WWE Hell in a Cell 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Ryback [WWE Championship]

Who do you want to see CM Punk choose as his opponent?

  • John Cena

  • Ryback

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Unless Vince's shakeup includes going with a new champion, I think Lesner has to be involved to make this match work.

Ryback cannot lose clean. That's completely out of the question. He also shouldn't 'win' the match by some contrived method, because that will just make him look weak too. He's a destroyer. If he's not destroying an opponent, then he loses his allure.

But they can't put the belt on Ryback yet either. Not going into WM season. Not with the Rock already set up to fight the champion at the Rumble. Ryback just isn't ready for that yet.

So in comes Lesner. He's the one guy who can come in and cost Ryback a match, without having Ryback look weak in the process. Furthermore, if you really want to send Ryback to the next level... having him go over Brock Lesner is absolutely the way to do that.

This saves Punk as the long reigning champion to face the Rock... and if rumours are true that they want Punk/Taker at WM this year for the belt, with Punk possibly being the one to end the streak... then the best way to make that believable is to have Punk successfully defend the title against the Rock at the Rumble, and go into WM against the Taker having been champion for over 16 months.

But if they have Ryback win at HIAC, then I think that's a mistake in the long term. They've got something with him, and it shouldn't be rushed.
ok i posted earlier about a possible goldberg interference in this match and was told i was spamming so letme further explain. reports on wrestlezone itself show that Goldberg and wwe are in contact and there could be a possible contract in place that we dont know about ala the lesner deal. what is to stop this from happening why is Goldberg interfering and stopping Ryback from winning the title a possibility
There was a part in last nights main event segment that makes me believe that Brock will interfere on Punks behalf at HIAC. When Punk and Heyman were talking about Ryback, they refered to him as, "The next big thing." Of course that is what Brock was called during his first run in the WWE. I have a hard time thinking that there isin't more to that.

I expect Brock to come into the cage and lay out Ryback and Punk cover him for the win. Than the following Raw Brock come out and talk about how Ryback is nothing like him and he proved that last night. From there it can go 2 different ways. Either they offer a quick resolution and have a match a Survivor Seires, or they find a way to hold it off. Introduce Brock at a later date and have him lay out Ryback again to set up a Mania match.
Now that its confirmed on Raw that Punk is facing Ryback my scenario will be a good solid 20 minute match up but in the end the guys who have been fed to Ryback earlier take out their frustrations on Ryback ultimately making him look stronger but for the match it should end in no contest.

This might look just like how Big Show vs Cena panned out earlier
I know I have mentioned Lesner coming in too. But we know he has limited dates as well as the fact that Lesner has no reason to attack Ryback or save Cm Punk, well except for being a Paul Heyman guy.
I really doubt that WWE would waste Lesners appearances on Ryback.
I think that maybe Heyman helps out Punk.
And does anyone else smell John Cena being the Special Guest ref??
I'm a little surprised that they are having this match. I thought a longer build would of been better.

Having it in HIAC makes it little more intriguing because they cant come up with a dq finish.

Ryback needs to win. Ryback could potentially lose a lot of steam if he lost to Punk. Ryback might just be a flash in the pan and might not have long-term success, but you might as well capitalize off it while he is white hot. Sheamus first title run he was a green champ too. Ryback right now is more over than Sheamus was.

I dont see Lesnar getting involved. Lesnar really has no reason to attack Ryback. Lesnar should not align himself with Punk. Lesnar should be more of a loner he doesn't need to make alliances. With Lesnar limited appearances, I doubt they waste one of his appearances on him doing an unannounced run in at a 2nd tier ppv.

I would have Ryback beat Punk and then drop the title to Rock at RR. Cena wins the rumble and Punk somehow finds a way to get in the match. It still setups a triple threat w/ Cena, Rock and Punk at WM..which they seem to be building to.
dont see Lesnar getting involved. Lesnar really has no reason to attack Ryback. Lesnar should not align himself with Punk. Lesnar should be more of a loner he doesn't need to make alliances. With Lesnar limited appearances, I doubt they waste one of his appearances on him doing an unannounced run in at a 2nd tier ppv.
Yes you are indeed correct, Lesnar does have limited appearances but come on. People were rumoring about Heyman and Punk were going to align sooner or later and now look where they are. It makes since because Lesnar is a Paul Heyman guy. Lesnar doesn't need to come back as a loner. He NEEDS Paul Heyman right now because #1 he is shit on the mic and #2 Heyman straight draws heat. And having Heyman and Punk talking for Brock Lesnar would be the best thing for Brock right now. As you mentioned he does have limited dates. But the WWE is in a state of emercency right now ratings wise. Vince is willing to pull anything off right now.
It being Hell in a Cell unless there is a major swerve ie Camera-man in the Cell is actually Brock Lesner (Taker vs Batista 2007) or something the results in HIAC are usually clean victories/losses.


Dude, if Brock Lesnar was disguised as a camerman, everyone would know. Dude's a fucking tank, how are they gonna hide that?

Maybe it's just me being hopeful, but they can't take the title off of Punk before he hits the one year mark, can they? Punk is doing such a masterful job in his current role, even the smarks boo him.

In a perfect world, Ryback will fucking dominate 95% of the match and look like a God. Then Lesnar interferes and costs Ryback the match. Punk's character gains more heat, certainly. Maybe we see an alliance with Punk and Lesnar going into Survivor Series PPV. While we're at it, set Ryback's sights on Lesnar, giving him the chance to build more.

Dude, if Brock Lesnar was disguised as a camerman, everyone would know. Dude's a fucking tank, how are they gonna hide that?

Maybe it's just me being hopeful, but they can't take the title off of Punk before he hits the one year mark, can they? Punk is doing such a masterful job in his current role, even the smarks boo him.

In a perfect world, Ryback will fucking dominate 95% of the match and look like a God. Then Lesnar interferes and costs Ryback the match. Punk's character gains more heat, certainly. Maybe we see an alliance with Punk and Lesnar going into Survivor Series PPV. While we're at it, set Ryback's sights on Lesnar, giving him the chance to build more.

:shrug: It was just an example :p

I really hope we don't get interference and they can find a way to keep the belt on Punk. But that would require the WWE creative to actually be creative. I think it is clear that the majority of us do not want Ryback to win. So the question remains how does he lose without losing momentum, without having Lesner involved (Lesner isn’t the guy to build up and put over new talent).
This is a difficult 1 to predict.

The HIAC stipulation means no chance for Ryback to win by DQ/Countout thus keeping the belt on Punk.

Therefore either Ryback has to win and have a short title run before Punk recaptures it to set up Punk v Rock at RR.
Ryback loses

Either way IMO Ryback's momentum will be lost as a short title run will do nothing for him.

I hope WWE don't do the old switch-a-roo and have Heyman align with Ryback and betray Punk. That would be so original..... not!
I see a lot of my ideas that I've been coming up with have surfaced

most agree that Ryback winning is a bad idea, as he's not over enough or quality on the mic to demand holding the title. Plus a short reign only to lose the title back at TLC or Royal Rumble defeats the purpose of Ryback winning the belt in the first place.

If Ryback is to win the title he'd have to have a long reign (a la Goldberg)

so if Ryback winning the title is ruled out as an option then Punk has to retain, and this can be done several ways

#1. Punk just walks out of the match, maybe after a good 10-15 minute beat down, Punk gets some momentum back and after a title shot to the face, goes for the pin on Ryback who powers out. Ryback then throws Punk through the cell, breaking the door down. And Punk takes his title and hi tails it out of there. result: No Contest

2. They tease a Ryback win, after a long drawn out match, with some possible interferences and numerous near falls, heck maybe even have the ref count 3 for Ryback but have Punk's foot be on the ropes, meaning match continues. Anyway Ryback gets Punk up for Shell Shocked and hits it. Goes for the pinfall, 1, 2, ..... bell rings, time limit draw.

if either of the above is used, Ryback comes out looking pretty solid, as other factors out of his control got in the way of winning the belt.

but if the WWE is Final on wanting someone to walk away winner

letting Punk win by outside interference with help of Lesnar is an okay route to go. And I don't see how it'll make Ryback look weak, or hurt his momentum if it takes an interference from Brock Lesnar to cost him a match.

**Did Taker lose momentum when he lost to HBK on two occasions (1st Hell in The Cell and Casket Match)

Kane cost Taker the HIAC while 6 men gang attacked the Undertaker which cost him that Casket match

and to argue against those who don't want Brock being involved

"lesnar would be wasted" how so, Brock getting involved with the WWE Title and Ryback is a very relevant feud for him, as his feud with Triple H was going nowhere fast and not getting the anticipated reactions the WWE wanted.

"Lesnar really has no reason to attack Ryback." .. disagree, Punk is aligned with Paul Heyman right now, and during the Triple H-Lesnar feud .. Paul Heyman was a big piece for Lesnar. Punk and Lesnar are both Paul Heyman guys so why not help out a friend in need? also Ryback-Brock could be a more interesting feud

**and last of all, maybe Brock gets tired of being Punk's flunky and decides to go after the Title.
Anyone else think Ryback will get taken out before the match by Punk and Heyman or mystery man/men, maybe later revealed as Lesnar. This what I hope happens tbh because Ryback isnt ready for the title and shouldnt lose his streak! He gets taken out before the match, Cena has to replace him. Keep Ryback away from Punk for now unless Punk loses the title.
:shrug: It was just an example :p

It was a silly example.

I really hope we don't get interference and they can find a way to keep the belt on Punk. But that would require the WWE creative to actually be creative.

Not only would that not be creative, it would be stupid. Why would they kill Ryback's momentum like that?

I think it is clear that the majority of us do not want Ryback to win.

I think it's pretty clear that you don't know what the word majority means.

So the question remains how does he lose without losing momentum, without having Lesner involved (Lesner isn’t the guy to build up and put over new talent).

That would be true if we were talking about someone like Kofi Kingston, but Ryback is already showing signs of being a mega-star here. Using Lesnar to get his undefeated streak out of the way (likely ending the Goldberg comparisons) and having Ryback determined to get a hold of Lesnar would be a great way to build up to an epic showdown between the 2.
It was a silly example.

Not only would that not be creative, it would be stupid. Why would they kill Ryback's momentum like that?

I think it's pretty clear that you don't know what the word majority means.

That would be true if we were talking about someone like Kofi Kingston, but Ryback is already showing signs of being a mega-star here. Using Lesnar to get his undefeated streak out of the way (likely ending the Goldberg comparisons) and having Ryback determined to get a hold of Lesnar would be a great way to build up to an epic showdown between the 2.

1) Silly examples are needed when dealing with people who can’t see further than their nose.

2) Ryback is being built up as being a dominant unstoppable machine him losing now after not being around that long and proving himself in longish feuds and proving that he can be dominant against quality opponents will kill his momentum. The example of the Untertaker losing to Shawn Micheals was brought up. Remember that Taker at that time was already in the company for 7 years and was a fromer two time WWF champion. And at that point he had already beat everyone there was to beat and he was dominant in doing so. Hogan Warrior, Savage, Hart (Owen and Bret), Kevin Nash the list goes on....so you telling me Ryback losing clean against his first “quality” opponent in his first Main Event wouldn’t derail his momentum then you are deluded . that is why there needs to be a “creative/inventive” way of him not losing

3) Mega-Star?? Seriously?? After 4 months of squash matches against jobbers you see a mega-star?? Umaga had a winning streak of 10 months only a month of those were used beating jobbers before he got put over by Rick Flair. Included in his undefeated streak were clean wins over HHH HBK and John Cena and Kane. Who exactly has Ryback beaten for you to substantiate your claim?? And if you say Lord Tensai so have Sin Cara and Tyson Kidd

4) As for not understanding the word majority i direct you to the following threads on this here website: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=230365 and http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=230423

5) An epic showdown between Ryback and Brock Lesner?? The last Epic Showdown involving Lesner and someone who could match him Physically was Goldberg and that was HORRIBLE.

Besides 7 months till Wrestlemania . Rumour has it that Brock only has between 30 and 40 dates in his contract means about 10 of those are gone giving us between 20 and 30 appearances. Now you do the Math...assuming he started with 35 dates leaves us with 25 appearances right.
For Ryback to get the rub from Lesner in a one on one it means that they would have to do a program together lasting for more than one PPV and theres no way these two can carry a feud without them both making appearances every week.
So assuming things go your way and He interferes in HIAC thats one. By your logic he has to appear in some form at SS to be part of Team Punk apparently so thats another one plus the build up so thats (lets be generous) 2 appearances at Raw. Then onto the Ryback.
Assuming he works three Raw events every month thats 6 plus the two PPVS. That gets us to about the Royal Rumble. That brings us down to 13 with the road to Wrestlemania on its way and there being 13/14 weeks to Wrestlemania where his contract is up. And theres a 7/8 week gap between Elimination Chamber and WM and do you really think that Brock Lesner the guy who HATED the travel schedule will really appear every single week?

Next time try using some Logic in your answer and not fantasy.
I'm kinda on the fence about this match. On one hand, I think it's WAY too soon to end Ryback's undefeated streak. If these guys are fighting in the cell, there's no way they can get away with a DQ finish and even if Ryback loses via screwy finish like interference, it still puts a damper on his streak being over. On the other hand, aside from being a Punk mark, I don't want to see Punk's reign come to an end because I feel like his title reign is really starting to come together with Heyman as his manager now and I'd really love to see him at least hit the one year mark. Really tough for me to make a decisive call on who wins here. I feel like no matter how this ends, a lot of people are gonna get pissed off one way or the other.
1) Silly examples are needed when dealing with people who can’t see further than their nose.

Uh. Okay?

2) Ryback is being built up as being a dominant unstoppable machine him losing now after not being around that long and proving himself in longish feuds and proving that he can be dominant against quality opponents will kill his momentum. The example of the Untertaker losing to Shawn Micheals was brought up. Remember that Taker at that time was already in the company for 7 years and was a fromer two time WWF champion. And at that point he had already beat everyone there was to beat and he was dominant in doing so. Hogan Warrior, Savage, Hart (Owen and Bret), Kevin Nash the list goes on....so you telling me Ryback losing clean against his first “quality” opponent in his first Main Event wouldn’t derail his momentum then you are deluded . that is why there needs to be a “creative/inventive” way of him not losing

Losing clean to Punk would destroy his momentum. Your example there is beyond stupid. Ryback is a fucking tank. If he jobs clean to a little guy like Punk, he's dead immediately. End of story.

3) Mega-Star?? Seriously?? After 4 months of squash matches against jobbers you see a mega-star?? Umaga had a winning streak of 10 months only a month of those were used beating jobbers before he got put over by Rick Flair. Included in his undefeated streak were clean wins over HHH HBK and John Cena and Kane. Who exactly has Ryback beaten for you to substantiate your claim?? And if you say Lord Tensai so have Sin Cara and Tyson Kidd

Jesus Christ, you really have no idea how the English language works, do you? I said, "potential." His work in the ring is irrelevant to the discussion, the fact that he's over as fuck already shows that he has mega star potential.

4) As for not understanding the word majority i direct you to the following threads on this here website: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=230365 and http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=230423

Even if every one of our 22,000+ members agreed with you (and me, for that matter,) that would still be nowhere near the majority of WWE fans.

5) An epic showdown between Ryback and Brock Lesner?? The last Epic Showdown involving Lesner and someone who could match him Physically was Goldberg and that was HORRIBLE.

You had 2 guys who didn't give a shit. This time, you'd only have 1. :shrug:

Besides 7 months till Wrestlemania . Rumour has it that Brock only has between 30 and 40 dates in his contract means about 10 of those are gone giving us between 20 and 30 appearances. Now you do the Math...assuming he started with 35 dates leaves us with 25 appearances right.

Uh huh.

For Ryback to get the rub from Lesner in a one on one it means that they would have to do a program together lasting for more than one PPV and theres no way these two can carry a feud without them both making appearances every week.

Oh I see where you're coming from. You lack creativity.

So assuming things go your way and He interferes in HIAC thats one. By your logic he has to appear in some form at SS to be part of Team Punk apparently so thats another one plus the build up so thats (lets be generous) 2 appearances at Raw. Then onto the Ryback.
Assuming he works three Raw events every month thats 6 plus the two PPVS. That gets us to about the Royal Rumble. That brings us down to 13 with the road to Wrestlemania on its way and there being 13/14 weeks to Wrestlemania where his contract is up. And theres a 7/8 week gap between Elimination Chamber and WM and do you really think that Brock Lesner the guy who HATED the travel schedule will really appear every single week?

Next time try using some Logic in your answer and not fantasy.


Jesus Christ, dude. I don't know If I have the patience to explain to you how ******ed this is. I'll just make it short. They don't have to work the feud every week. Lesnar can work a week or 2 before Survivor Series, he can work a few weeks leading up to the Rumble, he doesn't even need to be involved in the Chamber PPV at all, then he can work up until Mania.

Also, I don't think the Lesnar Ryback match should happen until after Mania. I think he should have a bigger opponent like Taker or Cena. But the WWE is definitely going to offer Lesnar a new contract and with the easy workload he has, I don't see him turning it down.

I'm not in the mood to explain it right now, but just go by the obvious difference in our levels of intelligence. I say it would not be difficult to book a long term feud between Ryback and Lesnar. You say otherwise. You're stupid, I am not.

Simple as that.
Ryback should be replaced last minute for HIAC by someone preferably by Wade Barret or maybe even Jack Swagger. I don't want either Punk or Ryback to lose to one another now.
I don't see Brock involving here it'll make Punk look weak. Punk is booked as strong heel so he shouldn't interfere here.
All wwe superstars who got frustrated by Ryback getting title shot should attack him before the match resulting in no contest. So for want of title defence in ppv we go in for battle Royal in which Wade Barret or returning Jack Swagger wins.
I chose these two as Swagger was a Champion in past and or Barret can get
good feud.
The winner can just be a stop gap contender. That way both Ryback and Punk wont get affected.
Ryback and Punk can happen after a good buildup preferably after Ryback won ic,usa titles
I think this id going to be a disaster...even if lesnar cost ryback the much ryback will look weak...what will he do and f5 the pg era really stops him from giving ryback so a beating that you would believe puck could pin him. I would love to see a beating like austin gave rock with a steel chair at wm17 but thats not gonna happen in the pg era...If ryback loses because of an f5 all his steam will be taken away even if they do the whole brock breaks his arm thing...Fact is punk cant pin ryback at all or his dominance and character is done
Oh my God. You people are just never happy. It's like most of you are freaking out about how Ryback's push is going to fail if he loses to Punk. Well, no not really because there's only one way they can make Ryback strong and Punk strong leaving the match. With Brock Lesnar's interference. Obviously setting up a tag match with Cena/Ryback vs Punk/Leanar, which is a match people will buy just to see the Survivor Series PPV. They've already said they want Brock Lesnar to be apart of Survivor Series so it only makes sinse.

Punk is booked as strong heel so he shouldn't interfere here.

Dude, CM Punk is a heel. He still gets cheered by alot of people and always will. But, do you have any idea how much heat will be on Punk the next night on RAW if Brock helps him win? Punk wants to have heat on him he is a freaking heel weather he beats Ryback in a cheap way or not.

To be honest if Brock doesn't show up at HIAC PPV it will be a complete fail. And its really true, Ryback winning is great and all but it's just not his time yet. Also, I promise if CM Punk does lose you know he's gonna be droppin' pipe bombs like theres no tomorrow. Punk will not lose to Ryback or his title reign is a complete waste. The WWE won't let him lose the title until Royal Rumble against The Rock.
It won't make any sense for Ryback to win because the guy barely even speaks, what's he gonna say the next night on RAW as the champ? Feed me more? No, thats just stupid. C'mon people Brock will interfere and will save the lame HIAC ppv.
Okay so the wwe has this huge embargo on blood being in their matches if one bleeds the need to stall the match if i am not mistaken. Why not have ryback mutilate punk in a way that he is gushing (use that word loosely) blood and getting his head punched in simultaneously so they need to stop the match for punks sake. This isnt mma so a tko or ko wont win one a match it just ends in a no contest. Makes ryback look on the level of lesnar and the punk title reign issue is solved unless they moronically have a return match that is no dq or the ko rule is initialized from out of nowhere. Let me know if you have anything different or better going through your minds because i believe its the best way to go.
Last week on Monday Night RAW we saw Ryback sign the contract to face CM Punk at Hell in a Cell for the WWE Championship. Now, most of us know that this was a back up plan since John Cena got elbow surgery and the recovery time is taking longer than expected. Ryback since returning has gradually been getting over with the fans to the point where he gets a huge reaction whenever his signature, "Feed Me More" echoes throughout the arena before his entrance music plays. CM Punk is being put over as the top heel of the company and has a record under his belt next Monday being three hundred and thirty seven days. I read a report on WrestleZone.com that creative are having difficulties coming up with a finish to the match next Sunday because of those specific reasons stated before. It is no mistake that Ryback and CM Punk have reasons to NOT lose at Hell in a Cell and the report states that since it is Hell in a Cell the match cannot end via DQ, since this match most likely will end the show they do not want to end it with a screwjob, and they do not want to waste a date for Brock Lesnar on this night. So they are in between a rock and a hard place, but I am here now to give reason why CM Punk needs to retain the WWE Championship at Hell in a Cell.

Now the report should not surprise anyone we all knew that it would be difficult to come up with a finish, but if WWE has to pull the trigger they need to have CM Punk leave Hell in a Cell with the WWE Championship and here is my reason. Since CM Punk dropped his pipebomb at the top of the ramp he has had a chip on his shoulder about The Rock main eventing WrestleMania 28. The night Punk made his BIG heel turn he clothlined The Rock and followed up with a GTS. Similar to Cena/Rock the two have been trash talking via Twitter and on RAW 1000 The Rock stated he will be facing whoever the WWE Champion is for the title at Royal Rumble. This reason ALONE shows why CM Punk's reign needs to be a long and as dominate as possible and what better way to show dominance and earn the respect than beating a wrecking machine ending his undefeated streak of 37-0 (possibly 38 or 39) to 37 (possibly 38 or 39) - 1. Have Punk hold the title until The Royal Rumble and have him drop it to The Rock.

Okay, now many people will give reasons into why Ryback should win and I will give reasons into why Ryback should NOT win. First, a loss to Ryback at Hell in a Cell will effect him, but temporarily. Ryback will rebound and continue to be a dominate star. Second, Ryback winning the championship and keeping it for two months (Survivor Series and TLC) does him no favors. When Ryback wins the WWE Championship he needs to have a very lengthy run. He does not need to be a, "transitional" champion. Third, Ryback's popularity with the fans is still rising. Yes, being in the same ring as top guys like CM Punk and John Cena is a massive rub for him, but he needs to compete against stars like Del Rio, Orton, Show, or even Kane and be in a few big feuds before he wins the big one. Now, another reason people MIGHT give is that it will give a boost to ratings. It will, but at the cost of the superstar you are building to be a big draw in the future?

Now I do believe Ryback will eventually win the WWE Championship, but right now is not the time. He still is not ready to main event shows yet. He will be (I'm predicting AFTER WrestleMania 29 BEFORE or by SummerSlam next year) and when he is then he will be a force to be reckoned with. I know that Punk's feud with Rock is the only reason I gave, but the reasons into why Ryback should not win further backs up my point into why Punk should retain. What do you think?

Should CM Punk retain? (Give reasoning)
Should Ryback win the title? (Give reasoning)
Ok So I have been racking my brain and I think I finally found the solution to the problem to keep Punk with the title and not lose credibility to Ryback. A DRAW!, for the first time in WWE history put a 20-30 minute time limit on your two hell in a cell matches, and have the Hell in a Cell match end in a draw, and the next night Punk can say you are a monster, but you couldn't beat the clock kid, better luck next time and Punk holds on to the title for another 2 months going into the Royal Rumble.
Okay so how to get out of this situation without hurting Ryback or costing Punk the title.

Only way I can think of is interference by Brock or they rehash the Vince vs Austin steel cage match where Big Show threw Austin off the cage, it broke and he escaped.

I know this isn't cage match rules but it would give Punk an opportunity to high tail it and keep the title. It would be an awful way to end the PPV I know but I can't see Ryback vs Punk going over 10 minutes if they want to keep Ryback strong anyway
I also agree that interference from Lesnar is the best way to go to keep the title on Punk and help Ryback maintain legitimacy. It will basically be another wasted appearance from Lesnar and will take away thunder from HHH's revenge, but it would set up a big Survivor Series elimination match if WWE wanted to go that route.

I definitely wouldn't want to be in Creative's position right now.
Punk is on a rise right now that would be foolish to stop. He plays a villain role that works spectacularly with the Legends, including Rock an Austin that WWE want to spend time showcasing. Adding Heyman made Punk seem vintage, and reminded us that he's been around, like Heyman. With Mania draws featuring past names Punk is right there in being relevant with Rock, Brock, HHH, Taker and thus, the title is relevant. that's a huge plus at big shows.

Hell in the Cell is not a big ppv. So I have no problem trying Ryback. Whether rushed or not, let's be honest, the IC or US title would have kept him in the mid card ala Ziggler. The Goldberg US title win meant he was going to go after the big one. In WWE the US title means Superstars.

So how to get out of a both men must win situation. I have no doubt Punk will ensure the match is great. He makes everyone better and in one stare down in the back made Ryback look legit. Heyman also lurks and could be critical. Could you not see him involving himself to save Punk, or reveal Brock. Brock falls into that top tier I mentioned before and he would now doubt give Ryback a rub if he interfered. He's business after all. I'd run Brock in to level Ryback and have Punk win after selling a lot in the Cell. The fall out here could also be great with Lesner saving dates by "ducking Ryback". Survivor Series Lesner can give Ryback his revenge and his Punk loss doesn't matter.

Recall HHH was rumored to get revenge on Lesner...the CAN NOT happen. This now needs to be a Ryback story. Punk needs to be freed up for Rumble with Rock. That's a draw. Lesner interfering is a great way to build Ryback even if he loses. He's a WWE creation and Vince could push him in a bout with Lesner. This also keeps Vince on air and interacting with Heyman (which is always great). By the way, Punk Ryback at Mania could be worthwhile with a Ryback long chase story even as a dominant force.

I'd go as far as saying this could set up big Money down the line if they run the right angle.

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