maxine, Tyler Reks, Tyson Kidd (Sadly), Yoshitatsu, Darren Young are all workers that are most likely in for the chop in my opinion
Cuts are necessary, there are guys in FCW and the indies who are itching to repopulate WWE. I feel that with how well indie guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Sheamus are doing the WWE could use some more seasoned talent.

If the cutting were up to me:

CURT HAWKINS - The 2nd "Edgehead" finally started wearing proper wrestling gear again instead of tacky leather pants, but it's too little too late. He's boring, I'm sick of seeing him.

HEATH SLATER - I don't think his ring work is there, his mic work is pretty unconvincing. He just doesn't seem like a threat in the ring. I think he has run his course in WWE.

EZEKIEL JACKSON - Not a very scary heel, not a very appealing face. He can't cut a good promo as either side of the coin, and his ring work isn't all that great. The guy is huge, but I bet he could find a living doing something else.

JTG - I used to like the guy, but he has been buried for the past year so I wonder why he's even sticking around in the Chavo Guerrero role. He's fallen pretty far from Cryme Tyme glory, probably because WWEPG nised his whole gimmick's viability. Let him go compete elsewhere, where he can do his thing.
Might as well cut Tyler Reks, Curtis, Drew Mcintyre, Tyson Kidd, Alex Riley, Zeke, Mason Ryan, Khali, Jinder Mahal, Bourne, Hawkins, Slater, Gabriel, Mike Mcgillicutty, Sin Cara, Yoshi Tatsu, JTG, 75 percent of the Divas and basically anyone in a tag team since they don't know how to use any of these guys. Not like they have any real plans for these talents, so why keep paying them?

Although, I'd like to see Joe Hennig actually get a chance as Mr. Perfect's son. He needs to be repackaged. Mason Ryan is a lost cause, but I think maybe a Psycho Sid type gimmick might work for him. I like Drew, but I don't see them making an sort of effort with him.

I'm excited to see some of the FCW guys come up. Like Chris Hero and Antonio Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Richie Steamboat.
I read that WWE officials are talking cuts and lower talent repacking after Wreslemania. Who do you think could be cut?

If anyone, Even Bourne is sure to go and I suspect Heath Slater and Trent Barreta. As for Repacking I assume Ziggler as he hasn't gotten over at all, Michael McGillicutty, and Drew McIntyre/Alex Riley are either on the fence to be cut or repacked.

What are your thoughts?

Did you really just say that Dolph Ziggler hasnt gotten over at all? Do you even watch the WWE programming? The man is gold. Definately one of the best heel wrestlers that has come along in quite some time and will have a major title run this year (maybe within the next few months).

Khali should be gone but probably wont.

Bourne is 90% out the door.

Joe Hennig and Ted jr. will get repackaged somehow along with McIntyre.

Riley is safe as well as Mason Ryan.

Tyler Reks, Baretta, Hawkins, Yoshi Tatsu, Tyson Kidd and JTG are probably on the list for 'Future Endeavored'

Alot of talent in FCW right now means the fat will get trimmed. WWE can easily call up 5 or 6 guys to replace the above mentioned people. KOW and Seth Rollins are too talented to keep off tv for long.
WWE will be keeping Drew and Alex, I can say that much.

I can honestly see these people getting released:

Ranjin Singh(when did you last see him on TV?)

Loser teaches the other how to speak Spanish/Indian. LOL

I see JTG, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Rek, and Tyson Kidd getting cut if they go through with this. I don't think anyone should be cut. With the Network coming up they are going to need as much help as possible.

Guys like Mahal and Slater have been mentioned, but they actually get good TV time.
JTG - WHAT has this guy done since not-that-memorable-tag-team split up?

Curt Hawkins - Jesus Christ, the guy's gotta go. He's done literally nothing since he was one of Edge's whipping boys.

Tyler Reks - He's not really that special. He won't be missed.

Ezekiel Jackson - Need I say more?

Drew McIntyre - They've completely ruined him. They might aswell just go all the way and get rid of him.

Those are my picks. I guarantee you at least 3 of the 5 wrestlers I listed will be cut completely.
I'm thinking we will see a few cuts, but I'm going to guess that we're going to see a big relaunch of tag-teams. They seem to be giving it more of a push than we have in the past. Many of the 'weak' guys would probably do very well in tag-teams and it would help them develop.

My prediction, watch for at least 10 regular full time tag teams by the end of 2012.
Mason Ryan is a poor mans Batista. If there is no decent pay off Drew's(a winning streak or a face turn) should be gearing to go. Ezekiel Jackson does not have allot going for him lately jobbing left and right to Dave Otunga in squashers which leads me to believe the E is cutting their losses with Zekie.
For people saying Yoshi Tatsu, they wont get rid of him until they get someone else from Japan. He appeals to Asians how The Great Khali appeals to Indians. He is safe for now.
Thats a brilliant idea, cut Ranjin Singh... why? Because he isnt on TV? Sure... good reason. But the fact that he is on creative staff means he wont be cut... I would have looked into that one first...

Anyway, here are the guys almost certainly future endeavored, unless the rework tag teams...

JTG (been with the company too long and not even close to being relevant)
Curt Hawkins (tag team guy only)
Goldust (probably more of a retirement)
Bourne (too many mess ups in a short amount of time)
Tyler Rex (Tag team guy or he's out)
Zeke (couldnt get over a bridge)
Striker (no air time, and seems to not be in favor of anyone)
Khali (who cares about the India viewers)
Sin Cara (botchamania 302 will be featuring nothing but this guy)
Barretta (can be used in a tag team)
Regal (also a retirement thing)

Guys who could be cut, but dont need to be:

McGillicutty (needs something new about him)
Ryan (give him a fued)
Riley (put him on tv)
Slater (sucks, but can sell like a pro)
Mahal (X-Pac heat)
Anyway, here are the guys almost certainly future endeavored, unless the rework tag teams...

JTG (been with the company too long and not even close to being relevant)
Curt Hawkins (tag team guy only)
Goldust (probably more of a retirement)
Bourne (too many mess ups in a short amount of time)
Tyler Rex (Tag team guy or he's out)
Zeke (couldnt get over a bridge)
Striker (no air time, and seems to not be in favor of anyone)
Khali (who cares about the India viewers)
Sin Cara (botchamania 302 will be featuring nothing but this guy)
Barretta (can be used in a tag team)
Regal (also a retirement thing)

Guys who could be cut, but dont need to be:

McGillicutty (needs something new about him)
Ryan (give him a fued)
Riley (put him on tv)
Slater (sucks, but can sell like a pro)
Mahal (X-Pac heat)

Got to agree with most of these except for Sin Cara and Mahal. Regal is a commentator basically and Goldust will go after a feud with his brother but Sin Cara will get another chance as they're on bad terms with Mysterio (supposedly). They shouldn't rush him back this time though. Let him train in FCW for a while and I mean a while. Get used to the American style and let him hit his finisher into the submission. It looks more natural that way.

As for Mahal he has to go. He just sucks the life out of the crowd and gets no reaction. Nothing. His entrance at the Rumble was the quietest I've ever heard. Couldn't hear a boo or ironic cheer. He's got zero charisma and no chance of getting over in anyway. He's a very poor man's Muhammed Hassan.
I'd say that most of the cuts will come from guys that are appearing almost exclusively on Superstars or NXT.

JTG - I agree with people that've already listed JTG. How he's hung in there for as long as he has is a mystery to me. There's nothing particularly appealing about the man.

Evan Bourne - I don't see WWE keeping Bourne around when it's all said and done. Bourne has really screwed up his career. The WWE finally gives him something interesting and makes him part of something relevant with Kofi Kingston and then gets busted twice for Wellness Policy violations in a 3 month span. I don't see him being trusted with anything remotely high profile for a very long time, so it's probably just better for the company & Bourne himself to cut their losses.

Jinder Mahal - I think that Mahal does have potential. He has a good look and I honestly believe that the man can cut a good promo if they'd just stop with all the Hindi bullshit. At the same time, however, there's just nothing overly special about him. He's not that great inside the ring and his character is just completely flat. There are simply much better talents on the main roster or are soon to be heading tot he main roster that can use the tv time that he takes up.

Michael McGuillicutty - I don't think there's a big chance of him being cut just because of the fact that he's Curt Hennig's son, but I've just never been overly impressed with Joe Hennig, aka McGuillicutty. He's been solid inside the ring but there's just never been anything that stands out about what he does. The vast majority of the stuff I've seen him do in the ring is all very, very basic stuff. He's displayed zero charisma or real personality, at least since I last saw him, and the biggest thing he has going for him now is the biggest thing he had going for him when he first popped up: the legacy of his father & grandfather.

Mason Ryan - Another guy I don't think there's a huge chance of being cut, but one that I think should be. Aside from his look, there's just nothing redeeming about Ryan that I can see. He's extremely slow, clumsy looking inside the ring and he's just simply not at all good in the ring. Again, there are too many other guys on the roster or on their way to the main roster that are more worthy of the WWE's time & attention.

While it'd take too long to name them all, most of the Divas should just be gone in my view. Not that there aren't some women with actual ability but it's like most of them are getting paid to do damn near nothing. Most Diva matches on television last, at most, 2 minutes and I just find it difficult to justify keeping at good 80% of them on the roster.
I could see a lot of guys getting cut but the reason why a lot of these guys are aimless is because of WWE breaking up factions. Factions are a part of wrestling history and were good ways to stick some of the lower talent somewhere that would at least get them tv time and people to know their name instead of rotting backstage. And the next entrant into the Royal Rumble is Tyler...who? Who the hell is this guy?

The other way they could have used these guys more was in tag teams but we all know the state of the tag team division is as bad as the divas division. What they could do is start up a tag team tournament to reinvigorate the division. They have more than enough talented guys back there to do something like that. Have Johnny announce it and they have two weeks or whatever to find a partner and register. Then for a month or two they can have this tournament play out on Raw and SD and culminate at a ppv all the time building up the current tag team champs as unstoppable. Somehow I don't see Epico and Primo being those champs. Maybe Kofi/Truth. But this is all fantasy because they probably wouldn't do anything like that.
Thats a brilliant idea, cut Ranjin Singh... why? Because he isnt on TV? Sure... good reason. But the fact that he is on creative staff means he wont be cut... I would have looked into that one first...

Anyway, here are the guys almost certainly future endeavored, unless the rework tag teams...

JTG (been with the company too long and not even close to being relevant)
Curt Hawkins (tag team guy only)
Goldust (probably more of a retirement)
Bourne (too many mess ups in a short amount of time)
Tyler Rex (Tag team guy or he's out)
Zeke (couldnt get over a bridge)
Striker (no air time, and seems to not be in favor of anyone)
Khali (who cares about the India viewers)
Sin Cara (botchamania 302 will be featuring nothing but this guy)
Barretta (can be used in a tag team)
Regal (also a retirement thing)

Guys who could be cut, but dont need to be:

McGillicutty (needs something new about him)
Ryan (give him a fued)
Riley (put him on tv)
Slater (sucks, but can sell like a pro)
Mahal (X-Pac heat)

First of all, WWE NEEDS jobbers to at least get some of there other talent over such as Brodus Clay when he was squashing everybody in sight. Not to mention, the fact that a few people you have listed on there aren't likely to actually get cut.

Here's some people that will definitely be staying unless WWE says or wants:

Sin Cara- He's legitimately injured, has no reason to be released what so ever. Also, he most likely botches due to him not being used to the WWE life style yet.

Ezekiel Jackson- Not going anywhere, as WWE is going to give him a push and see how he sticks with it on Smackdown programming.

William Regal- If you don't watch NXT on Youtube, which is basically a second version of WWE Superstars, he's actually a commentator on the show. Whether or not they"ll get rid of him or just have him be apart of WWE under a different contract is beyond me.

Goldust- Last time I checked, he's been helping out a bit with some of the Diva matches backstage last time I checked. His re-appearance back in December raised the eyebrows of some people, but he MIGHT go against Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania 28.

The Great Khail- Although I think the guy needs to hit the gym or just go back to Bollywood, he's not leaving anytime soon. Unless they stop using him to squash other talent or have kiss cam segments, the dude is staying.

Sorry if I went a bit off-topic, I just wanted to clear a few things up on this guy's post.
The guys with problems are gonna be those who have got into trouble somehow... Slater, Cara, A-Ri... They've had backstage problems which mean they have been on the bubble of being fired anyways. Bourne leaving at this point is a when, not if, they have to be seen to let him go through rehab tho.

Drew is gonna be fine, as is Ted DiBiase. Drew will win the day for Team Smackdown if that match comes to pass and get his "mega contract" from Teddy. Hennig would benefit from a repackage with his real name, but he needs more of his grandad's gimmick as a tough guy.

If it's true there might not be a Diva's match then I can see a mass cull of them, the division isn't doing what it needs to and has suffered since Finlay left. Realistically it'll be Kharma v Beth v Natalya v Eve for the next year. Only other's probably safe are the Bellas.

It's not a given that all the FCW guys are gonna come up to the main roster. Bo Rotunda has cocked up with a DUI, could be a gamebreaker for him.

The difficulty WWE has is that they are in catch-22. They need talent to power a network, but the network keeps getting pushed back... A lot of guys will likely get released after WM and rehired later in the year... after they raid TNA and the Indies...
Heath Slater
Ok with nexus. Going nowhere since and honestly can't see where his character can be taken

How he is still around surprises me no end should of been cut a long time ago done nothing of note since Cryme Tyme split

Johnny Curtis
Hype about his SmackDown! debut for weeks via video promos had one match i can remember not been seen since got to go in my opinion

Evan Bourne
Obvious reasons not sure if he can recover and get back in the WWE's good graces or not

Trent Barretta
Honestly can not remember last time he was on tv so gotta be cut

Yoshi Tatsu
Floats around doing nothing for months. Shows up now and again on tv still not substantial enough for him to stay i don't think.

On a side note where the hell is big Andy Leavine who won tough enough last year? Not heard nothing from him!

Wow. I actually forgot all about Johnny Curtis.

I don't see why they can't just take some of the midcarders that are doing nothing, like Heath, and just throw them into tag teams. They can always try starting up that tag division. Hell, just put Trent Barretta with Curt Hawkins, or Heath Slater with either of those two and there's the new Dudebusters. I miss the Dudebusters. Sorry for getting offtrack here :(

But I'd say, Curt Hawkins, Evan Bourne, Heath Slater (even though I like the guy), Johnny Curtis, JTG, Justin Gabriel (maybe?), Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu could all be up for a release. You never see any of them. Unless they're on Superstars or NXT, I don't watch those shows, so I never see them at all.

For divas, the only one I can really think of that could get released would be Kaitlyn. She hasn't really done anything. Last I remember, they were teasing a heel turn with her against AJ, but I guess they completely dropped it.
I reckon at least half of the guys who were in that Smackdown Battle Royal the other week are in trouble. It's not the fault of the wrestlers themselves most of whom work damn hard but the writers for not developing enough new characters to fill the defecit once the part-timers leave after Wrestlemania.
I reckon Evan Bourne is a definite plus Hawkins, Reks, Trent Baretta and JTG. Not too sure about Yoshi Tatsu and Tyson Kidd as these two can at least put on a good match, Heath Slater is another possible casualty. But this needn't of happened had the above been promoted on TV every week instead of featuring primarily in squash matches and on NXT.
These 3 Are Definitely The Strongest Candidates To Be Next On The Future Endeavour List

#1. JTG <Shame because i used to like Cryme Tyme when they were relevant and deserved a reign as Tag Team Champions also lets not forget JTG did score a couple of clean wins over Chris Jericho... but since Cryme Tyme split they pushed him so far down the card he's lucky to appear on any show at the moment so i reckon he will be gone this year>

#2. Jinder Mahal <Not much i can say about Mahal except he's hardly getting any heat at the moment which is a bad thing he gets Zero crowd response and is terrible in the ring>

#3. Evan Bourne <After all his recent problems i would say it's highly unlikely he will be returning and could be the first to get axed before wrestlemania>

Also Some Of The Diva's As Long As It Not Kaitlyn I Don't Mind Lol

Reason's These Will Stay

Great Khali <Is popular in India and brings in a fan base from their>

Yoshi Tatsu <Is popular in Japan and brings in a fan base from their>

Alex Riley <Is over with the crowd, maybe a push after wrestlemania>

Michael Mcguillicutty <Need's to change his name to his real name and work on a new gimmick>

Mason Ryan <I think he will get a chance after wrestlemania>

Drew Mcintyre <To much potential to get rid off, hopefully give him a new gimmick and a win streak>
These 3 Are Definitely The Strongest Candidates To Be Next On The Future Endeavour List

#1. JTG <Shame because i used to like Cryme Tyme when they were relevant and deserved a reign as Tag Team Champions also lets not forget JTG did score a couple of clean wins over Chris Jericho... but since Cryme Tyme split they pushed him so far down the card he's lucky to appear on any show at the moment so i reckon he will be gone this year>

#2. Jinder Mahal <Not much i can say about Mahal except he's hardly getting any heat at the moment which is a bad thing he gets Zero crowd response and is terrible in the ring>

#3. Evan Bourne <After all his recent problems i would say it's highly unlikely he will be returning and could be the first to get axed before wrestlemania>

Also Some Of The Diva's As Long As It Not Kaitlyn I Don't Mind Lol

Reason's These Will Stay

Great Khali <Is popular in India and brings in a fan base from their>

Yoshi Tatsu <Is popular in Japan and brings in a fan base from their>

Alex Riley <Is over with the crowd, maybe a push after wrestlemania>

Michael Mcguillicutty <Need's to change his name to his real name and work on a new gimmick>

Mason Ryan <I think he will get a chance after wrestlemania>

Drew Mcintyre <To much potential to get rid off, hopefully give him a new gimmick and a win streak>

I think JTG, Evan Bourne, Jinder Mahal and a few guys from FCW are going to be in trouble. Bourne has real issues but Jinder and JTG have nothing to offer rather than Job. I don't know why they have kept Heath Slater as well. He's just jobbing so is Trent Barreta. I think these people will have some great problems and I wish them well in all their future endeavors.
i think the likes of slater, gabriel, big zeke, jinder mahal, JTG and evan bourne are the mostlikely to get cut. i dont personally see a point for hornswoggle but he will stay. he doesnt sell merch, not really a in ring competitor and has only just started talking on tv. but hes over with the kids so i guess he will stay.

as for the diva division i would say get rid of 75% of them and that will make a improvement straight away.

oh and drew is 100% safe. he is one of the ones getting repackaged after mania
I totally agree with the talent cuts. Half the wwe roster are getting paid for doing a terrible job or doing absolutely nothing at all. I think its good for business because getting rid of the stale superstars gives Vince a chance to introduce more talent from the development territory and i think this is great. We'll get to see the likes of superstars like Seth Rollins introduced to our TV screens quicker then. And to be honest I think Seth Rollins has been ready for months, during Elimination Chamber he was trending on twitter more than some superstars. :)

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