WWE Forum posters- I just want to say "Thank You"

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I peruse around other wrestling forums almost daily just to check up what they are doing and compare it to us .... but I was specifically comparing the quality of threads in our WWE section to the WWE threads on a couple other boards.

And to the people who post in our WWE forum, I want to say "Thank you very much." The quality of our WWE threads, with the topics covered and the discussion going on in them is head and shoulders above the other boards I've been checking out, and that's something you should all take a lot of pride in.

I know I can be a major hard ass on posters in there, along with some of our G-Mods, especially with the Thread Starters-- with changing thread titles that are completely boring or vague, merging threads that are too similar to others, and sending threads to the Spam section that have little effort put into them, sending posts back to posters to be re-written if there are too many spelling and grammar mistakes or one huge blob of words with no paragraphs ... to the point where they can't even be read, etc.

But the important thing to consider is the End Result. And the End Result is that you all are producing some excellent threads on the variety of topics that I'm looking for .... and have some great discussions going on in those threads. That is something you can take a lot of pride in compared to all the other posters at the other poorly ran places that have poorly-written threads and posts filled with spam, all over their entire board.

We believe in quality at Wrestlezone over quantity, and that is what we attempt to emphasize when we do our jobs as Moderators. We strive to bring in the best of the best with this strategy. And that is what we feel we have here with our regulars ... and what we are trying to groom with our newer posters in getting them acquainted to the rules of the site.

If I was a Writer on the WWE Creative Team, and I only had the time to visit one online forum, with the purpose of gaining some feedback on some of my television that's been written, I would want to visit the Forum that is noted for having a reputation of Quality posters who make Quality threads, Quality posts, and who have people that can very clearly elaborate on WHY they enjoy or don't enjoy certain things that are going on in the company. Posters who can say "I really enjoyed that segment because I thought they did X, Y, and Z well. But at the same time, they should have worked on A, B, and C." That's the type of thing that I would look for over "Yeah, that segment sucked" ... or "That segment was cool!"

So everything done is done with the goal of making you better posters. The better posters you are, the more valuable you make this entire Forum. And that's exactly what we want this site to be ... an Example for other Forums to follow.

To our Thread Starters, please keep on creating nicely written and structured threads that are easy to read, cover a range of topics that cover a variety of things that aren't like all the other threads in that same section. Create Thread Titles that captures people's attention, that give our readers a clear cut idea what your topic is about before they even click on the thread.

Any posters that post threads that do not make the cut in the Non-Spam section (which are moved to the Spam section or Trash) will come with a Red Rep from me, as a token that your thread was rejected and didn't make it. Don't start a thread if you aren't going to put any effort into it, or make it about a ridiculous topic. Vague thread titles will also be Red Repped by me, as well.

And to our posters, don't be afraid to debate. Don't spam. And do what you need to do to make the other posters not only recognize, but embrace your Points of View.

Keep up the fantastic work!
I peruse around other wrestling forums almost daily just to check up what they are doing and compare it to us .... but I was specifically comparing the quality of threads in our WWE section to the WWE threads on a couple other boards.

And to the people who post in our WWE forum, I want to say "Thank you very much." The quality of our WWE threads, with the topics covered and the discussion going on in them is head and shoulders above the other boards I've been checking out, and that's something you should all take a lot of pride in.

I know I can be a major hard ass on posters in there, along with some of our G-Mods, especially with the Thread Starters-- with changing thread titles that are completely boring or vague, merging threads that are too similar to others, and sending threads to the Spam section that have little effort put into them, sending posts back to posters to be re-written if there are too many spelling and grammar mistakes or one huge blob of words with no paragraphs ... to the point where they can't even be read, etc.

But the important thing to consider is the End Result. And the End Result is that you all are producing some excellent threads on the variety of topics that I'm looking for .... and have some great discussions going on in those threads. That is something you can take a lot of pride in compared to all the other posters at the other poorly ran places that have poorly-written threads and posts filled with spam, all over their entire board.

We believe in quality at Wrestlezone over quantity, and that is what we attempt to emphasize when we do our jobs as Moderators. We strive to bring in the best of the best with this strategy. And that is what we feel we have here with our regulars ... and what we are trying to groom with our newer posters in getting them acquainted to the rules of the site.

If I was a Writer on the WWE Creative Team, and I only had the time to visit one online forum, with the purpose of gaining some feedback on some of my television that's been written, I would want to visit the Forum that is noted for having a reputation of Quality posters who make Quality threads, Quality posts, and who have people that can very clearly elaborate on WHY they enjoy or don't enjoy certain things that are going on in the company. Posters who can say "I really enjoyed that segment because I thought they did X, Y, and Z well. But at the same time, they should have worked on A, B, and C." That's the type of thing that I would look for over "Yeah, that segment sucked" ... or "That segment was cool!"

So everything done is done with the goal of making you better posters. The better posters you are, the more valuable you make this entire Forum. And that's exactly what we want this site to be ... an Example for other Forums to follow.

To our Thread Starters, please keep on creating nicely written and structured threads that are easy to read, cover a range of topics that cover a variety of things that aren't like all the other threads in that same section. Create Thread Titles that captures people's attention, that give our readers a clear cut idea what your topic is about before they even click on the thread.

And to our posters, don't be afraid to debate. Don't spam. And do what you need to do to make the other posters not only recognize, but embrace your Points of View.

Keep up the fantastic work!

Thank you for showing your appreciation. I would also like to thank our Mods and Admins. You guys play a huge role in making this a respectable forum. You guys/girls (not sure if we have women as mod's but just covering my ass) make sure everyone abides by the rules of this forum. I don't even want to think about how many members post here per day that don't follow the rules. Either they never read them or they just don't care to follow them. I'm sure it gets very stressful at times. Then after doing that part of your job most of those members bitch and moan and knock you are the rules and try to make you look like the bad guy.

So in closing I am sending the thank you back. Thank you for working hard and caring about this forum. Having the Mod's and members working together as a team is the reason why we are better than the rest.

Having the Mod's and members working together as a team is the reason why we are better than the rest.


I agree with that. We (the entire wrestlezone forum as a whole) are awesome.... and that's the bottom line, cuz Dagger Dias said so!
The WWE Forums on this site might be excellent and providing the best around... but I can't say the same thing for the actual WWE. However, I will say thankyou and the other moderators for making that section the best it can be.
Yep, and the WWE forums have gotten a lot better ever since you became mod. Before, they were either boring or terrible. Now we actually have interesting topics and discussions going on.
I read a few lines.

That's way too long for a Bar post. That, and I thank my TNA regulars with rep.
I read a few lines.

That's way too long for a Bar post. That, and I thank my TNA regulars with rep.

And I do the same with WWE posters. Do you not think I Rep them, as well (lol)?

As far as being "too long for a Bar Post" ... "Oh well". There really was no other place for it. So, it stays here.
As far as being "too long for a Bar Post" ... "Oh well". There really was no other place for it. So, it stays here.

I know this. But it was way too long for me to read the whole thing, consdering I'm barely a regular WWE poster anyway.
I know this. But it was way too long for me to read the whole thing, consdering I'm barely a regular WWE poster anyway.

Well, then you didn't have to read it. Especially being that you aren't a regular WWE poster anyway.

Nor did you have to respond to it, either. I don't know why you have this compulsive urge that you feel you need to respond, comment, and offer your opinion on every single post.
Well, then you didn't have to read it. Especially being that you aren't a regular WWE poster anyway.

Nor did you have to respond to it, either. I don't know why you have this compulsive urge that you feel you need to respond, comment, and offer your opinion on every single post.

You were the one saying I needed to drive discussion everywhere. Just trying to help out :p

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