WWE Money In The Bank - Sheamus (c) vs. John Cena - Steel Cage WWE Title Match

I hope these two can put on a better match than their previous encounters, however Sheamus has improved by leaps and bounds since then.
All of his PPV matches since Elimination Chamber have been really, really good. And I hope this is this is no different.
I definitely see Sheamus retaining in this one. John doesn't need the belt right now, especially since Barrett can't get a title shot soon, and there is definitely going to be a feud between the two, to help Barrett get even more over before he gets his eventual world title shot.

Sheamus needs this to continue his roll and not have him lose his credibility as a champ saying the only way he can win is due to interference, and can't beat Cena cleanly.

Prediction: Sheamus wins via cage exit. (Hopefully not due to Nexus interfernece)
Kinda weird given its a gimmick match thrown onto a gimmick card, but alright. Probably a Sheamus win, one way or another. I dont really know, its about fucking impossible to figure the title scene these days.

Something to consider, MITB cash ins like to happen after brutal gimmick matches....Cena vs Sheamus? Brutal gimmick match. I could DEFINATELY see a cash-in after this match.
Unless they're setting us up for a big swerve, I can't see this match NOT being interfered with by Nexus (at least afterwards) and I can't see the RAW MITB winner NOT cashing in here.

That being said, the ending doesn't really matter. All I really hope is that Sheamus can finally show us he belongs in the main event, and these guys deliver a solid 15-20 minute match and prove they deserve to be RAW's main event. I know Cena has it in him, now it's time for Sheamus to step up.

In the end I'm going with Cena for the win so he gets the extra title run, but Jericho wins MITB and cashes it in with the help of nexus.
I agree with Prax. WWE is almost being too obvious (which again, agreeing with Prax, could be a big swerve) by repeatedly saying how the cage "guarantees" no interference from Nexus. How many cage matches have we all seen where outside interference happened? Either with all the Nexus climbing over the cage and into the ring to destroy one or the other, or both, or the simple, but classic, bolt cutters on the chain locking the door.

That being said, I really hope Sheamus comes out on top. Like a lot of others have said, Cena can be occupied with getting revenge on Nexus for the next month or so without being in the Championship picture. Having him in both story-lines (Nexus and Championship) monopolizes too much content with one person. It also forces people that should otherwise be feuding with the champion to have to help him due to Nexus, which just muddies the water even more.
Sheamus needs the win here and he'll get it. Hopefully it will be a clean pinfall but I doubt it. I predict Cena climbs up the cage and almost escapes when Sheamus dives through the cage wall itself headfirst winning the match.
Somehow, The Nexus will cost Cena the match leading to Barrett Vs Cena at Summerslam and also it will allow heamus to then lose his title at Summerslam to the returning HHH. (We all know thats what coming right?)

Or Wade Barett will cash in his title shot and win, still leading to Cena Vs Barett but it will be for the WWE title also. This would also leave Sheamus in another fued with Triple H for no reason other than it makes sence.

God I hate WWE...
i could see the winner of the money in the bank ladder match cashing in his title shot and winning the title after the cena/sheamus match. the cage is lifted, and nexus is then able to attack cena and sheamus, for revenge after monday's raw. however i dont want sheamus retaining and then losing his title immediately, and i dont want sheamus getting pinned by cena.
I think that this will be the last match of the night I'm not sure on the winner I think it depends on the winner of the MITB if the winner is a Face then I see Sheamus winning if the winner is a heel i see Cena winning either way I see neither Cena nor Sheamus leaving this PPV as WWE championas the MITB winner will cash in as after the match is over and the cage is lifted the Nexus will come out and beat up the already weakened winner then the MITB winner will come and cash in.
I still think Nexus has a connection to Sheamus. It would make sense, especially how they particularly target Cena time and time again. Even with the steel cage match, I still see a dusty finish. I think the Nexus will do some crazy shit like tear down the cage or something, and Sheamus will definitely win. No way he loses the title that fast.

A month ago I would have said this leads to Barrett/Cena and Sheamus/HHH but with HHH not coming back anytime soon, I have no idea. Either way, I still don't see Cena winning here.

I just don't think this one will be clean, and I wouldn't be surprised to see the Raw MITB winner cash in here and lose the match, with Sheamus leaving Cena and the MITB winner both knocked out in the ring as the show closes.
I hope that Sheamus wins, he has only just won the title and losing it wouldn't make him look strong.I think Sheamus should pin Cena, but that will not happen.This match will most likely end with Sheamus and Cena having a race to the finish, either Cena going over the top and Sheamus escaping by the door.Or Cena and Sheamus fighting on top of the steel cage.As I said Sheamus should go over at the PPV to show that he dosen't need Nexus to win.
This is probably my most anticipated match of the event. The Money in the Bank ladder matches are great for getting me out of my seat but I have a feeling that a lot more is at stake in this match and it will be great to see how it pans out. Going into the match, there is so many questions that will be floating around my head and this match will give people the opportunity to answer those questions.

Is Sheamus on a level where he can beat Cena clean?

I realise that you don’t often get clean victories in a steel cage match but if Sheamus goes over Cena tonight with a pinfall or over the cage without any outside interference, then I will be very shocked and pleasantly surprised. For me, it shows that the WWE have the confidence in Sheamus’ run with the Championship this time. Enough confidence to put him over their number one star of the company and that is a very exciting prospect in reality.

Will the Nexus attack during or after the match?

I think it is pretty safe to say that they will attack at some point because it has been hinted at for the last month or so. I recall Otunga’s conversation with Randy Orton about when the cage goes up and the Nexus get their hands dirty again, the Champion will be primed to cash in his newly won Money in the Bank briefcase. To me, this signals that the Nexus are going to play some part in this match. Whether it is to determine who the victor will be or just to have a beat down on both of these guys or maybe even one of them, I suspect that we will see them in action.

Will the Money in the Bank briefcase be cashed in?

Going back to one of my points in the last question, the WWE has hinted on several occasions that the winner of the Raw ladder match could cash in tonight and that is another question that will constantly be going through the minds of the fans. Could we be leaving Money In The Bank with a brand new Champion that isn’t John Cena? I suspect that the chances of that are pretty high tonight and it just adds to the intrigue of the whole thing.
Didn't the anonymous GM say that any member of Nexus can't compete for a title for three months or so? I guess that leaves Barrett out for cashing his title shot tonight.

Sheamus needs a clean win over Cena to start off a good title reign. He's been great as of late and a win over Cena legitimately will only help. Sadly, I expect Sheamus to win by some sort of Nexus interference. Will be a good match though.
So...anyone feel like Cena was being portrayed as a potential heel? He got sad..almost cried(lol)...then got upset and attacked Nexus. Then the next night on Raw he said..."if you can't beat em..." which obviously meant jerk them off...but some got the idea he was hinting at joining Nexus...

Then the whole thing ended with Bret returning. But my question is...they hinted at him being heel....why? Does that mean its going to happen...or did they think we would mark out to it? I think its the latter and so I lol at them for being so lame. Creative is slower than marks. Even marks know more than them. So sad...

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