WWE Money In The Bank - Sheamus (c) vs. John Cena - Steel Cage WWE Title Match

The Doctor

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In WWE, steel remains a confining element, ensuring that competitors cannot flee at the first flicker of danger. When WWE Champion Sheamus defends his title against John Cena in a Steel Cage Match at Money in the Bank, however, those entwined metal shafts will also serve to prevent the intrusion of danger – principally, the seven hazards of The Nexus.

The first hazard on Sheamus’ mind, though, remains his rival. During Fatal 4-Way, the Irishman captured his second WWE Title by defeating Cena, Randy Orton and Edge, thanks in no small part to the interference of The Nexus. Those distractions will presumably disappear, though, when The Celtic Warrior and the former champion meet alone inside the unforgiving structure.

For Cena, the past few months have been like enduring a marathon while competitors repeatedly hurl themselves in your path. Not only has Sheamusthrown down the gauntlet, seven-time WWE Champion Cena has been forced to tolerate the attacks of The Nexus as they attempt to leave an indelible mark on the landscape of WWE.

If Cena does somehow manage to overcome Sheamus, will he also be capable of navigating any traps laid by WWE NXT’s rebellious graduates? As for the Irishman, there’s no question that he has the desire and wherewithal to win, but can the relative rookie really hope to emerge from a Steel Cage Match victorious against a seasoned veteran who still appears to be hitting his stride? One thing is guaranteed: There must be a winner.

To find out, be sure to catch all the action live Sunday, July 18 at 8/7 CT only on pay-per-view.

So this match should be a lot of fun. Cena has never been able to beat Sheamus properly, and Sheamus has come along in leaps and bounds since his first reign. I don't see Sheamus losing so quickly, especially now that he's come into his own as a true main eventer. Cena is going to put Sheamus over somehow and make it look good.

There are two factors however that play into this match: Wade Barrett and The Nexus. Within the coming weeks we are going to see where the Nexus storyline goes, and I think that we may be seeing Wade Barrett cash in his guarenteed PPV title shot and make this into a triple threat. Either that or The Nexus will interfere and cost Cena the win again.

So yeah, I'm predicting Sheamus or depending on how things go, Wade Barrett to win this one.
I see a couple of things happening... Sheamus retains, probably due to Nexus again somehow. Cena regains in the ever so old, Hero over coming the odds scenario we have seen 100 times with him before. Nexus come down and rip the cage apart. or lastly, Cena win, then Cole gets a email telling everyone that Wade Barret is cashing in his PPV title right now, and we get new WWE Champion Wade Barret.
Well I think John Cena is going to win because I dont think they would want Sheamus WWE Champion heading to Summerslam. So i see Cena winning here and having a triple threat with Sheamus and Wade Barret at Summerslam
I pretty much think somehow Wade Barret will walk out champion either he'll make it a triple threat match from the start or wait untill after Cena or Sheamus has one and use his title match then. So it will be pretty much like a money in the bank cash in.

I see him doing it the heelish way and waiting untill after the match.
:banghead:Oh geez, another Superman-never give up- fight. What I mean by that is that Cena hasn't won against Sheamus....so they will build it up that Cena can't possibly win even if his life depended on it. And at the end he wins, no shocker right. As for the Nexus gang they wont be able to get in, unless they surround the cage and wait for whoever wins and Sheamus is still scared and Cena climbs out.

Also I think Barrett will cash in his title match after Cena wins the title. That way Cena-Barrett feud until Summerslam.
I don't want to see john cena win the title from sheamus at all. John cena has won the wwe championship from the same person he lost it to for four straight times. I think John Cena should just get out of the title picture, So there for I see sheamus winning this in a not so brutal steel cage match.
This match's ending is about as predictable as Swagger getting a lisp problem during a promo (yea I said it so sue me). Cena is gonna be the holy hell out of sheamus, and somehow he is gonna fall into the ropes getting his arms all tied up and Sheamus is gonna climb his limp beat down A$$ out the cage door for the win! Wah Wah Wah Sheamus screws Cena again whateva. Vince take your product and shove it up your A$$.:banghead:
I hope that Sheamus retains the WWE Championship and get Cena out of the WWE Title picture for a few months. The opening to Raw tonight was very good, and Sheamus is getting better and better each week. He had me fooled last week when he was handing in his WWE Championship to Vince. Didn't you hear the cheers? I think Sheamus could play a legit face if they really wanted him to. He's very good on the mic and he keeps on improving. The WWE title match last week, I think Sheamus was going to win it and retain the WWE Championship without stealing a win. I used to hate that he got pushed so fast, but I see why now.
This should be a decent match at least,most likely the most unpredictable of them as well.The RAW GM still hasn't revealed who he is so who knows how/if it could play into this match.Then the possibility of Barret in this is slim at best depending how long it takes to get his visa redone,and lord knows if that will just terminate the nexus angle from this match all together.My prediction is that Sheamus will retain after a nexus attack(pending if Barret is back and if they don't have a play in another match) then as Sheamus is exiting HHH makes a return,possibly with an MITB winner in tow and proceed to take out Sheamus setting up those 2 at Summerslam
I think that Sheamus will retain the WWE championship, or at least I hope so. As much as I would love to see Sheamus go over Cena clean here, I don't see that happening. Somehow I see NeXus getting involved with the match, rather it be Barrett being add to the match or NeXus coming down and interfering. I hope they keep the title on Sheamus for awhile, he is showing constant improvement since his last title run.

I think we will be seeing Sheamus vs Triple H at SummerSlam for the WWE title
Does anyone else think that Sheamus really needs to win this one by pinfall? I mean he is building himself into a legitimate main eventer, but I don't buy the big tough Irishman who barely wins his own matches.

I think this world title was a far better idea than his previous one, but he needs to start building some cred. His last push put him in the main event, he ran with the ball after he dropped the strap, but now he needs a credible 6 month run to really cement himself as a main eventer.

If they are willing to put faith in him until Armageddon (or there abouts) I think he could really let the whole wrestling world know that he is here to stay.

Just My Opinion.
Sheamus retains. Again he just got the title and he's built himself up as an awesome force in the WWE in between title reigns. It would be a shame for all that momentum to be thrown out the window for the sake of having Superman having another title win.
Unlike their TLC Tables match with the "Was that suppose to happen, or did he just lose his balance & they went with it" ending, I'm actually looking forward to this match - and hoping Sheamus retains.

I think that Sheamus has improved by leaps and bounds since December and whatever that was meant to be. He's since shown he can feud with the best of them, against Cena and Triple H.

I don't honestly have much more to say, except I highly doubt Wade Barrett joins this and makes it a Triple Threat. If Sheamus is meant to win, or lose, they're going to want to focus on both Cena and Sheamus - alone. Cena winning, albeit in a B-Grade ppv, would be his first meaningful victory over Sheamus. On the other hand, Sheamus beating Cena inside the Steel Cage would be Sheamus' first actual victory over Cena, without any type of fluke-like ending.
i see Sheamus winning this one. in fact, i hope he wins it cleanly and maybe even by pinfall. a legit pinfall victory would do wonders for his credibility. i don't see Cena tapping out anytime soon, especially to a guy that's not submission-themed. and escape is just kinda lame. makes it seem like Sheamus would be running away to retain his belt and that's just ironic and counter-productive.

but yeah, Sheamus gets the clean win here. then maybe Triple H returns to continue the feud at Summerslam. i wouldn't think that WWE would have a relative rookie main event Summerslam, but i bet they would if Triple H was in the ring with him. plus it just makes sense in the storyline. they both have one match on each other, so this would be the tie breaker.

so what to do with Cena? after he loses the cage match with Sheamus, have Nexus come down, tear the cage apart and beat the fire out of him. this gives Cena something to do for the next couple of months without being in the title hunt. and it's at least a bit more interesting than the alternative.
I want to see Sheamus pick up the win, and Wade Barrett Cash in his PPV title shot at Summerslam, putting to young fresh faces in the main event slot, for a change!
I really believe that Nexus will have to screw Cena in someway to set up the obvious Cena Vs Barrett for Summerslam and also the HHH Vs Sheamus for Summerslam, but still it could potentially be the other way round with one being a street fight or something to that description or a title match. But as I said I hope Sheamus can pull off this bad boy to keep Cena out of the title picture.
I am god-damn giddy with excitement over this one!

Right at the start of Raw, when Sheamus announced that John Cena’s rematch clause was now null and void, I was literally dumbfounded. I though, how is that even possible? His match didn’t even end. There was no winner or loser and all Sheamus did was run away. Needless to say, I was fucking pissed off that John Cena had been screwed out of his match at Money In The Bank. This feud has plenty of legs left in it and I would have been so disappointed if they had given that up to give Sheamus someone else to feud with. However, as the cage lowered and the GM announced that John Cena and Sheamus would be competing in a steel cage match, I saw hope in the world again…

Both of these guys have been having absolutely solid feuds lately and this one has so much juice left in it. A cage match is exactly what is needed right now and I am so excited to see what happens. Do I think that the WWE will have Sheamus lose? No, I don’t. However, with John Cena involved in the match, there is every concern that he could take the Championship back and Sheamus will have little room to be a heel in the cage. He can’t run away from Cena and outside interference will be very limited, to say the least. As of yet, Sheamus has still to beat John Cena with entirely legitimate means and this match may just settle that

Right now, it is too early to contemplate a winner but I am pretty sure that Sheamus will retain as the Nexus get involved with his match. Yes! It is in a steel cage but that doesn’t mean that the Nexus wont be able to get into it. I, for one, am looking forward to this match so much right now.
I don't think Barrett's guaranteed title match works the same way the MITB contract does, at least I hope it doesn't anyway, that would be way over board. Especially if he were to do it on the same damn night as 2 MITB Matches. I do see Nexus getting involved in this match though, they are way too cautious about who they job Cena too cleanly. While I'd love to see Sheamus pick up a clean win, I just don't think it's likely. Sheamus has to pick up the win here though, he has to. If they take the strap off of him this early, he'll be just as fluky of a champion as CM Punk was during his reigns.
Sheamus is really starting to win me over. I like the guy. His mic skills could use some work but his in-ring effort is nothing short of intense. He's a hard-nosed, tough guy who is not intimidated by anyone and I really like that about him. I also see Sheamus winning here. I also see Nexus interfering somehow, but I also smell a rat. Nexus has got to have a true, bonafide leader and I don't think it's Wade Barrett. I think it's a legit, big-name superstar who is helping this group behind the scenes and I think that person will be ultimately revealed as...John Cena. I know McMahon doesn't want to go this route, but remember how huge the Hulk Hogan heel turn was in WCW when the NWO was formed? Why not have Cena do the same thing? So here's another scenario...Nexus comes out to try and get in the cage. They eventually do and then attack Sheamus, revealing Cena as their leader all along. Cena wins the belt. WWE has to do something to shake the status quo and this would be a bombshell. Just something to think about.
As much i want to see Sheamus retain..I think Cena will get the win and take the title to SummerSlam and defend it against Wade Barrett...or like some above said..why not a triple threat match...

Isn't HHH supposed to be returning after this ppv..i hope he does...but then I want him to take on Sheamus at SummerSlam and get his revenge...So i'm predicting a Cena win here...
I think this match could be pretty good, it's a match where Sheamus can come out looking strong while beating John Cena (which I hope and think will happen, because John doesn't need to win this match, regaining his championship already, as much as Sheamus needs to retain and beat John cleanly)

I don't get the additional gimmick to the match in the Steel Cage itself at a pay per view revolving around a specific ladder match, but I will not complain because I think it could be a very good match, and could have both coming out looking strong, no matter the winner.

My prediction is that Sheamus retains it, how I don't know, hopefully pin, but crawling out could work as well.
I got my money on Sheamus. Cena does not need this win in any way. I believe Cena is going to make Sheamus look like gold. He usually always does with his opponents.
Sheamus really, really needs the win here to come across as a credible champion. Unless Sheamus and Cena has a hellacious battle culminating in Wade Barrett deciding to use his Pay Per View main event championship shot against the champion at the end of the match, Sheamus needs the clean victory. Just posting this makes me believe that Wade Barrett will cash in his opportunity so my prediction is that Wade Barrett will walk out of Money In The Bank as WWE Champion.
I don't see Sheamus losing the title just yet. Cena will probably start a feud with Wade Barrett very soon, and I have to believe to Sheamus will contiune his feud with Triple H in the near future. The Game is going to want revenge for what happened at Extreme Rules.

The match Cena and Sheamus had at TLC was pretty decent, and their other encounters on Raw haven't been bad either. I'm not expecting anything great here, but this match should be solid.
This feud has been handled very well. They've been able to build it up properly without having to put these two in a million differ PPV matches against each other. And at this point Sheamus is real legit, so it's much different than the match at TLC.

It should be pretty good as well. These two certainly aren't techincal guys or anything, but Cena has been consistently great this year, for the most part. I've enjoyed basically all of his PPV matches. Sheamus has been imporving steadily as well.

Don't see how Sheamus loses here. NXT guys may be involved, or may not be. Who knows? Not I.

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