WWE Hell in a Cell 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Ryback [WWE Championship]

Who do you want to see CM Punk choose as his opponent?

  • John Cena

  • Ryback

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Gone but never forgotten.

It seems like Punk has quite the dilemma here.

After assaulting the chairman of the board and having an entertaining and brutal match with him on Raw, CM Punk's hand has been forced and he must now compete in Hell in a Cell for his WWE championship. But who will he face? He must make a choice between Ryback and John Cena.

Let's discuss all potential scenarios here. (The thread will be updated once the choice is made.)
If WWE is going for fresh, they'll have Punk choose Ryback. This would most likely lead to Ryback's first loss in the WWE.

However, after Punk's incident on RAW, it's obvious that creative will go the boring route and have Punk take on Cena, with Cena winning the match. They'll probably do a story where Punk is scared of Ryback because he's never faced him and he seems dangerous, whereas Cena is coming off an injury and probably won't be 100%.

Just my 2 cents.
Punk v. Cena.

Punk wins...Punk keeps playing the respect card all the way up until the Royal Rumble...where he faces Rock to cement his legitimacy as a WWE Champ. Big, big match build, here. Then...boom, Rock wins of course, sending Punk down to his second-tier home for Wrestlemania, where if he's lucky, he might get a rub from Stone Cold. Followed by Cena winning the Rumble to face Rock at Mania.

Or, you could just flip-flop Cena/Punk in those scenarios...but the aforementioned one is by far the most likely.
Punk v. Cena.

Punk wins...Punk keeps playing the respect card all the way up until the Royal Rumble...where he faces Rock to cement his legitimacy as a WWE Champ. Big, big match build, here. Then...boom, Rock wins of course, sending Punk down to his second-tier home for Wrestlemania, where if he's lucky, he might get a rub from Stone Cold. Followed by Cena winning the Rumble to face Rock at Mania.

Or, you could just flip-flop Cena/Punk in those scenarios...but the aforementioned one is by far the most likely.

I've been saying this almost exact same scenario since Rock announced his match at RR. However, that leaves no Raw match at Elimination Chamber (because Rock is not going inside the chamber. More like a rematch with Punk). That's why I see a Smackdown wrestler winning the Rumble. It would have to be a face IMO as to not challenge the Rock. Maybe Sheamus loses the belt earlier in the night to a cashing in Ziggler. He's so pissed that after he wins the Rumble he wants revenge too bad to fight Rock. Then at EC the Chamber match is a #1 contender match and Cena wins. Convoluted though.

As far as this match, it's still probably going to be Cena, but could potentially be a triple threat. Either way Punk wins, and their indecision on who to pick only further proves that was the plan from the beginning.
I reckon that he'll face Cena and win. I enjoy Cena v Punk matches. However, the matches in this feud have all ended in controversy and that has got slightly predictable. WWE doesn't want to make Super Cena look bad and I can't see Punk losing until after WWE 13 is released, WWE have had so much focus on him being the face of the game and it makes more sense for him to keep the title for the time being.

I'd love to see Punk v Ryback (hence why I voted for it). It would be something fresh and it's someone that Punk has never faced. It has potential to be a very good match and it will show if or if not Ryback could ever be a main eventer. But and it's a big but. What's the point in the Hell in a Cell? It would make no sense at all. I guess the only way that it could be explained is to stop Punk running away. I think that WWE wants to keep Ryback undefeated for a while longer, so that means that he'd have to win the title which would be stupid.

If it is Punk v Ryback the buy-rate will be awful, there would be no marque match on the card.
I've been saying this almost exact same scenario since Rock announced his match at RR. However, that leaves no Raw match at Elimination Chamber (because Rock is not going inside the chamber. More like a rematch with Punk). That's why I see a Smackdown wrestler winning the Rumble. It would have to be a face IMO as to not challenge the Rock. Maybe Sheamus loses the belt earlier in the night to a cashing in Ziggler. He's so pissed that after he wins the Rumble he wants revenge too bad to fight Rock. Then at EC the Chamber match is a #1 contender match and Cena wins. Convoluted though.

As far as this match, it's still probably going to be Cena, but could potentially be a triple threat. Either way Punk wins, and their indecision on who to pick only further proves that was the plan from the beginning.

I wouldn't rule out Rock fighting in a chamber match. Do you really see WWE keeping the WWE Champion out of action for 2.5 months? Cena is kept out of the chamber match...maybe made guest referee or something...keeping Cena well over as the Rumble winner and #1 contender and making it seem like Rock has to fight and claw in order to have the opportunity to face Cena.

In the same vein, Cena could also put up his #1 Contendership status in a chamber match, but this seems far less interesting and detrimental to the reason that you would have Cena win the Rumble in the first place, anyway: to restore the relevancy of the Rumble match as a ticket to the MAIN EVENT at Wrestlemania. Out of the last 7 Rumble winners...only one has fought in the last match of the night at Wrestlemania.
Provided that Cena is fit and able and Punk does not end up in big trouble for his post-RAW antics, surely it has to be Punk vs Cena at HIAC? You should not be giving over weeks of TV having various talent, past and present, calling Punk out for shying away from settling with Cena once and for all just to throw it all away (you shouldn't but it is done).

Ryback's presence has provided a nice distraction all the while giving him a rub from being in the same segments as Punk, Cena and now McMahon. I suppose it is also possible that part of Ryback's involvement is just in case Cena is not ready to go. Whatever the reason, it has been a benefit to both him and Punk. Ryback's pops have certainly increased in recent weeks as he attempted to get his hands on Punk whilst in the face of such a wrecking ball, Punk has been able to look more and more like a chickenshit heel.

If the pop that accompanied Ryback's clothesline on the champion this past week is anything to go by, Punk/Ryback could go down at Survivor Series, although I would be wary of such a match as both need to continue to win to further their current paths - Ryback as the indestructible monster and Punk as the champion who always finds a way to win and who has a date with the Great One at the Royal Rumble.

Of course, all of this is predicated by Punk defeating Cena inside HIAC. It could go down in a similar way to Orton's victory over Cena in the Cell - just a brutal beatdown ended with a knockout blow - or like the original Taker/HBK Cell match - the interference of a brutal monster (Lesnar? Or even Ryback?) that ends with Punk squirming his way out as champion.

Or is there a third option? Is there even the remotest chance that Punk could make Cena tap at Hell in a Cell to the Anaconda Vice? Cena who has "never" submitted either has to give in due to his injured elbow or passes out.

If Punk really needed anything more to brag about, a "submission" victory over Cena would be it.
I think Punk will choose to fight the more vulnerable Cena at HIAC. He will find some type of cowardly way to escape with the title and avoiding Ryback. Now would be the perfect time for Punk to bring in an "enforcer" type. Someone like a Mason Ryan would fit well here, especially given his history with Punk. This will give Ryback something to do until Royal Rumble rolls around where he will win that match, while Punk goes over on the Rock likely due to a Cena mistake costing Rock. This would set up Rock vs Cena 2 at Mania and Ryback vs Punk where Ryback would finally beat Punk and begin his reign as champion. If Brock resigns with WWE maybe Ryback vs Brock for the title at SummerSlam?
I want it to be Punk vs. Cena, but when Cena ran to the ring last night and threw Punk back in his arm didnt even move. I think he's going to be out longer than HIAC. I don't believe there's any way he can have a hell in a cell match with an elbow that was very recently operated on. I think Ryback is going to take his spot. I'm torn on that because I don't want to see CM Punk to lose the belt to Ryback and I don't want to see Ryback lose all this momentum he has behind him. If it does go down the Punk/Ryback road I wouldn't mind it ending in a draw or something like Punk bails on the match
What I'd love to see happen would be for Punk to say: "You know what, put 'em both in the cell with me."
Then Vinnie's Pets Past & Future would have to fight each other as much as Punk.
CM Punk vs John Cena at Hell In A Cell is a match a wanted to see since May, when the first reports of Cena vs Punk happening at Summerslam came out. However, HIAC is 3 weeks away and last night we could clearly notice that Cena couldn't move his arm at all and when he did move it a little bit, you could see the pain in his eyes.

With that being said, I don't believe Cena will be ready for Hell In A Cell. And that SUCKS. Ryback is the hottest up and comer right now in the WWE. A loss at this point, clean or dirty, would, IMO, really hurt his momentum. And the fact is, you can't either have him beat CM Punk at a Hell In A Cell match, 3 weeks before Survivor Series, without a heated build-up and just 3 months before Royal Rumble.

It's a loss-loss situation.

Which leads me to my point. John Cena will face CM Punk at Hell In A Cell, even with one arm. He cares for the bussiness more than he cares for himself. I believe that he is willing to put his injury on the line, in order to save a "rookie's carreer" and put CM Punk over as the Ultimate Top Guy.

To sum up: At Hell In A Cell, it will be CM Punk defending the WWE Championship against John Cena.
Please god I hope not! You'll have Punk carrying two people with VERY limited abilities in the ring. Punk had a hard enough time carrying Cena in their 1000000 matches for the belt. Now he has to carry Cena and Goldberg. This match will suck ending in Punk pinning Cena #1 or Cena #2 (Cena#3 is Sheamus), when #1 or #2 puts a finisher on the other. May God have mercy on our souls.

Vince fired the wrong people! He should have fired HHH, Stephanie, and himself.

Why isn't there a someone else button? :p
i think punk will pick ryback for his match at hell in a cell. brock lesnar will interfere in that match and will give punk a win. this will give cena some time to heal up from his surgery. and then at survivor series, we will get punk and lesnar with paul heyman vs cena and ryback with vince mcmahon.
As we all know recently WWE has teased a match taking place of CM Punk vs Ryback. Personally i think Cena will return in time to take the match with Punk but let's just say he doesn't. If the Punk/Ryback match happens at Hell in a Cell, who has more to lose? If CM Punk loses not only does he lose the WWE Championship but he also will have lost to someone less experienced and arguably undeserving. If Ryback loses his entire build was wasted and the streak never fully got off the ground bringing his momentum to a halt. It's a tough situation for both. The only way out of it will be if Cena does in fact take the match or the match ends in a Draw. I also now wonder if the incident with the fan involving Punk will change the outcome. Does CM Punk get punished? What do you think happens from here?
Well here's the thing, Cena vs. Punk is an actual rivalry that's been around for awhile. They feuded last year and picked things up again this year, with a different angle. This is a match that would actually warrant being inside the Cell as there's a great deal of history and build-up between the two characters.

Conversely, Ryback just started coming after Punk this month, so there's really not a lot of build-up or history there, and it therefore doesn't really warrant being inside the Cell. If they do go with Punk vs. Ryback I expect it to be booked such that Punk is basically afraid of this new seemingly unstoppable force (he's already run from Ryback a few times) but come the PPV he'll have no where to run because he'll be locked in the Cell. In this scenario they'd be booking the Cell more like a Cage Match and less like the ultimate feud-ending match it should be. This does make sense given the restrictions we know are in place (no chair shots to the head, no blood) and will work fine for newer fans, it's just disappointing for fans who've seen the old Hell In A Cell matches that were complete wars.
This is the type of situation the WWE was supposedly trying to avoid with Ryback. Pulling the trigger on him too early and messing things up.

Personally I feel like CM Punk has more to lose. His whole character right now is based on being the champ and not getting respect. If he loses the title to Ryback then he is losing to someone who has done nothing to deserve a shot at the title. He's not the face of the company, he isn't a former champion and his biggest win to date is against the Miz who despite being the Intercontinental champion has lost more matches than he has won as of late.

If Ryback loses then his win streak is over. To me that isn't really a big deal. They aren't keeping track of his wins and loses anyway. There's no number on the streak.
Plus he'll haven been beaten by a guy who is a multi time champion who is arguably the top heel in the company right now. They could even have Punk somehow cheat to win so it doesn't make Ryback look weak in anyway. I don't know how you cheat in a Hell in a Cell but I'm sure they can figure something out.
I would go for Ryback simply as it is something fresh. Although the fact it is a HIAC match it would be nice to have the big blowoff to a feud instead of a 'first-time' matchup.

For Cena's sake could he just of had this whole month off and then came back after the HIAC PPV and teamed up with Ryback and captained a team against a Team Punk at Survivor Series and we have a TLC match at the December PPV with the winner going onto face The Rock at the Royal Rumble, that is how I would of booked it given that Cena should have a whole month off TV to recover.
I mean it's kinda weird. If I were Punk I'd go ahead and face the "weak" John Cena and call it a day. Avoid Ryback at any cost. WWE doesn't need to put the title on Ryback right now. Wait until after WM because he doesn't need to lose this early on.
I would say neither has anything to lose. If Punk vs. Ryback happens, I don't believe for a second that they'll put the title on Ryback. I assume they're going with Punk/Rock at the Royal Rumble and if that's the case, I don't see Punk losing the title. In Ryback's case, I don't see it hurting him either. If the match happens, count on interference to give Punk the win. Maybe it'll be from Lesnar or my own scenario would be Lesnar and the returning Jack Swagger to screw Ryback out of winning.
A Triple Threat match between Punk, Ryback & Cena would be the much easier & best option. Ryback and Punk can do the majority of the work in the match, allowing Cena to take it easy so he doesn't re-injure his arm or anything, and Punk can win the match without having to pin Ryback & end his streak.
I don't see either one as really having anything to lose at this point. Ryback isn't ready to be WWE Champion, I don't think there's anybody that can legitimately argue against that. He's also someone that's going to have to lose eventualy and if Punk vs. Ryback does happen in the near future, Ryback losing shouldn't be a bad thing. CM Punk is one of the biggest stars in wrestling and is overall among the best wrestlers in the world and the strongest World Champion that WWE has seen in many years. If you're going to have Ryback lose to someone, then this is who he needs to lose to.

Ryback has a ton of momentum right now and is getting big pops from the live audience. Why? Because CM Punk & Jim Ross have been doing their jobs to perfection. CM Punk is an asshole of a heel. He's not trying to be the edgy tweener heel that it's cool for the smarks to cheer for, he's trying to be the the most miserable bastard possible. He sunk to new lows by bullying Jim Ross, possibly the single most beloved non wrestler in all of wrestling history. Damn near everybody loves the man and why not? He's fantastic at his job, he loves pro wrestling and he's the kind of guy that you want to call your matches. Ryback stood up for Jim Ross, he got in CM Punk's face and he, metaphorically speaking, drew first blood on Punk last night.

If this feud happens, just try to enjoy it without over-analyzing everything.
Its preatty simple. Is Cena is fully clear to compete they will go for Cena, is it's not then it's Ryback. This is just a setup for what we already knew.

If Cena is clear then he could grab a win, if it;s Ryback then i predict that Punk will retain. Ryback is undefeated but he doesn't need it right now. It would help Punk more at this time when it's all about to prove that he is strong contender. ;)
I don't see either having anything to lose also. For Punk I doubt he loses the title this close to grabbing the record and this close to him facing The Rock at Rumble. For Ryback win or lose just being in the match takes his character to another level. If he wins he's instantly thrust into the main event and being a top 5 maybe even top 3 face of the company. If he loses he would have lost to the current WWE Champion on a PPV in the main event which would still thrust him into the main event and top 3 to 5 guy of the company so he wins either way.

What Im starting to think is far more likely to happen is we get a triple threat match at HIAC due to Punk not wanting to pick either Cena or Ryback. This would enable Ryback to lose without looking weak and if Cena is still not fully healed a triple threat match could protect him from looking weak and having to do too much. This would also give Punk even more momentum seeing as he would be beating 2 guys instead of 1
Punk has more to lose by far. Ryback isn't even a star, he has no business potentially facing Punk in the first place. If Ryback loses it means nothing. If Punk loses, the WWE Championship means nothing.
Ryback definitley has more to lose. That being said, I don't think punk/ryback should happen right now. They should have Lesnar come to the defence of Punk and have Lesnar/Ryback at HIAC! Now that would draw some PPV dollars! :lol:

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