WWE Fatal Fourway General Discussion Thread

I just think that a feud with R-Truth would get JoMo over more as a heel than one with The Miz.

You are right, but only because The Miz sucks. He couldn't get my sock over my heel.

That being said, I do feel that Morrison is a much better heel. Much better than The Miz can ever be. But, it isn't Morrison that needs to turn here. It's Truth. He desperately needs to drop that bullshit fan participation. He needs to take that mike and talk shit to the fans. I may be the only one, but I see semi-Rock talent there.

Here is what I would do:

Have Truth screw Miz out of the pin and take it himself. With the majority of wrestling fans nowadays, The Miz will now be a face. He already is in a lot of the IWC's eyes. It won't be that hard to fathom. Have Truth cop an attitude and make Miz his target. This will go on and on for a couple months until finally, Morrison screws them both over. In some PPV, they will have a triple threat and Morrison will get the strap, and voila! Truth then fades out, Miz will now try and make it as a complete superstar by turning face, and Morrison gets the heel turn he needs.
I do like the idea of a JoMo heel turn, but i would do it differently.

i would have the ref get "accidentally" knocked out. The Miz ends up grabbing the belt and knocking R-Truth out with it. Instead of trying to wake the ref up he gets a chair and as he is about to hit Truth, JoMo runs to the ring, takes the chair, and hits Miz. He then puts Truth on top of Miz and gets the ref in the ring. After the match while they are celebrating, JoMo attacks Truth. The next night on Raw he says the reason he turned on Truth was because he is tired of being the nice guy. Being the nice guy has gotten him nowhere. He says that he had R-Truth beat last week, and that is why he made sure R-Truth won at F4W. He's going to show everybody that he is better than R-Truth. That he is better than everybody there. That is why he is the Guru Of Greatness. Or something along those lines.

I just think that a feud with R-Truth would get JoMo over more as a heel than one with The Miz. R-Truth is one of the top faces on Raw. So that would be instant heat on him. But WWE will probably have The Miz win so he can feud with R-Truth for awhile. And keep JoMo face where he will continue doing nothing.

That's not a bad idea at all actually. I just don't see Morrison turning heel any time soon. Theres already a lot of heels on Raw so I don't see much room for him.

CobraVenom said:
You are right, but only because The Miz sucks. He couldn't get my sock over my heel.

That being said, I do feel that Morrison is a much better heel. Much better than The Miz can ever be. But, it isn't Morrison that needs to turn here. It's Truth. He desperately needs to drop that bullshit fan participation. He needs to take that mike and talk shit to the fans. I may be the only one, but I see semi-Rock talent there.

Here is what I would do:

Have Truth screw Miz out of the pin and take it himself. With the majority of wrestling fans nowadays, The Miz will now be a face. He already is in a lot of the IWC's eyes. It won't be that hard to fathom. Have Truth cop an attitude and make Miz his target. This will go on and on for a couple months until finally, Morrison screws them both over. In some PPV, they will have a triple threat and Morrison will get the strap, and voila! Truth then fades out, Miz will now try and make it as a complete superstar by turning face, and Morrison gets the heel turn he needs.

The Miz sucks? Ahahahaha -- no. How can you possibly say that he isn't over as a heel? Turning Miz face would be an awful idea, his background as a reality star generates natural heat.
I honestly don't think that they will turn John Morrison heel any time soon, especially not at Fatal 4 Way.

As for the match itself, I am pretty sure that The Miz is going to retain or something else is going to go down. I really can't understand why they gave the strap to R-Truth to take it away from him in just a matter of weeks. Is it because he has done something wrong and he is being punished for something? I doubt that because he has been pretty good on-screen and is still one of the most over superstars on the entire WWE rosters. Maybe it is something backstage but I doubt that too because we have heard absolutely nothing about any trouble concerning R-Truth over the last few weeks. I think I can safely rule that out.

There is also a possibility that they have realised that Truth doesn't need the belt and that The Miz could actually use it. R-Truth is constantly over and really doesn't need the belt to get any sort of credibility. The Miz, on the other hand, is pushing hard to get into the main event scene and the US Championship could act as a tool to get him there. Now, the proble occurs when you think about what they are going to do on Sunday.

They could either keep the strap on The Miz, or they could give it to R-Truth. If they give it back to R-Truth, then what exactly have the accomplished in the last week? Nothing! So, my thinking is that The Miz will retain after just winning it. However, opportunities do exist in this division and I could definitely see Morrison being added to the match or something similar. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, I would suggest that The Miz will be walking out of Fatal 4 Way as the Champion.
You are right, but only because The Miz sucks. He couldn't get my sock over my heel.

That being said, I do feel that Morrison is a much better heel. Much better than The Miz can ever be. But, it isn't Morrison that needs to turn here. It's Truth. He desperately needs to drop that bullshit fan participation. He needs to take that mike and talk shit to the fans. I may be the only one, but I see semi-Rock talent there.

Here is what I would do:

Have Truth screw Miz out of the pin and take it himself. With the majority of wrestling fans nowadays, The Miz will now be a face. He already is in a lot of the IWC's eyes. It won't be that hard to fathom. Have Truth cop an attitude and make Miz his target. This will go on and on for a couple months until finally, Morrison screws them both over. In some PPV, they will have a triple threat and Morrison will get the strap, and voila! Truth then fades out, Miz will now try and make it as a complete superstar by turning face, and Morrison gets the heel turn he needs.


When Miz and Morrison were a tag team, Miz got all the heat because he was actually good on the mic. Morrison couldn't get over as a heel to save his life. Morrison's moveset doesn't do him any favors because no heel has gotten over based on that. I'm not a Miz fan but even the simplest fan can see that he is better than Morrison in terms of being a heel.

When Miz and Morrison were a tag team, Miz got all the heat because he was actually good on the mic. Morrison couldn't get over as a heel to save his life. Morrison's moveset doesn't do him any favors because no heel has gotten over based on that. I'm not a Miz fan but even the simplest fan can see that he is better than Morrison in terms of being a heel.

Whilst it's just a mild nit-pick, couldn't you argue that Billy Kidman sort of got over as a high-flying heel in 2004? When he played that role where he blamed the fans for encouraging him to do dangerous/high risk moves at the expense of others.

I could see Morrison pulling that same routine were he "injures" someone with Starship Pain/The Flying Chuck, then blames the fans but continues using it to spite them and perhaps "injures" a few more people along the way, the whole "reckless/dangerous moveset" heel hasn't been done in a while and it'd fit Morrison moreso than being a cowardly heel, he doesn't have the right look/moveset to be an Orton/Edge style heel. I think Morrison could potentially get over as a reckless heel, he could incorporate the style of heel promo's he used to do, while adding in a disdain for the fans wanting to see him hurt people, it'd be better then him reverting to his Miz-like "I'm better than other people" style but it'd also be more interesting than the current deal he has as a face.

/2 cents.
Right I'd rather see

Fatal4Way - Miz gets the pin on Ritruth and beats his ass down after the match. JoMo comes down and saves R-truth. Morrison holds Truths hand up but Truth Shoves him away, on RAW R-Truth says he's tired of living the slow route where the fans dont respect him because he came from the streets. Heel R-Truth. Soon later (Maybe Summerlsam as I expect all 3 of these men to be in a MiTB match if there is one) we have Miz vs Morrison for the US title. R-truth comes down and beats the crap out of both men. On RAW Morrison vs Truth for the number 1 contendership. Miz gets Morrison disqualified as he know Morrison got his number after Summerslam. Bret Hart makes the triple Threat for Night Of Champions where Morrison walks away with the title but has a short Reign and gets the WHC championship shot just after Wrestlemania. Inbetween the three man fued I think the E need to have Miz defend this title as many times as possibly. Have him defend against Evan Bourne, Zak Ryder, Yoshi Tatsu or even Mark Henry. Just give him loads of victories to make him look like a fighting champion. Let him cut promos asking for matches and Hopfully the WWE can make up for his bad first reign as US Champion
No announcement for the Tag Titles yet? Unless they're gonna stick the Dudebusters/Hawkins and Archer in a F4W match, I would've expected an announcement last night.

Line up beginning to take shape though. Nice swerve with the Miz vs Truth last night, and so long as Alicia Fox doesn't win the womens match, I'll be happy with that one too.

Interesting to see if Smackdown provides any more matches - can't see there being another Divas match on the card. Kingston will no doubt be involved - possibly in a 4 way with Christian, Ziggler and McIntyre.

When Miz and Morrison were a tag team, Miz got all the heat because he was actually good on the mic. Morrison couldn't get over as a heel to save his life. Morrison's moveset doesn't do him any favors because no heel has gotten over based on that. I'm not a Miz fan but even the simplest fan can see that he is better than Morrison in terms of being a heel.

When Morrison and Miz were a tag team...blah, blah, blah. You do know that Morrison wasn't given enough time to develop as a heel as a singles wrestler, right? I guess you forgot that part.

You are completely wrong about The Miz being a good heel. The only reason you and half the IWC thinks he is a good heel is because he is a flavor of the month with zero talent whatsoever. The WWE has starved the fans of great heels, so when someone like The Fucking Miz comes along, a lot of you cream your pants. The Miz is over because he is "awesome." Hmm. More like boring. At least Morrison can put on a good match. The Miz can't even put on a good hair style.
After Bret Hart "fired" Barret and forced the others to leave the arena, he was later attacked late in the show by the former NxT rookies, and before the show went off the air we were left with Barret telling Hart we want an answer Sunday....he was refering to guarenteed contracts......so in your opinion what happens this Sunday @ Fatal 4 Way with the NXTO
I think they will attack the WWE superstar backstage one by one. They can start with attacking Kofi Kingston taking him out of PPV, then they can attack Jericho, John Morisson, R-Truth and many more. From the begining of the ppv to the end we see guys laying down in the back and question is who is attacking them? By the end of the PPV all guys has been laid down on the back then NXT rookies can attack the main eventers in wwe championship match. Thus NXT guys ruling all over WWE at the end of the PPV
They will interfere with Cena's match I imagine..

I'm guessing Cena makes a triumph win and the fans some what pop.. than the NXT shows up...

The Show begins with Hart saying they still don't get contracts

The Show Ends with Cena yet again laid out... Starting a Cena/NXT feud for the summer.
I think they will attack the WWE superstar backstage one by one. They can start with attacking Kofi Kingston taking him out of PPV, then they can attack Jericho, John Morisson, R-Truth and many more. From the begining of the ppv to the end we see guys laying down in the back and question is who is attacking them? By the end of the PPV all guys has been laid down on the back then NXT rookies can attack the main eventers in wwe championship match. Thus NXT guys ruling all over WWE at the end of the PPV

I really like that idea. Take everyone out, then the last 4 guys, Cena, Sheamus, Orton and Edge left by themselves and NXTWO devour them and destroy the arena. I would really like to see them do something with the stage and titantron, even though that is a little too risky. By the end of the night, they either get their contracts or don't and rage out. I would really like them to wear all black or 1 color all together.
This would be an awesome idea (just them left) but here's what I would add: As they are beating up the 4 way guys, then....

"IT'S ALL ABOUT THE GAME, AND HOW YOU PLAY IT!" Blasts through the arena and we see Triple H at the top of the ramp with a sledge hammer.. He charges into the ring with the NXT guys all stopping and looking at him scared $hitless.. Cena, Sheamus, Edge and Orton all look relieved then...

WHAM! Sledgehammer to the gut of Cena.. Then to Edge, Sheamus and Orton all by himself... he begs for mercy, but BAM, sledge to the back (selling the Shoulder even more). The NXT guys continue to destroy the ring, and trips does his pose with Wade and the gang surrounding him, giving chops, and starting: DNXT! (ok, that was a bit cheesy).

Raw opens with trips stating how he's never like Cena, hated Edge and Orton, and had a vendetta against Sheamus for putting him out blah blah blah...He can also state he hates Taker for putting shawn out permanently, and he Hates hart for what he did to Vince.. This could be epic IMO.. Tell me whatcha think!
That is a very good question indeed and it really will come down to which direction the WWE are willing to go with this feud. The answer to this question will likely begin to shape the next couple of months, I feel.

There is literally so many ways that this angle could go and it will be very intriguing to see which direction it does eventually go in. I mean, they could very easily be given their contracts on Raw for beating the shit out of John Cena one week and then Bret Hart the next, They could easily have made enough of an impression on Bret Hart, or Mr McMahon for that matter, they have earned their WWE contracts. The could attack all of the members of the roster one by one and make another statement of intent. Or, they might get their asses kicked again by some sort of rival faction.

Those are just a number of things that could happen this Sunday but I am almost sure that Bret will say that he will not be bullied into submission by the NXT rookies and that they wont be getting their contracts. At the end of the last match, likely Cena's, the NXT rookies will invade again and make another impact. It could be that they destroy the 4 men in the match, or something more intelligent. For example, I would love to see Edge win the match and then join the NXT rookies or turn the belt over to Wade Barrett or something similarly shocking.

Either way, the NXT rookies will be at Fatal 4 Way and shit will get very heated, very quickly... I can't wait!
What I would have liked to see had Brian Danielson not been fired was divide them into two groups of four and have two more fatal four way matches with the two winners earning contracts. As it stands now, I'm not really sure what direction they can take with it. I don't see them ruining their PPV main event title match, so if anything I would say the issue will be resolved sooner rather than later in the show.
Am I the only one who thinks this thing ends with Jericho having masterminded the whole plot (which, in my opinion, would be the WORST possible way to take this angle... but it seems to be where they're headed)?
What I would like to see is Wade Barrett winning gold. That would be a good way to take NXTO. At the PPV on sunday they could simply take out one of the 4 in Cena's match, (Orton, Edge, Sheamus) and then at the last minute Wade come in and be the fourth member and win the title! It would be an easy way to give them credibility and it would make Hart give him a contract.
"I want an answer by Sunday" were the words that came out of Wade Barrett's mouth as Raw came to a close leaving Bret Hart with a dilemma ahead of him come the Fatal Four Way PPV.

I'm personally expecting Bret to initially stand tall and refuse their demands only to be threatened. I'm thinking they could either go down the route of interupting matches and attacking random guys in the back. Or potentially go down the route of attacking the Hart Dynasty (and so establishing themselves in the Tag Team division.) and also kidnapping Natalya, threatening to do to her what they did to Bret on Raw, forcing Bret into signing them to Raw, along with Wade Barrett's clause to appear on any PPV he chooses. One quick visit to Randy Orton later and he can no longer compete tonight due to an aggrivated shoulder injury. Now the Fatal Four Way is a man short and who more appropriate to enter in his place?

I'm not saying Barrett will win the title. You might argue that Sheamus, Cena and Edge would once again just team up for the greater cause and take him out but please remember that a Fatal Four Way is a No Disqualification match. The other NXT guys will definitely get involved.

I'm pretty excited and, finally, to answer one other question asked. The Driver of the Limo? It's simply being left open for Daniel Bryan or the Higher Power figure. Either way, I'm happy.
Yeah the obvious interference in the Cena match is as much as in stone at this point. In addition thought I'd like to see them get involved in every single title match and end up stealing all the titles. They then show up on Raw stating that if they don't get contracts then the WWE will no longer have champions as they are holding all the titles hostage.

To soon for HHH to come back I think last I heard he wasn't coming back until Summer Slam along with Taker.
I am pulling for Jericho to be the leader of the NXT group. I noticed last night that he wasn't on stage with all of the other superstars.

But i am sure the NXT groupwill interfere with the Raw main event in some way, whether it be interfering with the match, or taking out Edge, Sheamus and Orton, and replacing them with Barrett, Otunga and Sheffield/Tarver.

Another thing I noticed last night was that they mentioned Daniel Bryan. After a superstar gets "future endeavored", they try not to mention their likeness on WWE programming. Idk, I just thought it was kind of weird.
I am pulling for Jericho to be the leader of the NXT group. I noticed last night that he wasn't on stage with all of the other superstars.

This would surprise me considering Barrett didn't take kindly to Jericho's comment about how he could've won with any rookie even Skip Sheffield.

But i am sure the NXT groupwill interfere with the Raw main event in some way, whether it be interfering with the match, or taking out Edge, Sheamus and Orton, and replacing them with Barrett, Otunga and Sheffield/Tarver.

I can't even see that match being good. Wade is the only credible one in producing a quality match among those you listed. Tarver, and Otunga haven't shown much in way of wrestling. Otunga needs to improve his timing in the ring.

Another thing I noticed last night was that they mentioned Daniel Bryan. After a superstar gets "future endeavored", they try not to mention their likeness on WWE programming. Idk, I just thought it was kind of weird.

I'm not sure they had a choice here. You figure that the people who watched last week would tune in this week, so it would be problematic to be a person short without any form of explanation.

But as a GM, all Bret can easily give them their contracts, then proceed to make their wrestling careers hell by putting them in crappy matches (e.g. pig pen match); or on the receiving end of overwhelming odds type of matches (e.g. gauntlet, 3 or 4 on 1 handicap). There's so many ways he can make their lives miserable to the point that they'll beg to be let out of their contracts. Of course it won't happen this way. I can't remember any "demand for contract" angle every going this way after the contract has been received. The angle normally ends at that point.
What I don't want them to do is to ruin either of the fatal4way title matches...however, i think after the main event, they will attack...

It could be interesting to find out who their leader is at the ppv as well...Im glad its on SkySports here in UK...can't wait to watch it...

It would be good to finally have these questions answered...And on Raw the night after...oly shyt..i cant wait..
First of all, I don't think they will get involved with Smackdown guys or matches. This seems to be a RAW deal and will likely be kept that way.

Secondly, I think the most logical singular attack will happen during the RAW main event, unless for some reason they attack multiple times throughout the night, in which case I'd be curious how Kane would interact with all this.

Finally, I do see some scenarios where Barrett leaves as the new champion. Potentially Barrett could use what happened on RAW to get his job back, with or without contracts for the other rookies. Then, they could attack one of the four guys from the RAW fatal four way (likely Orton, due to the shoulder issue). Barrett could then claim his PPV title shot and put himself in the match.

Now, the match itself could go one of a few ways. Obviously if Barrett is not in the match, whoever wins will likely get a beatdown, as I see NXT being featured toward the end of the show. If Barrett is in the match, then the other guys will either be chased away early by the RAW locker room, or will come out at the end to help Barrett win. I personally like the former.

Imagine Barrett is in the match and the other guys attack early and beat down Cena, Edge, and Sheamus. Then the heroic locker room makes the save. Barrett is then at a 3 on 1 disadvantage as the other three won't want him to win, so Barrett takes a beatdown. Then, now in triple threat mode, Cena has to fight off the two heels with typical double crosses here and there. Finally, when everything looks like it is going Cena's way and both heels are down, Barrett gets back in the ring, hits Cena with his finisher, and wins the title to close the show. The future could be Cena and Barrett feuding over the title with Barrett using his new status to get contracts for the other rookies.

While I doubt this will be the result, the options are massive. I'm actually looking forward to what they will do with this whole angle, especially with the PPV Sunday.
Is anybody in the US going to buy this PPV?

The card seems awfully weak with only 4 confirmed matches thus far. To be honest, it seems weaker than Over the Limit and Extreme Rules, both poor PPV's. I think the only thing that might save this PPV is the NXT Rookies angle and the Undertaker demise angle. That's the only reason I'm even considering getting this PPV.
Yeah they're playing a dangerous game here...

Admittedly since there's only 4 matches I'm inclined to to forget the PPV but at the same time since there is only 4 matches the "something epic will happen" feeling is in the air and I'm feeling more and more like I've got to order it to see what goes down on sunday.

I'll probably order it tbh.... the NXT will probably play a part in it and I'm intrigued by the SD title match with Kane poppin all over the place.

They've built this ppv so well by placing an air of "intrigue" of what may happen that i'm astonished.

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