WWE Hell in a Cell 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Ryback [WWE Championship]

Who do you want to see CM Punk choose as his opponent?

  • John Cena

  • Ryback

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I also agree that interference from Lesnar is the best way to go to keep the title on Punk and help Ryback maintain legitimacy. It will basically be another wasted appearance from Lesnar and will take away thunder from HHH's revenge, but it would set up a big Survivor Series elimination match if WWE wanted to go that route.

I definitely wouldn't want to be in Creative's position right now.

What do you think of my HHH revenge now must be Ryback's. I thought Punk got set back when HHH took his Nash matches. I hope he doesn't take what should be a Ryback Lesner match for himself. We've seen it already.
What do you think of my HHH revenge now must be Ryback's. I thought Punk got set back when HHH took his Nash matches. I hope he doesn't take what should be a Ryback Lesner match for himself. We've seen it already.
Well, you couldn't have put that any clearer. The fact is maybe WWE didnt think Ryback vs Lesnar was gonna happen. But right now its a match that makes complete since. And creative is bull shitting talking about "Brock has specific dates" and all that crap. Brock can sometime during the night either before the HIAC match or during (which would make better since) attack Ryback with CM Punk somehow winning the match. At the end of the match Heyman, Brock and Punk stand aligned in the middle of the ring at the end of the PPV. But this is where Creative can actually use there brains here. The next night have Heyman and Punk arrive and say something about how Brock is a Heyman guy too and we help each other out etc. Have Vince set a tag match or singles match with Ryback/Cena vs Punk/Brock. Brock doesn't need to be there the three weeks until Survivor Series both Heyman and Punk can talk for Brock. Brock just needs to show up for the match at Survivor Series. End of story.
I gave two ideas here that no one seems to care about. Fine probably third time is the charm.
Punk says Ryback might have destroyed ppl around within 5 minutes on many a time but it wont happen with me. I challenge Ryback for a 30 minute Iron Man match at HIAC. Ryback accepts it. We can have 30 minute back and forth match with no one winning after 30 minutes ending in no contest. Both show mutual respect of each other after that match indicating they might align in future to end the show.
Hope this one works best. I basically want the match to be timed so it can end in no contest.
Losing clean to Punk would destroy his momentum. Your example there is beyond stupid. Ryback is a fucking tank. If he jobs clean to a little guy like Punk, he's dead immediately. End of story.
You obviously lack reading comprehension skills because that’s what I just said.
“so you telling me Ryback losing clean against his first “quality” opponent in his first Main Event wouldn’t derail his momentum then you are deluded . that is why there needs to be a “creative/inventive” way of him (PUNK!!!) not losing.”
So you agree with me thank you

Jesus Christ, you really have no idea how the English language works, do you? I said, "potential." His work in the ring is irrelevant to the discussion, the fact that he's over as fuck already shows that he has mega star potential.
He is over because he is up against the number one heel in the company and his name isn’t John Cena . Again you’re not thinking farther than the short term. People complain about the 5 moves of doom Ryback has 3. How long before the “you cant wrestle” chants start? Think about it I know it’s hard for you but it would just take 5 minutes.

Even if every one of our 22,000+ members agreed with you (and me, for that matter,) that would still be nowhere near the majority of WWE fans.
Again comprehension skills. The word I used is “US”, then referred you to two threads on this site. How in the world does that imply that i’m talking about people who are not members of this site?

You had 2 guys who didn't give a shit. This time, you'd only have 1. :shrug:
If both guys don’t give a shit then chances are its going to be a poor match...again stop and think for a second about what you just said.

Oh I see where you're coming from. You lack creativity.

How is it that I lack creativity by using logic and business sense?? Being creative doesn’t mean being farfetched. And with the way the financial system is working now Creativity does not need to end up costing the company millions of dollars for someone who is only in it for the pay check. The best storylines have structure and uses logic. I know it’s hard to believe but not all wrestling fans are idiots.

Jesus Christ, dude. I don't know If I have the patience to explain to you how ******ed this is. I'll just make it short. They don't have to work the feud every week. Lesnar can work a week or 2 before Survivor Series, he can work a few weeks leading up to the Rumble, he doesn't even need to be involved in the Chamber PPV at all, then he can work up until Mania.

Also, I don't think the Lesnar Ryback match should happen until after Mania. I think he should have a bigger opponent like Taker or Cena. But the WWE is definitely going to offer Lesnar a new contract and with the easy workload he has, I don't see him turning it down.

I'm not in the mood to explain it right now, but just go by the obvious difference in our levels of intelligence. I say it would not be difficult to book a long term feud between Ryback and Lesnar. You say otherwise. You're stupid, I am not.

Simple as that.
The bit that gets me is that you don’t realise that Lesner signed a one year contract meaning his contract is up the day before or the day of Wrestlemania. Meaning that WWE is going to have to sponge out a couple of million dollars to resign him for a very limited schedule....again. that makes no business sense.
Maybe if you step outside and see the way the real world works and not live in your fan boy fantasy you would see that logic and common sense prevails.
As for me being stupid and you not?? Grow the hell up you puissant use logic and some common sense and maybe some business savvy .

Now onto a creative finish.
Its been reported that Cena may be involved with the match. Maybe he is special ref. There is the out that creative needs. No Lesner no dead end feud. I know its been done but here is a possible finish.... Punk antagonises Cena. Cena takes a swing at Punk with a weapon but hits Ryback allowing Punk to take advantage and get the win. No loss of momentum for Ryback, no title change.... beautiful. Using logic and common sense. Sets up a potential rivalry between Cena and Ryback and keeps punk as champion for a little longer as well as starting and advancing storylines.
A lot of people are trying to think of a way that this could work without making Ryback lose, and making Punk retain. WWE obviously booked themselves in a corner, but I don't think it's as hard to solve as you would think. I think what should happen is before the match, Vince McMahon announces that it will be a Hell in a Cell...last man standing match. A whole new concept, that would certainly add some incredible excitement to the night.

Punk and Ryback and beat the living crap out of each other, using any sort of weapons they find in the cell. They could even break out of the cell, and fight on the outside. It could really be a legendary hell in a cell match in the end if the right stuff happened.

In the end Punk and Ryback should both go down, maybe both of them will fall through the top of the cell (Kinda like on the WWE video games!) and they will both be counted down for ten. It will be announced a draw, and it's a win win. Ryback will keep his streak, and Punk continues to reign with the title.
According to reports concerning Ryback & Punk's matches at house shows, they've gotten better each night. It's said that Ryback is listening to everything that Punk says in order to make the matches work. Their last match was said to be a very competetive back & forth effort with both men controlling the match pretty equally.

This gives me improved hopes for their match this Sunday, if these reports are indeed accurate. A back & forth match with both guys looking strong is ultimately, in my opinion, the way that WWE should book their HIAC match. It's obvious that WWE has high hopes for Ryback, and their overall use of the guy is now starting to pay off. Also, WWE can't really afford to do anything to damage CM Punk's credibility as he's too important to the company right now.

The poster above me suggested something of a last man standing HIAC match. While I don't see that happening, I do think the simplest way of having both men come out looking strong is for WWE to do a non-finish in which both men just beat the piss out of each other and they're simply unable to continue. A HIAC match is supposed to be really physical anyhow, and I imagine Punk vs. Ryback would be pretty stiff in any case, so this gives all the more reason to jack up the intensity. In the end, everybody wins. CM Punk looks like a strong champion going toe to toe with Ryback and takes him to the limit. Ryback does the same to the reigning WWE Champion and probably overall strongest World Champion WWE has had in years. Punk shows he can hang with the powerhouses in a no rules environment. Ryback shows that he's truly got the potential to be a World Champion in WWE someday. Most importantly, WWE doesn't have to worry about either guy's stock going down.
I don't think there has ever been a double KO in HIAC before. That would be fresh and would keep both guys looking strong. Falling through the roof may be a too much of a risk. Not everyone is mick foley and probability of one or both of these guys ending up on the shelf is something that WWE can't risk right now. But I agree double KO for a finish.
With all the possible outcomes discussed, the most likely one is somehow involving Brock Lesnar. He is associated with Paul Heyman, so Brock could cost Ryback the match. Ryback could then spend the next couple weeks looking for Lesnar. Cena said it best that Ryback only wants destruction, so he wont care that he doesnt have the title. This could lead to a Ryback vs. Lesnar match at Survivor Series, in which Lesnar wins. Lesnar then demands a match for the title since he saved Punk at HIAC. This sets up Punk vs. Lesnar at TLC. Lesnar wins the title, so that you can have Brock vs. Rock at the Rumble. Punk wins the Rumble to get his Wrestlemania Title Shot. Have Triple H cost Lesnar the title at the Rumble, which can lead to Lesnar/Triple H 2 at Wrestlemania. Have the Undertaker enter the rumble at 30, and Cena as 29. Cena gets eliminated by the Undertaker, who in turn gets Taker eliminated. Then at the Elimination Chamber, have Undertaker appear in the cage and prevent Cena from winning at the last minute. That sets up Cena/Taker at Wrestlemania.
The WWE universe see it if not the WWE themselves are pushing Ryback in the form of wrestling legend Bill Goldberg. Now Ryback has a chance to repeat history in Atlanta, GA this sunday by being the second undefeated rookie to win a major world championship. Remember back in the now defunct WCW when Bill Goldberg beat Hollywood Hogan for the WCW title in Atlanta at the Georgia dome in '98? Goldberg held the WCW championship & the WCW U.S. title!

Now "Goldberg clone" Ryback is looking to defeat the current WWE champion CM Punk at the Hell in a Cell pay per-view in Atlanta at the Philips arena. This was suppose to be John Cena's match but had to be replaced by Ryback due to his injury healing up. And there are some who want CM Punk to retain his WWE title at HIAC so he can go on to face the Rock at the Royal Rumble next January.

But in the WWE, plans always change at the last minute at a WWE show. So do you think that history will repeat it's self in Hotlanta? Or will CM Punk go on to go over a year as WWE champion going into the 2013 Royal Rumble?
I'm afraid the WWE might pull a bait-and-switch. I'm thinking like Goldberg, there was a PPV match where he was supposed to face Steve McMichael; however, "someone" attacked him and left him completely unconscious, and his wife Debra had to replace him with, of all people, Alex Wright. That, however, isn't compared to a main-event Hell in a Cell match on a PPV called Hell in a Cell. Still...would they pull that, having Ryback found knocked the fuck out backstage, maybe with Lesnar standing over him with a broken baseball bat, and Cena at the last minute jumping in and wrestle for the title, only to have Punk win?

By the way, for Hell in a Cell records, Punk is 0-2 and Cena is 0-3, and no, I don't count that untelevised crap that Cena won and Punk was part of. Should be interesting to see who gets their first win at Hell in a Cell, whether it be Punk, Ryback or even Cena.
The more I have thought about it, the more I 110% think Ryback should take this, and not only take it, but absolutely destroy Punk, in under 10 minutes.

The only REAL point to a long title reign for a strong heel is to create a new star on the face side at the end of it. Here you go. oppurtunity is at the door to do this right.

Its the perfect combo of things, since Punk can easily win it back without Ryback actually taking a loss at TLC, whose matches are REGULARLY made into multi-man matches, and are no DQ (allowing for immense intereference, with Punk winning, and Ryback not taking a pin) so that they may go ahead witht heir Punk - Rock showdown at RR. It would also add even MORE twattyness to Punk's crusade for respect after he wins it back.

What will happen? Probably something stupid and limp-dick, like everything WWE does anymore. Even though it makes all the booking sense in the world to solidify a new ME face, I can see them fucking it up.
What about this?

How awesome will it be when Rock will cost Ryback the match? I mean, Rock interfering because he wants to fight Punk at the Rumble and so doesn't want Ryback to win.
Next Monday on Raw John Cena comes out, talks trash about Rock, setting a survivor series match: Cena, Ryback, Triple H,, Kofi, Bryan, Kane VS Rock, Big Show, Ziggler, Rhodes, Sandow and Lesnar.
Punk has a match of his own for the WWE Championship against another opponent and wins. Punk VS Cena at TLC; Punk wins.

Punk VS Rock at Rumble. Punk wins. Ryback wins Rumble.
Cena wins from Punk at EC. Cena challenges Rock for a fight at Mania. Punk issues rematch.
Punk VS Cena VS Rock at Mania.
A week ago Wrestlezone had an article up talking about the WWE Writers and Agents having no idea how to write the ending to the CM Punk vs Ryback WWE Championship Match at Hell In A Cell PPV. They know how significant the long title reign is of CM Punk. But they also know if you have Ryback lose, you might lose all the momentum you've built up.

I am in the camp that says CM Punk doesn't need the title to get over anymore. But I am also in the camp that says Ryback is not ready to "run with the ball"

So here is the only way I see this match being booked with a controversal finish that would lead into weeks, possibly months of good television.

The match starts and Ryback dominates CM Punk for about 3 or 4 minutes. Ryback no sells everything Punk throws at him. Ryback picks up Punk for the finisher and accidentally hits the ref and the ref takes a bump and then powders out of the ring. Ryback hits his finisher but there is no ref. Trainers run down and they unlock the door for them to get in. Ryback picks Punk up again and hits his finisher again yet no referee. Then Brock Lesnar comes out of the crowd and hits Ryback with the F5. Lesnar picks Ryback back up and hits him with a 2nd F5. Lesnar leaves and both Punk and Ryback are laid out. Here comes the 2nd ref out and is running to the ring. But then we see Dolph Ziggler run out and stop the ref before he hits the ring. He tells him he is cashing in. 2nd ref says he can't do that. Out comes Vickie Guerrero and orders the 2nd ref to accept the briefcase and allow Ziggler to cash in. Ziggler then gets in the ring, Punk is laying on a knocked out Ryback, Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, covers Punk, and we have a new WWE Champion.

On Monday night Vickie announces that Ziggler was allowed to cash in because the Contract inside the Money in the Bank Briefcase states the WWE Superstar that wins MITB can cash in "anytime and anywhere" And it does not say he can not cash in, in the middle of a match.

This allows Ryback to not lose the match, Punk to continue the conspiracy thing against Vince McMahon, and it gets the belt on Ziggler. It also builds towards a match between Ryback and Lesnar, possibly at either the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania in which Ryback goes over and gets the "rub" he needs to become a big time player. We could get a 3-way match at Survivor Series between Ziggler-Ryback-Punk in which Ziggler steals a win over Punk, once again not having Ryback get pinned. Then at Tables, Ladders, and Chairs PPV, have a 4 way between Cena, Punk, Ryback, and Ziggler in which you could get the strap on whoever the WWE wants The Rock to work at the Royal Rumble.

I would rather see Ziggler cash in on The Rock after he wins at the Rumble, but the WWE painted themselves in a corner putting Ryback in there with Punk.
In my mind the only ending I can possibly think of that can legitimately make sense is Punk getting mauled after some good offense to the point Heyman comes out and says "Open the cage!" for medical personnel to assist Punk. Ryback then walks out calmly somehow while not being boo'd for walking away. It makes a bit of sense because they've mentioned on a few occasions that Ryback isn't concerned about the title. I don't think this is realistic because it would be some what of a fluke ending, Ryback walking away could draw heat on multiple levels, and it doesn't tell much of a story and there's a bit of an awkward situation with who faces Punk next, but it could leave an open ended story where Ryback just doesn't care and someone else steps up for the title. Of course I think we're all over thinking this, but that's the only ending I can imagine happening that semi makes sense. Don't trash me, I'm here to discuss and have fun, not argue :)
According to reports concerning Ryback & Punk's matches at house shows, they've gotten better each night. It's said that Ryback is listening to everything that Punk says in order to make the matches work. Their last match was said to be a very competetive back & forth effort with both men controlling the match pretty equally.

This gives me improved hopes for their match this Sunday, if these reports are indeed accurate. A back & forth match with both guys looking strong is ultimately, in my opinion, the way that WWE should book their HIAC match. It's obvious that WWE has high hopes for Ryback, and their overall use of the guy is now starting to pay off. Also, WWE can't really afford to do anything to damage CM Punk's credibility as he's too important to the company right now.

The poster above me suggested something of a last man standing HIAC match. While I don't see that happening, I do think the simplest way of having both men come out looking strong is for WWE to do a non-finish in which both men just beat the piss out of each other and they're simply unable to continue. A HIAC match is supposed to be really physical anyhow, and I imagine Punk vs. Ryback would be pretty stiff in any case, so this gives all the more reason to jack up the intensity. In the end, everybody wins. CM Punk looks like a strong champion going toe to toe with Ryback and takes him to the limit. Ryback does the same to the reigning WWE Champion and probably overall strongest World Champion WWE has had in years. Punk shows he can hang with the powerhouses in a no rules environment. Ryback shows that he's truly got the potential to be a World Champion in WWE someday. Most importantly, WWE doesn't have to worry about either guy's stock going down.

This reminds me of a similar match between Bret Hart vs. Diesel 'c' at Royal Rumble 1995.

Small technical wrestler vs. Dominant big man.

The smaller guy was your franchise wrestler and needed to be booked strong. The big guy was a dominant current champion who needed to be protected.

They fought to a draw after 27min, similar to the scenario described above. Since it's in the Cell it can be more brutal, and I like your finish of the match just being called because neither man can continue.

Similar to the Last Man Standing finish in Triple H vs Shawn Michaels at the 2004 Royal Rumble.
No matter how this match ends, I think the IWC is ultimately going to be pissed off. A lot of armchair bookers bitch & moan about everything most of the time anyhow, so this will be no different.

That's sort of the problem with matches in which you don't really have too firm of a grasp on who you think is going to win. They're kind of rare in pro wrestling these days and it takes a lot of fans out of their little "comfort zones" that they've built up despite the constant complaints that wrestling is no longer unpredictable. Whenever something happens that they don't see coming, it's usually the start of "they should've done...." or "this is is what I would've done...." or "that's just stupid...." gripes if what happens doesn't fit in exactly with the scenario that they think should take place.

So whether it's Punk or Ryback, there's no way for WWE to emerge from this without greater than normal internet caterwauling.
I certainly expect a lot of pissing and moaning after the match as well

But what I like about this match, is there there's actually a decent amount of interest and who will win isn't exactly set in stone

**I never suggested that Ryback lose cleanly @ HIAC, and I don't see how a loss due to outside interference hurts his run .. I mean do we wanna keep the Ryback undefeated streak going to the same extent Goldberg's went with WCW?

if the only way a strong power house like Ryback is beaten, is due to outside interference I don't think Ryback comes out looking all that bad
I'm pretty sure this has been suggested, but I kinds like the idea of a loss due to LOTS of interference. I'm talking everyone on the roster who Ryback's beat, plus some who think trading him out before they get fed to him, come down after the match has been going on for a while. They break into the cell and attack en masse. Ryback hold his own at first, but gradually the numbers game catches up to him. After a titanic struggle, Ryback's finally on the mat. Several guys hold him down, motioning Punk to get the win. Hearing the bell, Ryback goes full-on berserker rage, leveling everyone in the ring, as Punk makes his escape.

I don't think this would hurt Ryback's momentum, seeing as how it took eight to ten men to bring him down, and then only temporarily. This could also set up a Ryback's Revenge angle (except that he's already beat them individually once, so maybe nix that part.)

Only drawback is that Punk hasn't exactly made friends in the locker room as of late, so why would they help him win?
Told you I'd get back to you.

You obviously lack reading comprehension skills because that’s what I just said.
“so you telling me Ryback losing clean against his first “quality” opponent in his first Main Event wouldn’t derail his momentum then you are deluded . that is why there needs to be a “creative/inventive” way of him (PUNK!!!) not losing.”
So you agree with me thank you

If that's what you meant, you sure did convey it in a piss poor way.

He is over because he is up against the number one heel in the company and his name isn’t John Cena . Again you’re not thinking farther than the short term. People complain about the 5 moves of doom Ryback has 3. How long before the “you cant wrestle” chants start? Think about it I know it’s hard for you but it would just take 5 minutes.

He's showing potential. You're right, the fact that he's going against Punk is largely responsible for the response. People don't complain about the 5 moves of doom, idiots complain about it. Idiots who have no idea what they're talking about. The "You can't wrestle chants" aren't coming from real fans. They're coming from no-nothing smark *****. WWE doesn't give a shit about them.

Again comprehension skills. The word I used is “US”, then referred you to two threads on this site. How in the world does that imply that i’m talking about people who are not members of this site?

How are 2 threads of roughly 100 people agreeing with you even somewhat relevant?

If both guys don’t give a shit then chances are its going to be a poor match...again stop and think for a second about what you just said.

You missed what I said, dummy. In the Lesnar/Goldberg match, neither guy gave a shit. If Ryback were to face off with Lesnar, at least one guy, Ryback, would give a shit.

The bit that gets me is that you don’t realise that Lesner signed a one year contract meaning his contract is up the day before or the day of Wrestlemania. Meaning that WWE is going to have to sponge out a couple of million dollars to resign him for a very limited schedule....again. that makes no business sense.

Except for the fact that that both PPVs he has been on have generated an awful lot of money. They've already made their money back on him and have quite a bit more to gain. It would be a great investment.

Maybe if you step outside and see the way the real world works and not live in your fan boy fantasy you would see that logic and common sense prevails.
As for me being stupid and you not?? Grow the hell up you puissant use logic and some common sense and maybe some business savvy .

Uh huh. I've demonstrated that what I said was fact. Took me less than 5 minutes.

Now onto a creative finish.
Its been reported that Cena may be involved with the match. Maybe he is special ref. There is the out that creative needs. No Lesner no dead end feud. I know its been done but here is a possible finish.... Punk antagonises Cena. Cena takes a swing at Punk with a weapon but hits Ryback allowing Punk to take advantage and get the win. No loss of momentum for Ryback, no title change.... beautiful. Using logic and common sense. Sets up a potential rivalry between Cena and Ryback and keeps punk as champion for a little longer as well as starting and advancing storylines.

This actually isn't half bad. But where exactly does Punk go from here? Fucking with anyone but the top guys from here on out will certainly stall his momentum. He has to be working with Cena or Ryback up until the Rumble.

Still think Lesnar is he best option, but I'm getting the feeling that it's going to be someone lame like Mark Henry or Big Show.
I'm hoping they actually use the cell. Last few years the actual use of the cell has been pretty minimum, including HHH vs Undertaker. That was a great match, but it really didn't have to be inside hell in a cell.

Regardless who wins, I'm expecting this to very physical. I would not be surprised if Punk blades or gets busted open the hard way. They are going to make Ryback look good.

I think not having a firm idea on who wins makes it much more interesting. As opposed to the WHC match where you know Big Show is not beating Sheamus.

You can make great arguments for both sides on who should actually win this match.
i think this is going to be a fun match just because its the unstopable force vs the immovable object. I still have no idea who is going to win. Because as much as you guys wine and bitch about them having to build up ryback more, you have to admit that he is build up enough to make it seem like he can win, but not to much to make it seem like cm punk has no chance. It is a great time to do this, and i wouldn't be surprised if this gets more ppv buys than last year.
I'm not sold at all for this match, Ryback hasn't show something that isn't having squash match after squash match. I know that's how he is being booked but something is to destroy locals, having, what 2 matches or something against midcarders (Miz, Kofi and the absolut clusterfuck that is Tensai).

I don't understand how people is behind Ryback, is a bad idea in the long term, unless Ryback beats Punk, retains in SS, TLC AND against The Rock in the RR and main events Mania, there would be absolutely no point for Ryback to win. I REALLY and I mean that I REALLY DOUBT that Ryback is going down that path.

The WWE is on a bad position right now, there's simply too much to risk. Let say that Punk losesn, then what the hell is he going to do? Feud against Kofi? I wouldn't be surprised even if Ryback wins, the next night somehow or at the next PPV or whatever, Punk regains the title. The WWE needs to think in long term, not a shocker as many int IWC are praying for...

I'm not expecting this one to be a great match, in fact, the reason I'm going to watch it is because I need to know who will be champ, I'm almost sure that the winner will face Rocky at RR.

I don't know how, but I do hope Punk retains.
I'm not expecting this one to be a great match, in fact, the reason I'm going to watch it is because I need to know who will be champ, I'm almost sure that the winner will face Rocky at RR.

I don't know how, but I do hope Punk retains.

but that is my point. Everyone is going to watch the match because they want to see who wins. Its what they should do. Because as sure as you think you are, you really dont know who is going to win. And its not just a pointless win, cause this win determines who is going to have a more lucrative immediate future.
It would be prudent long term booking to put the belt on Ryback until Mania when everyone is watching. And who better to put a WWE guy over than The Rock. Recall Rock does great business and once upon a time put over another force -Brock Lesner.

Also, is there any chance this ppv does a halfway respectable # . Ratings have been pathetic which brings two big conclusions. Nobody knows about the match outside the core group of fans. Or nobody cares thus the ratings.
I'm looking forward to this match, for several reasons.

One of which is It'll be interesting to see how Ryback does in such a big match situation. He'll undoubtedly main event, so he has pressure put on his shoulders. Considering hes never been in a match such as this before, or placed against an opponent such as CM Punk (The Miz hardly counts) a lot of intrigue will solely surround Ryback. I'm a fan of his and know he can go when given the chance, so I hope they get time to work a good match.

And of course the all important, all holy, all discussed ending. I don't care how they end it and I'm not going to fathom to take a guess either. Whether It'll be original or unoriginal, I expect CM Punk to leave WWE Champion. Only way this match can shock me is if Ryback leaves the victor. If Brock Lesnar shows up, I won't be shocked. If Paul Heyman throws in wire cutters, I won't be shocked. If lightning comes from the sky and strikes Ryback, I won't be shocked.

I only say I'll be shocked with Ryback leaving WWE Champion, because there is no intelligence behind the decision to strip CM Punk of the WWE Championship this close to the Royal Rumble, where they know a CM Punk/The Rock match will sell. Ryback/The Rock would have little sensible build and they've no history we know of, whereas Punk has already taken his shots at The Rock, both verbally and physically, and The Rock has vowed to retort.

I see CM Punk leaving WWE Champion.

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