WWE Is...

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
When I was reading the Over the Limit results, I noticed a bunch of people complaining about a lot of things. Brodus Clay's matches, Ryback's slaughter, and most of all, Big Show. I'm appaled to say the least. Okay, so things are predictable. Who cares? Learn to keep your minds open and shut up if you can't. Vince does the best he can. Triple H does his job too. Let the damn storylines play out. I've been a fan since 2004, when I was 10. I've watched the WWE transition. I've done e-feds. I've simulated WWE on video games. I've watched the WWE lose stars such as HBK (retirement), Batista (MMA), Kurt Angle (IW), Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Umaga (deaths). In fact, I'll be honest with you, we should be lucky the WWE even exists! If it didn't, we'd be stuck with Impact Wrestling and Ring of Honor as the main brands in wrestling.
I understand why some of you are angry. Predictability, future stars being ignored like Ziggler, blah blah blah. Look, just enjoy what we get! Just watch, wait, and see. Who knows, maybe, I don't know, Dean Ambrose will debut tomorrow night on RAW! Maybe Damien Sandow will actually wrestle a match on SmackDown! Maybe Ryder will become World Heavyweight Champion, who knows? Maybe Lesnar will turn on Big Johnny! Point is, you never know.

Quit pretending you know everything that's going to happen. And if you can predict it all, please, please, PLEASE don't go around dissing the WWE, they're doing their best.

Agree? Disagree? Tell me to f off?

for Clay, i think most people are just waiting for a great long term feud for him, for Ryback, people just see too much Goldberg in him and also want a longer feud for him. As for the Big Show predicition, i know that i had issues with it and the issues was that it was easily predictable. i mean, Big Show was "fired" then gets his job back by attacking Cena. my biggest fear is that this leads to another Cena/Show match and that's not something i want to see again. i actually though enjoy WWE and not everything is predictable. i thought for sure that the Bryan and Punk match would be a one time only match, but it seems like they may have another month of Punk vs. Bryan after that finish.
Who knows, maybe, I don't know, Dean Ambrose will debut tomorrow night on RAW! Maybe Damien Sandow will actually wrestle a match on SmackDown! Maybe Ryder will become World Heavyweight Champion, who knows? Maybe Lesnar will turn on Big Johnny! Point is, you never know.

Quit pretending you know everything that's going to happen. And if you can predict it all, please, please, PLEASE don't go around dissing the WWE, they're doing their best.

Agree? Disagree? Tell me to f off?


Maybe, keyword there, but it never does. Maybe Brock Lesnar will return at WM28 - NO - he returned on RAW when it was so painstakingly obvious the live crowd was chanting it.

Maybe it wont be that easy, it will be Batista or Lesnar or someone else who returns to save Big Johnnys job, Whats that no, it was Show, something that every single person on the internet picked up on.

Maybe they will do something different, Oh look a CM Punk shoot promo, maybe this will be the 2nd coming of the Attitude Era, Whats that, 2 unclean wins over Cena, and then instead of the WWE title dragging him up so he can Rise Above Cena, no WWE shoves Cena down our throats again.

Maybe Punk will be the Anti Authority rebel, the guy thats different, Just like Austin vs Mcmahon. Whats that? All the pre built heat / friction with Laurinitis, Nah just give it to John Cena, never mind it could really help someone get over the top, nah give it to the guy whos already at the top.
I agree with all of that except for the fact that they're "doing their best".

Doing their best would be actually using LOGIC in booking. Back in the day, not even necessarily the attitude era, but even a few years ago, they booked based on number one contenders, they didn't book two and a half months worth of squash matches for two different wrestlers, they booked in an organized fashion with two different distinct brands with different wrestlers on each brand and two distinct title pictures, they didn't bury very over guys like Ryder, etc...I could go on. It's like WWE doesn't even care about logic at this point. That is my main complaint with the WWE. Otherwise, the product they've been putting out since June of last year has been good.

I do agree with you though about the people complaining. They seem to forget that in wrestling you have to have something called "suspension of disbelief" because the IWC is a large reason kayfabe is dead (along with Vince McMahon). "Oh, we were attentive enough to see the blatantly intentional kayfabe firing of Big Show leading to a heel turn." Yeah? Good for you, you were supposed to notice that...
So, basically, fans should just shut up and be happy that Vince & company are being kind enough to give us any wrestling at all? Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The product is poor right now, and as a viewer, I have the right to voice my opinion. Vince is trying hard? He needs to try harder. The WWE is doing their best? Actually, they aren't. They are engaging in some of the laziest booking in recent memory. Big Show turning heel could be predicted as soon as he was "fired". WWE creative is paid to come up with stories and ideas that are actually creative and not things that everyone watching can predict. If you want to be happy with any garbage Vince throws your way, that's fine. In fact, people like you are part of the problem. Because as long as you are willing to give Vince your money and happily watch his garbage, he's only going to give you garbage. The roster is boring. The booking is predictable. And the people who get the most mic time are the least charismatic. If this is Vince "trying hard", he needs to retire ASAP.
Ok wow. I would like to start off by saying youve been watching since 2004? When you were 10? OK, that means you had a giant Cena poster on your wall, think Undertaker only wrestles one match a year, and have no idea what the hell your talking about. Ive been watching wrestling since i was 10....in 1984. Ive seen the great matches, wonderful storylines, moments that make you say Holy S#!t(and not just because they pipe it into the arena)so excuse me if Im a little cynical here. WWE has gone to crap, they completely devalued their belts and champions, and turned a joke of a wrestler, I mean "Sports Entertainer" into theyre poster boy. In twenty years nobody will care about 90% of the people on the roster and people will look at this as one of the worst times in wrestling, trust me.
First of all you have to realize that you are on an internet wrestling forum. The main purpose of this site is to discuss what happens in the WWE, which includes the decisions creative makes. You mentioned video games, well its a damn shame when I can book my Universe on WWE 12 and make it ten times better than what the "experts" are doing with the real thing. Like another user said, theres a lack of logic being shown by the people at the center of this issue. Theres too much focus on who the fans and creative feel like they should be on top in the company and who actually is. All these guys, Sandow, DB, Ziggler, the FCW guys who look like they belong in ROH and the ones who are from ROH trying to make it to the WWE. RYDER. The fans rally up behind them but then turn on them once they realize that they arent going to amount to shit. WWE needs to weed out the guys that are never going to make it. Guys who dont look the part, dont act the part, and dont have the discipline. When you do that the next step is logical booking. None of this Lesnar losing to Cena crap so that Vince can convince his giant ego that wrestlers can beat MMA fighters in real life. None of the doghouse crap. Riley had so much buildup and the WWE decided he was in the doghouse. None of the cartoony shit, farting storylines, and no attempts to make Santino relevant. We're just scraping the surface with WWE's problems here.

What I'm trying to say is the reason people complain is because wrestling is much more than just a show to them and when they see writers "desecrating" what they love their instinct is to speak out in hopes that they will be heard.
Ok i did watch wean i was younger but stop watching for awhile. I started re watching the day after wrestlemania 13. I saw the end of over the limiit for a week. Dont get me wrong i a wwe fan threw and threw. I could of came up with something great. Let jsut say Animal from LOD comes out say to cena it my brother he let this ego go to his head just let him go and we call it a truce. Cena go to say ok wean Animal hit with a pipe or what ever you want to call it to be. It just way to easy to have big show do it. I hate the Jonny thing he not even people power. It just lazying writeing. easy way out of ppv. I rather have the compute gm back it was kind of funny to have cole can i have your attesion pleae. Nobody knew the gm no power but i know alot of people hated to. Lets see what raw has for us tommrow. This better start gettng better.
Let's give credit for them for doing something they haven't done over the past year often, even to many of your chagrins.

They followed through with something. They planted the seeds for the Big Show to turn, and by making it happen, it made sense. All too many times they abandon stuff like this or don't follow through. It actually made sense in regard to what they setup.

That's a big step. Conspiracy theory? RAW anonymous GM?

They actually went through with something they had setup, thus creating a logical sequence in its own kayfabe environment.

Regardless of whether you like it or not, of course.
Over The Limit was predictable, but it was an enjoyable show to watch. A show being predictable doesn't always mean it was bad. A bunch of people got pissed off last month because the WWE tried to suprise people with John Cena beating Brock Lesnar. A lot of those same people are probably complaining about this show being predictable after calling for predictablity after last month's PPV. I think the people who are complaining are focusing on the few negatives opposed to the positives. The Ryback squash was there to give the crowd a break inbetween the main events. Also, it is never bad to get new faces on PPV in any capacity (Reks and Hawkins were trending worldwide. Thank you Michael Cole.) I don't mind if people criticize the show though, as there were things I would have done differently too. I won't bore you with all of that, but consider the following.

The PPV ended up with 9 matches. Personally, I don't mind the WWE going with a few unannounced matches on PPVs. Gives the PPVs an element of suprise that I like about Raw.

I really liked the battle royal. I'm a sucker for an old fashioned battle royale though. Hey, it wasn't exactly Wrestlemania 4's lineup, but never bad to get some new faces on PPV as I said earlier. No Cesaro though...oh well. Good to see Regal with a presence in the match too.

Layla El has a nasty neckbreaker.

WHC 4 way did have a predictable finish, but wasn't a bad match at all.

The main events both delivered. A good match between Punk and Bryan with a clean finish. Can't complain there. And yeah, Big Show helping Big Johnny was predictable, but the stips set that up to be the only way that match could end. You and I may have seen it coming, but that guy in the Cena gear sitting front and center on the camera side sure as hell didn't. Overall, I was entertained by Big Johnny vs Cena. That being said, I'm easily entertained.

One last thing...The Miz must have really pissed someone important off. Two losses and that dance. That dance!?!?!? I can almost see Vince, HHH, or whoever it was watching it backstage laughing their asses off.
LOL "WWE is doing their best". Anybody who says that clearly started watching wrestling in the last 3 years.

Many of the casual fans even predict the show now WWE has gone that downhill go to youtube read the comments most casual fans comment will have the right predictions. Everybody predicted Show will interfere in the Laurinaitis/Cena match because WWE made it so obvious.

And there is no problem having Impact Wrestling as the top Wrestling company. Actually its the better Wrestling company.

Being a kisass WWE mark doesn't gives us a good Wrestling product which WWE had till 2008.
I have to agree with most. The ending was way too predictable. We deserve more. I don't owe Vince anything, I already helped make him a billionaire. You'd think the least he could do is throw me a bone every once and a while. The writing is crap, I've always thought they should get some comic book guys since they are good at writing story arcs.
On a side note, I got a huge laugh on facebook tonight reading a bunch of comments from adults approaching this like it's real. "Big Show was fired, why was he there, where was security." It also gives me insight as to why they don't take their fans too seriously.
First of all you have to realize that you are on an internet wrestling forum. The main purpose of this site is to discuss what happens in the WWE, which includes the decisions creative makes. You mentioned video games, well its a damn shame when I can book my Universe on WWE 12 and make it ten times better than what the "experts" are doing with the real thing. Like another user said, theres a lack of logic being shown by the people at the center of this issue. Theres too much focus on who the fans and creative feel like they should be on top in the company and who actually is. All these guys, Sandow, DB, Ziggler, the FCW guys who look like they belong in ROH and the ones who are from ROH trying to make it to the WWE. RYDER. The fans rally up behind them but then turn on them once they realize that they arent going to amount to shit. WWE needs to weed out the guys that are never going to make it. Guys who dont look the part, dont act the part, and dont have the discipline. When you do that the next step is logical booking. None of this Lesnar losing to Cena crap so that Vince can convince his giant ego that wrestlers can beat MMA fighters in real life. None of the doghouse crap. Riley had so much buildup and the WWE decided he was in the doghouse. None of the cartoony shit, farting storylines, and no attempts to make Santino relevant. We're just scraping the surface with WWE's problems here.

What I'm trying to say is the reason people complain is because wrestling is much more than just a show to them and when they see writers "desecrating" what they love their instinct is to speak out in hopes that they will be heard.

Agreed wholeheartedly. I actually do like some of the stuff in WWE but in the same token I'm not gonna be a mindless fanboy and jump for joy when a company gives me crap. WWE is not sacrosanct, If I don't like it I shut it off and I will complain. Don't like it, tough.
Ok wow. I would like to start off by saying youve been watching since 2004? When you were 10? OK, that means you had a giant Cena poster on your wall, think Undertaker only wrestles one match a year, and have no idea what the hell your talking about. Ive been watching wrestling since i was 10....in 1984. Ive seen the great matches, wonderful storylines, moments that make you say Holy S#!t(and not just because they pipe it into the arena)so excuse me if Im a little cynical here. WWE has gone to crap, they completely devalued their belts and champions, and turned a joke of a wrestler, I mean "Sports Entertainer" into theyre poster boy. In twenty years nobody will care about 90% of the people on the roster and people will look at this as one of the worst times in wrestling, trust me.

This right here is exactly the 100% truth... The current roster in the WWE is the worst roster in it's history. I started watching wrestling in 1986, and can personally attest to the fact that kdk is right on the money here. The "New Generation" of the early 1990's was a low point in company history. However, the current era is easily far more worse than that. I haven't watched WWE programming since 2010 (other than the occasional appearance by the Rock or when Lesnar debuted). It is very bland and boring.

No offense to the OP, but it is kind of hard for you to truly understand the significance of how entertaining the previous eras of wrestling were. Youtube just doesn't reflect what it was like to grow up through the best eras of pro wrestling. You truly have to live through it to appreciate and understand it. One day you will understand what I am talking about (if wrestling goes through another boom period).
I agree with a lot you say, its pretty much what I say to friends and why it took me so long to register to this forum. I will say this about Ziggler. hes no slouch on the mic, he sells very well and hes a great wrestler. SHUTUP! i love him too but geez, my second fav wrestler of all time was Mr. perfect. So what if you dont main event, so what if you dont win a championship? You're getting air time and people (most specifically the people who are very critical) love Ziggler. So love it.
It wasn't too long ago the WWE tried throwing a curve ball into their storylines and fans bitched that they did that just to throw people off. Now fans complain that it's too predictable. The only constant in my 30 years of watching wrestling is that fans will bitch because it's what they do. No matter how good the product might be they will find a way to tear it down.

There were fans in the 80's who hated the WWF because it wasn't the 70's. You had guys in the 90's who hated the WWF because it wasn't the 80's. Now you have people hating it because it's not the AE.

Most of the stuff I hear about Cena was said about Hogan in the early to mid 80's.

Ok wow. I would like to start off by saying youve been watching since 2004? When you were 10? OK, that means you had a giant Cena poster on your wall, think Undertaker only wrestles one match a year, and have no idea what the hell your talking about. Ive been watching wrestling since i was 10....in 1984. Ive seen the great matches, wonderful storylines, moments that make you say Holy S#!t(and not just because they pipe it into the arena)so excuse me if Im a little cynical here. WWE has gone to crap, they completely devalued their belts and champions, and turned a joke of a wrestler, I mean "Sports Entertainer" into theyre poster boy. In twenty years nobody will care about 90% of the people on the roster and people will look at this as one of the worst times in wrestling, trust me.

If you have really been watching since 84(which I doubt if you think this is the worst the WWE has been since) I have no idea how you can say this is the worst. The WWE in 93/94 was HORRID. I mean putrid.

How can you devalue a belt that you can't legitimately win? You do realize that wrestling is pre-determined right?
It wasn't too long ago the WWE tried throwing a curve ball into their storylines and fans bitched that they did that just to throw people off. Now fans complain that it's too predictable. The only constant in my 30 years of watching wrestling is that fans will bitch because it's what they do. No matter how good the product might be they will find a way to tear it down.

There were fans in the 80's who hated the WWF because it wasn't the 70's. You had guys in the 90's who hated the WWF because it wasn't the 80's. Now you have people hating it because it's not the AE.

Most of the stuff I hear about Cena was said about Hogan in the early to mid 80's.

If you have really been watching since 84(which I doubt if you think this is the worst the WWE has been since) I have no idea how you can say this is the worst. The WWE in 93/94 was HORRID. I mean putrid.

How can you devalue a belt that you can't legitimately win? You do realize that wrestling is pre-determined right?

You weren't referring to me directly in your post. However, indirectly you did. I don't know whether kdk has been watching wrestling since 1984. I do know that I have been watching since 1986 and that I share his point of view on this matter. One could actually compare the business cycle of the early 1990's and that of today and see that they are pretty much the same. The same in the sense that business is way down, and that the rosters from both of these eras are pretty bleak and bland (for the most part). The difference here is that in the early 1990's the WWE had a few wrestling promotions to compete with. The biggest of these was the NWA/WCW. We all know what happened when WCW moved to Monday nights... there very nearly put the WWE out of business. The big difference in today's era is that there is not any competition. If the WWE had competition, then they would really be in some serious trouble. Therefore, this is not an opinion as much as it is a fact!

I find it funny that people such as yourself say "No matter how good the product might be they will find a way to tear it down." Well now you now how the fans of TNA feel.

Now you have people hating it because it's not the AE.

Completely untrue... The AE was not the best era in wrestling.

Most of the stuff I hear about Cena was said about Hogan in the early to mid 80's.

Cena is not even close to being the star the Hogan was. When Hogan turned heel and joined the nWo it was covered by the local news networks. Do you really think that anyone outside of wrestling would care if Cena turned heel?

How can you devalue a belt that you can't legitimately win? You do realize that wrestling is pre-determined right?

I don't know buddy... aren't you the one who has been watching for "30 years"? Are you honestly going to tell me that the IC title is just as prestigious today as it was when Bret Hart held it? Are the tag team titles as important today as they were when LOD or the Hart Foundation or Demolition held them? WAKE UP DUDE!!! The belts are probably at an all-time low in importance.

Let's just be real here and not talk out of our asses...
Jeez, there's no pleasing some people is there? I bet if Lesnar had come out and did what Big Show did then most of you would be like "wow that was so obvious, i called that ages ago" - Infact, I remember a hell of a lot of people on this board thinking it would be Lesnar who interfered. That's just one example though.

Also, I'd say the current WWE brand is definitely better than say in like 2006 before the joint-branded PPVs. There used to be literally 1 decent match on every card back then with a lot of filler, now we get a classic Punk vs. Bryan match, a solid fatal 4-way and a brilliant tag team match as well as a decent IC title match! I much prefer current WWE to WWE 5-6 years ago (which was when I started watching week in week out, although I had been partially following since the attitude era)
...... Finally realizing Ziggler is a jobber thank god! No one outside of the IWC cares about him or Cody!

But I really don't get at all what VMK and the writers are doing! I mean Punk vs Bryan should have ended the show. ANYONE with half a brain KNEW Big Show would help Johnny.

Ryback goes on AFTER Punk and before Cena, wtf???? LOl "Finish Him" OMG WWE has their own Glacier now!

Who the HELL did Miz piss off?

I did like the Punk/Bryan end as now you have a controversy to continue the feud. I have a feeling Bryan will walk out with the strap next PPV.
You weren't referring to me directly in your post. However, indirectly you did. I don't know whether kdk has been watching wrestling since 1984. I do know that I have been watching since 1986 and that I share his point of view on this matter. One could actually compare the business cycle of the early 1990's and that of today and see that they are pretty much the same. The same in the sense that business is way down, and that the rosters from both of these eras are pretty bleak and bland (for the most part). The difference here is that in the early 1990's the WWE had a few wrestling promotions to compete with. The biggest of these was the NWA/WCW. We all know what happened when WCW moved to Monday nights... there very nearly put the WWE out of business. The big difference in today's era is that there is not any competition. If the WWE had competition, then they would really be in some serious trouble. Therefore, this is not an opinion as much as it is a fact!

I find it funny that people such as yourself say "No matter how good the product might be they will find a way to tear it down." Well now you now how the fans of TNA feel.

Completely untrue... The AE was not the best era in wrestling.

Cena is not even close to being the star the Hogan was. When Hogan turned heel and joined the nWo it was covered by the local news networks. Do you really think that anyone outside of wrestling would care if Cena turned heel?

I don't know buddy... aren't you the one who has been watching for "30 years"? Are you honestly going to tell me that the IC title is just as prestigious today as it was when Bret Hart held it? Are the tag team titles as important today as they were when LOD or the Hart Foundation or Demolition held them? WAKE UP DUDE!!! The belts are probably at an all-time low in importance.

Let's just be real here and not talk out of our asses...

IC belt and most of the belts in the WWE are a joke today! Back then the IC actually MEANT something. Cody holds the belt for almost as long as Honky YET Honky actually defended the belt. Cody is ONLY an IWC favorite as you could tell by the lack there of reaction he gets (like Ziggler). He's boring as hell and would be jobbing in the 80's and 90's unless he was in WCW, then he'd be tag teaming with Crowbar and David Flair. lol

And I agree about Cena, if he turned no one outside of wrestling would care. When Hogan did it, it shocked the world. I know people love Cena and compare him to Hogan. They only things they have in common is lack of wrestling ability, short amount of moves, but use their limited abilities to put on a great show. There will NEVER be another Hogan and wrestling wasn't it was in the 80's or 90's. Hogan was a great showman who put himself over (at the expense of everyone else). Cena is a great kids showman who the WWE puts over at the expense of everyone else.
Yes, your words is true Union offers creativity of this period, despite all the difficulties lost Austin, Rock, Shawn Michaels, Batista and Mr. Brevikt and Bret Hart and many Union is still steadfast despite losing many stars despite the offer of the day was meant to limit what a beautiful Aaattabrh bad, but unfortunately there is also cons Rybak Rhodes Clay and every show and there is no win scenario?
Finally thank you beautiful on the subject of continued
After watching the PPV this morning, people who shelled out a lot of money have the right to voice their opinion.

If you spent money, even if you shared the cost, what the WWE gave out last night was pure crap (Outside of the Punk/Bryan match). They aren't trying. They just don't care. They know most of the audience is going to continue to shell out money. And with no legit competition, they've become lazy and complacent.
Vince does the best he can

Okay, now we have a problem, Vince does NOT do the best he can. The product is dull and a shadow of it's former self.

Who cares if it's predictable? Me. I want to be surprised, I want a reason to watch RAW after a PPV.

People paid for Over the Limit, and THAT's the main event? Get the f' outta here.

WWE are NOT doing their best. The product absolutely SUCKS right now. I've made better storylines on WWE '12 for Christ's sake.
After watching the PPV this morning, people who shelled out a lot of money have the right to voice their opinion.

If you spent money, even if you shared the cost, what the WWE gave out last night was pure crap (Outside of the Punk/Bryan match). They aren't trying. They just don't care. They know most of the audience is going to continue to shell out money. And with no legit competition, they've become lazy and complacent.

Ehhh.... That's a little over-reactionary.

The main event was dull and highly predictable, so people are letting that overshadow the entire show. The WWE title match was good, so was the fatal four way for the WHC. The tag and divas matches (yeah, I said it) were solid for low/midcard. Christian winning the IC title was neat. The Brodus/Ryback matches of course sucked. Overall, the PPV was average - although to be fair, it had a tough act to follow (WM28, Extreme Rules). Like last year, the main event was terrible and gave OTL a worse perception.
Everyone else forgets that Vince has the final say on booking decisions, often ordering the scripts to be re-written with only seconds to spare before a show. The writers can only do so much when Vince is changing his mind worse than Brett Favre changes his mind on retirement.

At any rate, I agree with the OP in that the writers are doing their best. The final part of the equation, not so much. Triple H can moderate only so much of what Vince changes, so why put blame on anyone but Vinny Mac?

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