Kane held the World Title for one day. Most of you seem to be forgetting that Hennig is also a former World Champion, and AWA champion. And he held the belt for longer than a day. Kane has a long history of losing to wrestlers who are smarter than him. His character loses all the time because of stupid mistakes. Who was among the best ever at taking advantage of people's mistakes? Curt Hennig.
And for the record, Hennig put the Perfect Plex on Bam Bam Bigleow. He could put it on Kane. Whether or not Kane would kick out depends upon a variety of other factors, but for those saying he couldn't do it, you are wrong. Perfect beat a lot of guys who were larger than him. And in his prime, he was one of the sneakiest guys around. He would steal this win like he stole wins from dozens of others.
Also for the record, NOBODY beat Brutus Beefcake at the point when he beat Perfect. Only Hogan would have, had they had a match. Beefcake was pushed at the same level as Savage at this point, jeez. Also, Kane "destroyed" D-X and the Corporation, but did he win any of the big matches in those feuds? Nope, he beat the peons, and lost to the quality wrestlers. Like he would here.