Out of Control

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Chiwaukee's Finest said:
imho, you really shouldn't comment on something as if you know anything about it without either a) knowing all of the facts or b) actually being there to go through what we all went through. WZ continued to crash from May through August to just completely shutting down, soz, but u have no idea what you are talking about as usual

You gotta be such a smart ass about everything dont you as usual.. I do know what im talking about most of the time.. And I was talking in refrence to from when I was around.. Late September or something like that.. If he put you through so much.. Why keep coming back? Theres many different wrestling forums around to join. Like I said.. More complaining.

Dysturbed said:
Considering what that post was made in response to his point was pretty much "I dont' care if the site is crashing, stop bugging me. I don't care if people keep returning and causing problems cause I'm making money off of popups (there used to be non stop popups). Leave me alone you all need to get lives."

Some point

We literally beg him to help out here and he implies that we have no lives. He makes it clear that this site is meaningless to him cause he has 17 other ones that are more important to him.

Again...some point.

Now you see.. I think I deffinatly read it the wrong way.. I do see where your coming from.. So if all he cares about is the money sit. why doesnt he jus give you admin powers and he can jus sit around with "his other 18" websites? That doesnt make sence to me.

Dysturbed said:
Threads like this wouldn't be made if posters themselves didn't feel abused by how much bs is allowed to go on around here because of neglect. Posters returning dozens of times and causing problems abuses people's right to come here and have decent conversations. Ip banning them would prevent that. This has been requested for over three months now.

I did make this thread... So I kno about the newbs and all the other problems... They actually started making me not come here.. As for the IP bannings.. From what your describing.. Doesnt seem like its gonna happen.. From what your saying about how he doesnt reply.. I doubt this will work.. But you should get him to use the email activation thing.. And then ban the email if a person spams.. I kno this isnt as good as the IP Banning.. But I doubt someone will go and keep on creating new emails over and over just to join a forum.. I think you have brought that up before tho..

Dysturbed said:
Not when he's making money off of it.

Well since all he cares about the money situation.. And since he doesnt care about this place anymore.. I kno your loyal to the site and all.. But theres only so much a person can take.. If you nor PC werent around.. This forum would be filled with

I just came here to say hi. Posts.

But what I dont get is why you havent just gave up? Since the "owner" doesnt care.. Why should you? Like you have ** going and that place is filled with posters that write essay posts.. YOu should jus be like.. If you and the rest of the staff agree.. Say this.. We're not going to run this forum anymore with limited amounts of powers, we need _____(fill with all the things you need) to keep running this forum running smoothly.

He should just make you or PC an admin.. He can still make money of it.. And actually this place will have better posters and everything else you need.. And if he doesnt reply or you get turned down.. Just throw in the towal... Loyalty only goes so far.

BTW.. The reason I thanked him was for making the supermods and building the site.. If I would of know he litterally doesnt give a shit about this place.. Would of never said it.. So im taking it back :)

^ That should also break down what I ment by sooner then later. I ddnt know you were asking for all these things due to not being in the Board Room etc. Im basically just referring to the current mishaps.. Not before my time on Wz.
PauLwaLL50 said:
Now you see.. I think I deffinatly read it the wrong way.. I do see where your coming from.. So if all he cares about is the money sit. why doesnt he jus give you admin powers and he can jus sit around with "his other 18" websites? That doesnt make sence to me.

It makes some sense, in the respect that some past admins deleted everything so he has trust issues. It also makes sense in the respect that he knows that I was admin here at the time that the other place was created. (I posted more in detail about this earlier in this thread) I could provide links to threads like I said where he could see that despite me being loyal to ** i do a lot here as well. The problem is getting him to read those threads. He never seemed to read the ones before with the exception of one that he made that quote for.

.. But you should get him to use the email activation thing.. And then ban the email if a person spams..

I can't ban the email without the admin panel. I can try to get the current admin jp to fix it so that people have to validate emails, but he won't have the time to actually ban emails. Still, it would be a start.

But what I dont get is why you havent just gave up? Since the "owner" doesnt care.. Why should you? Like you have ** going and that place is filled with posters that write essay posts.
Ask Kapp, I pm'd him a few times in the past saying that I was ready to say fuck it. It's crossed my mind many times.

. YOu should jus be like.. If you and the rest of the staff agree.. Say this.. We're not going to run this forum anymore with limited amounts of powers, we need _____(fill with all the things you need) to keep running this forum running smoothly.

Not a bad idea

BTW.. The reason I thanked him was for making the supermods and building the site.. If I would of know he litterally doesnt give a shit about this place.. Would of never said it.. So im taking it back :)

He made Jprealtalk admin. Jp's the one who modded the new supermods and did some ip banning, by request. He's the one that does things sooner or later. Building the site, definately a good idea as it hasn't had any long crashing periods since returning.
I came on here the other day and told these dudes to stop making hate threadsa and other threads about people that hate this and hate that and i also posted that they should just stop posting if their not gonna put thought in it and i think i got a few hate messages from people saying Ted Turner didnt want WCW on TNT and that WWE didnt win the monday night wars and i get hate messages saying fuck you. I seriously want to help but there are so much people who arent mods can do..All they can do is say stop and I understand that the mods and supermods and admins go threw hell.
See I could make sence every once in awhile..

Nah but now for seriousness... I think this site needs more then 1 admin.. Its not like this site only has 100 members it has 9000+... One person shouldnt have to carry all the wait on his shoulders.. Thats why I said above.. You need to tell him about admin CP.. Even if he doesnt make you a full admin.. You should atleast be able to mod people, IP Ban people etc. Atleast a few of the many things in the ACP...

And if lets say someone did become admin here and tryed to "take over".. Its not hard to regain your forum back... I kno this.. It happened to a friend of mine at another forum.

I see where your comming from by saying you feel like you bombard this JP character with requests.. Since he does a lot of the work.. Cant he just give access to the ACP? or even just make you or someone else an admin? It would make it easier on him as seeing that he wouldnt have to come on all the time.. He could jus come on and see how the sites going.

Tho Im not a person of power.. You can see in WWE and all the other forums.. I try my best to inforce the rules.. Ask any supermods... I used to be a spammer.. I kno this.. I remember saying something like "Shawn Michaels vs Triple H.. Dont feel like explaining why... And then I learned from my mistakes.. But it seems like to me none of these newer newbs want to learn.. Then recieving PM's saying fuck you.. etc.. So I can only imagine what you guys go thorugh.
ShaneRamlall said:
I came on here the other day and told these dudes to stop making hate threadsa and other threads about people that hate this and hate that and i also posted that they should just stop posting if their not gonna put thought in it and i think i got a few hate messages from people saying Ted Turner didnt want WCW on TNT and that WWE didnt win the monday night wars and i get hate messages saying fuck you. I seriously want to help but there are so much people who arent mods can do..All they can do is say stop and I understand that the mods and supermods and admins go threw hell.

Most people here are young and immature so that's a big part of their behavior, although older people can be immature as well and not all young people are. You're 14 right? You seem more mature than a lot of the others your age, as do several other young posters (although I did hear that you were talking shit about me at some other forum :)

Basically all that people can do is try to get others to realize what they're doing but usually it will get the responses that you speak of. When it comes to threads like this with longer posts...if people aren't gonna look around really fast before starting a new thread, they certainly won't have the patience to read through something like this unfortunately.

PauLwaLL50 said:
I see where your comming from by saying you feel like you bombard this JP character with requests.. Since he does a lot of the work.. Cant he just give access to the ACP? or even just make you or someone else an admin? It would make it easier on him as seeing that he wouldnt have to come on all the time.. He could jus come on and see how the sites going.

I was thinking of asking him that. Previously Proto Man as admin and since my account wasn't granted admin access I had to use his account in order to do admin things (although ip banning wasn't an option for him either because of his predecessors). So it's something that has been done before, I just don't know if he'd be willing to do that.
LOL...I was just laughing at the your way of making long books worth of posts and mocking you...Sorry i was just trying to entertain myself but seriously the admin here needs to start caring..IF people dont care about a succesful forum this could be then why make it. I mean we need to get rid of 1000s of threads that are just jibberish.We have 100,000,000,000 of members that are just immature and ignorant that when you tell them something they think your trying to make them look stupid. IF someone doesnt like TNA dont go in that forum and same goes for WWE yet their are thousands of hate threads...Even with the new mods and supermods i.e kapp and realblackhart here that wont help...You guys need way more help..Dysturbed and etc prolly go threw hell now..With all these crappy quality post and etc.
Shane never really talked shit.. He jus thot you were the basic admin and didnt think you cared anymore.. But a few of the members from another forum always resected what you did like Me, E Dragon, even grungy.. Tho he did use your name as you kno..

As for..
Dystrurbed said:
I was thinking of asking him that. Previously Proto Man as admin and since my account wasn't granted admin access I had to use his account in order to do admin things (although ip banning wasn't an option for him either because of his predecessors). So it's something that has been done before, I just don't know if he'd be willing to do that.

Theres nothing really left for me to say but its a wothe a try.. If he actually cares at all.. He would make the smart decision.

As for the supermods.. There is a time that they arent on as well.. And there is more spam then.. I see this.. Im on all the time due to not having a life anymore :(
I'll bring it up to him in a few days. It's his birthday today (21st) so I'm sure that he has plenty of things going on tonight, followed by a hangover, school, work, or whatever else he does.
LOL im on too but I just never post its too hard with all the spam and flaming and etc going on..This site is getting unbearable..** is way better than this place due to the fact they have quality posters..I had joined ** for a lil while..And I must say the admin there is beter then this one..From what I read the admin here only cares about money.
ShaneRamlall said:
LOL im on too but I just never post its too hard with all the spam and flaming and etc going on..This site is getting unbearable..** is way better than this place due to the fact they have quality posters..I had joined ** for a lil while..And I must say the admin there is beter then this one..From what I read the admin here only cares about money.

Its not mainly all the admins fault.. Well about 80% is.. But he isnt accounted for all the newbs that come in.. Yes he is to blame for the ones that come in via the "DX Third Member" shit.. Which I find to be real dumb.. But some people just search for a wrestling discussion who never posted before and then they come here stating.. John Cena rules!!!!!!!! etc.
The reason people are like this is too ghet recognition as a good poster..Some people post threads that have been up already to get complimented and to be popular on the site which I find dumb.

Sentences like these make me want to just leave this site completely.

''I agree''

What the hell is that suppose to mean? Why do you agree?

People need to start learning the basics about wrestling. Sometimes I even pm people to help then and I get this in return.

''Shut the fuck up you peice of shit you dum fuk''

Actually sometimes its spelled wrong. It pisses me off alot to but i dont flame or do anything back. I just ignore them.
ShaneRamlall said:
I must say the admin there is beter then this one...

There are three admins there. Advocate, myself, and Aloe (who is also the owner)

PauLwaLL50 said:
Its not mainly all the admins fault.. Well about 80% is.. But he isnt accounted for all the newbs that come in.. Yes he is to blame for the ones that come in via the "DX Third Member" shit.. Which I find to be real dumb.. But some people just search for a wrestling discussion who never posted before and then they come here stating.. John Cena rules!!!!!!!! etc.

The admin has nothing to do with that. The admins job is to do what I have been doing, plus a few more things like ip banning, making new forums, new modsetc. He has literally nothing to do with the links that bring people here. That might actually be Matt Boone's doing, not sure.
Wait.. Who the hell is Matt Boone.. I remember seeing you say something about the owner and the pop ups that come up at WZ.com... Tho im not sure what it stated.. I thot it stated something along the lines of the owner putting up the Live PPV Stream or something.

One question.. You dont have admin powers.. But you have the admin title under your name? Does that mean they tried to put you under the admin permission mask and it didnt work or what? Ive been wondering that for awhile.
PauLwaLL50 said:
Wait.. Who the hell is Matt Boone.. I remember seeing you say something about the owner and the pop ups that come up at WZ.com... Tho im not sure what it stated.. I thot it stated something along the lines of the owner putting up the Live PPV Stream or something.

The owner is Brian Einhaus. Matt Boone does a lot of the other stuff with him. I don't know which one of them (or someone that they work with) is the one to put up the links. However, the intention is of course to get more traffic here, and they obviously are unaware of the problem that traffic causes. That or they know and don't care. I'm not sure which.

PauLwaLL50 said:
One question.. You dont have admin powers.. But you have the admin title under your name? Does that mean they tried to put you under the admin permission mask and it didnt work or what? Ive been wondering that for awhile.

JPrealtalk (the admin) tried that, unaware that it wouldn't do anything. I go into the admin panel and have absoultely no options. It's pretty much a blank page. The supermod panel is how I can ban anyone. So yes he made the attempt, but it's up to Brian to make it complete or make someone other than me a new admin.
I just have one last thing to say about this.. In order for this place to really survive IMO is to get an admin who'll be here more then the others.. Who would be easy to get in touch with incase a ban or a new mod is needed. Like I've said.. Theres only so much mods and super mods can do.. Need an active admin. Also new forums wouldnt kill anyone.. Like a prison and multimedia forum etc.
Due to copyright infringements the multimedia section will not ever happen. And as has been stated a prison probably with the current settings of this place would not work. As people would just change passwords and continue to post stupidly or what not.
In my opinion as stated before we cant really ask anymore of anyone except the owner but i dont see anything being done untill then. The site has been down for the last couple of days i see. I hope this is not an omen of things to come. But whilst it is up there is only so much the handful of mods can do.
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