WWE is missing the best heel turn storyline possible


Mr. All-in
Now before anyone goes into the whole Cena will never turn heel thing, hear me out, its been documented and labeled on TV recently about Nikki's relationship with John Cena and the remarks she is only on top because of Cena. There are also stories that total Divas fabricate to make the show edgier. There was a clip they showed (granted I didn't watch the show so I don't know how much more they delved into this) but Dolph talking to Nikki infront of Brie about still having feelings for her.

IMO they should've ran with that ball and did the open challenge with Cena, Dolph comes out talks about how he's going to take his title just like he's going to take his girl just like he did to Rusev. Cena gets pissed off for making this personal and beats the hell out of Ziggler, this either creates Ziggler as a heel and sets up a feud, or Ziggler gets popped and Cena by the end of the match (which he probably gets disqualified for) gets booed and he cuts a promo "you can boo if you want, but this isn't the business this is my personal life" backstage manipulation from Nikki or others trying to toy with John using Nikki pretty much puts the couple together on TV, and turns him heel in the process making them the power couple which could even in return , turn the authority for a match.

anyone have any thoughts?
Personally, I'm not all that interested in seeing John Cena in some sort of relationship drama with Ziggler over Nikki because Vince can't resist making the stuff campy. Instead of something that feels edgy and genuinely dramatic, it'd most likely come off more like something you'd see on some show on Disney XD.

I'm personally gratified that Vince didn't go down this road a few years back in regards to Cena & Bryan being involved with the Bella Twins. The Bella Twins tend to get enough hate as it is and this would just be something to garner even more hate with Nikki being such a pivotal aspect of the angle that finally turns John Cena heel.
Just a bad idea.. Anything with turning Cena heel could be bad from a business perspective.. They don't want to risk it.

I doubt Cena wants to have a storyline with a woman on WWE programming, especially his real life girlfriend.. I think he learned from that tiny chick a few year's ago, he made out with her and the story ultimately was dropped a few weeks later and Cena moved on from any woman on the show.. Cena just seems bigger than any woman in WWE history, being paired up with Cena would be a huge rub for any woman.
Yeah because the exact same angle with Ziggler and Rusev went so well that we'd rather he do it all again with Cena in the place of Rusev... I don't think so. Quite frankly that feud is one of the worst thing going on in the WWE right now. I would much rather boil my own head in a bowl of acid than watch these two trying to make that work.

Plus, is it so hard to belive in this day and age that someone might be a face for his entire career? Frankly he's a great face. Changing to a heel would make his entire WWE career a sham. No thanks.
Love triangle angle isn't strong enough to invest turning the #1 Babyface for a decade.

There's been many more better opportunities. The Total Diva crap doesn't need to leak into the main event.
No reason for some love triangle angle. Those have been done to death.....and usually not very well.

I would love if Cena turned heel and paired up with Nikki on TV....as part of the Authority. The whole "best for business" thing. It would have so much mad-making potential.
I'm all for heel John Cena with Nikki Bella as a valet, but not as the impetus for him turning heel. That would be utter garbage. Cena turning heel at his point would be better served if it developed his character, not because his girlfriend is annoying and is dragging down the entire women's division. Terrible idea for a Cena heel turn, might work in the mid card but not the main event.

The best times for Cena to have turned heel would have been in 2006 vs RVD, in 2010 vs Nexus, in 2011 vs Punk, and in 2012 vs Rock. Those would have made sense form a story perspective.

I will say this though, it's odd that they're using the Cena/Bella relationship on tv, even if they're not using Cena's name (we know who they're referring to). This is one of those odd situations where they're kind of breaking kayfabe while it's still kayfabe. So, in kayfabe, why is John Cena ok with his girlfriend acting like a jackass and cheating to win?
"Ba gawd" no this is a bad idea.

Ziggler is done. He's been paired with so many people who are way more over than him, to actually get him over the top -- and he just can't. He's a mid carder for life, and putting him in a feud with Cena is pointless. I respect DZ, but he's not going anywhere up that card and I think it's safe to say WWE has given him more than enough chances. Cena's heel turn will happen. Someday. Long away. But not over this.

The Cena / Nikki relationship isn't kayfabe though is it? It's not mentioned on actual WWE TV to my knowledge. Like others have said, Ziggler is very much a midcard fixture at this point.

The other thing is they are lacking in top faces at the moment, you've got Cena of course but the main feud is Rollins vs Kane who are both supposed to be heels, Undertaker vs Lesnar who are both cheered by fans but not really proper babyfaces or heels. Owens vs Ryback probably has more people cheering for Owens. Unless you can really get Reigns or Ambrose over to the point where you don't need a Cena, there will be no heel turn
I don't know about the Ziggler stuff, but Nikki Bella and John Cena together as heels? That could be the most hated pairing (in a good way) in history.
The perfect, almost impossible to do heel turn for John Cena is ....

Run a fake news story of a massive , head on collision car crash after a SmackDown involving John Cena. Somehow fool the world into thinking he's actually dead.
The following RAW, a tribute to Cena dominates the program with tear filled comments from all the wrestlers.
SmackDown continues the trend....over the next two weeks, the Cena remembrance finally starts to die down.

Fast forward to three...four months down the road. Main Event of Wrestlemania is winding down...Roman Reigns has just speared Ambrose and Seth Rollins and is ready to pin Rollins for the title....the lights go out and Undertakers gong goes off...everyone thinks Undertaker has returned again at the same event to screw over Roman. The lights come on and a masked , spandexed man has taken out everyone in the ring and has screwed over Roman's big expected title win....he rips off the mask and it's John Cena. Fans pass out, people go nuts...internet explodes with the most shocking ending to a Wrestlemania ever and it marks the best heel turn ever.

So many things could go wrong to screw it up , plus it is a very fine line within taste and things that Vince wouldn't do because of ratings.
I brought this up in a thread last week... they are supposed to be looking to end the rusev/ziggler feud now that Lana is out... well here you go... have ziggler go heel as a "man ****e" if you will... and have him feud with cena
Now before anyone goes into the whole Cena will never turn heel thing, hear me out, its been documented and labeled on TV recently about Nikki's relationship with John Cena and the remarks she is only on top because of Cena. There are also stories that total Divas fabricate to make the show edgier. There was a clip they showed (granted I didn't watch the show so I don't know how much more they delved into this) but Dolph talking to Nikki infront of Brie about still having feelings for her.

IMO they should've ran with that ball and did the open challenge with Cena, Dolph comes out talks about how he's going to take his title just like he's going to take his girl just like he did to Rusev. Cena gets pissed off for making this personal and beats the hell out of Ziggler, this either creates Ziggler as a heel and sets up a feud, or Ziggler gets popped and Cena by the end of the match (which he probably gets disqualified for) gets booed and he cuts a promo "you can boo if you want, but this isn't the business this is my personal life" backstage manipulation from Nikki or others trying to toy with John using Nikki pretty much puts the couple together on TV, and turns him heel in the process making them the power couple which could even in return , turn the authority for a match.

anyone have any thoughts?

I'd leave Cena out of romance storylines. Him and romance storylines don't mix well. I prefer serious Cena over anything.
No No NO No....
If CENA turns heel it should be done in a very huge way and not against Dolph or with nikkis issues..
CENA heel turn is a mega deal and it should trigger out new ratings for WWE..
Why waste it on some lame storyline like you mentioned..
No please never do one of these love triangles again. This one with Ziggler and the bunch was just horrible and totally unbelievable. The sooner it comes to an end, the sooner we can all forget it ever happened.

Oh and Cena will never turn heel. He's an icon for the kiddies and will always remain that way. Plus his relationship with Nikki Bella has only been brought up on Total Diva's never one the main shows.
When Cena's marketing juice starts drying up, that's when you'll see the heel turn. We are still years away from that happening. Right now the WWE is having their cake and eating it too. John Cena is a marketing machine; whether you like or hate him, the WWE has merchandise to sell to you so that you can express your opinion with a $30 t-shirt. They've been running him in programs with the popular heels that the 'smart' fans love to cheer for. Why turn him into an unambiguous heel- especially in some silly romantic storyline- when you're already getting all of the benefits you'd get from that?
No reason for some love triangle angle. Those have been done to death.....and usually not very well.

I would love if Cena turned heel and paired up with Nikki on TV....as part of the Authority. The whole "best for business" thing. It would have so much mad-making potential.

I would LOVE for John Cena to finally turn heel by selling out and joining The Authority. The "never give in American hero" becoming a corporate sell-out would send shockwaves through the business and would be as big a heel turn as Hulk Hogan joining the Outsiders and forming the nWo. It would be PERFECT.

The majority of fans want to boo Cena (or already do) and it's no secret that his character is stale and needs a revamp, and it's only merchandise sales that have stopped him turning heel already, so having him join the Authority would be a great move, especially with the incredibly dislikeable Nikki Bella by his side.

It would completely change the main event picture of WWE, with Cena on the dark side and give the good guys the opportunity to step up and become the number 1 face- possibly Roman Reigns?
Hulk Hogan turned heel by forming the n.W.o., pro wrestling's greatest stable ever.

Stone Cold turned heel by aligning with Vince McMahon, his biggest rival throughout his career.

John Cena turns heel by attacking Dolph Ziggler because Ziggler still has feelings for Cena's girlfriend Nikki... What?
Hulk Hogan turned heel by forming the n.W.o., pro wrestling's greatest stable ever.

Stone Cold turned heel by aligning with Vince McMahon, his biggest rival throughout his career.

John Cena turns heel by attacking Dolph Ziggler because Ziggler still has feelings for Cena's girlfriend Nikki... What?

Please explain to us all why it matters one bit what happened in a different era of wrestling, especially when today's product is far different than the past...

Using history as your reasoning why it won't happen is, again, foolish at best.

Plenty of reasons why not to turn Cena heel over this, but history and what other stars before him did isn't one of them.

He didn't seem to say or imply anything about "why it won't happen." He was in all likelihood suggesting that if it happened it would be an underwhelming way to do it, just as some others did while using different wording. There is a difference in eras like you said, but there is also a similarity that speaks volumes, which is the concept of the top face/merchandise seller in the industry for years going heel and there likely needing to have some sort of good storyline reason to help justify it.

His comparison reflected that Hogan and Austin's heel turns were special (they did go against years of what we had come to know from them after all) and implied that for that to exist on some level with Cena, something more than just a love triangle would likely be necessary. With all of that in mind, I don't think that it's foolish for someone to think that a hypothetical Cena heel turn should be a big deal, just like it was for Hogan and Austin, even though his heel turn would be different no matter what since it wouldn't realistically mean as much as theirs did, cause of different eras.
What if, now wait for it..what if this actually is NOT just a storyline and john Cena really did catch DZ getting it on with Nikki? And Cena really actually does hate the ground DZ walks on for taking Nikki back from him!!! It would be the greatest shoot storyline in the history of the universe!!!!

Sound ridiculous? Yea so does Cena turning heel right now, lol
I think this would be a terrible storyline to go with, keep Total Divas away from Monday night Raw and Smackdown. I think John Cena will never turn heel, I am thinking if there is something starting Between Dolph and John Dolph will turn heel. This will be a feud between John and Dolph, no women involved. It can start with what happened last night on Raw when Dolph accidentally kicked John.
cena heel turn not happens just like that. wwe hardly and slowly make reign as their next cena. if reign ready to take that spot then cena turn definitely possible. last week on raw I saw reign is also in the ring with cena for their cancer program. so wwe still go with reign as their next face of the company.
if cena turn heel then it go against reign and pass the torch to reign.

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