WWE Money in the Bank : WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match

Who walks out of MITB as new WWE World Heavyweight Champion?

  • John Cena

  • Cesaro

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Randy Orton

  • Roman Reigns

  • Sheamus

  • Bray Wyatt

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Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
As announced on Raw, the championship match at Money in the Bank will [most likely] be decided the night of the Pay Per View. So, with that said, which match do you see main eventing the event? Stretcher Match or Money in the Bank?

Personally, I want to see the Money in the Bank Match headline. I find it stupid that it's never headlined its own damn event, since becoming an event. Not to mention, I think WWE should just go ahead and start giving The Shield the entire main event spot. Now I know some idiots will go about saying "It's too soon to push them" and not realize that the Shield have all been ready for WWE/WHC gold since TLC of 2012. They've been doing their thing for 2 years now, and have consistently stayed at the top of everyone's minds... They've also been the centerpiece of Raw and Smackdown practically every episode since arriving. They were a 3 man version of what Nexus should've been.

And now, they're ready to sink or swim. So why not have Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins be three of the six, seven, or even eight men to compete in the MITB match for the WWE title? Why not give someone like Reigns the WWE Championship and lock him into a feud with Rollins? People have always wanted new people in the Main Event, and right now, there's no better time to push these two into that spot. And yes, that would mean these two men would main event SummerSlam as they very well should. They've been on fire, and I think it would be a great reward for them.

Hell, find a way for Ambrose to get jealous at Reigns winning the WWE Championship and make it a triple threat. This is the best way to build three future main event stars in the WWE, all with one simple moment that basically started last Monday.
As much as I don't want to see Bryan and Kane in a stretcher match, I think it's far and away a better idea than having either John Cena, Randy Orton or an up-and-comer who isn't ready holding the title. Cesaro's just getting started with his push. Reigns and Ambrose haven't technically started their singles careers yet, not to say they won't be great, but I think it's way too early for them. Same goes for Rollins. ADR is in the MitB, and....ugh. Let's not go there. Bray Wyatt may be ready soon, but he's still another up-and-comer. So who does that leave as a legitimate champion? Back to Cena or Orton, and both of those guys as champion has been done to death. Actually, done to death, buried, dug up, revived, and done to death again. But what other choice does the E have?
Personally, I want to see the Money in the Bank Match headline. I find it stupid that it's never headlined its own damn event, since becoming an event.

Yes it has. Last year the MitB for the WWE Championship Briefcase was the Main Event and Randy Orton won.

I would personally rather see the Stretcher Match end the night since I am of the thought that the Title ends the night unless there's a match that is way more important/historical (Cena v Rock I) or tradition (Royal Rumble).

The issue with Reigns/Rollins/Ambrose going in the match is it just drops their current story. I would be fine with Rollins/Orton v Reigns/Ambrose and the winning pair get into the match. If the MitB match is just for the Briefcase I wouldn't want any three of The Shield to win since that isn't a way to make a dominant champion and usually just gives a person a brief run as champion. Very rarely does it mean a bonafied new main event star.
I prefer the title match to end, if nothing else to tease a potential cash in. While Bryan vs Kane in a stretcher match isn't all that exciting I still think title matches should end most PPV's outside of the rumble. Otherwise you set a precedent of named PPV's having whatever match happens inside of the titular match automatically go on last regardless of the title.
Okay first... No matter how you look at it, the WWE title will be the main event. It's just the participants that will change. If Daniel's healthy it'll be a stretcher match, but if he's not then it'll be the MITB match with the WWE title on the line... Do you not watch Raw?

Second, I was corrected on the ladder match never ending the PPV, but the fact that it was able to slip my mind so easily just proves a point [two really - I'm lazy and it hardly happens].

Third, having Rollins vs. Ambrose vs. Reigns at SummerSlam doesn't have to take away from anything. There have been plenty of times during HHH's reign in the McMahon-Helmsley regime where he was placed in triple threat matches, and it still stayed on course with the overall story. It can be done here too. Reigns or Ambrose can simply win the title, and then Evolution could try and get it back... similar to how the authority angle played out for Daniel. Only now it shifts to The Shield, and also causes the remaining two to split.

Fourth, unless Daniel Bryan's healthy, I don't see any other program right now that needs the title. Cena & Wyatt, I'm sure is pretty much done, with the exception of Usos vs. Wyatt Lackies...
As much as I don't want to see Bryan and Kane in a stretcher match, I think it's far and away a better idea than having either John Cena, Randy Orton or an up-and-comer who isn't ready holding the title. Cesaro's just getting started with his push. Reigns and Ambrose haven't technically started their singles careers yet, not to say they won't be great, but I think it's way too early for them. Same goes for Rollins. ADR is in the MitB, and....ugh. Let's not go there. Bray Wyatt may be ready soon, but he's still another up-and-comer. So who does that leave as a legitimate champion? Back to Cena or Orton, and both of those guys as champion has been done to death. Actually, done to death, buried, dug up, revived, and done to death again. But what other choice does the E have?

This is exactly how I feel. I talked about it earlier this week in a thread I made and both scenarios have potential downsides about them. For Bryan vs. Kane, people would just rather see Bryan move onto someone else. However, when you consider the nature of Bryan's neck issue, it only makes sense that it be written into part of the storyline and that Kane was responsible. Also, it's not as if their match at Extreme Rules was lousy. Far from it, in my opinion, as I thought it was a strong bout that turned out much better than most were anticipating. The other option, as you pointed out, is that the MITB runs the risk of yet another Cena, Orton or Del Rio title reign or the title could be put onto someone that's just not ready for that spot. Nobody's gonna be excited about another Cena, Orton or Del Rio title run and elevating someone to the title before they're ready can do a lot more harm than good. Look at Jack Swagger and how him winning the WHC was a lame duck run almost from the get go that wound up setting his career back rather than elevating it.

Earlier this week on the main page and on other sites, there was a report stating that, allegedly, some feel that Bryan will insist on wrestling at MITB whether he's 100% or not due to a combination of his own mental toughness and "pressure" that's allegedly being put on him. I don't know if the report is legit or if it's stuff that's being put out there to keep people guessing what Bryan's overall condition is and what he'll do at MITB.
Has Anyone considered that maybe wwe is putting fake reports to try to even make the dirtsheets not know what will happen. I mean they where willing to turn Rollins heel just to surprised us... They could maybe do this.
I'm not feeling very enthusiastic about the line-up so far, Del Rio is a complete waste of time and Cesaro isn't ready. Sheamus shouldn't touch the WWE title until he gets a heel turn and I don't fancy another Orton run. I'm guessing the 3 remaining spots will include Cena but hopefully not Kane, it's hard to guess who the other 2 spots go to as surely Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns will be used in singles matches to fill out the card.

At this point I can't see anything but it going back on Cena.
It's looking to be an uninspiring line-up. Either full of guys who've already had title reigns or guys who just aren't ready.

I'd rather a fresh face won. I think WWE could put the title on somebody like Rollins or Wyatt for a short run. I don't think it'd benefit them, but it'd be the more interesting option.
Cena and Wyatt will likely take the next two spots and I reckon the final spot will go to either Reigns or Kane. If Rollins faces Reigns on the PPV then Kane, but if Ambrose faces Rollins then Reigns. Now that Orton is in the Money in the Bank, what else is there for Reigns to do on the PPV other than stand in Ambrose's corner if he faces Rollins? Actually if there's a second MiTB match, that's another option for Reigns and they could always have Orton cost Reigns his MiTB match and Reigns cost Orton his MiTB match later in the night to set up a match between the two at Battleground.

I agree with The Eighties about the line-up so far. If Wyatt and Reigns also get in, they too aren't ready, and if Kane gets in, I'm sure no one is interested in seeing him have a run with the belt either.

Cena seems to be the best option to win as it would lead to another great rematch with either Bryan or Lesnar for the belt.
Highly doubt we see Rollins, Ambrose or Reigns in this match due to their involvement with each other. Makes no sense to have Orton and Rollins starting some tug of war for the title when they're barely a week into becoming Evolution brethren. Even if Rollins found himself in the match, I would expect an Ambrose and Reigns interference to mess up his chances of winning. Same could happen to Orton too. I would love to see Bray Wyatt involved in the match, but I mentioned this in another thread....how do you suddenly turn a cult heel who hasn't ever hinted at giving a damn about getting any sort of championship title into someone who suddenly craves the gold in a matter of weeks? If Cena is part of the match, is that what would motivate Wyatt to compete?

Del Rio is a horribly uninspiring pick for the match, having done nothing noteworthy since jobbing to Batista back in Feb. Don't mind having Sheamus in the match, have no positive or negative feeling towards him. Not sure what the deal with Cesaro will be going forward. I'm assuming him and Heyman will have a falling out sooner or later. I can see them booking him strong, but ultimately coming up short. To who? I honestly haven't got a damn clue. :shrug: I understand others may feel differently, but I'm not all that big a fan of Cesaro/Heyman together. They've given him an awful new theme, his "strut" to the ring during his entrance pisses me off, and I just want him to turn full babyface as soon as possible. Right now, he doesn't give me the aura of a WWE champion in waiting. His in-ring work remains elite level though, naturally. :)
Have the MITB for the WWEWHC end the ppv and surprise everyone with Cesaro winning the title and tease the up and comer MITB winner to come out. New fresh feud for the main event scene. The up an comer could be Ambrose or Reigns. Heck I'd even take a Brock Lesnar tease.
Have the MITB for the WWEWHC end the ppv and surprise everyone with Cesaro winning the title and tease the up and comer MITB winner to come out. New fresh feud for the main event scene. The up an comer could be Ambrose or Reigns. Heck I'd even take a Brock Lesnar tease.

I don't know that it'll go down quite this way, but I do see this match closing the show. As a result, if they have another MITB match for a title shot, there's a strong possibility of a teased cash in or an outright cash in to close the show.

If this bout closes the show, which I think it will, then the winner will be booked to have had the snot beaten out of him like everyone else in the match. He'll be very sore, maybe even "injured", and he'll be physically exhausted, so it'd be a prime opportunity for the MITB winner from earlier in the night to cash in. If the winner of this match is an already established main event guy, I could see him dropping the title the same night. Orton, Del Rio and Sheamus are three former WWE and/or World Heavyweight Champions in the bout and I expect Cena to be added as well. Sheamus isn't ready to be champ again, I think he's doing too well as US champ right now and that's where he's needed most in my opinion, and I don't think a lot of people are salivating over the thought of another Cena, Orton or Del Rio title run. Del Rio's not nearly over enough to warrant being in the spot and people are simply burned out on Cena & Orton as champ because they've been there so many times and so often over the course of the past decade.
Bray Wyatt in the MITB Championship match is what's best for business. :D

I found it a little odd at first that Ambrose actually had a chance to qualify for the title match, but it made sense once Rollins interfered. Just to stick the knife in The Shield that little bit more. I'm really happy they've now "added" a desire to win the gold to Bray Wyatt, and I'm hoping this means no more of the Cena feud. Not that I didn't enjoy their matches to a degree, but it had already run its course for me by Extreme Rules. I'm definitely much more excited for this match now with the inclusion of Bray Wyatt.
Ok, so far we have Randy Orton, Sheamus, Cesaro, Bray Wyatt, and Alberto Del Rio qualified for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship ladder match at Money In The Bank. The question is who do you think will fill the remaining two spots and who will win the vacant WWE World Heavyweight Championship?

I think that the two vacant spots will most likely be filled by Roman Reigns and John Cena. Reigns because I feel WWE needs to add one more fresh face to the main event scene, and while Reigns isn't quite ready yet, I feel another strong showing in this match will definitely get him where he needs to go in terms of his singles career. Plus, there are people talking about Reigns vs. HHH at Summerslam, and add in the fact that Orton is in the match, the two of them could team up to ensure Reigns does not win. That could lead to Orton vs. Reigns at Battleground, which of course brings us to HHH at Summerslam. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

As for John Cena, there is no way they're leaving him out of the WWEWHC title picture for much longer. He's already played out his feud with Bray Wyatt, but I wouldn't be surprised if they face off at some point in this match. As much as I don't really like it, it's almost a guarantee we'll see Cena in the ladder match.

Now, I believe that out of all the participants, at least the ones that have been announced already, the winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion will be: Randy Orton. I don't like it a whole lot, but I don't see anyone else as a credible champion. Cesaro and Wyatt are still working their way up, although I wouldn't be surprised to see either one winning it by the end of the year. Sheamus is still the US champion, so it's not likely. Alberto Del Rio............Please, sweet Jesus, no. I don't know if Cena and Reigns are going to enter this match, but if they do I'm actually going to put my money on Cena, as much as I don't want to see him holding it again.

So, those are my thoughts on who will enter the match and who will emerge as the new champion. What are your thoughts?
You have to put it on John so he can drop it to a heel when Daniel Bryan is scheduled to come back. That's the only way at this point to preserve the Daniel Bryan WWEWHC run.

Giving it to ADR or Sheamus is a waste right now, neither of them are prepared storyline wise to be at the top. Wyatt being the champion actually buries his gimmick. Cesaro as a tweener, Orton as a heel, Cena as a face, and then one more slot (probably "THA DEEMON KANE!!). Cesaro isn't ready. Orton is busy putting the Shield over, and I doubt they pull him from that program.

If I was fantasy booking this, here's what I'd have:

Seth Rollins wins the MitB Ladder match for the briefcase. Cena wins the MitB TITLE match. Rollins cashes in that night while Cena is recuperating in the ring, and WINS.

At Battleground, Rollins defends against anyone (Cena works in a pinch, but so does Ambrose or Reigns) and wins. Right as the show is about to go off the air, Flight of the Valkyries hits, and DB runs in (we haven't seen him the entire time) setting up his title shot rematch but it's against Rollins at Summerslam.
Are they actually having a MitB ladder match for the briefcase? I think it would be stupid not to but I thought I read somewhere that there was only going to be one ladder match and it was going to now be for the WWE WHC.

Also, I could be very wrong in saying this, but I always thought that Money in the Bank ladder matches had either 6 or 8 contenders, yet this one has 7? I could see Cena and Kane filling the last spots, with Bryan coming back without being medically cleared or whatever and taking up an 8th spot in the match.

Not sure who I want to win. I'm really not up for seeing the title on Del Rio, Orton, or Cena, but I feel Cena is the only one who can make the title relevant. Sheamus and Cesaro aren't ready for me, which leaves Bray Wyatt, who I'd love to see win the title after proving himself as a main event player in his matches against Cena.
Are they actually having a MitB ladder match for the briefcase? I think it would be stupid not to but I thought I read somewhere that there was only going to be one ladder match and it was going to now be for the WWE WHC.

Also, I could be very wrong in saying this, but I always thought that Money in the Bank ladder matches had either 6 or 8 contenders, yet this one has 7? I could see Cena and Kane filling the last spots, with Bryan coming back without being medically cleared or whatever and taking up an 8th spot in the match.

Not sure who I want to win. I'm really not up for seeing the title on Del Rio, Orton, or Cena, but I feel Cena is the only one who can make the title relevant. Sheamus and Cesaro aren't ready for me, which leaves Bray Wyatt, who I'd love to see win the title after proving himself as a main event player in his matches against Cena.

I agree with your post.

As I mentioned before, I didn't see Ambrose or Reigns getting a look-in for this match considering who they're feuding with. I did like the tease of Ambrose nearly making it into the match before Rollins stuck another knife in his back on Smackdown though! I think Kane and Cena will be the final participants also. I just don't see who else gets in apart from Daniel Bryan as a surprise. But even then, how on earth do the Authority swing that? Same for Reigns, although if he got in the match I could see them booking him very strong until he gets screwed over, possibly by Rollins again.
I'm kind of wavering on my pick of Cesaro winning. I beleive the plan is for him to eventually get it and with Bryan's injury I kind of feel they might have done it earlier than expected. It's an exciting time for the WWE with Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns and Cesaro all capable of being the next top level guy in the company. But are any of them ready yet?

The next franchise player a la Cena(and John Cena is far from finished with that role) will most likely win the Royal Rumble and be "coronated" at a Wrestlemania either this upcoming or the following.
As announced on Raw, the championship match at Money in the Bank will [most likely] be decided the night of the Pay Per View. So, with that said, which match do you see main eventing the event? Stretcher Match or Money in the Bank?

Personally, I want to see the Money in the Bank Match headline. I find it stupid that it's never headlined its own damn event, since becoming an event. Not to mention, I think WWE should just go ahead and start giving The Shield the entire main event spot. Now I know some idiots will go about saying "It's too soon to push them" and not realize that the Shield have all been ready for WWE/WHC gold since TLC of 2012. They've been doing their thing for 2 years now, and have consistently stayed at the top of everyone's minds... They've also been the centerpiece of Raw and Smackdown practically every episode since arriving. They were a 3 man version of what Nexus should've been.

And now, they're ready to sink or swim. So why not have Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins be three of the six, seven, or even eight men to compete in the MITB match for the WWE title? Why not give someone like Reigns the WWE Championship and lock him into a feud with Rollins? People have always wanted new people in the Main Event, and right now, there's no better time to push these two into that spot. And yes, that would mean these two men would main event SummerSlam as they very well should. They've been on fire, and I think it would be a great reward for them.

Hell, find a way for Ambrose to get jealous at Reigns winning the WWE Championship and make it a triple threat. This is the best way to build three future main event stars in the WWE, all with one simple moment that basically started last Monday.
I agree that the shield should be in the next pay per event main match, they have accomplished alot since they came to wwe . So give the Shield the chance and credit they deserve ! GO SHIELD !
Its blatantly obvious that Wyatt should win this.

He is on fire currently, and the feud between he and Bryan (was already) will be utterly electric, both in and out of the ring.

Cena will probably win. The odds....He overcomes them.
As a Reigns fan, I'd love to see him win it, but at this point I don't think he needs it. He could get within inches of it only for one of Evolution to interfere and screw him over. It doesn't harm Reigns at all in the sense of looking weak, and gives him a free path towards his match at Summerslam with HHH. I would love to see Bray Wyatt become champion. It would do him the world of good after the Cena feud. As for Cena, if he wins it..... yeah, lets not go there.
With the field now set for the match and judging by what we have seen thus far I think Wyatt will become the new WWE World Champ. Seems to make the most sense with how his character has progressed. It would also be a good way to end the feud between Cena and Wyatt with Bray getting the upper hand by winning the title.

If it is not Wyatt I put Cesaro and Reigns as the guys who would be next in line. Cesaro winning could lead to a match between he and Brock at SummerSlam and conclude with Cesaro turning face and becoming a new face main eventer. I give Reigns slightly less chances as his built in feud being with Orton is not as high profile as Cesaro's with Brock, but he has already established himself as a top face so if the WWE is worried about flipping Cesaro by the end of the summer than Roman could be your next champ.
As a Reigns fan, I'd love to see him win it, but at this point I don't think he needs it.

I'd agree. If he comes out of this match wearing the belt, it would seem the ultimate "slingshot effect," no? A few months ago, it looked as if he was about to break free of Shield and be launched to the moon as a single.

Then, surprisingly, the group stayed together and we wondered if his individual push was cancelled.... or merely delayed.

Now, just as Seth Rollins broke free and the singles effort appeared to be focused on him, leaving Reigns and Ambrose as a team, here comes Roman again, breaking away from his team and apparently leaving Ambrose to go after Rollins alone. Interesting work by Creative.

Still, the slingshot effect I referred to involves drawing Reigns back in the short term, only to snap him forward to win the Ladder Match at MITB. Honestly, while it would be okay to see this, it would seem more logical to make him work his way up the singles division for awhile before bestowing the company's biggest honor on him in one helter-skelter PPV match.
It's a shame they wasted a spot on Del Rio when they could have had Rollins on Ziggler in to add a high spot guy to the powerhouses. I don't really care who wins as I think it's too soon for Reigns, Cesaro and Wyatt, and I have no interest in another Cena or Orton run, despite the latter probably being the safe bet.

I think Triple H will screw over Reigns and I don't see Del Rio, Sheamus or Cesaro as likely winners. So I am guessing Cena or Orton part 42 or WWE take a shot to leftfield and go with Bray.

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