WWE Non-Spam Mods

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You're really going to measure the authority of decorated high ranked superior to someone volunteering as a mod on an internet forum?

When it's their fucking show, yeah, I am. They run this site, you don't. Hell, for that matter, neither do I. I am just a regular poster, just like you. Well, not just like you, I understand that you play by the rules they lay out, not the rules of some fucking forum from 10 years ago that has nothing to do with here.
I was a WWE mod for about eight months. During that time I merged/trashed tons of threads and was constantly deleting spam or off topic posts. You really have no idea what that job entails until you do it and it really is a thankless job. What people don't realize is the mods look at every post in every thread. Other members just click on whatever thread they want so they don't realize how often certain topics have been discussed. If the mods did not merge/trash threads the WWE section would be dominated by about three or four topics. Would you really want to go to the section and have to search through countless Cena heel turn threads or Taker streak threads before coming to a fresh topic? Just because you didn't visit the existing thread doesn't mean it does not exist. There is no reason to start another thread for a topic that already exists. People think mods have big egos but they're nothing compared to the ego of a thread starter whose thread was merged or trashed.
Notice I said off and on. My access to internet overseas was limited.

Either way, you're a hypocrite so you need to shut the fuck up. I'm so sick of posters like you who show your face on here for a few months, call our hard-working mods out for bullshit, and they play the innocent role after we verbally run a train on your ass.

You have no clue as to what we do and how things are run here. You want to know why this place is organized and its posters are so eager to contribute? Like Nick said, a simple "thank you" would suffice. Otherwise, here's a match...


Now go light yourself on fire.
Can't we just get it over with and just tell him that he should just stick to the Spam-friendly stuff. But J.J won't most likely listen, he is as stubborn as a fucking rock and just about as dumb.
Can't we just get it over with and just tell him that he should just stick to the Spam-friendly stuff. But J.J won't most likely listen, he is as stubborn as a fucking rock and just about as dumb.

Wow... nicely done contradiction of yourself.
The point still stays though, everyone is so quick to jump on jumping on the pile-on and attacking the OP (Rightfully so) Instead of simply telling him that the Spam friendly sections would be a better fit for him considering he can't understand what the rules are for the Non-Spam.
The point still stays though, everyone is so quick to jump on jumping on the pile-on and attacking the OP (Rightfully so) Instead of simply telling him that the Spam friendly sections would be a better fit for him considering he can't understand what the rules are for the Non-Spam.

Because that's not the point.

If someone who you never even met walked up to you on the street, got in your face, and tried to call you out and embarrass you in front of your friends and peers, would you kindly ask him to step into another room to handle it in the proper way? Or would you want to kill a mother fucker?

Yeah, exactly.
Fair enough, but what if the same person obviously has some sort of mental illness like Down Syndrome? At this point everyone likes to complain about the jobs you guys are doing as Mods it usually ends up with OP sulking in a Prison corner.
ANOTHER person bitching about mods? For fucks sake, get a grip, get over it and stop bitching over nothing. They do a great job, and don't always get the recognition they deserve, and what they don't need is an idiot like you trashing them for no reason. So, good sir, in the politest possible way, go fuck yourself.
But, if you were too stupid to know that you suffered from stupidity, wouldn't that still be true? :)

Stupidity might have alluded me in the past, but confusion sure as fuck didn't. And that's how I feel after reading this.
I think yall are the most useless mods. You spend more time trying to be overly critical towards the ones that do start topics and take part in debates/discussions. I constantly see threads being close in the middle of a discussion because yall are tired of seeing same topic. With that being said what are your contributions to the section? You never create topics, I see more topics started by yall outside the WWE section than in it. Be useful and flex your knowledge of the industry as opposed to the obligatory; "u guys r stupid and wrong my opinion means more". For the record this is my first ever topic started as I usually just contribute to other topics, never do I criticize someone for starting a topic that may be similar to one started 3 days before. Haven't checked the trash section but I wouldn't be surprised if it was cluttered with topics from WWE section.

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