WWE Hell In A Cell 2013 - CM Punk VS Ryback & Paul Heyman

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

So yeah, this is happening again.

I'm kind of shocked Ryback VS Punk II isn't happening inside Hell In A Cell. I can understand not having too many Cell matches on one pay per view, so one doesn't devalue the other. But out of all the feuds in WWE, you could say a match in the Punk VS Heyman and his goons feud needs to happen inside a Cell.

From what I remember, the first Hell In A Cell PPV had three Cell matches, and yeah, that's reaching the point of overkill. But I don't see a big problem wit two Cell matches on the same card, as long as you put some noticeable separation between both matches on the card.

This one won't happen in a Cell, and to my knowledge I haven't seen any announcements for a no DQ stipulation, so I'm picking Ryback to win with some help from Heyman, or Heyman and Axel.
Judging by how things have gone, I say Ryback will win this match. A win over Punk can help establish some credibility that Ryback sorely needs.

What I'm interested in is what they will do after the match. They need to freshen up the Punk-Heyman feud and I'm thinking they should have Ryback "injure" Punk and put him on the shelf. It makes the feud hot again and Ryback ups his heel status. Cena is coming back and Punk can rest up until December going towards TLC where he starts getting his revenge on all the Heyman guys and Heyman himself.
This is the baffling thing about the ryback/punk feud, a year ago, they had their 1st match against each other INSIDE the cell, but now, after one year and countless matches involving the two of them, its not even a no DQ match. (Although this could change)

The only reason I see this happening is so that Ryback can edge out a cheap win against Punk. If this match were inside the cell, this wouldn't really be possible, but since it isn't, expect Ryback to pick up a cheap win over Punk.
I saw this match already and the referee brad maddox punched punk in the balls and punk won... lol

Hopefully they make it inside the cell at least or no dq. And zhaff I agree with you but the thing is I would've preferred to see cena/punk inside the cell last year because it would have made their feud alot more historical. But Punk/Ryback match last year was terrible, but this year they have a proper storyline between the two and the roles are switch, unlike last year where ryback was just thrown. I wouldve liked to have punk and lesnar settle inside the cell in their 2nd bout , but i guess its gonna be Ryback.
Ryback definitely needs the win, in whatever way possible.

However I think they've screwed this feud up. Ryback needed to beat Punk at Battleground, so that Punk was at rock bottom and seemingly couldn't overcome anything Heyman threw at him. Enter Hell in a Cell: CM Punk vs Ryback & Paul Heyman 1-on-2 Match. Maybe have Axel break into the cell to help but eventually get taken out, Punk eliminates Ryback and then locks the cage to leave himself and Heyman. Punk destroys Heyman and finally beats him.

Anyway, as I said, Ryback will win it. Punk's involved so it will be an good match, but where are they going with the feud? When will they stop trading wins...
yes I think this match is designed for Ryback to get a victory and the rubber match and Punk getting his hands on Heyman finally happens at Survivor Series. Then both parties can go their won ways leading to Mania 30. One thing I have been wondering, does CM Punk get his rematch and victory over Lesnar, or do we assume this will be forgotten about and Punk moves on to feud or even wrestle Cena or Bryan at Mania 30?
Not interested in this match one iota but I think Ryback needs the win here, mainly because of the previous losses he took. If people are going to take him seriously as a Paul Heyman guy, then he needs to actually beat CM Punk cleanly. I am indeed shocked that this match is not happening inside the Cell but that's WWE logic for you.

The CM Punk/Paul Heyman saga has gotten so stale at this point though, I feel like no one cares about CM Punk getting his hands on Paul Heyman. There have been reports of CM Punk taking time off, according to various news sources including WrestleZone. I would say that if is true then one would have to imagine Ryback would injure him, leading to a break from WWE and a big return for WrestleMania 30.
I agree with everyone saying Ryback will win in order to have the rubber match at Survivor Series.

At that point, I can see a No DQ type of match and Axel and/or Heyman (obviously) interferes, but Punk overcomes it and beats Ryback and finally hits Heyman with a GTS.

Maybe Punk will take the next month off then come back to win the Rumble (with some shenanigans from Heyman) in January and is now back in the championship picture
I really hope this feud ends today, In my opinion I find it stale and boring, Hopefully Punk takes a couple of months off at SS and returns at RR!
I can see Ryback getting the win back here beating Punk at Hell in a Cell considering Punk won at Battleground and if they are going to continue this rivalry then the only thing that would make any sense or be plausible is Ryback beating Punk to keep the rivalry going but for Punk after Hell in a Cell he should set his sights back on the WWE Championship, a title that he held for 434 days
As it's gonna be a HIAC match now, could we see Ryback destroying Punk and Punk taking time off?
Or Lesnar coming out and breaking into the cell (if by some miracle they haven't gone outside already) and taking Punk out, leaving him out until the Rumble (as EireLemon suggests)?
As of last night, with Punk winning a Beat the Clock challenge, Punk gained the power to pick whatever stipulation he wanted for the match. He ultimately wound up choosing a handicap tag match with Ryback teaming with Heyman to take him on at the ppv. Punk upped the ante, however, much to the delight of the crowd by stating that this match would take place inside the Hell in a Cell structure. So this year, we're going to get two Cell matches for the ppv.

I'm glad to hear WWE decided to have two Cell matches again for this year's show, after only having one at last year's HIAC ppv. On the surface, it looks like this could be the blow off to Punk vs. Heyman, at least for now. After all, HIAC is the sort of match that's designed to be a feud ending encounter. I could see Punk ultimately managing to score a win after getting his hands on Paul Heyman. If the feud were to end without Punk really getting to clean Heyman's clock, it'd definitely feel anti-climatic. I could also see Ryback & Axel, post match, laying Punk out in order to give him time off to rest. Allegedly, Punk's nursing some aches & pains pertaining to his knee and back to such an extend that there've been reports of WWE giving him time off to recuperate before WrestleMania.

Given how close we are to the end of 2013 and with the return of John Cena at the HIAC ppv, it's entirely possible WWE will give Punk the remainder of 2013 after HIAC. He could get his revenge but it ultimately costs him with Ryack & Axel ultimately "injuring" him, forcing him to take time off and possibly returning shortly before or the night of the Royal Rumble.
I have to question why they made Ryback lose at Battleground. Sure Ryback is gonna give Punk a challenge in this match and he'll manage to prevent Punk from getting to Heyman at first, but he doesn't pose any real threat to Punk now, not after losing to him at last month's PPV. It should've been Ryback coming out as the winner at Battleground and then Punk getting his revenge on both Ryback and Heyman in the Hell in a Cell imo. And Ryback could've used some revenge himself for getting beaten by Punk last year.

Anyway, I see a similar finish in this match to the DX-Legacy Hell in a Cell match from 2009, with Punk locking Ryback & an interfering Axel outside the Hell in a Cell, leaving Paul all alone with him inside the cage for him to finally exact his revenge on and pick up the win.
This is surely the end of the feud. Punk, Heyman and Ryback will all probably be used in the HHH angle after this so I want a proper ending. I am glad they made this Hell in a Cell and adding Heyman is smart.

Punk/Ryback can have a decent match and having Heyman there makes it more interesting. Ryback being handcuffed and Punk going to attack Heyman seems very likely. I'm calling Axel to be under the ring. Anyway, Punk finally defeating Heyman makes sense for storyline purposes and it doesn't dramatically hurt either Axel or Ryback.
Have to admit I'm looking forward to the end of Punk vs. Heyman, and if this match results in Heyman being humiliated enough that Punk is declared the winner of the feud, that would be aces by me.

Of course, if Ryback is to win the actual match, as several members of this forum are predicting, the feud might not end yet.

Does Ryback need the victory, as some claim? I'm not sure, because the company has done a pretty good job keeping him at the fringes of main event status, without having him prevail in any important matches. If they can find a way to give him the win in this one, even as Punk embarrasses Heyman to the point the conflict is over, that would be great. But it seems there's no way for Heyman's team to win the match, yet end the feud.

If anything, I'm rooting for a Punk victory so he can move on to something else, while Creative takes the Heyman-Ryback-Axel triumvirate in a different direction.......far away from Punk.
Stupid match.

Another Cell match takes away from the importance of Bryan/Orton. Ryback lost last month and he's surely going to lose again. Heyman is involved in the match to take the fall, right? Yeah, I don't see the point. Heyman/Punk probably shuld end in a Cell match. But not with Ryback in the match.
This has to be the end of the Punk/Heyman rivalry. Otherwise, I don't see the point of putting this match in the Cell. After no DQ matches, Brock Lesnar, and now the Cell, I honestly can't imagine WWE stretching the Heyman/Punk feud out longer, because they're running out of places to go now.

Heyman is here to take the fall, but I don't know if that'll help preserve anything for Ryback. Having Heyman as a manager gave a floundering Ryback a little boost, but in the grand scheme of things, Brock Lesnar is and always will be the #1 Heyman Guy as long as he's in WWE. There's no way around it. On top of that, Lesnar and Punk had a legit MOTY candidate at Summerslam, so it's going to be hard or damn near impossible to top or match something of that quality, so anything else will feel like a step down no matter what. Ryback is just filling a secondary role, because Brock won't be around until 2014, and it's more painfully obvious, as this feud progresses.

Anyway, I picture the outcome of this match being similar (Punk turning the tables on a cowardly Heyman by trapping him in the Cell is the main difference here) to the Triple H and Shawn VS Vince, Shane, and Big Show Cell match from a few years ago. For months and months Vince, Shane, and their cronies tortured Shawn and Triple until the Cell match. In the Cell, Triple and Shawn finally gained the upper hand towards the end, with Vince and Shane taking the savage beatings they deserved.

Hopefully Heyman finally receives the humiliating beating he deserves here, because it's time for Punk to move on to something else.
... Brock Lesnar is and always will be the #1 Heyman Guy as long as he's in WWE. There's no way around it............ Ryback is just filling a secondary role, because Brock won't be around until 2014, and it's more painfully obvious, as this feud progresses.

Great point. If Brock Lesnar hadn't been lured back by WWE, Paul Heyman would never have been hired, imo. Since the company knew Brock's appearances would be few, someone with a big mouth was needed to keep Brock in our memories. I can't think of anyone better than Heyman for that purpose, but even so, Heyman could spur only a limited amount of interest standing by himself. Logically, then, he initiated a stable of his guys. The only negative aspect is that anyone in Paul's gang will take a secondary role to Lesnar as star of the group.

Though it benefits guys like Ryback and Axel to have Heyman's "guidance," they're still just warming the big chair until Brock gets back. The good thing is that he's around so infrequently that there's plenty of time for these guys to have programs run that feature them.

Really, Paul Heyman being employed by WWE is a plus for everyone involved, although Stephanie McMahon might disagree.
Please just end this feud already. It’s funny that CM Punk and Paul Heyman, two guys that the IWC are constantly drooling over and praising their brilliant wrestling minds, have been working together for months now in one of the dullest feuds I can remember. You would think these two would be able to use their creativity to make this feud more interesting but it’s just been dragging since SummerSlam.

I have no interest in this match. We just saw Heyman vs. Punk in a handicapped match a few weeks ago. Subbing Axel for Ryback is an improvement but it still doesn’t do anything for me. The cell doesn’t add much either. I get it. Heyman has nowhere to run so Punk can finally get his hands on him. One problem with that. Punk has already gotten his hands on Heyman. Yeah, Heyman got the pin at Night of Champions, but so what? Punk just wanted to beat up Heyman and he did that. If Heyman was constantly finding ways to dodge a beating from Punk this match might be more appealing, but since Punk has already punished Heyman before I’m not really excited to see it again.

They never should have bothered with Axel or Ryback in the first place. The Punk vs. Heyman feud would have been a hell of a lot more interesting if Heyman recruited RVD as the next Heyman guy to go against Punk. Missed opportunity.
I think this feud was going well until NOC when Ryback was introduced as the new Heyman guy, it needed to be someone better and with less baggage than the constantly mocked Ryback, so fans could invest in the matches as well as the fantastic promos Punk and Heyman were delivering.

Since it doesn't look like Brock will make another PPV appearance this year I think this match should be the end of the feud. At some point during the match Axel gets involved and the handcuffs come out, both Ryback and Axel end up handcuffed to the Cell and Punk finally exacts revenge on Heyman.

I don't want either of them taking Punk out afterwards as that only prolongs things between him and two very average talents. If Punk is going to take time off I hope it's due to a Lesnar attack (Punk & Brock could then be the main two guys in the Rumble match) on Raw the next night, or by The Shield if Punk steps up to Triple H.

They never should have bothered with Axel or Ryback in the first place. The Punk vs. Heyman feud would have been a hell of a lot more interesting if Heyman recruited RVD as the next Heyman guy to go against Punk. Missed opportunity.

I think it would have been very hard to turn RVD heel as he's pretty much beloved by most WWE crowds and from a business sense he's a valuable face who can help WWE's heels as he pops in and out due to the nature of his contract. Plus I can't knock WWE for trying to get two of their regular roster guys over via Heyman, it might pay-off long term although personally I have my doubts.
So from what understand, CM Punk doesn't like Heyman, and wants to be able to fight him. Paul Heyman, being physically weaker, and not very high character, does not want to fight him.

Not sure if the rest of you have picked up on those subtle points that wwe has been trying to get across, but yea, there it is. You're welcome.

Please let this be the end. please.

Ryback and Punk had themselves a dandy little cell match last year, so this could be alright.
I think Punk will win this one though it is hard to predict. Heyman always has a trick up his sleeve and I could see him once again avoiding a beating. This one could really go either way, but going with Punk.

This I expect to be good. The Punk VS Heyman feud continues to be one of the more interesting storylines going on in WWE. It's had great promos going into Hell In a Cell and has done its job of making the match appear more interesting. Punk should be able to get a decent match out of Ryback and hopefully will finally get his revenge on Heyman. After having gone on for several months now I can't possibly see the feud lasting too much longer, so this could finally be where it ends for that reason. Punk might move on to either of the world titles after that, the World Heavyweight Championship probably. The match likely goes on toward the middle of the evening.

CM Punk will defeat Heyman & Ryback.

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