No, people hate her because she still sucks. For me it has nothing to do with her dating Cena. I don't watch Total Divas and have no interest in offscreen non-kayfabe drama, so what the wrestlers do in their own time is their own business. When I watch Raw, Smackdown, or a PPV event though, I want to see the Championships go to wrestlers who don't suck.... Nikki sucks. So people hate her for that, not for her heel actions or for who she dates offscreen.
She has improved a lot, I will give her that. However, she has not reached the point where she deserves a Divas Championship run. Only the girls who can actually wrestle should hold the belt. AJ needs to win the belt back tonight and WWE needs to keep both Bellas as far away from that belt as humanly possible. This isn't 2009. We have AJ, Paige, Emma, Summer Rae, and Natalya all on the same roster as Nikki and Brie. Each of them are ten times better than Nikki in every category. The only thing Nikki brings to the table is heel promos. Brie can't even do that.
The problem is that we have had almost 2 years worth of excellent Divas Champions, which made up for how abysmal the division got after Trish and Lita left. To go from Kaitlyn, AJ, and Paige to.... Nikki Bella.... is a big step backwards. Unlike a couple of years ago, they have half a dozen girls on the roster deserving of a title shot, and they put the belt on a diva who sucks. THAT is what the problem is.
Part of me hopes Brie's sudden heel turn remains intact. While I said I didn't care who Nikki dates, this became an issue with Brie. She should NOT get pushed just because she married Daniel Bryan. That will not get me to cheer for her. Nothing will. She's the worst diva they have other than Cameron and I dread the day they ever give Brie a Divas Championship shot. AJ needs to retain tonight and then girls like Emma or Natalya who can WRESTLE deserve the next shot.