WWE Network Live Stream LD

I have to say, the fact that the show didn't treat everything like it was THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAR worked in its favor because it felt very refreshing. Also, having light hearted moments that were genuinely entertained rather than cringe inducing.
It's been a damn awesome episode. It has Bossman towing away Big Show's dad too. Totally forgot it was the same episode.
It's been a damn awesome episode. It has Bossman towing away Big Show's dad too. Totally forgot it was the same episode.

It's so ridiculous, though. They were just pushing the envelope to push the envelope. I understand that wrestling, and television in general, was more edgy at that point.
Watching this weeks NXT, unsure where else to put this. Adam Rose is probably the best debut in a long long time. That entrance made me feel so happy.
Watching Royal Rumble 1992. I am super stoked. The match itself is obviously ***** but I remember this as being a fun PPV. Just classic wrestling. I'm hyped.
Watching Royal Rumble 1992. I am super stoked. The match itself is obviously ***** but I remember this as being a fun PPV. Just classic wrestling. I'm hyped.

I watched it yesterday, so much better than I remembered. Although part of that may be because I skipped the Bushwackers' match
I dig Tensai/Albert/Jason on commentary. Don't know why they don't just call him Matt though, I mean, if they were going to kill the Tensai character, they should have just gone to his real name.

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I dig Tensai/Albert/Jason on commentary. Don't know why they don't just call him Matt though, I mean, if they were going to kill the Tensai character, they should have just gone to his real name.

I think Lawler is actually the only announcer that uses his real name
Thriller said:
I don't mind the jobbers, but they need challengers. I'm starting to get bored with them

I agree they need challengers, but they have to build challengers first.

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Mason Ryan looks a lot better than he did the last time I saw him.

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