Did I miss something with Brie's Heel Turn?


Championship Contender
She reluctantly was Nikki's assistant for a few weeks and it kinda sorta looked like she was happy she helped Nikki win the title, but it doesn't make much sense. It doesn't seem like anybody cares. She had a pretty hot feud with Stephanie, but for her to play second fiddle to Nikki and not really give an explanation about her heel turn doesn't make much sense.
I think they just realized that nobody cared about their feud and that without the whole "OMG TWINS!!!!" thing, neither of them have much to offer. So they just quietly stuck them back together again.
She reluctantly was Nikki's assistant for a few weeks and it kinda sorta looked like she was happy she helped Nikki win the title, but it doesn't make much sense. It doesn't seem like anybody cares. She had a pretty hot feud with Stephanie, but for her to play second fiddle to Nikki and not really give an explanation about her heel turn doesn't make much sense.

I assumed it was a fake turn. Like she was happy Nikki won....so she could take the title from her, or something.

But yeah....with all the build going back to like early summer, this makes little sense if it's a real heel turn. They gave her a new theme song, a new character really, plus how is Daniel Bryan's wife(on screen too) going to be heel?
Stockholm Syndrome. Who are we kidding...WWE isn't going to give them that deep a storyline. It's evident nobody cares about the Bellas so whatever they were doing got scrapped and now WWE can feel good about themselves when the fans boo the sisters.

I'm sure they will feud again shortly so it doesn't look like the writers were out of ideas, but we'll know. And we'll go on shrugging.
Either a case of WWE having no long-term ideas for a Bella feud and bailing on it hoping we all wouldn't notice or care, which would be usual for them since they think nothing out even 1 week ahead of time...

Or a very slow play where Brie and Nikki are fine again and Brie is just luring her sister into a false sense of security to pounce and win the title sometime in the future.
Yeah the alliance between the Bellas was definitely sudden. Brie may be just trying to trick Nikki into thinking she's on her side, only for her to end up costing Nikki the match at TLC as revenge for having to serve as Nikki's assistant, resulting in AJ getting her Divas Championship back and breaking the record by winning it for the 4th time. That's what I hope will happen. Now, what's more likely to actually be the case is that they turned her to make them a team again because their feud was garbage and they finally realized it. Brie is simply awful. She can't wrestle, she is the worst diva in history on the mic, and even now she proved she sucks at turning heel. The upside is, if she doesn't turn on Nikki then we might not have to endure the absolute torture of Bella VS Bella for the Divas Championship.
brie is the worst diva on the roster. she hasn't done anything since she first arrived in 2008/2009. so of course you didn't miss anything
I'm afraid anything to do with the Bella twins, and that pile of dung they call Total Diva's, comes under the heading of "I don't give a damm".

Brie acting is so horrible that I can't tell what she's doing half the time, nor will I waste the energy to find out. The female's on the NXT roster like Charlotte and Sasha Banks, make the Bella twins look even worse. I guess it really does depend on who you sleep with these days.
The Bella's are the best part of RAW. Most of that is because RAW sucks in general, and Nikki Bella is a babe. So... there's that. Anyways, where was I?

Brie's heel turn only makes sense if it was a "fake turn", and she's really just trying to fuck with her sister and screw her over eventually. But then why didn't this happen on RAW? Why isn't the TLC match a triple threat?? The more she continues being Nikki's bitch on purpose, the less it makes sense. When is she gonna screw her sister over??
Whelp, if they are abandoning the angle, I can't say I'm going to miss it- even if it leaves a black hole in the plot. Though I will wonder how they plan to rip the belt off Nikki. I would rather they did that instead of turning Nikki face. At that point she may as well take a piss on the Divas belt for all the worth it has left.

If they ARENT abandoning the angle, then I have this deeply nagging worry that they are going to stretch this nonsense as far as they can. I can project a mental image of Brie finally taking the belt from Nikki at Wrestlemania, and while it closes out the storyline once and for all, please don't let this be at Wrestlemania. Please don't let the entirety of the attention placed on the Divas division at Wrestlemania be taken by this fat slop of shit angle that should've died months ago.
This I think is a classic example of where WWE executives (*cough* Vince *cough*) will throw greater logic and build out of the window as a direct response to rumours and 'smarks' - there was all this talk about 'no Total Diva is allowed to win the title' for a couple of months, then all of a sudden one does. Hmm...

I agree with most of the above, when Brie cost AJ the title I assumed the motive was to lull Nikki into a false sense of security to then win it off her. This is the ONLY logical explanation, given how much they've tried portraying Brie as a baby face this past year. It makes ZERO sense for her to fully turn heel, so hopefully WWE do have a 'master plan' for the Bella Twins...
Who are we kidding...WWE isn't going to give them that deep a storyline.

That's true, but whatever they're giving the Bellas' should at least make sense. Is Brie happy about her sister winning the world title.....or not?

If she is happy.....why? She was in a period of contractual slavery while most of this was going on; her facial expressions showing her to be plainly unhappy about where things were going. At what point did she start supporting her sister, who had just finished unloading on Brie everything that's ever bothered her? If they want it to be so, shouldn't they let us in on the reasons for the apparent change of course?

But even if we're supposed to buy the: "They're just divas, so who cares, anyway?" stuff, it all still has to make some logical sense, no? This is material people all over the world see on their TVs, so how can they simply drop the whole feud without explanation? Or have they dropped it?

Remember, the Bella girls weren't working for WWE anymore. The company, apparently realizing the diva division was getting too weak, approached Brie and Nikki, trying to lure them back. I get the feeling there was a lot of: "We're gonna build a whole new reality series around the two of you! Then, one of you is gonna win the #!$%& world title! Then, we 're gonna have a storyline about the two of you being at odds with one another! It's gonna be #!$%& great!!"

Okay, so they did all that, and everyone now knows who the Bellas' are. But if they're going to build programs around them, it all has to make some sense.

Writers, get busy.
Looks like they've abandoned the storyline altogether, which is pretty much par for the course with their level of story telling these days.

I mean if this is meant to lead to a fake turn by Brie than it isn't exactly the stuff heroes are made of is it? If she's really the face than shouldn't she just be trying to overcome odds and beat her sister fair and square?
Do people hate Nikki Bella automatically now because she's a Bella and dates Cena and used to suck?

Because she's actually pretty good now. I really don't see what there is to complain about? Her heel wrestling style and performances have been very solid. She's done fairly well on the mic, she has a good heel character. I don't see what the problem is?
Do people hate Nikki Bella automatically now because she's a Bella and dates Cena and used to suck?

No, people hate her because she still sucks. For me it has nothing to do with her dating Cena. I don't watch Total Divas and have no interest in offscreen non-kayfabe drama, so what the wrestlers do in their own time is their own business. When I watch Raw, Smackdown, or a PPV event though, I want to see the Championships go to wrestlers who don't suck.... Nikki sucks. So people hate her for that, not for her heel actions or for who she dates offscreen.

Because she's actually pretty good now. I really don't see what there is to complain about? Her heel wrestling style and performances have been very solid. She's done fairly well on the mic, she has a good heel character.

She has improved a lot, I will give her that. However, she has not reached the point where she deserves a Divas Championship run. Only the girls who can actually wrestle should hold the belt. AJ needs to win the belt back tonight and WWE needs to keep both Bellas as far away from that belt as humanly possible. This isn't 2009. We have AJ, Paige, Emma, Summer Rae, and Natalya all on the same roster as Nikki and Brie. Each of them are ten times better than Nikki in every category. The only thing Nikki brings to the table is heel promos. Brie can't even do that.

I don't see what the problem is?

The problem is that we have had almost 2 years worth of excellent Divas Champions, which made up for how abysmal the division got after Trish and Lita left. To go from Kaitlyn, AJ, and Paige to.... Nikki Bella.... is a big step backwards. Unlike a couple of years ago, they have half a dozen girls on the roster deserving of a title shot, and they put the belt on a diva who sucks. THAT is what the problem is.

Part of me hopes Brie's sudden heel turn remains intact. While I said I didn't care who Nikki dates, this became an issue with Brie. She should NOT get pushed just because she married Daniel Bryan. That will not get me to cheer for her. Nothing will. She's the worst diva they have other than Cameron and I dread the day they ever give Brie a Divas Championship shot. AJ needs to retain tonight and then girls like Emma or Natalya who can WRESTLE deserve the next shot.
I personally suspect that Brie is going to turn on her sister and that the entire angle of joining her side has been a ruse to catch her off guard, much like what Daniel Bryan did with the Wyatts. It will probably be for the belt, as I doubt AJ will win it...again...Don't get me wrong, AJ deserves to be the top Diva, but there is more people within the division who deserve a run.
It's just a general WWE creative trait as of late. Nothing to back up why certain things happen, constant selective memory moments etc.

I'm not saying many of us give a damn about the Bellas (my personal opinion, both are underrated), but this lack of continuity extends into many feuds throughout the year. No explanation as to why Rowan is now suddenly a face and has faced off against his former Wyatt brother in Harper. No explanation/logic as to why Ambrose and Reigns suddenly forgot about Seth Rollins after hunting him like a dog for months. No explanation as to why Divas seem to be heels one week, then faces the next, e.g. Alicia Fox. It's just a continual thing that we're treated like idiots and supposed to just forget certain things ever took place.
Do people hate Nikki Bella automatically now because she's a Bella and dates Cena and used to suck?

Because she's actually pretty good now. I really don't see what there is to complain about? Her heel wrestling style and performances have been very solid. She's done fairly well on the mic, she has a good heel character. I don't see what the problem is?

First of all I don't hate her, don't hate any of the wrestlers mainly because I don't know them personally. I might dislike them but it's always for a reason. She could be quite a nice person for all I know, but in the wrestling ring she sucks like Dagger says.

There are many more Diva's on the roster that wrestle much better than she does and yet she gets the title. She has gotten better, quite honestly there was really nowhere for her to go than up. Her acting skills and those of her sister are still non existent. I don't watch Total Diva's but have seen enough of it to give me a reason not to watch.

The fact that she's dating John Cena means nothing to me, I don't care what they do in their personal lives, who they date is their business. Besides I would never dislike someone because of who they are dating that's stupid.
No, people hate her because she still sucks. For me it has nothing to do with her dating Cena. I don't watch Total Divas and have no interest in offscreen non-kayfabe drama, so what the wrestlers do in their own time is their own business. When I watch Raw, Smackdown, or a PPV event though, I want to see the Championships go to wrestlers who don't suck.... Nikki sucks. So people hate her for that, not for her heel actions or for who she dates offscreen.

She has improved a lot, I will give her that. However, she has not reached the point where she deserves a Divas Championship run. Only the girls who can actually wrestle should hold the belt. AJ needs to win the belt back tonight and WWE needs to keep both Bellas as far away from that belt as humanly possible. This isn't 2009. We have AJ, Paige, Emma, Summer Rae, and Natalya all on the same roster as Nikki and Brie. Each of them are ten times better than Nikki in every category. The only thing Nikki brings to the table is heel promos. Brie can't even do that.

The problem is that we have had almost 2 years worth of excellent Divas Champions, which made up for how abysmal the division got after Trish and Lita left. To go from Kaitlyn, AJ, and Paige to.... Nikki Bella.... is a big step backwards. Unlike a couple of years ago, they have half a dozen girls on the roster deserving of a title shot, and they put the belt on a diva who sucks. THAT is what the problem is.

Part of me hopes Brie's sudden heel turn remains intact. While I said I didn't care who Nikki dates, this became an issue with Brie. She should NOT get pushed just because she married Daniel Bryan. That will not get me to cheer for her. Nothing will. She's the worst diva they have other than Cameron and I dread the day they ever give Brie a Divas Championship shot. AJ needs to retain tonight and then girls like Emma or Natalya who can WRESTLE deserve the next shot.

I guess I disagree that she still sucks. I think Nikki's current wrestling style really works for her. She's wrestling that hoss, beat the hell out of you style, and I like it. It's working.

I haven't seen enough of Emma to comment. From the matches I've seen her have on Raw, I'm not all that impressed. But maybe I've missed her good NXT stuff. Frankly, her character is ridiculous though and she's not an option until that is fixed. Nikki's character isn't highly original or anything, but she's good and convincing at it. I really haven't seen how Summer Rae is better than Nikki either.

Paige has had runs all year along with AJ. Time for something new. Natalya could work her way back(ridiculous how they made a joke of her a few years back with the farting stuff), but again, she needs to be pushed and built up for awhile first.

Nikki is really the only one who has been built, other than Paige and AJ. I've got no problem with her getting a shot.....though I think it would be WAY more effective if the Authority were still around and they played it up that she is their handpicked champ.
First of all I don't hate her, don't hate any of the wrestlers mainly because I don't know them personally. I might dislike them but it's always for a reason. She could be quite a nice person for all I know, but in the wrestling ring she sucks like Dagger says.

There are many more Diva's on the roster that wrestle much better than she does and yet she gets the title. She has gotten better, quite honestly there was really nowhere for her to go than up. Her acting skills and those of her sister are still non existent. I don't watch Total Diva's but have seen enough of it to give me a reason not to watch.

The fact that she's dating John Cena means nothing to me, I don't care what they do in their personal lives, who they date is their business. Besides I would never dislike someone because of who they are dating that's stupid.[/QUOTE]

Likewise, I don't watch Total Divas and couldn't care less who is dating who. But I watched enough people rip on Michelle McCool for years because she was dating the Undertaker......even though she was a veteran who had been around for years and had worked hard and greatly improved to the point where she was legitimately one of the best they have. But many had tunnel vision on the Undertaker thing and that's all they could talk about.

Same thing here with Nikki/Cena for many......and though Nikki is nowhere near as good as McCool was, she is a long time veteran who has legitimately worked hard and improved. I have no problem with someone like that getting a shot.
You guys ever think we're just re-affirming WWE's original idea to place the title on Nikki? I don't doubt SOMEONE from WWE reads these things and they went to Vince and said "Look, there's this real heat from the smarks towards Nikki Bella. Maybe we can get something out of this. She's a heel already, let's use this to our advantage!".
Why not? Nikki IS a heel, we hate her because we think she's boring or doesn't deserve her spot, and that's WHAT A HEEL DOES!!! They try and get where they're at by any means necessary. Hell, I hate Nikki Bella. That's what WWE wants. Now, true, they probably have no idea where to go with this, but just think about it.
I think they just realized that nobody cared about their feud and that without the whole "OMG TWINS!!!!" thing, neither of them have much to offer. So they just quietly stuck them back together again.

I agree. Thankfully the Divas division doesn't get much of a focus as others so they can get away with that.

They're better together than separate. It seems like they were forcing that feud rather than it being natural.

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