WWE Fast Lane: WWE Divas Championship - Nikki Bella (c) VS Paige


A Divas Championship match with Nikki defending against Paige was announced on last night's SmackDown!. All in all, the match will ultimately be what it is, no more and no less. The gals will do the best with the story and time they've been given, but this is ultimately a buffer match of some sort. Vince has Nikki and Brie are both back to being the stuck up, mean girls in high school, Paige isn't showing any of the edge that got her attention and made her a star own in NXT.

Nikki retains here after some degree of interference from Brie or some other usual shenanigans.
But Paige was defeated with ease on Sunday. What makes her worthy of this title shot? She's about as credible as Emma right now.

Emma is the one who was briefly associated with Santino, right?
I'm a huge fan of Nikki Bella as Divas Champion. She's the best heel Diva WWE has had since Trish retired. She's improving in-ring on a weekly basis and is just getting better and better. Hopefully she'll continue to have a long and dominant title reign.
I still have the sickening feeling Brie will turn on Nikki and that'll set up the Wrestlemania Divas match.

Lemme elaborate; as much as people probably breathed a sigh of relief that the Brie/Nikki gagfest mercifully ended, I was never that reassured. Felt more like it was postponed- to get away from how hated the feud was. And since apparently these two are the WWE Darlings of their division, I can see them resuming this 'push' with next to no warning once people have gotten over how badly the feud performed.

Nikki will still win, mind you, if only because not only would Brie's babyface turn supposedly go over better by ripping the title from her sister's hands, they couldn't possibly endorse a Divas match at Wrestlemania without the title to begin with.
my hope is that Paige wins it and they give her more promo time before the match, but i don't think they will...but can you imagine it if WWE lets Paige be the anti-diva again. it would be Nikki Bella (the mean girl who's stuck up) vs. the anti-diva Paige. my guess though is that Nikki wins and defends the divas title in some type of battle royal......as for what someone said about Brie turning on Nikki....i'm not against it, don't get me wrong, i don't want to see a long Bella vs. Bella feud, but i also am against Brie Bella making up with her sister for (what seems to be) no reason.....she became her slave and then decided, well, enough's enough, let's move on??? i wasn't a fan of how the story ended...but i'd rather see Brie cost her sister the title and have Paige be the one to win it.
my hope is that Paige wins it and they give her more promo time before the match, but i don't think they will...but can you imagine it if WWE lets Paige be the anti-diva again. it would be Nikki Bella (the mean girl who's stuck up) vs. the anti-diva Paige. my guess though is that Nikki wins and defends the divas title in some type of battle royal......as for what someone said about Brie turning on Nikki....i'm not against it, don't get me wrong, i don't want to see a long Bella vs. Bella feud, but i also am against Brie Bella making up with her sister for (what seems to be) no reason.....she became her slave and then decided, well, enough's enough, let's move on??? i wasn't a fan of how the story ended...but i'd rather see Brie cost her sister the title and have Paige be the one to win it.

Well sure, the 'resolution' after that 30-day slave contract was little more than a whitewash- a reaction to how incredibly NOT over the feud was. I had just hoped they could get the dang thing over with via some honest resolution... or even something outlandish. Remember those 'Bella in a Cell-a' rumors around HiaC? I had the thought of having Stephanie McMahon turn up as the Special Guest Referee to guarantee Brie would be screwed thoroughly... only when the cage slams down, BOTH Bellas turn on Stephanie in a ruse- give that whole rotten angle that gobbled up too much time as pleasant an ending as possible AND maybe better sell all the bad acting.

But even after Brie joined the dark side I was always worried that it was a delaying action and they wanted THAT feud to be the Diva's segment for Wrestlemania. Just them, which screws the likes of Paige and even Natalya, because while you could make the case those two should be involved to give the match some credibility, WWE would be content to just put the Bellas front and center to represent the women. Not a pleasant thought.

Unless they do have another Battle Royale and instigate the Brie turn then. That might pay off slightly. Key word, 'might'.
I still have the sickening feeling Brie will turn on Nikki and that'll set up the Wrestlemania Divas match.

It might happen....and something needs to happen in the Program That Wasn't. The company spent so much time (for divas) on that storyline and wound up abandoning it. Had this been a program with Daniel Bryan or Seth Rollins, folks on this forum would be screaming about the unexplained interruption.

What about Nikki's lifelong resentment toward Brie? How did she get over it so fast? What persuaded Brie to go heel? How did they wind up on the same side? In some instances, Nikki is still shunting Brie to the side, so are we to believe they're not done with all this yet?

No, none of it is particularly important..... because they're divas, and we're supposed to be nonchalant about anything they do, but the sheer amount of time spent on this angle seemed to dictate it be resolved, one way or the other. So, if Brie turns on Nikki, at least it would be a small indication that some sort of resolution is coming.

How Paige figures into it is another matter. On Smackdown, Creative seemed to be manufacturing reasons for Paige and the Bellas' to be at each other's throats. That punch Nikki delivered to Paige actually looked damn real, didn't it?

Could Paige win the diva's title at Fast Lane? Sure, she could; we already know WWE regards her as one of the top gals, especially in the absence of AJ Lee.

But I'm more interested in Nikki losing the title because that might spur the resumption of the storyline between the Bellas; y'know, with Nikki being mad about losing the belt and blaming Brie for it.

They should finish what they start.
But Paige was defeated with ease on Sunday. What makes her worthy of this title shot? She's about as credible as Emma right now.

Emma is the one who was briefly associated with Santino, right?

She wasn't the one defeated.

And just so I don't get another warning I'll explain why. You see Paige was not the one in the ring when the pinfall took place. It was indeed her tag team partner that had her shoulders down for the three count. Now having your shoulders down for the three cound means the ref has to lift his arm in the air and lower it to the canvas three times in a row. The ref is the individual in the ring that makes pinfalls or sees a wwe superstar tap. Good enough this time ?
A Divas Championship match with Nikki defending against Paige was announced on last night's SmackDown!. All in all, the match will ultimately be what it is, no more and no less. The gals will do the best with the story and time they've been given, but this is ultimately a buffer match of some sort. Vince has Nikki and Brie are both back to being the stuck up, mean girls in high school, Paige isn't showing any of the edge that got her attention and made her a star own in NXT.

Nikki retains here after some degree of interference from Brie or some other usual shenanigans.

I think Nikki retains the title by DQ. Brie interferes to help Paige and Natayla comes out to even the odds but gets caught and costs Paige the match. Paige attacks Natayla after the match, leading to a triple threat match at WrestleMania.
This somehow needs to lead to a triple threat match at Mania involving Paige and Nattie. I want to see Nattie come out on top to see a debuting charolette the night after mania to begin an amazing feud!
I think Nikki will win via disqualification, Paige needs to get mean like she was back when she was a heel feuding with A.J.. It would be cool if Brie and Natalya both interfered and that is how Nikki wins, it could set up a fatal four way for the Divas title at WM31.
What ever happen to that rule Vince put in place about a Diva from Total Divas could not hold the title.
WM31- Nikki(C) vs. Paige vs. Brie vs. Natalya

Paige HAS to win here. I don't WANT to see Nikki Bella as Divas Champion going into Wrestlemania. I don't WANT to see the inevitable face turn by Brie Bella. I don't WANT to see Brie defeat her sister in the most worthless Divas Championship feud imaginable, let alone at WRESTLEMANIA. Please, Paige! Save us from the worst Divas Championship feud in history by winning your Divas Championship back tomorrow! The fate of the Wrestlemania divas match NOT sucking depends on it!!!!

Ok, now that my rant is done, let's talk about the match. The Bellas SUCK. They are talentless useless wastes of a spot on the roster that could go to girls who can actually wrestle like Charlotte or Becky Lynch. That being said, we are stuck with a Divas Champion who can't wrestle that just happens to be the star of a useless Divas show alongside her twin sister, who also can't wrestle. This match WILL suck unless Paige wins. I'm going into it with expectations of it being the worst of the night. Paige deserves better, THE FANS deserve better, but this is the situation.

This will be when I go to the pantry for a snack. I've got 4 Krabby Patty Gummy Shish Kabobs there that I'll grab. 1 grape, 1 cherry, 1 apple, and 1 blue raspberry. Oh, right, the match.... Best case scenario would be Brie costs her sister the match to set up a (still idiotic but more tolerable) NON-TITLE feud between The Bellas for Wrestlemania while Paige will get to defend her Divas Championship at Wrestlemania against Natalya or another of the divas who can actually wrestle. It likely goes on next-to-last.

Oh, and did I mention THE BELLAS SUCK? When will WWE ever figure that out....? Hopefully tomorrow when they do the right thing and put the belt back on Paige, the future of the division.

Paige will win the Divas Championship.

Paige HAS to win here. I don't WANT to see Nikki Bella as Divas Champion going into Wrestlemania. I don't WANT to see the inevitable face turn by Brie Bella. I don't WANT to see Brie defeat her sister in the most worthless Divas Championship feud imaginable, let alone at WRESTLEMANIA. Please, Paige! Save us from the worst Divas Championship feud in history by winning your Divas Championship back tomorrow! The fate of the Wrestlemania divas match NOT sucking depends on it!!!!

Ok, now that my rant is done, let's talk about the match. The Bellas SUCK. They are talentless useless wastes of a spot on the roster that could go to girls who can actually wrestle like Charlotte or Becky Lynch. That being said, we are stuck with a Divas Champion who can't wrestle that just happens to be the star of a useless Divas show alongside her twin sister, who also can't wrestle. This match WILL suck unless Paige wins. I'm going into it with expectations of it being the worst of the night. Paige deserves better, THE FANS deserve better, but this is the situation.

This will be when I go to the pantry for a snack. I've got 4 Krabby Patty Gummy Shish Kabobs there that I'll grab. 1 grape, 1 cherry, 1 apple, and 1 blue raspberry. Oh, right, the match.... Best case scenario would be Brie costs her sister the match to set up a (still idiotic but more tolerable) NON-TITLE feud between The Bellas for Wrestlemania while Paige will get to defend her Divas Championship at Wrestlemania against Natalya or another of the divas who can actually wrestle. It likely goes on next-to-last.

Oh, and did I mention THE BELLAS SUCK? When will WWE ever figure that out....? Hopefully tomorrow when they do the right thing and put the belt back on Paige, the future of the division.

Paige will win the Divas Championship.


C'mon Dagger, you're being a bit over-critical here aren't you? Nikki Bella isn't that bad. Ofc, she isn't as good as Paige/AJ especially in the ring, but I do think she has improved quite a bit in the past year. Unfortunately, Brie Bella is the cancer that is pulling her down which is a huge pity, given that as you said, we could well be headed for a Nikki vs Brie match at Mania, which not many would want to see.

Get Nikki away from Brie and let her be a heel on her own. I am sure she would be much more tolerable if that is done.

C'mon Dagger, you're being a bit over-critical here aren't you? Nikki Bella isn't that bad. Ofc, she isn't as good as Paige/AJ especially in the ring, but I do think she has improved quite a bit in the past year. Unfortunately, Brie Bella is the cancer that is pulling her down which is a huge pity, given that as you said, we could well be headed for a Nikki vs Brie match at Mania, which not many would want to see.

Get Nikki away from Brie and let her be a heel on her own. I am sure she would be much more tolerable if that is done.

Nikki has improved. I absolutely can give her credit for that.... but she has NOT improved to the point where she is worthy of holding the Divas Championship. With Emma now being back in NXT and AJ not having been around.... that leaves us with only three divas who are good enough to justify putting the belt on. Paige, Summer Rae, and Natalya. If AJ's not returning and they want Emma in NXT, then they need to promote Charlotte. Immediately. The division can only continue to get worse if they do not have a champion who can wrestle or cut promos.

Paige needs to win because she is at least believable as being the very top of the division. If she has feuds with Natalya, then Summer Rae, then Charlotte following her promotion, that's more than enough to get us through the rest of 2015 if each lasts a couple of PPV cycles. By then Becky Lynch can join the main roster as another challenger that can wrestle. There's another feud potential for Paige. Then Charlotte can win the belt and the cycle of challengers who can wrestle starts over. Would you rather see that or more worthless matches by either Bella? Not me, thanks. Give me Divas Champions who can wrestle and cut promos.

Brie VS Nikki for the Divas Championship at Wrestlemania is the worst thing that could ever happen to the belt/division. Paige VS Natalya at Wrestlemania for the Divas Championship, on the other hand, would be the best thing that we could possibly ask for and a show like Wrestlemania deserves the best match they can put together, not the worst.

It all depends on Paige winning tomorrow. Paige MUST win at Fast Lane.
I personally think Nikki will win.

Paige is an awesome worker, but I kind of feel like she's being used as credible filler right now. The main story will presumably surround Brie turning on Nikki in order to go for the belt (although I can't say why she has waited so long).
Paige is an awesome worker, but I kind of feel like she's being used as credible filler right now.

Could be. On the other hand, she's winning every match she enters and gets to taunt Nikki, who's always at the announcer's table.....with Brie there too, acting as Nikki's personal J & J Security.

Given the short amount of time the divas are given in terms of working programs, I would think Nikki has been champion long enough. While I believe the company has painted Paige as being well capable of defeating Nikki by herself, it's possible Brie will cause Nikki to lose, on purpose or by accident.

By fair or by foul: Paige.
Man, Paige SHOULD win this. She absolutely deserves, can be a credible wrestler, I'm not sure what the heck is her character but I don't care either, and well she is just better in every way than Nikki.

But she is not the cool gal from a moronic reality show, so VKM will make retain the title.
I think tonight is the night that we finally see a new Champion. Nikki has been a good Champion, that much is true. But it is time to see the heel getting her comeuppance. With everything that is going on with Paige, Charlotte, Brie and Nikki, I don't see this match ending with a straight pinfall. Someone floated the idea of Brie finally turning on Nikki and gifting the match to Paige; and I would really like to see that happen.

A match at Mania with these three would be worth watching as far as Diva's matches go. So that's what I'm pinning my hopes on right now.

Dave's Prediction:
Paige wins the Diva's Championship

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