Roster cuts MUST be coming soon

Sid Schmid

Pre-Show Stalwart
So, with Rusev and Paige from NXT both making their full Raw debuts and with vignettes for Bo Dallas and Adam Rose airing on last night's Raw, it's surely only a matter of time before a few roster cuts are made.

I know that with the WWE Network there is more opportunities for extra programming but quite a few lower-card athletes are going to get even less TV time now.

Ezekiel Jackson has already gone but I can definitely see a few more leaving in both the male and Diva's divisions.

Does anyone else agree? Do you disagree?
Yeah, I think they will almost certainly start cutting a few people. It needs to be done if they are bringing more and more talent from NXT up to the main roster. Like you say, Rusev and Paige debuted last night, Bo Dallas and Adam Rose are coming soon, and its obvious the likes of Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville and The Ascension will arrive sooner rather than later.

There are alot of underused wrestlers on the WWE roster at present who are barely seen. I would expect JTG to be one of the first to go- how hasn't he been released already?? Curt Hawkins is another whose name I would expect to be on the list, and personally I would love to see The Miz and Brodus Clay getting released, but I know that's just wishful thinking....
The cuts are inevitable. JTG, Tatsu, Gabriel all look likely. Even guys like Evan Bourne and Brodus Clay could get released which would be somewhat shocking.

I wonder if there will be a high profile name getting released. Del Rio is a great wrestler maybe is time his up. Sandow? McIntyre? Ryback? All guys who have a purpose but maybe they want to move in a different direction led by the NXT wrestlers and the guys who are over.
As far as cuts go, I don't really see WWE wielding the Axe to many times and I can instead see WWE allowing the contracts of some of the older guys on the roster like Christian, Mysterio and R-Truth to expire. This WWE can hold on to the younger guys on the roster and don't end up letting go of somebody that could go on and be a big success for someone like TNA, ROH or Jeff Jarretts new promotion GFW.
Yeah, probably so. There's just not enough room as it looks like they're bringing up more talent from NXT. While not technically cut, Vickie Guerrero and Ezekiel Jackson are no longer around. Vickie's contract expired and she wants to do something else while Big Zeke's expired Sunday and given the issues he's had with injuries, WWE decided not to renew it.

It's easy to look at guys like JTG, Yoshi Tatsu and Justin Gabriel as being cut. They've been in the company for years and they're just not going anywhere. I could see Yoshi being kept on to help train talent down in NXT, which is mostly what he's been doing for a while now. Evan Bourne could very well be gone as could Tyson Kidd. Bourne's been out for 2 years and there just seems to be nothing for Kidd. Clay's currently feuding in NXT with Adrian Neville, or at least he's about to start, so I see him sticking around for a while.

I could also see any or all the members of 3MB getting released as they're just not going anywhere. I could see Sandow sticking around as there's still a lot of potential with him, plus he's only 31 years old.

As far as high profile guys go, there are reports that Del Rio will probably head back to Mexico once his current WWE deal is finished and that Christian is planning to retire once his contract expires.

Personally, I think they need to trim up the Diva Division by dropping some dead weight. Rosa Mendes is useless and should've been let go a long time ago. Aksana is just a dead end in my opinion. I could see Alicia Fox getting cut, though I do think she could be used better with a character overhaul. She's athletic and pretty solid in the ring. Eva Marie, in my opinion, should be gone or, at the very least, she needs to be taken off the main roster and sent down to NXT. I doubt that'll happen because of her role on Total Divas. I'd say that Layla could be cut or retire when her contract is up as she's been having issues regarding her knee and she turns 37 this summer.
I already think the WWE Roster is too large and will NXT talent getting the call then a 'spring clean' will probably happen. The good news is the released talent now has another promotion to turn too.

Ezekiel Jackson
Sin Cara

Alberto Del Rio
CM Punk

Will be released
Curt Hawkins
Evan Bourne
Jinder Mahal
Justin Gabriel
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

That should be enough. I would keep Khali, Slater, Kidd and Clay.
There will not be cuts. WWE has said that there will no longer be roster cuts. They will ride out thier contracts. However, they will recieve little to no tv time.
the wwe hasnt done "spring cleaning" for a number of years now. with the talent already under contract in nxt i dont see why a main roster push would cause anyone already on the main roster to get fired. wwe has 7 hours a week to fill, i dont see any cuts at all
Jeff Jarrett is probably depending on roster cuts at this point, but they don't really need to happen with all the opportunity for new programming coming.

The only reason would be to lower their labor costs but they can probably produce more programming without raising cost of labor by keeping these guys which would be great.

I personally would love to see them put together a show that is kind of a play on The Ultimate Fighter, specifically season 4, the comebacks version.

It can be kind of a worked shoot where you take 16 guys who used to be over had some success and put them in a house and have them compete in a tournament with the winner getting back on to the main roster with a big title shot as a prize. Just leave off all the campy reality shit WWE usually goes for and what Legends House looks like it will be full of and show the guys living together, use their real names, show them training and then they have a match once a week to end the show with the winner going on and the loser going home.

You can come out of this with several careers reborn and maybe uncover some roles that you didn't expect, maybe someones personality shines as if they could be a manager etc.

You can do the following guys:

Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Zack Ryder
Kofi Kingston
Drew McIntire
Brodus Clay
David Utango
Brad Maddox
Damien Sandow
Darren Young
R Truth
Jinder Mahal
Tyson Kidd
Justin Gabriel
Heath Slater
Cody Rhodes

Bring in some legends to serve in a mentor/keep the guys in line role like Jake Roberts and Goldust

This will provide 14 weeks of programming for the network and re-establish 2-3 guys and will not cost you anything but production costs and it will open up 16 spots on the main roster for NXT guys and returning guys like RVD

The ones who don't shine during the show can be released and the ones that do shine can be kickstarted a bit.
they need to cut about half the "divas" division and probly a good ten or so of the male talents. whats the point of paying someone like yoshi tatsu who never wrestles, not even at house shows?
WWE doesn't do roster cuts anymore. Triple H HATES talent purges. He always thought it was bad PR, and terrible for morale backstage. Ever since he's been in charge, they wait out on contracts and let them expire. That's what they did with Ezekiel and what it looks like they're doing with Evan Bourne.
WWE doesn't do roster cuts anymore. Triple H HATES talent purges. He always thought it was bad PR, and terrible for morale backstage. Ever since he's been in charge, they wait out on contracts and let them expire. That's what they did with Ezekiel and what it looks like they're doing with Evan Bourne.

Excellent point. I never thought of that. Bad PR if you get rid of a whole bunch of wrestlers at once. At least let the talents contracts run out - and the guys are still collecting a paycheck - and when the contracts expires say thank you and good luck on your future.
While i dont want anyone to lose their jobs its inevitable in this line of work that someone or a few folks are gonna get cut:

Yoshi Tatsu: He hasnt been seen around anywhere plus the WWE just doesn't have anything for him.. Tatsu is someone,who should have been let go years ago im afraid.

Gabriel: He was hot for a minute,but the only thing he could do well is the 450 splash. That alone just wont cut it im afraid,and he is in Limbo right now im afraid.

Evan Bourne: Its been 2 years since anyone has seen him.. The Injuries plus the two failed wellness tests have all but killed his career. No one can fault him for being hurt,but the two violations are a major sticking point IMO. TBH i wouldnt be surprised if he was the first one to be cut..

JTG: This guy is still around?? Sorry with new arrivals from NXT,it makes sense to cut him as well as some other folks.

Rosa Mendes: Deadweight as far as the Divas go.. Looks stupid in her blond hair,sorry but its true. She is never going to rise to the Main roster to be in any contention for the Divas title.

Layla: 37 years old,Bad Knees,she has had a good career as far as she could hope to have.. She has stayed passed her time IMO,as she isnt going anywhere... She could be a great trainer IMO for the future up-and coming Divas! She is someone who would be a huge asset as far as trainers go..
Do guys like JTG actually travel to every show or are they camped out down in Developmental? Its incredible that they have so many guys under contract who they just have no room for. What is their purpose of being there? Unless they're taking bumps for the guys in NXT, so the young guys don't just have to work with each other all the time, i don't see the point of paying them to take up space.
Here are five that need to go now:

Curt Hawkins
Jinder Mahal
Yoshi Tatsu
David Otunga (if he is making actualy wrestler money)

Here are two more which honestly should be gone:
Xavier Woods or RTruth (You pick, but you only need one guy like this)
Rosa Mendes (She last won a singles match almost four years ago)

List of current signed WWE Talent
You have to remember in recent days and weeks some talent have had major injuries that are career threatening.

Christian is all but done... 3 concussions in one year means they cannot risk him any further. Taker, they now cannot risk because the damage was seen by too many people. So that's 2 major roster spots to be filled... also the Taker situation will again raise questions over the age of some performers... should anyone over say 46 be barred from competing on safety grounds? There is an argument that says so but suddenly a lot of talent is "on the bubble" sure some like The Shield or Bray may fill them but that means more mid card are needed to replace them, hence so many call ups at once.

In terms of mass lay-off's it's more that WWE wants a large number of talents "on call" due to their commitments TV and live event wise... they have a lot of hours of TV a week to fill and also a lot of live shows where no filming is done. You need a large roster filled with guys you see all the time, some a little less and some only when you need someone over big like Ryder was used this week for Rusev.

Some like JTG are no different than the "Iron" Mike Sharpe's or Barry O's of the Hogan era they are jobbers on very low comparative contracts, some probably barely $100k a year if that. Some like R-Truth and Brodus are a step up from that, your "Brooklyn Brawler's" or "Akeem's" and some are legit coming to the end of a deal and not likely to be signed to as sweet a deal if at all like Rey. Indeed, Rey's loss to Barrett was a big sign he might be gone soon.

Barrett and Swagger last year have shown that even guys you think are "on the bubble" may be pushed at any time and may just be "waiting for a window" to open so last night's "reboot" almost will help a lot of talent.

Bear in mind that release MAY be a blessing to some talents right now with news of Jarrett's promotion, indeed it may also be in the E's interest to let some go there who maybe aren't quite going to get the push in the E but could do something over there and always come back... they did it with Christian and R-Truth and some like McIntyre, Otunga or even Del Rio could benefit from it.

Generally guys from foreign climes tend to be safer as they make investment in them getting Green Cards etc... someone like McIntyre for example now has his WWE sponsored residency, so it's worth them keeping him as he's an easy sell on a UK show and the money is spent on him, so they may as well recoup what they can, same for Gabriel... the guys in REAL danger are your Zack Ryder's, Curt Hawkins and even Miz and Ziggler.

Neither of the latter two have "paid off" in the way WWE hoped and they let guys like Morrison, Lashley, Umaga and even Kennedy go so neither is truly safe. Ziggler has rubbed a lot of backstage people up the wrong way and he still has to go off and do the Landis movie he signed up for (seemingly without permission or "going through channels") and he is on 2 concussions in 16 months too... the only thing in Miz's favor is the movie side of things right now.

The biggest problem with mass cuts isn't even that Trips hates them, it's what it does to the all important share price... if Vince is angling for a Disney buyout then he's not going to do ANYTHING to rock that boat... if that means losing 3-4 million in wages but gaining 40 back on sale so be it...
I don't think a mass cut is coming and with more programming than ever a larger roster is needed. It is beneficial to have the wrestlers who can't get screen time for the house shows etc that allows the top part of the roster to rest, or to allow other talent to try out new things etc.

Also for the likes of The Miz, he can be used in promotional work and by passes the need to be a wrestler at times.

Although saying that development talent are more at risk of being released than the likes of Yoshi, they dont need to invest in him and can be viewed as reliable unlike some on NxT or at the development centre.
If you are going to cull the roster, then you need to think harder than just saying Tatsu. Supposedly one of the hardest working wrestlers down in developmental, both with in ring and promo work. Still appears on NXT. Was put Into the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. So I think Yoshi does have the backing of Higher-Ups to survive the roster cuts.

And also, if it's true about the network working on a cruiserweights show, Tatsu, Kidd, Gabriel, Woods and the rest are gonna come in handy.
If not then yeah, start trimming them down. Can't see Tyson Kidd going though Total Divas ties and all that.

Personally, I would like to see a few older faces be wished well in their future endeavours.

Christian - offer him a trainer role, he's too much of a liability now, injury wise I mean.

Curt Hawkins - I personally like the guy but the highlight of his career was being edges doppelgänger, and that ain't enough,if wwe aren't prepared to team up him and Ryder again, then it's time to let him wrestle elsewhere.

David Otunga - good lawyer, bad wrestler. black chris masters basically. He can work behind the scenes in WWE's law department, but don't have him listed as an active wrestler.

Evan Bourne - once again, I like the guy, he always seemed solid in the ring but injuries hampered his progression, as did his many out of ring activities which lead to him being suspended, Twice!! I know he'd be good for the cruiserweights, but he doesn't seem up to it.

The Great Khali - his name gets dropped every year in these discussions. Their was a time when he was relevant. But that time has gone, he may be a superstar in India,but his in ring ability is sub par at best. Chops and slaps aren't gonna do anything for ya these days, let him be an ambassador in India for WWE.

Hornswoggle - waste of time, used as a gimmick years ago for Finlay, now part of a team with Khali. Makes no sense. Let him go. He's probably made more than enough money to be set for life now.

El Torito - same with him, he's gonna be useless in a year or so when the Matadores fad has died down.

Mark Henry - now I really love Henry, the strongman past, the legit strength of the guy is outstanding, but he's just not as useful as he used to be. It's still cool to see him hit a Worlds Strongest Slam on people. But his time has come and gone.

r-Truth - just past it now. Xavier woods is a younger. Better version of him. WWE missed a trick by breaking him and Miz up

RVD - if he had a full time contract, I would say keep him, but the fact he can get up and leave for months at a time, he isn't exactly a staple name who people wanna see anymore, a cool spot here and there, and he's gone again. Can't have any real meaningful feuds, or make mid card titles relevant again. As he would just be keeping it warm for someone if he was to hold one

Brad Maddox - whilst this authority storyline is going on, surplus to requirements. Is he any good in the ring?

Jerry Lawler - was brilliant back in the attitude era as he was able to say anything and get away with it. Just a corny old man now, replace with Regal.

Teddy Long - still listed as an on air talent, where is he? What's his purpose?

Layla - is she too old by a divas standard? She is still smoking hot and looks good in the ring when we see her, but this recent disappearance for personal reasons has thrown doubts to all of this. Let her go, she can always still be a dancer some place.

Eva Marie - wishful thinking, the bitch everyone loves to hate on Total Divas. Can't see her going anywhere, would like to see her at least demoted to valet services, or back to developmental. She was billed as "the rookie diva" on the show.

Rosa Mendez - had a great valet presence for The colons, primo and epico. But when they were rebranded, she was thrown by the wayside, I like the way she looks, not so much the way she wrestles.

Alicia fox - rebrand her, she is a good female wrestler, has a good look, and is quite charismatic when given a chance. Watch her do some shows when she is presenting and she just comes to life. Would love to see that more as a wrestler. If not, wwe should keep her for network hosting duties.

JTG - god I almost forgot about this guy. Hasn't been remotely relevant since him and shad were stealing belongings and selling em ringside. Money, money. Yeah yeah. Shad leaving to pursue a different career was the worst thing that could have happened to JTG.
Here is the problem with letting go Hornswoggle, they just made the leprechaun orign movie which he stars in. It is a reboot of the series and if it works then they will make more, thus he is relevant to the company.
I could see HHH paying off a few contracts to speed up the process, and allowing others to expire but a full purge won't happen. Not after so many years of no purges full stop. Yet there are so many that should be got rid of as they're just not doing anything.

Those HHH could buy out:
Christian - Injury prone and looks past it. Spent more of the year out and seems to be nothing but the butt of all jokes by commentary.

Rey - Rey captures the mexico crowd, sure, but how much time is he out of the company injured? He's a liability and is soon to become enhancement if Monday is anything to go by.

Mark Henry - Much the same again. Comes back, gets injured. He'd be better off out.

There's a lot of stars HHH could allow deals to just expire naturally;

JTG - this seems set. What IS he doing in WWE anyways?
CM Punk - Seems logical based on what is going on right now.
Otunga - Irrelevant for months now.
Evan Bourne - With Adrian Neville now on NXT, ready at any point to be called up, Bourne seems...useless.
R-Truth - Don't really know why he's still on the roster
Zack Ryder - His best days are beyond him and he's even less used than he was when he was "over"
Curt Hawkins -He's even employed still??
Teddy Long - Not been seen/used effectively since his days as SD GM.

From NXT:
Colin Cassady, Danny Burch, Jojo, Mason Ryan, Oliver Grey.

The list is extensive but none will be "purged", only allowed to be released or brought out.
As mentioned, WWE doesn't really do roster cuts now, if a talent wants to sit around picking up paychecks without being on TV then that's up to them, it's not as if WWE needs to cut costs.

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