WWE Fastlane General Discussion & Reviews


So, within the next 10 minutes or so, we'll have the announced main event for Fastlane in which the winner of said main event will face Triple H at WrestleMania for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

I'm thinking it'll be Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose. One reason is that it just seems to make sense given that Ambrose was the last guy in there with Triple H and has a taste of WWE Championship gold fever. Another reason is Reigns and Ambrose will be on Jericho's Highlight Reel and it just seems so random to have those two guys without any real reason. Now, we've seen Ambrose vs. Reigns at Survivor Series, a huge disappointment in most people's minds, but this feud may result in a heel turn for Ambrose. I may be wrong, but this is just what I see happening.
Now we know it's a Triple Threat with Lesnar too, I see the Wyatts again costing Lesnar and I see Jericho somehow involving himself in Anbrose business. The money match obviously is Helmsley vs Reigns for the belt at Mania. I see Ambrose vs Jericho for the IC title and Lesnar vs Wyatt at Mania. This triple threat will set these three feuds into motion. With Undertaker die back, does he get fed Kevin Owens?
Did anyone notice that because of this triple threat main event, Intercontinental Title is not going to be defended at Fastlane by Dean Ambrose. Moreover, Triple H too will not defend his WWE World Heavyweight Title at Fastlane and may only defend it straight at Wrestlemania 32.

AND I'm still ranting. HHH should defend against a sympathetic babyface like Ziggler and beat the crap out of him, in order to gather some nuclear heat. That's a big missed opportunity here. Also it would help HHH story-wise, if he's the only "worthy champion", then he should prove so, also in order to send a message to the #1 contender.
AND I'm still ranting. HHH should defend against a sympathetic babyface like Ziggler and beat the crap out of him, in order to gather some nuclear heat. That's a big missed opportunity here. Also it would help HHH story-wise, if he's the only "worthy champion", then he should prove so, also in order to send a message to the #1 contender.

Agreed. Although i like Dolph Ziggler, Yet I have no interest in his match with Triple H. I would want some other babyface to be fed to Triple H so that the babyface also profits from it. Ambrose is in main event. No chance for Kalisto or Neville. Cant see any other strong babyface though.

I have an idea. Triple H VS Jericho at Fastlane for the title. Match starts and Jericho lays down so HHH can pin him. Post-Fastlane Raw reveals Jericho did it for a chance at IC Title and he wins the title with help of LoN at the same night and goes on to lose the title to Ambrose at Wrestlemania. :blush:

AND I'm still ranting. HHH should defend against a sympathetic babyface like Ziggler and beat the crap out of him, in order to gather some nuclear heat. That's a big missed opportunity here. Also it would help HHH story-wise, if he's the only "worthy champion", then he should prove so, also in order to send a message to the #1 contender.

What about defending against Ryback?
Size wise he at least looks like he could give HHH a good match at Fastlane?
Have HHH barely eek out a victory and give Ryback some momentum going into Mania for a mid card match vs Shaemus?
What about defending against Ryback?
Size wise he at least looks like he could give HHH a good match at Fastlane?
Have HHH barely eek out a victory and give Ryback some momentum going into Mania for a mid card match vs Shaemus?

Yes but Ryback isn't exactly the sympathetic face that fans would get behind and make HHH look evil. In reality, any face would do, but Ryback doesn't click for me.
My sort've realistic wish list for Fast Lane:

Brock vs. Ambrose vs. Reigns - well, we already know this is happening. But my wish is for the predictable result that we're all expecting(Reigns wins, Wyatts cost Brock) to NOT happen. It's just too boring. If the end game is Wyatt vs. Brock and Reigns-HHH at Mania, then fine......but can we get there in a less predictable way? I hope so.

Jericho vs. AJ Styles with Chris slowly going heel....will be a great way to establish AJ as a huge fan favorite right away....and a great way for Jericho to get a lot of heel heat on himself which he can then transition into his next feud(hopefully with Ambrose). Chris is really good at face vs. face feuds where he slowly starts unraveling and going heel. See Jericho-Rock('01), Jericho-Cena ('05), and Jericho-Michaels('08).

Charlotte vs. Becky vs. Sasha - Charlotte retains in a shady way that also gets Becky out of the title picture so we can get a good, focused Charlotte-Sasha feud going, with Sasha taking the title at Mania.

The start of a mega-push for Kevin Owens. He's been pushed pretty strongly in his first year in WWE, but it's time to kick it up a notch. This guy has it all, and should be the next top heel. Assuming Reigns is going to win the title at Mania.....Owens should be the guy to take it off of him at some point in 2016. Start building to that now. Have him destroy somebody at FastLane, have him beat 'Taker at Mania, etc.

The return of Daniel Bryan.....one can hope!
Agreed. Although i like Dolph Ziggler, Yet I have no interest in his match with Triple H. I would want some other babyface to be fed to Triple H so that the babyface also profits from it. Ambrose is in main event. No chance for Kalisto or Neville. Cant see any other strong babyface though.

I have an idea. Triple H VS Jericho at Fastlane for the title. Match starts and Jericho lays down so HHH can pin him. Post-Fastlane Raw reveals Jericho did it for a chance at IC Title and he wins the title with help of LoN at the same night and goes on to lose the title to Ambrose at Wrestlemania. :blush:


I think everyone in the entire world would be thinking why Jericho would give up the chance to be a world champion to be a IC champ. I like the idea of having Jericho facing HHH at fastlane though as Jericho would be a good way to make it look like it wasn't just HHH's number 30 entry for being the champion again. Would be a good match as well and it also allows the main focus to be on the triple threat. I doubt WWE goes this way though. I think they might use him in a tag team match but I really don't know. Too many options at the moment for Jericho and Fastlane.

The thing I am interested in is how New Day will be featured. Do they face Uso's again? Surely that waits until Mania. Does it involve a six man tag? Do they just cut a promo? Hopefully it's one more title defense as I see them losing the belts at Mania.
Given what happened last night, I'm guessing it'll be Charlotte defending the Divas Championship against Brie at Fastlane. Now while I can't say I'm all that interested in this program, if it comes to pass and especially considering Vince's schizophrenic booking has been worse with the Bella Twins than most other talents on the roster, but I can understand if part of the plan is to set up the involvement of Sasha Banks, or Sasha along with Becky Lynch, for the Divas Championship picture for WrestleMania.

I see little to no chance of Charlotte dropping the title at the ppv before WrestleMania, she may even retain at WrestleMania but if the plan is for her to drop it, I just can't see it happening at Fastlane. Also, given what happened last night, Sasha can feud with her former Team BAD members for something to do until after WrestleMania and I'd rather wait for Charlotte vs. Sasha on the big stage anyway rather than have their first encounter on a B ppv.
Given what happened last night, I'm guessing it'll be Charlotte defending the Divas Championship against Brie at Fastlane. Now while I can't say I'm all that interested in this program, if it comes to pass and especially considering Vince's schizophrenic booking has been worse with the Bella Twins than most other talents on the roster, but I can understand if part of the plan is to set up the involvement of Sasha Banks, or Sasha along with Becky Lynch, for the Divas Championship picture for WrestleMania.

I see little to no chance of Charlotte dropping the title at the ppv before WrestleMania, she may even retain at WrestleMania but if the plan is for her to drop it, I just can't see it happening at Fastlane. Also, given what happened last night, Sasha can feud with her former Team BAD members for something to do until after WrestleMania and I'd rather wait for Charlotte vs. Sasha on the big stage anyway rather than have their first encounter on a B ppv.

Yeah I'm not excited at all about Brie vs. Charlotte at all. Brie is underrated but they hadn't pushed her a legit competitor for the Divas title. I expect Charlotte to dominate her. Although it would be interesting since titles have been changing more frequently, Brie could upset Charlotte again and Charlotte break it off with Ric to draw even more heat then win the title back the next night on RAW to give Brie her rematch clause and move on to Sasha/Becky.

Yeah I could see Sasha/Becky vs. Tamina/Naomi at Fast Lane but honestly the way Naomi and Tamina have been build up the're better off just ending this on a RAW. I can't see the crowd taking this match well. I'd rather they just have all four women face off at Fast Lane for a number one contender shot to face the winner of Brie/Charlotte at WM.
The final card is probably this:

Fastlane Kickoff Show

1. 2/3 Falls Match for the WWE United States Championship - Kalisto (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio

Fastlane Card

1. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar
2. WWE Intercontinental Championship - Kevin Owens (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
3. WWE Divas Championship - Charlotte (c) vs. Brie Bella
4. Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch vs. Naomi & Tamina
5. AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho III
6. Cutting Edge Peep Show Segment

It looks like a good card on paper, though one thing that could kill the energy is the telegraphed ending of so many of the matches. There's almost zero change that any of the titles change hands, it's highly unlikely that Sasha & Becky lose and Reigns is the favorite to win the triple threat match. However, if the matches have a lot of energy, it could potentially offset it. I could also do without the talk show segment, I'd prefer it on the kickoff show to be quite honest. While Styles vs. Jericho III isn't official, it's all but written in the stars that it's happening.
It's a hard show to get excited about. I'm sure it'll deliver but it's a show of rematches and variations of matches I've seen before. This could've been rectified if Triple H had been given a singles match for the title against Ambrose and Reigns faced Lesnar for a Mania title match.

WWE should stick with their plans and go for HHH vs. Reigns at Mania. They should also deviate from Lesnar vs. Wyatt and have Lesnar vs. Ambrose.

I guess we can expect an Undertaker appearance to set up his Mania match against who the fuck cares.
In regards to the Divas tag, I think Naomi and Tamina may go over strictly as a way to tease tension between Sasha and Becky. That does seem where this is headed no? So why would they win the tag match? Smart booking, if there is indeed a plan to have a Triple Threat for the Divas title at Mania, would have Tamina (or Naomi) go over Sasha after some sort of miscommunication between Banks and Lynch. Don't know if that will happen though.

The rest of the card seems pretty predictable but you never really know. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked to see Ziggler go over Owens to take the title. Pissed yes, but not shocked. I wouldn't be shocked either if Lesnar ends up winning the main event.
Also wouldn't be surprised to see Del Rio take the title back again. Kalisto has been in all tag matches since Sin Cara came back and WWE might be looking at putting them in the tag title picture heading into Mania.

Damn this show actually has a strong likelihood of leaving me salty at the end of the night... ah well, life goes on.
I'm fine with HHH not defending. It seems like they're going to do HHH and Roman and 'Mania and hopefully we get Brock vs Ambrose instead of something with the Wyatts. It's also quite something that Sheamus went from main-eventing TLC to not even having a match on the card in 2 months.

-Edge/Christian and the New Day segment should be pretty entertaining. I'm okay with them not defending as there's not really anybody for them to go against since they have Dudley's/Usos with the latter being "injured" and it hopefully all builds to a triple threat TLC match at 'Mania.

-I'd assume Kalisto goes over so he doesn't lose his title to Del Rio for the second time and he'll lose it sometime in March so the Lucha Dragons can do something at 'Mania unless they do Kalisto vs Sin Cara or have the Dragons in a tag match even though Kalisto is the US champ. As for the match itself, it should be okay, I like the 2/3 falls stipulation but their last match was full of botches, so hopefully this one isn't as bad with that.

-The Wyatt match will probably suck, but what can you expect. Hopefully this leads to something with them and the Wyatts rather than having them fed to Lesnar as the Wyatts really need some wins.

-The women's tag could be decent. Naomi is athletic enough where she can have a decent match although her striking is pretty bad. Tamina just kinda sucks, but Sasha and Becky could probably get a decent match out of them. I would think Tamina and Naomi win just so there's some dissension between the two as OYDK said above.

-Jericho vs Styles will probably be good. This feud's been good with Miz as well, and since they'll be given more time, this could be a really good match.

-Owens should retain, there's no reason to give Ziggler, who was jobbing just weeks prior, his 5th intercontinental title just a week after Owens won it. Match should be good as well, these two work pretty well together but hopefully they give it to Owens and they can have another multi-man match at 'Mania similar to last year.

-Charlotte vs Brie will probably suck. Brie's not good, but should be fine since DB just retired. Hopefully Charlotte can just destroy her, let Brie get her spots in, and then go back to beating her cleanly without Ric. A dominant match with the wife of the guy who just retired will get her some heat leading into 'Mania.

-Finally, the triple threat will be pretty damn good. Reigns and Lesnar will beat the shit out of each other, Ambrose bumps like crazy for both of them. They'll either do something to set up a triple threat at WM so Lesnar can fight the Wyatts, or they'll have Lesnar knocked out of the ring by Dean who then gets speared and pinned by Roman setting up a feud with the premise of Dean never backing down and Lesnar getting fucked out of the title again.

I think it'll be a good show, build hasn't been too particularly amazing, but the matches will be solid and I don't think it's quite as cut and dry as it's made out to be.
I went into this show with pretty low expectations. The Fastlane brand is completely useless and this show really didn't do anything to change that. It was better than the Rumble last month at least.

Pre-Show: Alberto Del Rio VS Kalisto (US Championship)
Why was this on the pre-show? I hate it when title matches are on the pre-show. The 2/3 falls gimmick helped, but if this had been on the main card then I bet more effort would have gone into it. Kalisto retaining was the right call, sticking it on the pre-show wasn't.

Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks VS Naomi & Tamina
This was an interesting choice for an opener. Solid match with Becky and Sasha working well together. Reminded me of the days of their alliance on NXT. Sasha and Becky getting the win was definitely the right call.

Dolph Ziggler VS Kevin Owens (Intercontinental Championship)
Wasn't awful, but nothing you wouldn't have expected either. Owens got the retention he needed, which was the important part. Felt like something that could have just been on Raw or Smackdown rather than a PPV match. The bigger question is who does Owens get next, Styles maybe? Also, anyone else sick of Dolph Ziggler? It's getting to the point where I want to fast forward past him.

Wyatt Family VS Kane, Big Show, and Ryback
This was stupid. We never needed to have this match to begin with and the result made no sense which proved what a massive waste of time this was. This was the match where the pizza delivery person showed up and my order got messed up, I got spinach on the pizza when I hadn't asked for it. There was a really bad rainstorm tonight though so I wasn't about to make the pizza delivery person head back to the store then back out here in the storm for one little slip-up like that. I ended up spending a good portion of this match peeling spinach off of my pizza slices. At least I was done with that by the time something better was going on. Worst match of the night, and you know you're a terrible match when you're the worst despite a Brie Bella match also being on the card....

Brie Bella VS Charlotte (Divas Championship)
Better than I expected and that's all thanks to Charlotte.... Still bad though. Brie still can't wrestle after all this time and no amount of sympathy for her husband (who I am a fan of) will ever make me cheer for her considering she is atrocious in the ring and even worse on the mic. I hope the retirement rumors are true and this was the last we'll see of Brie. Now we can move on to Charlotte VS Sasha.

AJ Styles VS Chris Jericho
This was great. My favorite match of the night. If you missed this show, check out this match. Glad AJ got the win on PPV too.

New Day, Edge/Christian, and League Of Nations Segment
Hilarious. Even Sheamus with his "Yes they DO look stupid" remark was extremely funny. Granted this was more for hyping up Edge and Christian's show than anything, but it entertained in the process, so it served its purpose.

Curtis Axel VS R-Truth
Ugh, stupid. This is what should have been on the pre-show instead of Kalisto VS Alberto. Gave me a chance to go get some easter bunny gummies from the pantry.

Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose VS Brock Lesnar
Good stuff here from all three competitors. It was the 2nd best match of the night for me behind Styles VS Jericho. I was worried the whole time that Lesnar might win.... so I marked out for each of the spots where Lesnar got thrown into the announcer tables. Sure, Roman VS Triple H might not be the main event of the century, but it's better than having Brock get the title shot against Trips. Dean might have been a better option to many, so hopefully he gets a good spot on the Wrestlemania card. Maybe against Lesnar? It's been teased quite a bit recently.

Overall Thoughts
So, yeah this show did nothing to help make Fastlane be a PPV brand to keep around. It was something to watch with friends while eating pizza on a sunday during a rainstorm. It was better than the Rumble last month although I really don't know what the WWE is going to do at this point if Trips VS Roman Reigns is the best match they can come up with. It almost makes me consider not attending Wrestlemania. Almost. NXT Dallas I'm still going to no matter what, that's a whole other story. This show was a step up from the Rumble overall, although other than Styles VS Jericho and the main event you don't need to see much else if you missed it.

Dagger's 2016 PPV Rankings
1. Fastlane 2016
2. Royal Rumble 2016
I went into this show with pretty low expectations. The Fastlane brand is completely useless and this show really didn't do anything to change that. It was better than the Rumble last month at least.

Pre-Show: Alberto Del Rio VS Kalisto (US Championship)
Why was this on the pre-show? I hate it when title matches are on the pre-show. The 2/3 falls gimmick helped, but if this had been on the main card then I bet more effort would have gone into it. Kalisto retaining was the right call, sticking it on the pre-show wasn't.

Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks VS Naomi & Tamina
This was an interesting choice for an opener. Solid match with Becky and Sasha working well together. Reminded me of the days of their alliance on NXT. Sasha and Becky getting the win was definitely the right call.

Dolph Ziggler VS Kevin Owens (Intercontinental Championship)
Wasn't awful, but nothing you wouldn't have expected either. Owens got the retention he needed, which was the important part. Felt like something that could have just been on Raw or Smackdown rather than a PPV match. The bigger question is who does Owens get next, Styles maybe? Also, anyone else sick of Dolph Ziggler? It's getting to the point where I want to fast forward past him.

Wyatt Family VS Kane, Big Show, and Ryback
This was stupid. We never needed to have this match to begin with and the result made no sense which proved what a massive waste of time this was. This was the match where the pizza delivery person showed up and my order got messed up, I got spinach on the pizza when I hadn't asked for it. There was a really bad rainstorm tonight though so I wasn't about to make the pizza delivery person head back to the store then back out here in the storm for one little slip-up like that. I ended up spending a good portion of this match peeling spinach off of my pizza slices. At least I was done with that by the time something better was going on. Worst match of the night, and you know you're a terrible match when you're the worst despite a Brie Bella match also being on the card....

Brie Bella VS Charlotte (Divas Championship)
Better than I expected and that's all thanks to Charlotte.... Still bad though. Brie still can't wrestle after all this time and no amount of sympathy for her husband (who I am a fan of) will ever make me cheer for her considering she is atrocious in the ring and even worse on the mic. I hope the retirement rumors are true and this was the last we'll see of Brie. Now we can move on to Charlotte VS Sasha.

AJ Styles VS Chris Jericho
This was great. My favorite match of the night. If you missed this show, check out this match. Glad AJ got the win on PPV too.

New Day, Edge/Christian, and League Of Nations Segment
Hilarious. Even Sheamus with his "Yes they DO look stupid" remark was extremely funny. Granted this was more for hyping up Edge and Christian's show than anything, but it entertained in the process, so it served its purpose.

Curtis Axel VS R-Truth
Ugh, stupid. This is what should have been on the pre-show instead of Kalisto VS Alberto. Gave me a chance to go get some easter bunny gummies from the pantry.

Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose VS Brock Lesnar
Good stuff here from all three competitors. It was the 2nd best match of the night for me behind Styles VS Jericho. I was worried the whole time that Lesnar might win.... so I marked out for each of the spots where Lesnar got thrown into the announcer tables. Sure, Roman VS Triple H might not be the main event of the century, but it's better than having Brock get the title shot against Trips. Dean might have been a better option to many, so hopefully he gets a good spot on the Wrestlemania card. Maybe against Lesnar? It's been teased quite a bit recently.

Overall Thoughts
So, yeah this show did nothing to help make Fastlane be a PPV brand to keep around. It was something to watch with friends while eating pizza on a sunday during a rainstorm. It was better than the Rumble last month although I really don't know what the WWE is going to do at this point if Trips VS Roman Reigns is the best match they can come up with. It almost makes me consider not attending Wrestlemania. Almost. NXT Dallas I'm still going to no matter what, that's a whole other story. This show was a step up from the Rumble overall, although other than Styles VS Jericho and the main event you don't need to see much else if you missed it.

Dagger's 2016 PPV Rankings
1. Fastlane 2016
2. Royal Rumble 2016

It was a solid PPV. Despite them having Brock wrestle on a Feb. PPV for the first time since his return, the show didn't feel elevated.

I'm surprised The Dudleyz and Usos got the night off. I would have thought they would have had a match tonight rather than Axel/Truth.

The E & C/League of Nations/New Day segment was weird. I assume they're setting up for a future tag team title match possibly at WM with New Day as tweeners but I won't be surprised if we get Rusev/ADR vs. New Day vs. Dudleyz vs. Usos as this year's 4 way tag match at WM.

It's crazy Sheamus went from being WWE WHC at the end of the year to now being just used in segments.
Overall Thoughts
So, yeah this show did nothing to help make Fastlane be a PPV brand to keep around. It was something to watch with friends while eating pizza on a sunday during a rainstorm. It was better than the Rumble last month although I really don't know what the WWE is going to do at this point if Trips VS Roman Reigns is the best match they can come up with. It almost makes me consider not attending Wrestlemania. Almost. NXT Dallas I'm still going to no matter what, that's a whole other story. This show was a step up from the Rumble overall, although other than Styles VS Jericho and the main event you don't need to see much else if you missed it.

Apparently a lot of fans didn't think it did much for them either. It was billed as the set up for Mania, but all we got was who would be in the main event, which is something we already suspected. So no surprise there.

It was an okay show, horrible ending, someone I know was there and said Reigns got boo'd to hell and back. I didn't see that on my TV and apparently there was a 5-10 second sound delay. Might have been to mute the audience.

There is a poll on the WWE Facebook page asking your opinion on Fastlane. Over 10k have said 'thumbs down" compared to 2k who think it was "thumbs up". Will be interesting to see what the figures are in the morning. Doubt it will change any minds at the Titan Towers, but fans are reacting to what they saw.
I'm at a loss, nothing here made sense, whichIi guess shouldn't surprise me anymore. Why was this R Truth and Axel match so high on the card (or for that matter on the show at all)? I figured Reigns would go over again but I still had a little faith they might pull a 180 and actually do something creative for the finish, but the burial of the Wyatt family in a match that was pointless to begin with is very puzzling and frustrating. If these guys are never going to go over, I really do not see any point of this stable existing anymore. Why not give Harper at least a shred of credibility going into his match with Lesnar next month? The ship has sailed on what could have been a good gimmick, they might as well disband the family again and go ahead with their inevitable push of Strowman despite the fact he is the 4th best worker in the group.
I thought it was a glorified Raw in many ways, several shoe-in segments and the penultimate match was pretty random, but I also rather enjoyed it (maybe this is helped by only watching wrestling 2 - 3 times a month).

The main event was fast-paced and intense, I thought it was a real saving grace for the show in spite of a bizarre finish. Going in I had no idea how Triple Threat All Faces was supposed to work but it kind of did. Roman playing slightly heel as the match drew on was interesting, it seemed intentional to me. Ending was kinda weird though, Reigns takes all those chairs and just gets back up & spears.

Enjoyed KO vs Ziggler, a good performance. It does partially annoy me that Sasha/Becky were moved away from the title but we know they'll be moving back and honestly Brie impressed me with her showing. Big tag match was nothing ultimately, even if I enjoy all the characters involved. Decent filler but not much else.

Edge & Christian was good but that segment should have moved into a match (like usually happens on Raw & stuff).

German announce table was a wut moment, but I like that they're branching out to different languages and places a bit more.

I think it serves as a filler build-up show between Rumble and Mania but it was not on the level of this new big PPV they apparently wanted it to be. It'll be hard to create that between two such big feature shows, and if that's what they want, then I honestly suggest they return to using Elimination Chamber.
It was one of the worst PPV's I can remember and making it that bad was the fact it was the one right before WrestleMania.

Zero storylines were build, only 1 match was any good.

2 women's matches, a talk show segment and R-Truth vs Curtis Axel (WTF???)...

If I had paid money for a ticket I'd want a refund really bad. What a joke.
This could of been done so much better tbh, they needed to put on a decent show but they only put effort into building the main event for WM 32, there were some ok matches but they could of been done better, my card would be:

Kalisto (C) Vs Alberto Del Rio
United States Title 2 Out of 3 Falls Match. Keep this the same on the Pre-Show and have them finally go there separate ways after this.

1) Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks Vs Team B.A.D. (Naomi and Tamina)
Tag Team Match. This stays the same because it gives these four diva's something to do and they are all talented with Becky and Sasha going over.

2) Kevin Owens (C) Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Neville Vs Stardust Vs Tyler Breeze
Intercontinental Title Scramble Match. Here me out here, this is a way to get some of the undercard on the ppv and you could have Ziggler look strong without getting pinned whilst someone else like Stardust or Neville gets pinned.

3) Dudley Boyz Vs Uso Vs Golden Truth Vs Ascension Vs Barrett & Rusev Vs Slater & Axel
Tag Team Turmoil Match. I would add this to the card and have it come down to the Dudleys against the Uso's with the Dudley Boys winning the match and then afterwards they put Jimmy and Jey through the table.

4) Charlotte (with Ric Flair (C) Vs Brie Bella
Diva's Title Match. Stays the same.

5) Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan Vs Ryback, Kane & The Big Show
Six Man Tag Team Match. Stays the same except I would swap Bray and Braun around and have the Wyatts win the match instead.

6) AJ Styles Vs Chris Jericho
Singles Match, with The Miz as Special Guest Referee. I would keep this the same because I did enjoy it but I would add Miz as the Special Guest referee and have Style still go over.

7) The New Day (C) Vs Mark Henry & Darren Young
Tag Team Title Match. I would add this to the card stemming from where the New Day have had trouble with Henry and he brings in Young to go up against the New Day with them retaining the titles.

8) Roman Reigns Vs Brock Lesnar Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Sheamus
Fatal Four Way Match, to determine the #1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 32. I would keep this BUT I would add Sheamus to the match just so that he has something to do and I would still have Reigns win the match.

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