WWE giving up on Kofi Kingston?

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I think it's ridiculous to assume that 2 losses equates to WWE "giving up" on a certain wrestler. There is a difference between having a "push", and being genuinely regarded as a top performer.

When Kofi Kingston is no longer appearing with frequency on WWE television, that would be one way to determine that WWE is "giving up" on someone. That can be equated to Jack Swagger, for instance. His push is gone, and he is appearing with no where near the frequency he used to. Plus, he never does anything important.

But hasn't Triple H experienced 2 losses that were close to each other? Hasn't Shawn Michaels?

That's why I think this entire thread is asinine.
I have too disagree. wwe hasn't given up on kofi yet. Hell he has beaten 2 former champions in one match at SS. Thats credit given 2 him. He doesn't have to change his moveset. His theme music will likely change in the future. I don't mind him smiling that much, but when you in a intense fued with Orton you shouldn't be smiling. He should of be ready to kick his ass.

The match at TLC, yea Orton should of won, but not a clean win. This is why heels doesn't get enough heat IMO, but i could explain more on another thread.

All I can say is just wait for a minute to see where he is going. The RR and WM hasn't come yet. Kofi could win RR or MITB and go on from there.
He loses twice, once in a tag match where he wasn't even the guy pinned (to my knowledge, haven't actually seen the match), and once against a 6x WWE champion who he's been pissing on for the better part of 2 months, and you think they've given up on him?

I'm so sick of seeing these threads pop up all the time now, that it's indescribable

Ziggler's push is over, Kozlovs push is over, Swagger's push is over, Kofi's is still in it's initial stages for crying out loud.
With him losing clean to Orton right after calling Orton a coward at TLC and then losing in a tag match to Orton's sidekicks it looks like WWE may be having 2nd thoughts on pushing Kofi.

Yeah, because Cena losing to Sheamus totally means that Cena is now the new Santino of the WWE. :rolleyes:. Just because you lose a couple of matches doesn't mean its the end of your career. Undertaker lost Monday too, is he shit now too?

I'm beginning to have my doubts about him too. Everyone really hopped on the Kofi bandwagon after his promo/segment destroying Orton's car. That was one really well done segment but what has Kofi done since?

Become a top face, have quality matches, and not have anal sex with a dog.

Really nothing. His moveset has the feel of a cruiserweight (he does have a good finisher though). I think he still appears to happy. The boom claps and running out with a big grin and slapping every fans hand just doesn't seem main event IMO. The way he's presented is closer to a loveable jobber tbh.

So you're saying that anyone who comes out with a big grin and conversing with the fans is shit, and can never be a main eventer? Rey Mysterio, John Cena, and Jeff Hardy would definitely disagree. A loveable jobber? Santino is a loveable jobber.

Kofi has the charisma and talent but he needs a makeover. He needs to be a little less happy and change his moveset some and he needs to stop doing so many boom claps. Everyone knows he's not Jamaican now so it makes no sense for him to still be presented like he is.

The WWE isn't going to accomplish jack shit by making every black guy a serious, non-smiling thug. The fans love him at this point. Right now his gimmick is perfect. The only way they could fuck it up is by making him come out with a gallon of Kool-Aid, some KFC Fried Chicken, and some watermelon, screaming, "Shawty, Shawty!". And have him advocate anal sex with dogs.

Your thoughts?

I need to shave my pubes.
Wow! It is really hard for me to fathom anyone opposing Kofi Kingston's push. He is one of the only breaths of fresh air that the WWE has right now. Tweek his moveset? Umm... no. He's bouncy; that's his gimmick, that's how he portrays himself in the ring.

"No where near a push?" FARCE! This guy has shown himself worthy since ECW. He was one of the main show-stealers in the MITB match at WM, he can effortlessly create "oohs and aahs" moments, which meets the demand of the wrestling fan.

He can hang with the big boys with ease. My favorite wrestler is Jericho, and all of their matches have been golden. His fued w/Orton is WAY over with the fans, and the months as US Champion, he seemingly competed (and won) in all types of matches including triple threats, as well as four and six man. He even had a fued with the Big Show that was different than Show's other redundant singles fueds. And to top that, he even had a stellar match against Edge earlier this year on Superstars.

So to answer your question, it does seem like they are withering away from his push by jobbing two days in a row (albeit Bourne took the job in the tag match). I am usually a harsh critic about the current product that the E is presenting, but I definitely don't think that Vince employed people who are oblivious to the pulse of the WWE Universe, so I still think there's hope with Kofi. Just give it some time... there will be something that will come out of this "lack of push" recession that he seemingly is entering.
Well what im trying to understand is how two losses, means WWE is giving up on a wrestler's push. Technically this makes sense, both of them are even on pay-per-view. Remember at Survivor Series when Kingston's team beat Orton's, and Kofi was the sole survivor eliminating both Punk and Orton consecutively, if that doesn't give someone momentum I don't know what will. Then 3 weeks later Orton beats them in their first real official one on one match cleanly. There 1-1 at PPV against eachother.

The other matches weren't anything special, and the one of them just showed off Orton's cowardly heel character, stating he had to have Legacy beat down Kofi, to beat him, its not like Kofi and Orton both entered only for Orton to squash him in a minute.

Then you talk about that tag team match during the Slammy's. Well that was on a show that had about 20-30 minutes of actual wrestling max. and also provided nothing to further any storylines that were currently going on in the WWE. And on top of that Legacy pinned Evan Bourne while Kofi was out at ringside. So he wasn't even pinned.

So all in all losing to a bigger star, in your first major PPV match against that wrestler, and then losing a tag team match, with your partner being pinned during a show that provided nothing to further any storylines, Does not mean the WWE is giving up on pushing you.
Kofi gained a ton of momentum off of this feud. He did a great job playing "the guy who wouldn't be bullied". The fight between him and Orton at MSG was awesome. When, Kofi did the boom drop on Orton, the crowd went nuts. Orton beating Kofi at TLC was WWE's way of getting Orton back in the title hunt. Now that Sheamus is champion, the whole ban he had with Cena where he couldn't challenge him for the championship has been lifted.

Kofi will be fine. This feud showed that he could hang with the best WWE has to offer.His matches with Orton on Raw over the past weeks were some of my favorite I've seen all year. Kofi looks strong now, and he's ready to hang with the big boys.
I do not think WWE gave up on Kofi, when was the last time you seen a long running feud in WWE? I think Kofi vs. Orton feud is a good feud that I as a fan enjoy watching because you have the bad guy who does what he wants and won't stop until he gets what he wants, on the other hand you have the happy good guy who has risen above all and wont let Orton stop him on his road to success, what do they both have in common? They both want the WWE Championship so this could quite possibly turn into a number one contenders feud. By the way, I heard Sheamus is just a transitional champion and him taking the title from Cena was to have a face go against him which if that is true, leaves the spot open for Kofi.
Uhh... no. Why should they give up on him? Its clear that the WWE is looking to push new guys and they found one in Kingston. He's going to be a top dog should his feud with Orton turn out well.

Kingston has surprised me. I didn't know he had this much charisma oozing from him. And what's better is that the crowd already has accepted him as a face. In fact that did that a long time ago. Remember people, its easy being a heel but its hard being a face. And I give Kofi his proper credit for that.
The WWE isn't giving up on Kofi by any stretch. I think we're just seeing the seeds being planted for a more serious Kofi. The WWE knows he can get a crowd reaction (half the battle) and they know he can wrestle (the other half). There's zero reason for the WWE to give up on him and zero reason for fans to believe the WWE is giving up on him.

I see Kofi's mini losing streak leading to a more serious Kofi - losing a few matches gives him a reason not to be so damned happy all the time.
Uhh... no. Why should they give up on him? Its clear that the WWE is looking to push new guys and they found one in Kingston. He's going to be a top dog should his feud with Orton turn out well.

Kingston has surprised me. I didn't know he had this much charisma oozing from him. And what's better is that the crowd already has accepted him as a face. In fact that did that a long time ago. Remember people, its easy being a heel but its hard being a face. And I give Kofi his proper credit for that.

I completely agree with that. I had NO idea he had this much charisma. I was at the RAW when Kofi won the IC title from MVP. The match got zero crowd reaction - there were "Boring" chants throughout the arena... I was shocked to later read that people thought that was a match of the year candidate (Maybe it came off better on TV...)

Enough with that mini tangent - While I agree that it is more difficult to be a face than a heel - I think that needs to be ammended a bit. It is more difficult to sustain a face reaction than a heel reaction. Kofi is getting a great reaction right now - but as most people on this board have stated, he needs to be more serious and give more promos like the one that sparked the Orton feud. If he stays this happy forever, then the crowd will turn on him just as they did with Rocky Maivia.
1 kofi was billed as a jamacian against his wishes i think this causes no one wants to be billed as a race they are not.
here my list of overated superstars

1.jack swagger he acts like a pretty boy and hes ugly as hell
2.legacy they can main event but the second they showed up everyone thought the were the greated thing since the rock really annoying
3.jim ross i think he boring but what bugs me every thinks hes the best commentator i prefer striker or cole anyday
In my opinion the only way kofi and a lot of the younger wrestlers are really going to go higher up the wwe ladder is if the writers write something decent for them. the poor writing is really holding back all the younger talent from becoming superstars. in kofi's case after his feud with orton is over his push will be over and he will not be any more over than he was when he first got into the feud.
Giving up on Kofi? Why? Because he lost a match tonight against Randy Orton?

Listen, what this feud was primarily about was to get Kofi Kingston over and win, lose or draw that's what happened. Kofi wound up in a good feud with a legitimate main eventer and showed that he's got what it takes to have good matches with the top guys in the company but keep the fans interested in what situation he finds himself in. Kingston will be fine after this and I have a feeling that 2010 will be a really good year for him.
TheRock45666 makes a good point about Christian, but Vince is still probably angry with him for "defecting" to the other side. Kofi is a good mid carder, a good IC or U.S. champ,but not a real threat to win heavyweight gold. He is a big spot guy, and doesn't carry a long match very well. Guys like Orton, Hunter, Shawn, and Jericho can carry long matches because they have more to rely on than jumping around and being really athletic. The WWE needs a cruiserweight division for guys like Kofi, big spot guys. There is no way this guy could hold one of the two major titles, and headline a Mania or Summerslam type match, not a big enough moveset. Not very good on the mic either. Maybe a total repackaging is in order.
By no means have wwe given up on Kofi, its a simple fact that not everyone can be in the limelight all the time, like us lot in the IWC would like. Kofi is well established, and he is not going anywhere. I think its simply a case of WWE has far more important things to be handling at the moment, mostly being sheamus and really trying to establish him as a credible champion.

We haven't seen the last of Kofi by any means.
I think the WWE is just trying to establish Kofi Kingston as a upper-midcarder at the moment. They haven't given up on him, his jjust not getting that much of a push at the moment because his already established. I think Kofi will stay in the mid-card until Wrestlemania 26 will he will win Money in the bank.
the wwe is going about kofi the same way they went about with jeff hardy.. jeff was very over with the crowd at that time jst like kofi is now, both feuding with main event level superstars, only diff ws jeff ws feuding for the title...

i think its only a matter of time before kofi beats orton clean,wwe havnt given up on him...jst building him like jeff..
They haven't given up on him just yet. He is still in a feud with Orton, a big main event name nowadays and as the showstopper says "is being just like Jeff" I reckon it will only be a matter of time before he gets up there and wins a major title :)
I think the main proof that WWE hasn't given up on Kofi Kingston is because he's took Hardy's place in the intro now.

Say what you want, "WWE are just mad at Jeff", though why choose Kofi? There's a good number of guys they could have chose for that place. A guy who also has a high impact turnbuckle finisher and draws HBK comparisons, John Morrison? Nope. A three-time Straight Edge world champion, CM Punk, which with his lifestyle could easily be demonstrated as a good point for Linda's senate campaign? Nope.

They chose Kingston for an intro that features Main Eventers of the company today along with many greats.

Now tell me that they're giving up on him.

WWE is often reported to "give up pushes" simply when they have to make space for someone else in the spotlight another week. If they win each week you're in danger of another IWC argument like the Cena example... "winning too many matches and seeming like Superman". It is a steady push and judging just by the crowd reactions to Kofi and his transformation, it is working.

There really is no pleasing the IWC is there?
I hope they don't stop the push they are giving Kofi Kingston because he really deserves to be in the Main event picture. When the Kingston vs Orton feud I was thinking that Kofi wasn't ready but it turned out to be a great feud even though I'm disappointed that he didn't win the feud I feel that the WWE is preparing him for something else. If he Doesn't win the royal rumble I see him winning the money in the bank. I can really see Kofi winning a World title later in this year and I hope he does. So overall his " push " has slowed for now but I see it eventually leading him to Main event this year.
Kofi has got plenty of time. He already has a one up on most of his contemporaries around the traditional mid-card (John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, MVP, Finlay, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, Matt Hardy) in that Kofi is currently involved in a feud with a main event player. Those guys do nothing except trade wins and losses among each other. Kofi has been doing the same thing, but instead, he's doing it with Randy Orton, so it seems more important. Kofi is going to have a good 2010, one that will see him flirt with the Main Event for the bulk of the year (we hope).
I don't think that the WWE is so much giving up on Kofi Kingston. With this feud, they had to make Kofi look strong without making Randy look weak. I think that Kofi can still be pushed, but now I think it would be a good idea to try to do it without Randy.

Think about this, Monday night on Raw. Randy and Cody decide that Debiase doesn't belong in Legacy anymore. They jump him in the ring and Kofi shows up to back up Ted. He can jump in and save Ted. Tag team match with Ted for a couple of nights. Lose the first.. Win the second. Than they both look strong.

The Raw after the second tag match. Sheamus comes out acting tough. Challenges anyone in the back and all the sudden "S.O.S". Kofi wins the match on Raw, gets a title shot the next monday. Wins and POW. Kofi is world champ!
yes they have,wwe have really screwed this up,, he has the ability and charisma to go far, but noooooo,he gets beat by legacy,loses cleanly to orton, they won't change that stupid music,and won't let him fight other main eventers,he will go back to running after the u.s title shortly how sad,this would have been perfect to make kofi step up to sheamus for the title,but like 2 pac said 'that's just the way it is'.

wwe might make kofi a dark horse for the rumble but,wwe should have made him a odds on favourite,his feud with randy could be a difference,but wwe will probably drop the ball with him after that.
i think kofi is just being held back a bit... theres a lot of demands right now with a lot of wrestlers "oh, sh*t, i meant sports entertainers" but wwe is worried bout what tna is plannin' 2 do next... they should just say f*ck it, lets focus on firing the writers and shake things up a bit...

kofi has great potential to be maybe alongside jeff hardy's superstardom if and when he stops clappin', focus more on hittin the finishers less sloppy, in fact perform less sloppy like he does a lot... yea i see you kofi... so yea. thats what i got 2 say 4 now...

oh and i also think he can win it @ the MITB match later this yr... so kofi, change your theme... you have a few months 2 really shine and if you lose then hes the next evan bourne fo'sho... flop!
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