So yeah, this is happening again.
I'm kind of shocked Ryback VS Punk II isn't happening inside Hell In A Cell. I can understand not having too many Cell matches on one pay per view, so one doesn't devalue the other. But out of all the feuds in WWE, you could say a match in the Punk VS Heyman and his goons feud needs to happen inside a Cell.
From what I remember, the first Hell In A Cell PPV had three Cell matches, and yeah, that's reaching the point of overkill. But I don't see a big problem wit two Cell matches on the same card, as long as you put some noticeable separation between both matches on the card.
This one won't happen in a Cell, and to my knowledge I haven't seen any announcements for a no DQ stipulation, so I'm picking Ryback to win with some help from Heyman, or Heyman and Axel.