Should Lillian Garcia turn heel?

I Heart Cena

Pre-Show Stalwart
I haven't followed enough to know if she's ever been a heel before. Pretty much everyone turns heel at one point. Cole, Linda McMahon, Jim Ross and even Howard Finkel turned heel eventually.

Lillian got herself involved in the Zeb Coulter angle by kayfabe tweeting her displeasure about him. Which kind of degrades her, IMO, because this is an issue that does affect her personally, and shouldn't be taken lightly through kayfabe. It'd be one thing if she tweeted her displeasure towards McMahon for creating this angle, but instead she kayfabed her tweet. Obviously she knows that what Dutch and Jack say isn't necessarily how they truly feel.

But anyway, now that she's involved somewhat, here's something they can do:

During an another hate-filled Zeb/Jack promo, Lillian has had enough, then interrupts them to tell them how horrible they are. She'll point out the hypocrisy of them talking about people "coming here and taking", when that is exactly what their ancestors did, in a much worse way.

She then proceeds to join Al and Ric, cutting promos with them and accompanying them ringside. In their promos, they talk about how all Hispanics should be united, and show those rednecks the error of their ways.

At Wrestlemania, Lillian cuts a promo giving a shout out to all the Dominicans and Boricuas in New York, and continuing her call for Latin unity.

Then finally, during the Al-Jack match, she turns on him, hitting him with a chair when the ref is turned around. Jack wins the title, Zeb takes out Ric, and the 3 of them celebrate in the ring, with Lillian giving that timeless heel sneer. Imagine the NY heat at them 3.

The feud continues afterward with Lillian cutting promos saying she hated Al all along, and her "Latin unity" bit was just a ruse to set him up for his WM loss, so her new boyfriend Jack could win the WHC,

She'll say that she doesn't care about other Hispanics, that she only cares about Jack. These promos could mimick that one Hispanic senator's speeches, where he sells out his kind and acts like a total Uncle Tom.

So what do you guys think? Should Lillian join We The People? Should Lillian decieve Albert The River's, and turn heel?
This is so unbelievably stupid that it hurts. First, she's a barely competent ring announcer that you want to turn heel for the sake of turning heel. Second, Swagger wouldn't want anything to do with her since she is what he is ranting against. The rest of the fantasy booking is idiotic at best. I knew you were dumb when I saw your user name, but you are doing an excellent job of convincing me that you may actually have some sort of mental handicap.
Are we really discussing a Ring announcer turn heel??? Does anyone remember how dumb it was when they tried that with the Fink??? C'mon. Oh and to don't do a job like this for ten plus years by not being competent. I realize that most of you young kids don't have a clue how hard it is to be perfect on a consistent basis so I'm not sure why I'm responding to you.
Nay. Lillian needs a face turn if anything.

All horsing around aside, this is a poor idea. Not the worst ever or anything like that; it's just not well thought out. I can't diss it too much, though, because before it went all nutso after the sixth line I was following intently. Although I don't want to see announcers in angles, Lillian did interject herself via twitter, so it's not as if this fantasy booking was without justification. You're a madman IhC, but that's why you're fun.
Are we really discussing a Ring announcer turn heel??? Does anyone remember how dumb it was when they tried that with the Fink??? C'mon. Oh and to don't do a job like this for ten plus years by not being competent. I realize that most of you young kids don't have a clue how hard it is to be perfect on a consistent basis so I'm not sure why I'm responding to you.

She messes up her lines constantly, and often isn't even close.

Watch those and tell me she's competent. There was another on a PPV where she had to announce that a match was getting restarted that she botched horribly but I couldn't find a video of that one.
No way does turning Lillian heel do anything for anyone. It might draw a little reaction from the crowd of course. There is no reason for it seems like a Russo idea where everyone has to turn heel/face. It doesn't matter she is a ring announcer and that is what she stays doing simple as that.
This is so unbelievably stupid that it hurts. First, she's a barely competent ring announcer that you want to turn heel for the sake of turning heel. Second, Swagger wouldn't want anything to do with her since she is what he is ranting against. The rest of the fantasy booking is idiotic at best. I knew you were dumb when I saw your user name, but you are doing an excellent job of convincing me that you may actually have some sort of mental handicap.
U mad, cena mark? You have no imagination. This angle isn't outside the realm of WWE posibilities. Think of all the angles they've done in the past. This wouldn't be the "craziest".

WWE needs swerves like these. They're entertaining. But you're a cena fan, so you're too dumb to understand anything outside of his lame promos. Now go back to arithmetic class, and leave the discussions to adults.
U mad, cena mark? You have no imagination. This angle isn't outside the realm of WWE posibilities. Think of all the angles they've done in the past. This wouldn't be the "craziest".

WWE needs swerves like these. They're entertaining. But you're a cena fan, so you're too dumb to understand anything outside of his lame promos. Now go back to arithmetic class, and leave the discussions to adults.

How does turning a ring announcer heel make for entertaining television? It's a swerve for the sake of a swerve and doesn't accomplish anything. Plus, it is terrible booking. Swagger and Coulter talk for a couple months about how immigrants are terrible for the country, then need a Hispanic woman to help beat the Mexican champion? It's stupid. I don't care if they've done crazier angles, that fact doesn't make this one a good idea.
I find that creative is sooo far behind the curve with development of inring talent

them spending 3 minutes over the charaxter of an announcer seems laughable

haha haha haha

hope that satisfies....
I've used this site for over 10 years now and I always read the threads barely ever commenting on them. I love people's opinions and perspectives of wrestling because I have loved wrestling all my life. I am 28 years old and I still am not embarrassed to say I love wrestling. That being said this is probably one of the dumbest threads I have ever read in all my years on here. A ring announcer turning heel? Comeon man! And if she did would anyone care. It's the best time of the year to be a fan as it's wrestle mania season and your worried about an announcer turning heel. Who cares!!!! End this thread now
Terrible idea, bro. What good does turning a ring announcer heel do? It was a bad idea when they did it with Howard Finkel, a bad idea when they did it with Michael Cole, and it'd be a bad idea to do it with Lillian Garcia. This sounds like the kind of brainfart Vince Russo would come up with.
Terrible idea, bro. What good does turning a ring announcer heel do? It was a bad idea when they did it with Howard Finkel, a bad idea when they did it with Michael Cole, and it'd be a bad idea to do it with Lillian Garcia. This sounds like the kind of brainfart Vince Russo would come up with.

I disagree with the Cole comment because I honestly feel he is one of the top 3 heels in the past 5 years and at the time NO ONE could get the heat he was getting from a ring announcer position.

I'm a fan of the thought of more people getting behind Swagger's America as I feel it has the potential to be a good feud. However it should not be because they are "dating" Swagger but instead because they believe in his cause. Similar with Punk's SES a few years ago, it needs other people believing in it. However I disagree with Lillian being that person. She's there for her singing. Nothing more. She's proven she isn't reliable on the Mic in a storyline setting.
Someone actually made a thread about turning a ring announcer heel? I've seen it all now.

It would be a waste of TV time to even think about putting Lillian in a story with Swagger, especially over how the love story between her and Viscera went down (Don't exactly remember what happened there)
I am thinking that, instead of using Lillian Garcia for this, they have many "Divas" in the back doing nothing, how about Primo and Epico's side chick?

Plus, did not realize you were buddies with "Al and Ric"
Howard Finkel wasn't really a full-blown heel. He was Jericho's lackey and Jericho was sort of a tweener back in 1999. Then there was the time he basically called Lillian a **** and I think he got disrobed by Trish and Lillian. Some announcers and interviewers have gone on to be successful heels. (Coach and Cole to mind.) Lillian turning heel in any fashion doesn't make much sense. How much screen time does she get and do you think a lot of newer fans even know her by name? There are people that don't even know who Tony Chimel is. If she did turn heel, it would probably only get a slightly better response than if Tony Dawson turned heel next week. I agree that this thread is rather ridiculous, but I'm not going to say, "Given your username, why am I not surprised this is a stupid thread?" Judging someone just by their username is idiotic. Just goes to show you why people can't stand Cena fans. God forbid that there are people that
They could replace Lillian Garcia tomorrow and no one would blink an eye. She simply isn't good. so while i don't like your scenario, i'll play along. anything to get a new ring announcer on smackdown.

Justin Roberts is a face. he loves saying jahn cena. i wouldn't mind a future diva taking the role on smackdown, putting more excitement is saying the heels name. giving them the microphone when they need one. it have to be subtle. i have enjoyed paige's little feud on NXT the past couple weeks.

its easy to fill two pages with dumbest thread ever posts. even if they don't lead to feuds, i would like to read some ideas on how you would improve the ring announcer on smackdown. justin roberts has his moments, like with cm punk demanding to be called the peoples champ. it is small but important for anyone getting that much airtime every week.
I've used this site for over 10 years now and I always read the threads barely ever commenting on them. I love people's opinions and perspectives of wrestling because I have loved wrestling all my life. I am 28 years old and I still am not embarrassed to say I love wrestling. That being said this is probably one of the dumbest threads I have ever read in all my years on here. A ring announcer turning heel? Comeon man! And if she did would anyone care. It's the best time of the year to be a fan as it's wrestle mania season and your worried about an announcer turning heel. Who cares!!!! End this thread now



This thread topic is just too funny. Turning Lilian Garcia heel. I don't know why that's hilarious. Lilian Garcia to me has always been somewhat of an eye candy announcer, and even then I cared very little for her. I don't even care about Justin Roberts or Howard Finkel to be honest. They're good at what they do, but they're not characters. There is nothing else needed from them other than announcing. Starting a stupid storyline or angle with Lilian Garcia would benefit no one, and no one would care. If the audience is silent during diva matches, then an angle featuring a screw-up announcer would bring the crickets in...or a cricket. :icon_neutral:
Lillian is a ring announcer - technically, she's neither face nor heel. She's a minor player in the WWE show.

Nothing personal, but this sounds like something Vince Russo would pull - a swerve for the sake of throwing a swerve. It's too much of a jump-shift in character for Lillian to work.
I can't believe there is even a discussion on this. I saw the title and the username of the OP and immediately just went to reply. I hate Cena sums up the IWC as whole. Turn everyone heel. Does it make sense? Of course not! but they are heels and heelz rul dood cause czena suxx!!
This is the perfect example of someone talking just to be heard. Seriously, maybe after they turn her, they can turn the time keeper as well, maybe even a cameraman! Hell, they could even make a stable!
Lilian Garcia ? I'm sorry but I don't think there would be any advantages for her turning heel. She is a ring announcer, it's not like you could make her like Nick Patrick and that would be useless. If you want a hispanic manager for Jack Swagger ( which would be awful because he is against them ), you could just hire a model/actress because Lillian isn't really heel material
Lilian enters the ring during the Rock and Cena match at WM and hits Rock with a chair.
Her and Cena become a heel couple and the following night on RAW she explains by saying *Rock never did give me that peoples stroodle he was always teaseing me with!*

LOL On a real note tho I don't see what the point of a heel ring annoucer would be.
I disagree with the Cole comment because I honestly feel he is one of the top 3 heels in the past 5 years and at the time NO ONE could get the heat he was getting from a ring announcer position.

I'm a fan of the thought of more people getting behind Swagger's America as I feel it has the potential to be a good feud. However it should not be because they are "dating" Swagger but instead because they believe in his cause. Similar with Punk's SES a few years ago, it needs other people believing in it. However I disagree with Lillian being that person. She's there for her singing. Nothing more. She's proven she isn't reliable on the Mic in a storyline setting.

I'll give you that Michael Cole was a decent heel announcer, at least he was once they stopped shoving him down our throats and making him dominate the entire show. I do agree Swagger and Coulter need more people in their crew but a ring announcer just shouldn't be one of them. It should be another wrestler.
I am definitely not a fan of ring announcer, commentators etc being directly involved in storylines, leave the tv time for the in-ring talent. Thats the way it should be IMO, ring announcers are there to ring announce and commentators are there to commentate. I hated the whole Micheal Cole character thing, he is much easier to listen to now that it has been dropped.
I can't believe a topic w/ this subject heading can get 3 pages of posts. Lillian f'n Garcia should not turn heel, should not do anything, should not be referenced on message boards unless she fucks up someones name.

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