Post Wrestlemania Roster Cuts


Mid-Card Championship Winner
It is that time of year when WWE 'usually' has their spring clean and cuts are made from the WWE roster. A little under 12 months ago we saw Teddy Long, Brodus Clay, Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Curt Hawkins all released from their contracts.

The NXT roster looks extremely strong at the moment and there are superstars there looking to make the jump up to Raw and Smackdown - only last night we saw the Lucha Dragons and Adrian Neville appear on Raw and a short while ago we saw The Ascension.

So who do you see getting the chop? Fandango? Adam Rose? Heath Slater? Tiuts O'Neil? Zack Ryder?
If they hadn't been in the Tag Team Title match on the WM pre-show, I would have expected Los Matadores to be released, they haven't really done anything for months and in that gimmick they'll never be anything other than comedy jobbers.

The roster does look pretty strong, but I don't really see where guys like Fandango, Adam Rose or Bo Dallas really fit in. Curtis Axel too now his Axelmania gimmick will be over. They are the sort of expendable talent that WWE usually ends up cutting. I reckon we'll probably see a few releases from NXT too

And FFS release Cameron, she's a disgrace to the business. Awful, AWFUL performer.
CM Punk was released last year so who knows how they top that. A few of the divas will go. Some are protected through Total Divas but I'm not sure what Layla does. Cameron and Eva Marie apparently have worth out-with the wrestling part but they could get rid to make room for the women from NXT.

I reckon Ryder is gone. Darren Young isn't doing much but I know both he and Titus do a lot of charity work so they are likely to stay. Plus the tag-team can actually be quite good.

Fandango maybe but they need heels who can be squashed every now and again. Plus he is actually quite talented so is there for a good match. Heath Slater falls into that category too.

They got rid of a lot of the names last year so there isn't a long list. I wouldn't be shocked to see Rose, Fandango or Slater go. Swagger might be a shock departure but he should be safe.
Ah yes, Curtis Axel. I've been writing his WWE obituary for about two years now, yet management keeps trying to find ways to keep him what end, I have no idea.

But hell, Hennig Jr. had a featured mini-moment at WM31! How many lower-midcard wrestlers can say that? Sure, it amounted to having 29 other guys make a damn fool of him, but it sure put the focus of the entire event on him, for a few moments.

Well, guys like Vladimir Kozlov, Drew McIntyre and Charlie Haas were presented as clowns in their last programs before being released. Of course, none of them had famous fathers in the sports entertainment field.

Now that Curtis Axel has been reduced to doing a pathetic Hogan imitation, let's see if he survives the inevitable round of post-WM cuts.
You'd think Rey and ADR leaving would save some coins so the cuts wouldn't need to be so deep but if it's just for a fresh look than several guys are gone:
Xavier Woods and/or Big E (I think they both are good just misused)
Heath Slater
Adam Rose
Zack Ryder
Byron Saxon
Brad Maddox

I think Tyson Kidd saved himself last year hell he may have saved Cesaro too.
This year I think we might not see as swinging cuts as previous years, but we may see some "bigger names" finally leaving the roster.

Definite Cuts are Brad Maddox and Zack Ryder... can't see either of these guys staying.

The guys on the bubble are Adam Rose, Fandango, Heath Slater and The Prime Time Players/Los Matadores. Rose deserves another shot with a repackage but Curtis has more than had his goes... Slater's legal problems will probably do for him and in Young's case the lustre has worn off... he won't be able to claim he's cut "cos he's gay" he just hasn't developed... Titus will probably JUST be ok... but Primo and Epico are very much on the bubble as is Xavier Woods.

But the bigger names who could go are interesting.

I could see someone like Mark Henry being let go this year, he really has run his course and they can't play the "retirement" thing with him after the angle they ran a while back.

Christian is another one who doesn't seem to DO anything... he's not even training guys at NXT... so he's prime to be finally "cut".

One guy who I am really not sure on right now is Randy Orton... A lot of false praise for him at Mania, he was REALLY phoning it in and Rollins was making up for it. He's been off-screen a lot, his attitude appears to be back to being bad... perhaps this is the time they finally say..."enough Randy, take a year out and call us..." Of course it'd be a risk, but RKO is smart enough to know that he's not making more money outside...but a year away might just help him get his passion back, he really seems to be heading down that Chris Jericho burnout route.

Let's face it, it's a crapshoot this time of one is really safe. Luke Harper could be in trouble if he hurt Ambrose, Rowan perhaps hasn't developed, but they've not really given him a shot.

The saving grace is that 4 top talents walked of their own volition or were fired, Rey, Punk, ADR and Gabriel... so the NEED to cut isn't as great... some like Layla who might be on the bubble will be useful for the Diva Search programme as she was the winner... If you can be used elsewhere, WWE probably will, that's why Otunga is still there his contract for working Legal would be roughly the same as working the ring... so it's no loss for WWE to keep paying him.
I could see someone like Mark Henry being let go this year, he really has run his course and they can't play the "retirement" thing with him after the angle they ran a while back.

Christian is another one who doesn't seem to DO anything... he's not even training guys at NXT... so he's prime to be finally "cut".

One guy who I am really not sure on right now is Randy Orton... A lot of false praise for him at Mania, he was REALLY phoning it in and Rollins was making up for it. He's been off-screen a lot, his attitude appears to be back to being bad... perhaps this is the time they finally say..."enough Randy, take a year out and call us..." Of course it'd be a risk, but RKO is smart enough to know that he's not making more money outside...but a year away might just help him get his passion back, he really seems to be heading down that Chris Jericho burnout route..

I agree with you the need to cut might not be as high due to Punk, Del Rio, Mysterio all leaving in 2014.

I see Mark Henry pretty much as a lifer. If WWE was to cut him after all the years service he has given there will be outrage. Mark Henry will finish on his own terms and when he is finished in the ring he will probably be used in some other capacity.

The same goes for Christian. He even said on screen a few months ago that he was retired. I am sure he is a road agent with WWE now. Again, I don't see WWE pushing him out of the door.

I don't see WWE letting Orton go. He is one of the bigger stars in the business and to lose him would be a major blow.
I'm hoping there are none but if I were the following I'd be pretty worried about my job security

Zack Ryder
Bo Dallas
Christian (might retire)
The Prime Time Players
Jack Swagger
Goldust (might retire)
The Ascension

I think Christian and Goldust might be told that their time is up, Ryder and the Prime Time Players are expendable and Swagger has been used to the extent that he can/will be.

I fear for Dallas and the Ascension because I don't think the company have any confidence in them whatsoever. I also wouldn't be shocked to see Adam Rose or Emma released because of this.
Here are my picks:

1. Heath Slater
Since the reunion of the Prime Time Players poor Heath has hardly featured on television. He is expendble.

2. Zach Ryder
Like Heath, Ryder has hardly featured on TV since returning at the Royal Rumble. With no meaningful storyline in sight and with new talent from NXT on the roster I can see him getting cut.

3. Layla
Out of all the divas she is the most likely to go as she's not getting any younger. What might save her from the chop is they could use her experience to put over the likes of Charlotte and Sasha Banks when they get promoted.

4. Adam Rose
I'd like to see him have a chance with the Leo Kruger gimmick but unfortunately I think the damage to the Rose character is irreparable at this stage.

5. Other possible candidates:
Jack Swagger
Summer Rae
Los Matadores
Mojo Rawley
Wouldn't it be interesting if WWE cut Hornswoggle? I mean dude is Vince's kayfabe son.

It's sort of hard to predict who will be future endeavored when we have guys like Sin Cara over on NXT (and now back on Raw in a tag team). Seems like the ones that we all thought would be gone by now still manage to stick around.

I'll say Eva Marie. Yeah, she's pretty. But when was the last time she was on television? I'd guess not recently. Her and possibly Fandango, though I'd kinda hate to see Fandango go. He is a good worker. But then again the company is packed with talent right now and don't need him.
Sting more or less announced on Monday that he's the first cut.

Seriously though, Big E, Fandango and Darren Young simply do not have it and should be let go (I can see WWE being scared of firing Young, for obvious reasons). And I don't care how great Jack Swagger's amateur background is, he's a dangerous, drug-using, horrific performer who will never be over or draw a fly (don't tell me he was over with Colter - anyone can be cheered in the USA for saying "USA!"). The Matadors are a black hole of nothingness and might as well be cut. Zack Ryder should have been fired long ago. A grotesque performer who actually thinks he should be main-eventing. I would love to see the ghastly Hornswoggle go, but Vince likes to keep him on the payroll for no apparent reason.

Adam Rose and Heath Slater are acceptable comedy jobbers to me. Keep 'em.

Outside the ring, Bryon Saxton and Tom Phillips is one company automaton too many. I say Saxton goes, based on his god-awful attempt to commentate last night.
Bradd Maddox has no reason to stay.
Bo Dallas doesn't have it. Either go back to development or go away, I guess.
Zack Ryder might be gone, indeed.
Adam Rose I don't care either way. Fire him or try something new maybe.
Jack Swagger should go. He already did all he had to do in the WWE and some more.
The Matadors doesn't seem to cut it, either, but I believe WWE will end up keeping them for a while longer.
Layla had a great run some years back, but she isn't doing anything of note ever since McCool left.
Who's Byron Saxon?
Who's Xavier Woods?
I only found out this last Sunday that R-Truth is still employed. Are they doing anything with him?

Fandango I think deserves one more chance. Maybe a repackage, another gimmick. One last try.
Heath Slater is probably WWE's best jobber. And good jobbers are important to have. I'd keep him.
Big E should stay at least one more year. Try something with him later on, maybe.

Christian is pretty much retired already, isn't he? After so many injuries. I figure he'll stay with the WWE as a non-wrestler, though.

Is Kofi Kingston still employed?
I hope all talent cut find a way to land on their feet somewhere, if I didn't care where I lived and there was work available I'd move to Australia. India is pretty big too, second largest english speaking population in the world. Europe could work too.
I'll stand on a table for a Brad Maddox Bo Dallas tag team, they both DO have it, the WWE just doesn't care to book either. They'd be great rivals for Enzo and Cass.
My thoughts are on who probably won't get cut:

Darren Young: If not before last week with the Indiana governor fiasco, defintely not now.

Layla: Looks from the preview that she may be involved in this new diva search program on WWE network.

No one who is slated to be on the next season of Total Divas: enough said here. instant immunity at least as long as she's on the show.

Bo Dallas: just back from injury and WWE seems to give their 2nd and 3rd generation wrestlers a lot of rope. I think he'll get at least one more year.

Sin Cara - now that they seem to want to give a push to lucha dragons, this and his role on NXT makes him safe for awhile

Wrestlers who may be in trouble: Any diva not named AJ who isn't on Total Divas, Jack Swagger, Titus O'Neal, Adam Rose, Los Matadores (now that Lucha Dragons is on board)
Sting more or less announced on Monday that he's the first cut.

Seriously though, Big E, Fandango and Darren Young simply do not have it and should be let go (I can see WWE being scared of firing Young, for obvious reasons). And I don't care how great Jack Swagger's amateur background is, he's a dangerous, drug-using, horrific performer who will never be over or draw a fly (don't tell me he was over with Colter - anyone can be cheered in the USA for saying "USA!"). The Matadors are a black hole of nothingness and might as well be cut. Zack Ryder should have been fired long ago. A grotesque performer who actually thinks he should be main-eventing. I would love to see the ghastly Hornswoggle go, but Vince likes to keep him on the payroll for no apparent reason.

Adam Rose and Heath Slater are acceptable comedy jobbers to me. Keep 'em.

Outside the ring, Bryon Saxton and Tom Phillips is one company automaton too many. I say Saxton goes, based on his god-awful attempt to commentate last night.

Sting isn't going to be a "cut" as such but it might be a straight business decision once the final buys are in in dollars to draw ratio.

Sting's first match was arguably THE main selling point of this PPV... the rest of the matches all involved someone unproven, so they would get a pass if the buys were lower to an extent... only really Reigns would face any flak. But Sting... if the buys are not what was hoped for (or the subscriptions, only 300k more since the Rumble isn't a BIG jump) then they might just say "Sting didn't move the needle enough so we use the money elsewhere/for Brock who does or Ronda and Rock who definitely will".

It's unfair to say Saxton and Phillips as both guys are relatively new in their roles. it takes YEARS to build strong announcers, experience is needed and Michael Cole is the proof of that. He was an automaton once too... Saxton has some good charisma, the only thing he is up against is IF they can get Coach back on loan or a share deal from ESPN... if that happens, and I think it might (lots of ESPN cooperation lately and Cole "injured" by Brock...) then Saxton is suddenly surplus to requirements, especially if Graves also moves up.

Phillips is in a little more trouble, as the backstage interviewer needs more charisma. Renee was great but has moved up, Eden is doing well enough but Vince still likes to have a guy there. There are a few people on the bubble from NXT and the main roster who could transition into that role and also a new Diva Search AND a crop of kids from Full Sail who are learning alongside the NXT guys... one of them might be cheaper and be able to "step up". One "leftfield" idea for this is Tyler Breeze... sure he is a wrestler but his character could be interesting as a backstage interviewer in the style of Bruno, more interested in selfies than interviewing the stars, does it to the wrong guy and that causes his debut.

One guy I didn't mention but might get cut is Zeb Colter... the Real American thing has run it's course and he has had his health issues lately. That being said Dutch is a very respected "wrestling mind" and I don't think Vince would be too keen sending him out into the arms of GFW right now. So he might stay for that reason. They'll get Cornette for sure, Dutch and Cornette together could do some "damage" with a clean slate and Vince knows it.
Definite cuts: Adam Rose, Alicia Fox, Cameron, Curtis Axel, Eva Marie,
Erick Rowan, Fandango, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger,
Layla, Rosa Mendes, Scott Stanford (announcer),
Tamina Snuka, Zack Ryder

Should be cut, but... (reason for staying in parentheses):
*Bo Dallas (daddy is an agent, & Bo can be a comedy heel jobber.)
*Darren Young (the 1st to "come out". B.S. - Patterson, anyone?)
*David Otunga (see Jennifer Hudson)
*Hornswoggle (midgets = funny)
*Stardust (daddy is an agent)
*Summer Rae (they just a whole bunch of money into a nosejob)
*Titus O'Neil (D-Young needs a partner. A tag partner.)
*Xavier Woods (New Day turns heel, Woods become their manager)

There needs to be more competition, and drive to want to put on a good show. Too many of the above mentioned performers have had their shot, it's time for a transfusion of new blood.
My picks for who SHOULD be cut:

1 - Heath Slater
2 - Hornswoggle
3 - Naomi
4 - Los Matadores & El Torito
5 - Titus O'Neil
6 - Big E
7 - Ryback
8 - Erick Rowan
9 - Luke Harper
10 - Fandango
11 - The Ascension
12 - Emma
13 - Summer Rae
14 - Tamina Snuka
15 - Jamie Noble
16 - Joey Mercury
17 - Brad Maddox
18 - Scott Stanford
19 - Renee Young
20 - JoJo
21 - Eden
22 - Lilian Garcia
My picks for who SHOULD be cut:

1 - Heath Slater
2 - Hornswoggle
3 - Naomi
4 - Los Matadores & El Torito
5 - Titus O'Neil
6 - Big E
7 - Ryback
8 - Erick Rowan
9 - Luke Harper
10 - Fandango
11 - The Ascension
12 - Emma
13 - Summer Rae
14 - Tamina Snuka
15 - Jamie Noble
16 - Joey Mercury
17 - Brad Maddox
18 - Scott Stanford
19 - Renee Young
20 - JoJo
21 - Eden
22 - Lilian Garcia

Seriously I would be interested to hear your reasoning behind cutting the list you put together.

I agree with Los Matadores and El Torito, Maddox and maybe Big E (he has always bothered me for some reason). But for the life of me I can't figure out why the announcers would have to go. Naomi is very athletic and part of the Kidd/Uso feud, so she's not going anywhere.

And why isn't Cameron on the list? She's the first Diva I would kick out before Emma and Summer Rae.
My picks for who SHOULD be cut:

1 - Heath Slater
2 - Hornswoggle
3 - Naomi
4 - Los Matadores & El Torito
5 - Titus O'Neil
6 - Big E
7 - Ryback
8 - Erick Rowan
9 - Luke Harper
10 - Fandango
11 - The Ascension
12 - Emma
13 - Summer Rae
14 - Tamina Snuka
15 - Jamie Noble
16 - Joey Mercury
17 - Brad Maddox
18 - Scott Stanford
19 - Renee Young
20 - JoJo
21 - Eden
22 - Lilian Garcia

Seriously? Why should Naomi (the most athletic diva in wwe), Renee Young(best interviewer and not a bad announcer either), and JoJo/Eden/Lilian (who's going to introduce the wrestlers) be released? I could see if you put Rosa, Eva Marie, Cameron or even Layla considering she hasn't done much in years, but come on Naomi, Renee, and Lilian shouldn't be on a release list.
Harper? He's the best in-ring "big guy" in WWE
Ryback? Really? The guy has come a long way and is one of the few that is actually over with both the IWC and the casual fans.
Also you want Wwe to get rid of 3 teams (possibly 4 counting Big E/New Day) when the tag team scene is suffering enough.

There's only a select few guys who I see getting released do to Wwe having tried everything they can with them:
1. Swagger
2. Zack Ryder
3. Fandango
4. Hornswoggle
5. Adam Rose
6. Tamina
7. Summer Ray
8. Emma
9. Heath Slater
10. R-Truth
11. Los Matadores (may be replaced by Lucha Dragons)
But if anything Axel, Sandow, Kidd, and "Sin cara" have all proven that if Wwe actually tried, they can use anyone. Kidd and SC were both sent down to NXT and are now succeeding in the tag scene. And though Sandow and Axel have been given horrible gimmicks they've also been given TIME which has allowed them to get over with the fans.
Seriously? Why should Naomi (the most athletic diva in wwe), Renee Young(best interviewer and not a bad announcer either), and JoJo/Eden/Lilian (who's going to introduce the wrestlers) be released? I could see if you put Rosa, Eva Marie, Cameron or even Layla considering she hasn't done much in years, but come on Naomi, Renee, and Lilian shouldn't be on a release list.
Harper? He's the best in-ring "big guy" in WWE
Ryback? Really? The guy has come a long way and is one of the few that is actually over with both the IWC and the casual fans.
Also you want Wwe to get rid of 3 teams (possibly 4 counting Big E/New Day) when the tag team scene is suffering enough.

Naomi is athletic, but that's not the same as being a good wrestler. She's not. She also has THE worst finisher in the entire history of professional wrestling. The fact that she just pinned the DIVAS CHAMPION with it on RAW is an insult to every Diva on the roster.

Renee Young just annoys me for some reason. Every time she talks I mute the TV.

I got rid of Lilian/JoJo/Eden because they're all terrible ring announcers. WWE has Tony Chimel, he should be the sole ring announcer for the company now that Finkel is 99% retired and Roberts is gone. Chimel is one of the best ring announcers of all time.

Summer Rae and Emma I cut because they serve no purpose but eye candy. And in terms of eye candy, neither of them hold a candle to Layla, who can also wrestler and has been super-over when she was a face. Layla has also been a manager and was great at it. I didn't cut Eva Marie or Cameron because I didn't want to cut both Naomi and Cameron, and I forgot Eva Marie existed.

Luke Harper is a terrible wrestler. I don't know why so many fans have a hard-on for this guy, but I've seen every match he's had in WWE and the only time he's ever been impressive is in tag matches with The Usos, who can get great tag matches out of any guys with heartbeats.

Ryback is completely worthless and has been since day one. Giving him a huge push one of the biggest mistakes WWE ever made, and it's very fortunate they didn't make the mistake of putting one of the World Championships on him. He's the literal embodiment of a wrestler who is ONLY over because of his catchphrase. He's also one of the most limited and boring big guys I've ever seen. I'll concede that he's improved slightly since teaming with Curtis Axel, so apparently Axel was able to teach him something, but it's not enough to justify him having a contract.

Getting rid of several of WWE's lesser tag teams makes room for new teams to be brought up. I have nothing against Los Matadores, but what they need from these guys is for them to turn heel during a match by ripping off their costumes, savagely beating El Torito, and proclaiming that they're not "Diego & Fernando", they're Epico & Primo, and are done being comedy acts, and become vicious heels. But that's never happening, so they might as well just be let go. The Ascension are complete flops. I don't care what they did in NXT, in WWE they've proven that they can't hang with the big boys. And the Prime Time Players had their chance and weren't able to get over. Their reunion accomplished nothing and they were even less over as singles guys. They're both dead weight.
Wouldn't it be interesting if WWE cut Hornswoggle? I mean dude is Vince's kayfabe son.

It's sort of hard to predict who will be future endeavored when we have guys like Sin Cara over on NXT (and now back on Raw in a tag team). Seems like the ones that we all thought would be gone by now still manage to stick around.

I'll say Eva Marie. Yeah, she's pretty. But when was the last time she was on television? I'd guess not recently. Her and possibly Fandango, though I'd kinda hate to see Fandango go. He is a good worker. But then again the company is packed with talent right now and don't need him.

The original Sin Cara was let go!!! The character itself is pretty over and probably sells merchandise pretty well with the kids. With Rey gone WWE needs more masked WWE Superstars and seems he has a decent spot on NXT with Kalisto.
Other than maybe Brad Maddox, I don't expect to see very many main roster talent getting released. Instead, I look for much of the cuts to take place at developmental like maybe Angelo Dawkins, Sawyer Fulton, Sylvester Lefort, Mojo Rawley, and possibly a lesser-used NXT Diva or two.
The following Superstars I see as getting released:

1) Brad Maddox - Nowhere to go at this point.
2) Curtis Axel - He is 37, with zero upside. Has become a joke. He'll do the Indie circuit.
3) Emma - She has been buried since the Wal-Mart incident. If it were not for the Australian tour, she would have been let go a long time ago. Guaranteed TNA pickup.
4) Adam Rose - Gimmick bombed. Will be 36 in July. Indie Circuit.
5) Fandango - 9 years in the company, and still spinning his wheels. GFW pickup.
6) Zach Colter - Vince will not pay someone just to sit at home. Nothing left for him. Will rejoin Jeff Jarrett.
7) Heath Slater - The charges against him basically ended him. He has nowhere to go. Probably join GFW or the Indies

Who won't go:

1) Zack Ryder - The only way he goes is if he asks for his release, which I do not see. He is on the right side of 30, and would give GFW a nice boost. However, if he does leave, he'll join Brian Myers, er, Curt Hawkins at his school, and compete in PWS.
2) Darren Young - No way in hell does Vince release him. Guaranteed TNA pickup, and Dixie will make him the first openly gay World Champion. Would it move the needle? Yes, if she pimps it correctly.
3) New Day - VKM sees Big E as another Mark Henry. Kingston is good for his crazy stuff, and Xavier Woods is good for the training end.
4) Jack Swagger - His amateur background is what is saving him. The last thing Vince wants is for TNA or GFW to pick him up.
Adam Rose should get released and it might be good for him. He is a smashing heel for me, just needs the right gimmick.

I dunno about others to be honest, maybe Christian ye.

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