WWE forgetting a past storyline on Raw with Jericho?

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I am a big Jericho Fan but I do not like how WWE has been portraying him lately. Do you think they are running out of ideas for Jericho heel run?

The whole Jericho and DX feud was anyone having a hard time, connecting to this storyline?

The reason why I ask is because, it wasn’t too long ago that Jericho started saying how he didn’t want to fight at Raw and how Raw sucked and that this would be his last time fighting.

Also why would Jericho care? He is a smack down superstar, wouldn’t it be wise if he wanted to go back to that brand?

However now that this feud with DX, WWE is making it seem as if Jericho is upset with leaving and at the end when they kicked him out the door he was screaming “I want to stay”. But yet a few months ago he said he didn’t want to stay.

I think is one of WWE biggest issues is that they forget past storylines. I also would like to know, do you think that this could be part of the reason why some people do not connect to storylines?
This could be a reasons yes.I was just think that yesterday when watching Raw here in Australia.Like what the hell this guy been carried out screaming like twice in his career.It's like Raw is the best one minute and the next he hates it and never wants to be on it.Storylines need to carry on for a good period of time.Just like Triple H and Ortons,that storyline has been going on since 2004 and has never really stopped.Basic because of the begin.Yeah it changes but orton and triple h really have a base of their rivalry that is Evolution.

The storylines have got to go on until there not needed or boring.Could be why people find it hard to connect them or they could be just DUMB!!

Thats just me!:wtf::lol:
Actually I agree with you that WWE forgets it's storylines waaay too much.

They need a guy that all his job is, is to make sure that storylines make sense as a part of the whole.

But the Jericho thing actually makes sense. It's like when a little kid does nothing but annoy and piss everyone off (aka a "troll"). But when you ban him from the website he's like "No! I love this place!" and starts crying. So I think it works in that aspect.


Jeez, this is a thread the main page links to? Who decides that stuff?

Anyway, it really does make sense if you think about it. Jericho came to Raw to "save" the show and gloat about how much better he is than everyone. It also puts him in the spotlight, which is what his character is pretty much all about.

The segment where he was pulled off was rather stupid, but I think that may have been more about the titles than him leaving Raw. At least, it should've been.

Anyway, the WWE usually forgets past storylines to make the current ones more flexible and such, but that doesn't really apply here.
Can anyone answer me...What happened to a rematch clause for the title? There was absolutely no mention of it on Raw. . . .Does the WWE just drop some rules to try to tie in a NEW storyline? It's pretty annoying.
Actually I agree with you that WWE forgets it's storylines waaay too much.

They need a guy that all his job is, is to make sure that storylines make sense as a part of the whole.

But the Jericho thing actually makes sense. It's like when a little kid does nothing but annoy and piss everyone off (aka a "troll"). But when you ban him from the website he's like "No! I love this place!" and starts crying. So I think it works in that aspect.



Does that not look bad on Smackdown though? I mean here is a Smackdown superstar who wants to stay on Raw and not his own Brand.
Can anyone answer me...What happened to a rematch clause for the title? There was absolutely no mention of it on Raw. . . .Does the WWE just drop some rules to try to tie in a NEW storyline? It's pretty annoying.

There was a rematch for the title, but DX "accidentally" got DQ'd and kept the title, which led to subsequent Jericho bitching and removal.

I really think you guys are looking too much into this. It doesn't matter if Jericho is on Raw, SD, or the Moon, his charater acts like a complete and total asshole regardless of the situation and is just there to make people angry. He obviously wanted to stay on Raw and continue to battle DX for the title, which is completely logical.

Really, there are much better examples of forgetting storylines than this. How about Kane and Khali teaming up together despite the fact that Kane had taken Khali's brother and drug him off to who knows where and tortured him or something. A simple mention of "they settled their differences" and they're fine. That's a much more inconsistent than the Jericho thing.
Well CenaFan made a good point about it making Smackdown look bad, but how bad did WWE make Smackdown look bad last night though? Two "entertainers" (in Vince's language, can't call them wrestlers anymore) off Raw, two "entertainers" off Smackdown up for Superstar of the Year, and look what happened. Cena destroyed Punk, and Orton beat Taker by count-out to make it an all Raw final. But anyway, back to the topic.

I remember a few months ago WWE.com actually did a piece about this on the website, so the WWE even knows that they've forgot storylines, so maybe they aren't really forgotten, maybe they just want to phase it out e.g. in recent times Sheamus and The King, they are professionals, so it would look really bad if they did just forget.
There was a rematch for the title, but DX "accidentally" got DQ'd and kept the title, which led to subsequent Jericho bitching and removal.

No, I understood THAT, I meant between Sheamus and Cena. (I personally thought the DX thing was hilarious, being you rarely see that kind of thing from babyface wrestlers)
Does that not look bad on Smackdown though? I mean here is a Smackdown superstar who wants to stay on Raw and not his own Brand.

Not really. It's not about Jericho wanting to be on Raw more than Smackdown.... it's about Jericho wanting access to BOTH brands. He and Big Show had that when they were tag champions. Now DX has that opportunity. Jericho didn't make Smackdown look bad, on the contrary. He was using the tag team titles to gain access to Raw and represent Smackdown while he was there because the tag team title enabled him to do so. Wouldn't you want to be able to go on both shows? I would. I can see the point you were trying to make but they didn't necessarily forget a storyline because Jericho's character still prefers Smackdown, look at how much he bragged when Smackdown won at Bragging Rights.
They kind of pick and choose which they will acknowledge. Look at Cena and edge. When ever they cross paths its always mentioned about their histoy together and as someone already mentioned the HHH/ orton rivalry.
The reason why I ask is because, it wasn’t too long ago that Jericho started saying how he didn’t want to fight at Raw and how Raw sucked and that this would be his last time fighting.

Jericho calls all us fans hypocrite right? So I don't think it is a fact of forgetting storylines, that just sounds like perfect heel behaviour if you ask me, proving himself to be the hypocrite.
Sometimes I think it works better putting one storyline on the backburner to carry out another one. For example: HHH vs Orton with the whole Evolution storyline...after Orton won the title, we all saw Evolution turn on Orton...and after a while they added HHH to the HBK vs Vince Mcmahon storyline, but once that storyline was finished, HHH went back to Orton
Jericho wanting to stay wasn't illogical. Being tossed out for not being from Raw was. Not one of those guys were from Raw. He was getting kicked out for not being from Raw, by non-Raw wrestlers in an interpromotional event. Brilliant.

Aparently, WWE thinks that because they aim at kids, we all think and forget like them. They paired up Kane and Khali after Kane tortured Khali and Ranjin on a weekly basis. Not to mention it was Kane who put Khali out of action. A simple "They put their difference's" is a stupid and senseless excuse. Teaming Kane with Knox would've made a lot more sense. Like I said, WWE thinks we think like kids. Just watch the diva tag match. Only the 2 that would compete took their shoes off. Its like the others knew they wouldn't get in. Or the DX/Jerishow rematch. Shawn was wearing his hat and shirt. As if he knew. There is too much inconsistensy on Raw alone.
I think wwe rarely forgets their storylines. I thought about that situation with jericho. But 2 PPL on here made sense by saying

1. It was a typical heel behavior.
2. Jericho just wanted the titles to be on both shows.

As far as the Khali and Kane teaming up. Its just basic wwe. The face vs the heel. Look at The Rock & Stone Cold feud in 1999 they did the same thing. The Rock threw Stone Cold off a bridge and 2 weeks later they teamed up. I just think Khali & Kane wanted to proved something against Vlad & Jackson. I don't think the writers forgot about kane torture khali or anything.

Same thing can be said for HHH & Stone Cold, The Rock & HHH. Even Cena & HHH. They were rivals and done bad stuff to one another. When both were heels or faces they put there difference aside.
First of all, WWE is not complete without Chris Jericho. No one can play that role like he can. And he is actually a fun wrestler to watch when he is not running his mouth about something stupid.

Now to address the original question, WWE, and many other TV shows, forget previous story lines. Jericho saying he didn't want to leave RAW I think should be reviewed by the audience because he also said he would show up where he wanted, when he wanted. So I believe it more a character trait, if you will, more than a forgotten story line. My favorite "forgotten story line" is the several times Big Show and Cena go at it and some discussion comes up that Cena can pick up or Big Show is too big to make submit or something like that, and back when Cena won his first title (US Title) against Big Show at Wrestlemania 20 where Cena "F-Ued" him. So Cena has always "been able to" do it, but they portray it like he can't or never has..
I don't think they should have made Jericho beg to stay. I agree that Jericho wants to be on both brands but when he was thrown out they should have made him look more dominant and vow to return as tag team champ or something, not beg to stay. I think his character has too big of an ego to ever do that.
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