WWE NoC 2010 - The Big Show vs. CM Punk


City Dweller, Successful Fella

At Night of Champions, Big Show will step into the ring with CM Punk, as the powerful knockout punch of The World’s Largest Athlete clashes with the full power of Straight Edge.

Big Show has pledged to eradicate CM Punk from WWE and with good reason. Punk nearly broke the gigantic Superstar’s hand with the assistance of his Straight Edge Society. Though Big Show went on to overcome The S.E.S. at SummerSlam, The Second City Saint’s early departure from the match prevented the giant from finishing the job.

After Big Show ridiculed the Straight Edge way-of-life on Monday Night Raw’s 900th episode celebration, Luke Gallows was sent forth to destroy him. However, when the “Sin-free Soldier” tapped out to Big Show’s Colossal Clutch, Punk became unhinged and executed the GTS on his own war-torn disciple! Now, with the future of The S.E.S. uncertain, Punk could be in for an enormous problem.

Though “The minister of Straight Edge” is the smaller of the two Superstars, that doesn’t mean he should be taken lightly. Punk is a two-time Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner and a two-time World Heavyweight Champion. His cunning nature is only outdone by his plentiful arsenal of dangerous maneuvers – most notably the dreaded Anaconda Vise – which helped claim a victory over the legendary Undertaker.

Will Big Show throw The Straight Edge Savior into a crooked future of pain? Find out at Night of Champions, Sunday, Sept. 19, at 8/7 CT, only on pay-per-view.

Another new addition to the NoC card that was added tonight. This match I find to be a very interesting addition to the card of this pay-per-view for one reason: it's not a title match of any kind. This show is sold on the fact that all titles will be defended and that every match will be a title match. I guess do to the number of titles lowering in the WWE they had to fill up an extra spot on the card. Anyway this match will probably cap off the Punk/Show feud and I am interested to see what happens. Again keep all discussion of this match in this thread please.
night of champions is one of my favourite ppvs because a title is on the line in every match but i think this match has kind of killed the concept of the ppv which sucks

anyway i think this is going to be a good match which hopefully cm punk wins
and this should kick off the ppv because its not title related :)
night of champions is one of my favourite ppvs because a title is on the line in every match but i think this match has kind of killed the concept of the ppv which sucks

anyway i think this is going to be a good match which hopefully cm punk wins
and this should kick off the ppv because its not title related :)

Not really, this years NoC has the unification Divas match, and no ECW title match, there are only 6 matches, and most pay per views have 8, so they needed another match to even the PPV up.
i agree that this match doesnt fit in with the theme of the ppv, but id still like to see big show win so that this ses storylin will wnd. i never reall liked the idea of a "straight edge savior" that likks nothing close to straight edge but he forced his "disciples" to do there best to look it. i think what will happen is theyll make this a no dq match, gallows runs in to try and help punk, but both will be chokeslammed and punk will attack gallows aftr the match, gallows fights back, hince the end of the ses
Like Beast said, you've got two less championship matches from last year considering that both female belts are being unified and the ECW Title doesn't exist anymore. Unless you've scripted the shows to have really long matches, the amount of matches doesn't go well. I mean, there are some drawing cards like Rey Mysterio who aren't even on the PPV... so by adding this match they at least get some big names into the show.

As for the actual match, this is the blow-off between CM Punk and the Big Show. Every time we have seen Show and Punk mix it up, the Straight-Edge Society are the ones who are doing most of the dirty work. I don't think we've seen more than five minutes of ring action specifically between Punk and Show... so it should be an even match-up, allowing Punk to stay strong. Punk could use the win, but since nothing really is on the line having Big Show take the bout would be a good idea since the projections for the major title matches seem to indicate the heels winning. You, at least, want the crowd to go home on a good note with one of the big name faces winning.
I get that they have less title this years, and need to ad matches to fill the card. Since it is night of champions I think the non title matches should at least be number a 1 contenders match.
CM Punk is a 3 time world heavyweight champion! :p

Anyway, at first I thought this match was odd but yeah with less titles and the divas titles being unified...it makes sense to throw an extra match on the card. Better that than fill time with random crap, it is a PPV after all. Plus, this is an actual feud and not a random match at least. I thought at first maybe they would make it a number one contender's match to kinda tie it into the whole champions theme.

I hope CM Punk wins, though. He is really in need of a big win, when was the last time he had one? :S
so glad i get to see cm punk because i'm attending NOC. hopefully he wins to show that he doesn't need the SES
i agree that this match doesnt fit in with the theme of the ppv, but id still like to see big show win so that this ses storylin will wnd. i never reall liked the idea of a "straight edge savior" that likks nothing close to straight edge but he forced his "disciples" to do there best to look it.
i actually like the SES and it gives Punk something to do because he NEEDS to be feuding with someone. They can break up the SES without having Punk lose, how about having Punk win then say that he doesnt need these losers anymore and they are gone from the SES. I am NOT a fan of how WWE treats Punk. First he can't beat Mysterio without help from 3 people and now he can't beat the Big Show??? Let CM Punk win a match, he's too talented to be a jobber.
Anyway, at first I thought this match was odd but yeah with less titles and the divas titles being unified...it makes sense to throw an extra match on the card. Better that than fill time with random crap, it is a PPV after all. Plus, this is an actual feud and not a random match at least. I thought at first maybe they would make it a number one contender's match to kinda tie it into the whole champions theme.

I hope CM Punk wins, though. He is really in need of a big win, when was the last time he had one? :S
i agree, let Punk win this match, he NEEDS a win BADLY. let him make the Big Show tap out, even if he has to use a chair and not get caught, have him use a chair, then make Show tap with the Anaconda Vise. As for this being at NOC, i agree it's strange, BUT i guess WWE needs a filler match, too bad this cant be a number one contenders match.
but since nothing really is on the line having Big Show take the bout would be a good idea since the projections for the major title matches seem to indicate the heels winning. You, at least, want the crowd to go home on a good note with one of the big name faces winning
yeah, agree that the crowd should go home on a good note with a big face winning, BUT they can do that with a win by Daniel Bryan and maybe Melina. I see the world title changing hands at the next pay per view and i see the WWE title ending up being with the Miz (thanks to his briefcase) at the end of the night and if Triple H is ready to come back, that can make the crowd happy, a return from the Game.
I see SES dying here. Whether Punk loses or not. I think either Show will win and then SES will come out and beat up Punk, or Punk will win and during the celebration they'll turn on Punk, OR Show will win due to interference by SES.

SES is on it's way down and it's time to put Punk back in the Main Event. So Punk winning then SES turning seems like the most likely choice.
I really dont understand this thought, i mean regardless of the card i am always going to get this ppv but someone said there is only 6 title matches so they have to fill the card,
WHY!? why do they have to fill the card surely they can fill 2.5 hours with six matches. Why cant they make the 6 pack challenge or the taker vs Kane match an absoulute classic match that lasts 45 mins why do we have to get the usual sort of let down that we get from a ppv that isnt part of the top 4 and and just fill time with matches that really arnt that great and a match that just ruins the whole gimmick of every match has a title on the line. Personally Cm Punk vs Big show sounds like a crap match, I really rate Cm Punk and i like the Big show but its very hard for Big show to put on a great match so i think this will be terrible. So why Vince why, just because we arnt watching Mania or the Rumble or Summerslam why do we have to have these fillers, why not make an awsome card and make each match a great entertaining story telling match.
Can I get a loud "meh"?

That is what this match is. One big pile of meh. We've seen these guys go back and forth numerous times, and the whole faction has been dominated by Big Show. What in the hell is gonna make us expect that CM Punk is ever gonna come out victorious in a singles competition?

This match will most likely be shit. Once for stepping over the gimmick of the Pay Per View, and once because the winner is pretty obvious right here. WWE is most likely not gonna change Big Show winning yet another one of these.

Also, WWE seriously fucked up with that article. 2 times world champion? I love the numerous nicknames they give Gallows and Punk though. Sin-free soldier, war-torn disciple, minister of straight edge etc.
"Meh" is actually the perfect word to use here. CM Punk is probably my favourite wrestler right about now, but I just couldn't care less about this feud and this match. I don't really get what it's doing on the card anyway. No one is going to care much about this anyway, and then you have the fact that there is no title on the line in a title themed ppv. It just hits me as a weird decision. Anyway, I'm guessing Big Show wins here in what is likely to be a forgettable match.
I agree with Ferbian here the match is not that interesting but hopefully it could be a decent match. Big Show has dominated the Ses together how am I supposed to believe that Cm Punk will win on his own. I want Punk to win this match but I just don't see that happening. Big Show gets the win here.
Yeah, I'm not too excited about this one at all. I just don't see Punk beating Show here. The big man has dominated the SES for a good while now, and I don't think anything will change here. Punk will probably get lost in the mid card for a while after this one is over. As far as the SES goes, I really don't what will happen after this. They've all been Show's punching bags for a good amount of time now, and this stable has lost a lot of steam ever since the feud with Mysterio ended. I think Mercury and Gallows will interfere, and screw up some how. This will of course piss off Punk. A loss here could mean the end of SES, and that wouldn't be good news for Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows.
I am looking forward to one thing in this match, the end. I want this feud to be done. Besides Pucks promos, there is nothing I find entertaining about this crap. It has gone on long enough, end it while Punk still has some credibility. It would be nice if C.M. Punk could get some time to work the mic at Night of Champions.
I could see this match being placed after a hot match to let the crowd rest up.
I understand why they are having this match, less titles and all that shit but atleast make it a No 1 Contenders match or something.

As for the match itself Punk really needs to win, he has been dominated and basically squashed by Show, he has lost in numerous singles and handicap matches so he dasperately needs to win this one some how. The match should be terrible as most Show matches tend to be, I really feel for Punk having to go out and try to put on a decent match with Show.
This match may make some people angry, as it does not feature a title in a PPV where all the matches are supposed to be title matches. However, that is not exactly what NOC is all about.

Night of Champions will still feature every title being defended, but WWE never said it couldn't have more matches than it takes to defend each title.

The feud between Show and Punk has been gaining steam for a couple of months now and having them wait another month to settle it at another PPV might make the feud go stale and become unappealing.

CM Punk has proved that he can be a fan favorite, as well as a crazy cult leader-like villain. He has gained more of my personal respect as the leader of SES than he ever did during any of his three world title reigns.

Punk is one of those guys who trained hard in the indy circuit and made his way to the WWE. He was not trained by the WWE and he was not recruited due to his physique or his celebrity status, he was recruited because he is a great wrestler.

Punk had even faced some of WWE's top guys before joining the company. I am reminded of a match he had with Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero that was amazing. Youtube it if you haven't seen it.

Big Show is going into this match with the height and weight advantage of course. And he has dispensed with every member of the SES before. Now the two will come face to face for a one on one encounter.

I am going to predict that Punk will come out victorious for two reasons.

1. His stable is falling a part and a victory would make him look strong again.

2. Having a guy three times Punk's size beat him up is not entertaining, having a heel underdog pull out the victory would be entertaining.

Since his return to the WWE a couple years ago, Big Show's talent has been wasted in my opinion. How the most dominant force in WWE is never in line for a title shot is beyond me. He could add something to WWE as champion that they haven't had in awhile, a champion who is almost impossible to beat.

I hope after the Punk/Show match is over CM Punk gets put into a feud with someone who can keep up with him in the ring and I hope Big Show goes after whoever holds the World Title when the night is over.
I want to sound the least bit bashful as I possibly can.

Night of Champions that has a match on the card that isn't for a Championship?


I don't see why this isn't at least a number one contenders match.

CM Punk vs. Big Show? Boring. I hate watching Big Show in the ring because no matter how happy he tries to fool us all into thinking he is, he's still horrible to watch. He's slow, doesn't have very many moves, and I'm afraid that he's going to turn into a Great Khali.

I want CM Punk to win and prove that he doesn't need the SES to win his matches so afterwards, they can disband. SES are bland now and they haven't got any gimmick left in them, CM Punk doesn't even like them at ringside anymore. One of them has already been released and I see the same happening to Gallows and Mercury after NoC if Punk wins.

SES are boring now. CM Punk has no hair left so his "straight-edge-purity" is gone, and there's no need to have an ex-****** and an ex-plastic surgery addict cramping his style.

CM Punk is ready for another Championship run and I can almost taste it.
This is being built up as a special attraction and I can see why as I can see the very real possibility of a CM Punk win on PPV.

Show has dominated this feud but I feel that Punk is being hyped up to lose yet again, only to sneak a victory in. WWE has hyped up the Anaconda Vice as of late (It seems that the month of September is the Month to Hype that Move Up) and if Punk's going to beat Show clean, then the Vice will be the only real option.

Show could win but i don't really see the need for him to win. He won't be anywhere near the title when Taker wins it. Should Taker win it, he's going to need a heel to feud with post Kane and I suspect the Punk, being the only main event heel talent on SD, could well be the Deadman's next opponent (especially with them colliding this past week on SmackDown).

My Prediction, by Submission: CM Punk
I'm a big fan of CM Punk but I feel this match needs a unique stipulation like if Big Show loses he joins the SES and if CM Punk loses no more SES. The match alone seems out of place on the card, no title is on the line and no matter the result of the match both these men are headed to potential feuds with 2 other mid-carders. I would say make it a Number 1 contender match but I have a feeling the Kane/Undertaker feud is far from over.
Punk needs to win this (with or without help from the SES)

He is one of the most talented people in WWE but i feel they have been burying him since wrestlemania

With the Kane/Taker feud winding up i dought this feud will wind down either
Like i said, WWE NEEDS to let CM Punk win here, even if he uses a chair for a low blow or cheats with some kind of weapon, he needs a victory. Big Show is all ready looking like a strong wrestler, he doesnt need the crediablity, CM Punk however does. Since his last world title run, he's been pretty much regressed down the ladder, CM Punk is the best mic worker on Smackdown and he deserves better than this. If the SES is going to break up, have them break up by having Punk say he doesnt need them anymore and tells them to take a hike after a big win.

"Meh" is actually the perfect word to use here. CM Punk is probably my favourite wrestler right about now, but I just couldn't care less about this feud and this match.
i agree, As good a wrestler as Punk is, Big Show brings him down and unless WWE surprises us and let's Punk upset the Big Show, this match will suck because it will bury CM Punk. Punk NEEDS a win and needs back in the World title picture. the feud with Mysterio didnt help Punk because again, WWE didnt give Punk a win that looked good. he needed 3 people to beat Rey?? come on!! Let Punk at least use a chair or weapon and have him upset Big Show and then end the feud and let Punk move up, then later have him take Undertaker's World title (when he wins it).
I'm looking forward to this more than anything else on the card. Show showed on SmackDown that he's still hella over, but it's Punk's hometown. So the crowd dynamic will be interesting. Also, I'm dying to see them prove that their mediocre pre-Fatal Four Way match on SmackDown isn't the best they can do together. I know they're both fine workers. Show is a great big man and Punk can be a force of nature when he wants to be.

As for a result, Show dominating the feud up until this point and Punk re-introducing the Vice into the mix leads me to believe we're in store for Punk to re-establish himself as a threat. Although if that doesn't happen, I've become so indifferent to the role of heels in the WWE machine over the years that it won't bother me.

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